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daughter  of 
Michael  and  Anastasia  Cormac  Nolan, 

BORN    OCT.    31,    1834 







Michael  and  Mary  Kinnally  Bannan, 

BORN   MAY    7,    1830 





THE  story  of  the  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga  was 
begtin  at  the  request  of  Dr.  John  Van 
Duyn  for  the  Onondaga  Historical  Association, 
to  be  one  of  a  series  of  records  of  the  different 
nations  who  settled  within  the  County. 

Any  addition  to  the  early  history  is  most  de- 
sirable, for  in  the  scanty  records  of  former  days, 
the  share  of  any  one  nation  is  scant  indeed. 
The  notes  that  refer  to  those  of  Irish  birth  or  de- 
scent have  been  collected  to  become  part  of  this 
record.  The  usual  guide  has  been  the  name. 
The  many  names  shared  by  the  Irish  and  those 
of  other  nationalities  are  generally  excluded,  but 
if,  occasionally,  one  is  erroneously  claimed,  it  is 
outnumbered  by  the  many  loyal  Irish  excluded  be- 
cause they  bear  names  that  are  not  characteristic. 

Often  good  old  surnames  are  found  with 
singular  Christian  names  in  the  children  of  an 
Irishman  and  his  wife  of  another  nation. 
In  corresponding  marriages,  the  history  of  Irish 
mothers  is  nearly  always  lost. 

Many  names  lack  proper  classification  because 
of  errors  in  spelling,  entailing  double  work  in  re- 
search. Again  in  many  records  the  Irish  ancestry 
is  ignored.     Some  names,  though  associated  with 



other  nations,  are  borne  by  native  Irishmen  who 
disclaim  alien  blood. 

The  original  part  of  these  notes  was  collected 
through  interviews  with  early  settlers  or  their 
descendants.  Rarely  have  family  records  been 
available.  Only  a  few  of  the  great  number  who 
came  to  Onondaga  in  its  first  half-century  are 
here  represented.  To  record  the  history  of 
these  Irish  Pioneers  has  been  the  motive  of  this 

The  arrangement  of  the  material  is  approxi- 
mately chronologic  in  that  portion  of  the  work 
that  is  devoted  to  Salina.  In  the  case  of  the  other 
eighteen  towns  of  the  County,  where  the  popula- 
tion before  1847  was  small,  where  nearly  all  the 
records  before  1830  are  lost,  the  extracts  from 
the  bibliography  are  transcribed  without  system. 
Further  original  research  in  these  towns  seemed 
profitless.  Syracuse  was  second  to  Salina  in 
importance  until  1848. 

The  story  of  Onondaga's  Irish  in  the  American 
Revolution  and  other  historical  data  have  been 
used  with  a  hope  of  arousing  further  interest  in 
the  historic  wealth  of  this  County. 

The  narratives  and  anecdotes  interspersed  sum 
up  certain  racial  experiences  during  the  social 
development  of  Onondaga. 

The  general  conditions  under  which  the  pio- 
neers lived,  phases  of  which  are  revealed  in  the 
life  stories  of  the  individuals  considered  in  this 
volume,   were  varied   and   made   possible   a  re- 



presentative  development  of  Irish  character  and 

The  labor  of  collecting  the  material  for  this 
record  has  been  made  more  easy  by  the  kindness 
of  the  families  interviewed.  For  other  encour- 
agement and  assistance,  acknowledgment  is  here 
made;  and  this  acknowledgment  is  extended  as 
freely  to  those  who  warned  and  sought  to  deter. 
For  sustained  interest,  critical  attention,  and 
ready  support  in  the  production  of  this  work  dur- 
ing the  past  four  years,  thanks  are  due  Daniel 
L.  Doherty,  T.  Frank  Dolan,  and  Edward  Ryan. 






I. — Salina 


II. — Syracuse 


III. — Onondaga          .         .         .         . 

.     167 

IV. — Geddes 

.     205 

V. — Dewitt     .         .         .         .         • 

.    fl07 

VI. — Lysander          .         .         .         . 

.    Q2e 

VII. — Spafford           .         .         .         . 


VIII. — Skaneateles     . 

.    231 

IX. — Marcellus 

•    237 

X. — Lafayette 

•    247 

XI. — Camillus           .         .         . 

.    251 

XII. — Elbridge  .... 

.    253 

Xlir.— Otisco      .... 

.    255 

XIV.— TULLY         .... 

.    258 

XV. — Pompey     .... 

.    260 

X                           Contents 



XVI.— Fabius   .... 

.          265 

XVII.— Clay      .... 

.         267 

XVIII.— Cicero  .... 

.         271 

XIX. — Manlius 

.          272 

XX. — Van  Buren    . 

.         278 

XXI. — Scotch-Irish  . 

.          285 

XXII.— Yarns    .... 

.          288 

Index           ..... 

.         301 


{i)''Baldwinsville  Gazette,  newspaper,  Semi-centennial  Sou- 
venir Edition,  Baldwinsville.     Onondaga  County,  N.  Y.,  1896. 

(2)  Beauchamp,  The  Rev.  William  M.,  S.  T.  D.,  Past  and 
Present  of  Syracuse  and  Onondaga  County  from  Prehistoric  Times 
to  the  Beginning  of  IQ08.  The  S.  J.  Clarke  Publishing  Company, 
New  York  and  Chicago,  1908. 

(3)  Bruce,  Dwight  H.  (Editor),  Onondaga's  Centennial, 
Gleanings  of  a  Century.     The  Boston  History  Company,  1896. 

(4)  Chase,  Franklin  H.,  Onondaga's  Soldiers  of  the 
Revolution;  Official  Records  Compiled.  Published  by  the  Onon- 
daga Historical  Association,  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  1895.     Pamphlet. 

(5)  Cheney,  Timothy  C,  Reminiscences  of  Syracuse. 
Published  first  in  the  Syracuse  Daily  Standard,  and  later  com- 
piled by  Parish  B.  Johnson.  Moses  Summers  and  William 
Summers,  Publishers,  1857.     Pamphlet. 

(6)  Clark,  Joshua  V.  H.,  A.  M.,  Onondaga;  or  Remi- 
niscences of  Earlier  and  Later  Times;  being  a  Series  of  Historical 
Sketches  Relative  to  Onondaga;  with  Notes  on  the  Several 
Towns  in  the  County,  and  Oswego.     Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  1849. 

(7)  Clayton,  W.  W.,  History  of  Onondaga  County,  New 
York.     Syracuse,  1878. 

(8)  Collins,  George  K.,  Spafford  Mortuary  Records,  with 
Genealogical  Notes.  Manuscript,  1900.  Syracuse  Public 
Library. — Spafford,  Onondaga  County,  New  York.  Manu- 
script, 1902.     Syracuse  Public  Library. 

(9)  Haltigan,  James,  The  Irish  in  the  American  Revolution 
and  Their  Early  Influence  in  the  Colonies.  Patrick  J.  Haltigan, 
Publisher,  Washington,  D.  C,  1908. 

(10)  Hand,  M.  C,  From  a  Forest  to  a  City;  Personal  Remi- 
niscences of  Syracuse,  New  York.     Syracuse,  1889. 

(11)  Hewitt,  William  P.  H.  (Editov) ,  History  of  the  Diocese 
of  Syracuse,  Established  1886;  with  an  Introduction  by  the  Rt. 
Rev.  Mgr.  James  S.  M.  Lynch,  S.T.D.,  M.R.;  Stories  of  the 

xii  Bibliography- 

Parishes,   1615-1909.    Catholic  Sun  Press,   Syracuse,   N.  Y., 

(12)  Joyce,  P.  W.,  LL.D.,  A  Concise  History  of  Ireland. 
Longmans,  Green  &  Co.,  New  York,  1903. 

(13)  Leslie,  Edmund  Norman,  Skaneateles;  History  of  Its 
Earliest  Settlement  and  Reminiscences  of  Later  Times.  Press  of 
Andrew  J.  Kellogg,  New  York,  1902. 

(14)  Mac  Geoghegan,  The  Abb6,  The  History  of  Ireland, 
Ancient  and  Modern.  Taken  from  the  Most  Authentic  Records 
and  Dedicated  to  the  Irish  Brigade.  Translated  from  the 
French  by  Patrick  O'Kelly,  Esq.     New  York,  1848. 

(15)  Parsons,  Israel,  M.D.,  The  Centennial  History  of  the 
Town  of  Marcellus.  Delivered  in  the  Presbyterian  Church  of 
Marcellus,  Onondaga  County,  N.  Y.,  July  4,  1876.  Pamphlet. 

(16)  Reunion  of  the  Sons  and  Daughters  of  the  Old  Town  of 
Pompey,  Held  at  Pompey  Hill,  June  2g,  1871;  .  .  .  also,  A  His- 
tory of  the  Town,  Reminiscences  and  Biographical  Sketches  of  Its 
Early  Inhabitants.     Publication  Committee.     Pompey,  1875. 

(17)  Scisco,  Louis  Dow,  Early  History  of  the  Town  of  Van 
Buren,  Onondaga  County,  New  York.  Baldwinsville,  New  York, 
1895.     Pamphlet. 

(18)  Smith,  Carroll  E.,  LL.D.,  Pioneer  Times  in  the  Onon- 
daga Country.  Compiled  by  Charles  Carroll  Smith.  Syracuse, 

(19)  Strong,  Gurney  S.,  Early  Landmarks  of  Syracuse. 

(20)  Van  Schaack,  Henry  C,  A  History  of  Manlius  Village 
in  a  Course  of  Lectures  Read  before  the  Manlius  Literary  Asso- 
ciation.    Fayetteville,  New  York,  1873. 



ONONDAGA,  where  moved  the  Great  Spirit 
in  the  form  of  Hiawatha,  where  kindled  the 
council  fires  of  the  Five  Nations,  could  not  fail  to 
attract  the  attention  of  the  paleface.  The  Jesuit 
"Relations"  show  the  journeys  of  the  French 
to  the  territory  of  Onondaga  County.  Later  the 
English  came.  In  the  armies  of  both  nations 
were  the  Irish,  nearly  half  a  million  of  whom  gave 
their  blood  to  France  in  half  a  century.  A  frag- 
ment of  the  Irish  Brigade  was  at  Niagara.  Other 
Irishmen  were  in  military  service  along  the  river 
to  Quebec  and  with  the  English  in  the  valley  of 
the  Mohawk.  Some  of  these  penetrated  to  the 
land  of  the  Onondagas  during  the  military  opera- 
tions. Among  the  first  Irishmen  to  visit  Onon- 
daga were  the  Revolutionary  soldiers.  Their 
history  has  been  written.  Some  of  them  came 
back  here  and  estabhshed  their  homes. 

In  the  partition  of  the  military  lands  the  Irish 
soldiers  drew  many  lots  but  little  of  all  the  tract 
was  occupied  by  the  original  owners.  Specula- 
tors bought  up  claims,  and  litigation  was  long  and 
stormy.  Lots  were  relinquished  by  the  dis- 
coiiraged  or  the  reckless  for  mere  trifles. 

In  the  meantime,  before  the  organization  of 

Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondao^a 


the  County,  the  Irish  were  boihng  salt  in  Salina 
and  clearing  land  in  every  township.  They  saw 
the  birth  of  the  County,  fostered  its  infancy,  and 
have  enjoyed  its  full  development. 

The  Irish  Pioneers  came  to  Onondaga  from 
various  parts  of  the  Union.  They  came  directly 
from  Ireland.  They  came  from  Canada  and 
other  countries  to  which  they  had  previously 

They  came  for  the  same  reasons  which  have 
always  influenced  mankind  to  a  change  of  habita- 
tion— the  desire  of  new  things,  the  love  of  ad- 
venture, the  pain  of  shattered  hopes,  the  loss  of 
possessions,  the  need  of  political  and  religious 
freedom,  the  search  of  opportunity  for  labor  and 
wealth.  In  addition  they  were  drawn  to  the  land 
which  had  won  independence  from  their  own  old 

In  Onondaga  they  found  the  Indian  in  the  wil- 
derness. There  were  the  hardships  of  pioneer  life 
where  swamps  sent  forth  pestilence  and  death  to 
alternate  with  winter's  storm  and  rigor.  There 
was  the  unrest  of  a  new  government,  the  law- 
lessness of  a  new  community.  Their  neighbors 
like  themselves  were  provincial  in  the  extreme. 
The  mingling  of  nations  was  a  strange  experience, 
arousing  mutual  hostility,  mistrust,  and  prejudice. 
Difference  in  temperament,  in  religion,  in  social 
customs  increased  the  discord. 

Nevertheless  they  found  contentment.  They 
had   their   share   of   Nature's   bounty,   and   op- 

Introduction  3 

portunity  to  woo  her  favor.  The  land  they 
cleared  became  their  own,  the  virgin  soil  gave 
abundant  harvest.  They  had  freedom,  which 
their  race  had  helped  to  gain;  for  of  those  who 
came  to  America  the  Irish,  most  of  all,  were 
politically  free.  They  repudiated  allegiance  to 
the  government  under  which  they  had  lived,  by 
which  they  had  been  oppressed.  They  burned 
their  bridges  behind  them.  They  stood  or  fell 
by  their  own  acts,  for  there  was  no  national  consul 
to  whom  they  could  appeal  with  hope  founded  on 
past  experience.  They  were  ready  to  be  part  of 
the  new  order  of  things.  Their  innate  love  of 
liberty,  cherished  in  defeat,  flamed  full  in  the 

To  Onondaga  the  Irish  brought  their  manv 
virtues  and  their  few  vices.  They  brought  the 
Catholic  faith  and  morals,  which  they  had  ever 
kept  as  their  greatest  treasure,  which  they  still 
keep  to  the  despair  of  their  rivals.  They  cele- 
brated the  Christian  holidays  and  gradually 
leavened  Puritanism.  By  a  happy  combination 
of  temperament  and  religion  they  were  armed 
against  the  insolence  of  their  neighbors;  for 
whereas  the  neighbors  looked  upon  them  and 
their  religious  exercises  with  hostility  and  con- 
tempt, the  Irish  in  turn  prayed  for  them  as  for 
benighted  heathen. 

The  graver  crimes  were  unknown  among  these 
pioneers  of  Onondaga — murder,  blackmail,  de- 
generacy,  lust.     Women  and  children,   the  un- 

4  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

protected  and  the  weak,  were  safe  even  in  the 
rudest  times. 

They  brought  the  sanguine  temperament,  the 
loyalty,  the  courage,  the  gayety,  the  humor  and 
warmth  of  their  race.  They  brought  health — 
splendid  health — and  strength  for  their  pioneer 
labors.  Their  blood  was  pure,  their  vigor  unim- 
paired by  toil  in  the  kindly  climate  of  their  native 
land.  They  came  as  parents  with  their  young,  or 
as  youths  to  build  for  the  future.  They  gave  to 
the  County  its  greatest  wealth — children,  God's 

Their  vices  were  nearly  virtues.  Their  lawless- 
ness was  picturesque.  It  had  the  effect  of  law 
upon  its  objects.  Their  county  quarrels  were 
simply  exaggerated  patriotism.  Their  appeal  to 
fists  was  a  primitive  virtue.  Their  share  in  the 
contests  of  the  rival  gangs  of  early  days  was  nor- 
mal in  men  of  superabundant  energy,  with  local 
pride,  fraternal  loyalty,  and  the  inborn  love  of 
combat.     There  are  few  Irish  mollycoddles. 

The  splendid  strength  of  these  pioneers  was 
exerted  in  every  field  of  activity.  The  forests 
bowed  to  their  swinging  blows,  the  noisome 
swamps  became  fruitful  gardens  under  their 
hands.  Hills  were  levelled  and  roads  made 
smooth  by  their  strong  arms.  They  dug  the 
canals  which  opened  the  County  to  commerce. 
They  manned  the  boats  freighted  with  the  salt 
they  themselves  had  boiled.  The  living  rock 
sprang  from  its  bed  to  be  fashioned  for  their 

Introduction  5 

dwellings.  The  stream  left  its  channel  to  grind 
their  corn.  They  entertained  the  traveller  in 
their  taverns  at  the  crossroads.  They  taught 
school  and  administered  justice.  In  village  and 
city  and  State  and  Union  they  represented  the 
wish  of  the  community,  voiced  the  opinion  of  the 

The  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga  were  more  con- 
tent to  work  than  to  record.  It  is  a  kindred  pen 
which  here  unites  the  scattered  fragments  of 
their  story. 


THERE  are  pages  in  the  history  of  Onondaga  for 
those  who  would  read  of  the  Indian's  Hfe  in 
the  forest,  of  the  war-whoop  of  hostile  tribes,  of 
the  peace  pipe  of  the  paleface.  There  are  tales  of 
romance  and  adventure,  of  the  retreat  of  the 
wild  creatures  of  the  woods,  of  buried  treasure, 
of  fire  and  sword.  From  Onondaga  to  Quebec  is 
a  trail  alive  with  interest ;  so,  too,  from  Brewerton 
to  the  valley  of  the  Mohawk. 

The  claim  of  Sir  William  Johnson  to  Onondaga 
Lake  and  the  Salt  Springs  gives  him  a  place  among 
the  Irish  Pioneers.  A  native  of  Ireland,  a  British 
officer,  he  shared  the  councils  of  the  Five  Nations 
at  Onondaga.  General  John  Sullivan  and  Gen- 
eral James  Clinton  directed  military  operations 
within  the  limits  of  Onondaga,  while  Colonel  Van 
Schaick's  expedition  to  the  County  brought 
IMajor  Robert  Cochran  and  Captain  Thomas 
Machin.  In  these  detachments  of  the  Revolu- 
tionary army  were  other  soldiers  of  Irish  blood, 
some  of  whom  were  among  the  few  pioneers  of 

Salt  Point,  or  Salina,  where  the  salt  springs 


Salina  7 

known  to  the  Jesuits  led  to  the  great  industry 
of  salt  manufacture,  must  ever  be  the  centre 
of  historic  interest  in  Onondaga.  J.  V.  H.  Clark 
describes  the  country  and  incidentally  intro- 
duces a  few  Irish  Pioneers.     He  says:^ 

The  country  about  Onondaga  Lake  up  to  the  year 
1800  during  the  summer  season  was  extremely  un- 
healthy. Fevers  began  to  appear  early  in  July  and 
cases  followed  each  other  in  such  quick  succession 
that  oftentimes  there  were  scarce  well  persons  enough 
to  minister  to  the  necessities  of  the  sick,  and  it  seemed 
as  if  man  and  beast  were  alike  afflicted  with  the  same 
dread  scourge.  Numbers  of  the  inhabitants  perished 
during  the  sickly  season. 

Patrick  Riley 

In  1793,  there  were  but  thirty  persons  at  Salt  Point 
all  told,  and  nearly  every  one  was  sick  at  one  time, 
except  a  man  named  Patrick  Riley,  a  generous- 
hearted  fellow  who  carried  on  Mr.  Van  Vleck's  salt 
works.  He  drew  his  own  wood  for  salt-block,  boiled 
salt  every  day  and  half  the  nights,  and  every  alternate 
night  watched  with  the  sick,  for  a  period  of  two 
months,  without  a  single  night  of  intermission.^ 

It  does  not  require  much  imagination  to  call  up 
the  figure  of  this  brave  and  tender-hearted  Irish- 
man. It  is  not  unreasonable  to  assume  that  in 
the  small  colony  of  thirty  people  at  Salt  Point 
there  were  other  Irishmen,  his  friends  and  fellow- 

'  Clark,  vol.  ii.,  p.  141. 

8  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

workmen,  whom  the  deadly  disease  had  laid  low. 
Patrick  Riley  in  charge  of  the  salt  works  was  in  a 
position  to  befriend  his  countrymen  who  came 
into  the  wilderness  to  find  employment. 

John  O'Blennis 
Kate  O'Blennis  (Born  Van  Vleck) 

Clark  says^:  "John  O'Blennis  made  salt  at 
Green  Point  in  1794,"  and  in  the  preface,  he  says: 

The  names  of  Mrs.  O'Blennis,  of  Salina,  and  Mrs. 
Wood,  of  Onondaga  Hollow,  should  not  be  omitted, 
both  of  whom  have  resided  in  the  county  from  its 
earliest  settlement,  and  whose  vigorous  minds  are 
stored  with  an  almost  unlimited  stock  of  valuable 

Mrs.  O'Blennis,  a  daughter  of  Mr.  Isaac  Van 
Vleck,  had  an  Indian  name,  Jo-an-te-no.^ 

There  is  no  record  of  the  courtship  of  the  Irish- 
man and  the  daughter  of  the  Dutch  pioneer  but 
the  name  of  Kate  O'Blennis  was  a  household 
word  for  half  a  century  or  longer  in  Salina  and 
the  surrounding  country.  She  was  the  mother  of 
an  only  child,  a  son,  but  she  was  the  friend  of  all 
mothers  in  their  hour  of  need.  The  wife  of  an 
Irishman  and  the  adopted  daughter  of  the  In- 
dians, she  attended  the  birth  of  hundreds  of  both 
these  and  other  races  in  the  capacity  of  doctor 
and  nurse.     She  is  still  a  vivid  picture  in  the  minds 

'  Clark,  vol.  ii.,  p.  148.  'Ibid.,  p.  143. 

Salina  9 

of  those  who  in  their  childhood  held  their  breath 
while  she  majestically  passed.  She  was  called 
Aunt  Kate. 

Kate  was  very  high  tempered,  shrewd,  and 
bright,  says  Mr.  Jefferson  Leach.  She  was  a 
member  of  the  old  Presbyterian  church.  It  was 
customary  to  toll  the  bell  when  a  member  died, 
but  Kate  O'Blennis  was  the  last  to  whom  that 
tribute  was  given. 

Christopher  Colles 

The  construction  of  the  Erie  Canal,  which  led 
to  the  foundation  of  Syracuse  and  the  develop- 
ment of  Onondaga  County,  was  for  many  years 
the  subject  of  thought  and  labor  of  an  Irish- 
man.    Clark  thus  gives  credit  saying': 

It  was  a  matter  that  began  seriously  to  attract  and 
engross  the  attention  of  sagacious,  enlarged,  and 
liberal  minds  from  1784  to  1800.  Christopher  Colles, 
a  native  of  Ireland  who  settled  in  New  York  before  the 
Revolution,  was  probably  the  first  man  who  started 
suggestions  with  respect  to  canals  and  inland  improve- 
ments in  Western  New  York.  DeWitt  Clinton  him- 
self declares  this  fact,  saying:  "He  was  an  ingenious 
mathematician  and  mechanician.  His  memorials  to 
the  Legislature  were  presented  in  1784-85,  and  met 
with  a  favorable  report,  although  some  thought  his 
scheme  visionary.  The  Legislature  appropriated  one 
hundred  and  twenty-five  dollars  to  enable  him  to  pro- 
secute his  examination  of  the  Mohawk  River."     He 

'  Clark,  vol.  ii.,  p.  51. 

10         Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

again  appeared  before  the  Legislature  and  the  public 
with  a  proposition  to  form  an  association  to  improve 
the  inland  navigation  between  Oswego  and  Albany. 
Although  these  propositions  were  sensible  and  well 
founded,  yet  no  public  action  crowned  his  efforts. 
He  published  a  pamphlet  in  1785,  entitled  "Proposals 
for  the  speedy  settlement  of  the  frontier  of  Western 
New  York,  by  which  the  internal  trade  will  be  in- 
creased, the  country  will  be  settled  and  the  frontier 
secured."  As  an  earnest  of  what  was  contemplated, 
the  Legislature  of  the  State  of  New  York  passed  an 
act,  etc. 

The  agitation  and  work  produced  by  Christo- 
pher CoUes  resulted  in  the  construction  of  the 
Erie  Canal. 

,   DeWitt  Clinton 

Haltigan  gives  this  family  history*: 

Charles  Clinton  was  born  in  County  Longford, 
Ireland,  1690.  His  wife  was  Elizabeth  Denniston, 
an  intelligent  and  accomplished  Irishwoman.  These 
were  the  founders  of  the  Clinton  family  in  America. 
They  had  four  sons:  Alexander,  physician;  Charles, 
physician;  James,  Major- General;  and  George,  first 
Governor  of  State  of  New  York  for  twenty-one  years. 
James,  son  of  Charles  and  Elizabeth  Clinton,  married 
Mary  DeWitt  of  Holland  ancestry.  They  had  four 
sons:  Alexander,  Charles,  and  George,  all  distin- 
guished lawyers,  and  DeWitt,  Governor  of  the  State 
of  New  York  and  projector  of  the  Erie  Canal. 

The  Erie  Canal  developed  Onondaga. 

•  The  Irish  in  the  American  Revolution. 

Salina  ii 

William  Connor 

According  to  Clarke* 

The  first  school  kept  at  Liverpool  was  by  a  man 
named  Connor,  in  his  salt  works,  and  the  scholars 
were  taught  while  he  carried  on  the  business  of  mak- 
ing salt.  His  school  was  then  considered  the  best 
in  the  county,  and  was  denominated  "the  high 
school,"  and  was  patronized  by  the  inhabitants  of 
Salina  and  Onondaga  Hollow. 

Chase  writes^: 

In  the  records  of  the  Revolutionary  soldiers  of  the 
town  of  Salina  is  the  name  William  Connor,  who  when 
an  act  of  Congress  established  a  pension,  appeared  in 
court  according  to  law: 

William  Connor  appeared  in  court  in  1820  and 
said  he  was  sixty-two  years  old;  that  he  enlisted  in 
the  spring  of  1775  in  the  regiment  of  Colonel  Van 
Cortlandt  and  joined  the  army  at  Valley  Forge. 
He  was  in  the  battle  of  Monmouth  and  was  dis- 
charged in  Ulster  County  about  February  i,  1779. 
Except  his  clothing  his  entire  property  consisted  of  a 
pair  of  spectacles  which  he  valued  at  fifty  cents,  and 
a  tobacco  box  of  like  value.  At  that  time  he  was  very 
much  disabled  by  age  and  infirmities. 

The  old  school-teacher  and  salt  boiler  was  the 
Revolutionary  soldier.  A.  H.  Crawford  wrote  and 
published  in  the  East  Syracuse  News  a  series  of 
articles  on  "Old  Days  in  Liverpool. "    He  received 

'  Clark,  vol.  ii.,  p.  148.  '  F.  H.  Chase. 

12  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

much  of  his  information  from  Kesiah  Folgar  Lee, 
then  an  old  lady,  who  in  her  youth  had  gone  to 
school  in  the  salt  works  of  the  old  soldier  Connor. 
An  extract  from  a  letter  to  the  Syracuse  Weekly 
Journal,  Sept.  ii,  1869,  from  the  Hon.  Alvin 
Bronson:  "My  wife  was  born  at  Salt  Point  in 
1797,  the  daughter  of  Captain  O'Connor,  a 
Revolutionary  soldier,  who  settled  at  Oswego 
but  was  obliged  to  retreat  to  Salt  Point  in  the 
winter  to  escape  famine." 

Thomas  McCarthy 

A  young  Irishman  with  dark  hair  and  white 
skin  set  out  from  Salt  Point  to  follow  the  blazed 
trail  to  Brewerton.  Everything  was  strange  to 
him  for  he  had  just  come  into  the  wilderness  to 
make  his  home  and  now  he  was  on  the  way  to  meet 
his  mother.  At  a  cabin  in  a  clearing  he  asked  for 
a  drink  of  water  and  was  given  milk  and  the 
friendly  gaze  of  a  woman.  Wondering  at  the  fair 
skin  of  the  stranger,  which  contrasted  so  strongly 
with  that  of  the  Indian  and  the  bronzed  pioneer, 
she  asked  him  if  the  sun  ever  shone  in  the  land  he 
came  from.  He  probably  answered  with  courtesy 
and  wit  as  became  an  Irishman  and  from  that 
hour  Thomas  McCarthy  has  held  his  place  in  the 
history  of  the  County. 

His  mother  was  at  Brewerton  with  his  step- 
father, Edmund  McSweeny.  They  had  come 
first  to  Brooklyn  and  then  to  Brewerton. 

Thomas  was  the  son  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth 

Salina  13 

Stack  McCarthy  and  when  a  boy  about  fourteen, 
according  to  the  custom  of  the  country,  he  was 
bound  out  until  he  was  twenty-one.  He  went 
to  Dublin  and  there  learned  the  draper's  trade, 
which  he  and  his  descendants  exercised  for  more 
than  a  century  in  this  County.  Under  the  condi- 
tions of  apprenticeship  in  Dublin,  the  apprentice 
entered  the  family  of  his  employer  and  worked  in 
the  latter's  shop,  for  which  privileges  the  appren- 
tice's father  paid  the  employer  a  certain  number  of 
pounds  sterling  a  year.  Whether  it  was  the  father 
or  step-father  of  Thomas  who  paid  the  fees,  the 
term  of  apprenticeship  had  not  expired  when  his 
mother  came  to  America.  When  at  last  he  was 
free  he  invested  his  savings  in  merchandise  and 
with  his  brother  John  came  to  join  his  mother. 
John  settled  in  Canada  and  Thomas  at  Salt 
Point,  where  he  opened  a  small  store  and  also 
began  the  manufacture  of  salt.  The  store  has 
been  represented  as  a  log  cabin  but  there  were  no 
log  cabins  at  Salt  Point  at  any  time.  It  was  a 
small  frame  house  and  when  the  business  of  the 
general  store  had  increased,  was  replaced  by  a 
two-story  building.  His  salt  industry  was  at 
first  limited  to  two  salt  kettles,  and  while  he  at- 
tended to  the  store,  he  hired  men  to  boil  his  salt. 
In  time  he  had  fifty  kettles  and  every  one  knows  to 
what  great  proportions  the  little  store  grew. 

Thomas  McCarthy  came  when  the  County  was 
young  and  grew  into  its  life  and  history  with  the 
other  men  of  other  races  who  came  and  left  their 

14         Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

mark  on  the  County's  character.  He  was  a 
valuable  acquisition  to  the  colony.  Young  and 
vigorous,  well  educated  and  thoroughly  well 
trained  by  his  long  apprenticeship  in  the  business 
life  of  a  beautiful  city,  with  an  inheritance  of 
Celtic  humor  and  Catholic  piety,  he  held  within 
his  hands  the  guiding  lines  of  the  pioneer  life. 
Twice  a  year  he  journeyed  to  New  York  to  buy 
goods,  stopping  at  Utica  to  visit  the  Devereaux, 
reaching  Albany  by  any  conveyance  possible,  and 
navigating  the  river  by  boat  or  raft  or  craft  of  any 
sort,  returning  with  his  stock,  which  must  answer 
the  needs  of  six  months.  Sometimes  his  goods 
were  exchanged  for  labor  or  wood  for  his  salt 
works  or  for  his  home.  A  general  store  must 
have  seen  many  strange  exchanges  where  money 
was  scarce,  in  the  wilderness. 

But  Thomas  McCarthy  grew  rich  and  influ- 
ential socially  and  politically.  He  led  the  move- 
ment for  the  first  Catholic  church  in  the  County 
and  saw  it  completed,  for  he  knew  and  felt  the 
need.  Priests  were  few  and  had  widely  scattered 
missions  and  rarely  came  here.  Catholic  men 
were  without  the  spiritual  ministrations  of  their 
priests  for  years  at  a  time  so  that  many  joined 
their  neighbors  in  different  churches  and  gradu- 
ally lost  their  ancient  faith.  The  marriage  cere- 
mony, often  for  a  marriage  with  a  non-Catholic, 
was  performed  by  a  Justice  of  Peace  and  the  other 
sacraments  of  the  Church  languished  in  the  barren 
soil  of  disuse.     Thomas  McCarthy  met  the  priests 

Salina  15 

on  his  travels  to  New  York,  but  years  passed  be- 
fore his  legal  marriage  received  the  benediction 
of  the  Church  and  his  children  its  baptism. 

His  home  brought  together  all  those  of  his 
faith.  When  a  priest  penetrated  to  this  old 
mission  of  the  Jesuits,  word  was  sent  far  and 
wide  and  those  who  wished  came  to  their  minister, 
tramping  long  distances  through  the  forests,  often 
deep  in  snow.  Many  remained  over  night  to  at- 
tend Mass  in  the  morning  and  to  carry  back  with 
them  the  spiritual  store  for  perhaps  many  years. 
It  was  like,  in  some  respects,  the  stations  of 
their  native  land  when  for  a  time  a  farmhouse  be- 
came a  chapel  and  the  neighbors  attended  the  re- 
ligious exercises  and  then  indulged  in  feasts  and 
games.  As  the  avenues  of  travel  became  more 
open,  the  population  increased  and  the  spiritual 
needs  of  the  people  were  more  easily  supplied. 
The  noble  untiring  bishops  of  those  days  came  to 
Salina  to  their  people.  The  table  or  bureau  was 
transformed  into  an  altar  in  the  McCarthy  home 
and  when  Percy,  the  wife  and  mother,  was  too  ill 
to  leave  her  bed,  Mass  was  celebrated  within  her 
view.  Children  were  baptized,  marriages  blessed, 
instructions  given,  all  in  the  short  space  of  time 
the  busy  priests  could  give  as  they  passed  on  to 
other  fields. 

On  one  of  the  trips  to  New  York  Thomas  Mc- 
Carthy met  James  Lynch  at  the  home  of  the 
Devereaux  in  Utica,  and  persuaded  him  to  try 
his  fortune  at  Salina.     So  the  two  men  became 

i6  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

firm  friends  and  followed  the  same  line  of  business^ 
dividing  their  part  of  the  patronage  of  the  colony 
and  sharing  in  the  recorded  history  of  the  Coiinty. 
With  other  Catholics  they  founded  St.  John  the 
Baptist  Church,  receiving  subscriptions  in  Utica, 
Albany,  and  New  York.  Both  reared  large  fami- 
lies, which  have  branched  out  into  many  States  of 
the  Union.  Both  hold  a  permanent  place  in  the 
memory  of  posterity. 

Extract  from  a  newspaper  clipping : 

Thomas  McCarthy  died  in  St.  Augustine,  Florida, 
January  30,  1848,  in  the  626.  year  of  his  age.  This  was 
briefly  announced  in  our  paper  of  Tuesday.  In 
1812  he  was  among  the  first  to  march  to  the  northern 
frontier  to  defend  his  adopted  country  against  an  in- 
vading British  army. 

He  was  one  of  the  originators  of  the  Bank  of  Sa- 
lina.  He  was  a  worthy  and  highly  esteemed  citizen, 
respected  for  his  industry  and  strict  integrity. 

He  left  for  Florida  Nov.  226.  for  his  health,  suffer- 
ing from  some  bronchial  trouble.  He  was  taken  ill  at 
dinner  and  died  in  a  short  time. 

Thomas  McCarthy  had  two  half-sisters,  Jo- 
anna McSweeny  who  married  Kane,  and  her 
sister.  The  daughter  of  Joanna  married  Francis 

It  is  said  that  while  Thomas  McCarthy  was  in 
Florida,  a  letter  was  sent  to  him  from  Syracuse 
offering  him  the  nomination  of  mayor,  the  first,  of 
the  new  city.  The  letter  arrived  there  after  his 

Salina  17 

Percy  Soule  formed  the  acquaintance  of  Thomas 
McCarthy  while  she  was  visiting  her  sister, 
Mrs.  Stewart,  in  Syracuse.  Mrs.  Stewart  was 
the  mother  of  Captain  WilHam  Stewart  of  the 
packet-boat  and  afterwards  of  the  Syracuse 
House.  Percy  Soule  came  from  Wilberham, 
Massachusetts,  and  traced  her  ancestry  back  to 
the  Mayflower. 

Percy  McCarthy  was  a  gentle  wife,  a  kind 
hostess,  and  the  idol  of  her  children.  Long  periods 
of  illness  only  increased  the  gentleness  of  her  na- 
ture and  the  love  of  her  family  and  friends.  Her 
daughter  Mary  took  upon  herself  the  many  cares 
of  a  large  household,  directed  and  counselled  by 
the  gentle,  invalid  mother.  The  religious  life 
of  the  family  centred  at  her  bed  and  the  formal 
ceremonies  of  the  Church  were  within  view  from 
her  pillow.  Bishop  DuBois  of  New  York  came 
there  to  perform  the  marriage  ceremony  of  her 
daughter  Eliza  and  Colonel  Silas  Titus.  With 
him  was  a  young  priest  who  was  destined  to  be  a 
cardinal.  Father  M'Closkey.  He  baptized  the 
youngest  child,  Agnes  McCarthy,  and  the  records 
of  these  two  ceremonies  are  said  to  be  the  first 
Catholic  records  in  this  County;  for,  when  the 
Bishop  asked  for  the  records,  there  were  none, 
and  he  started  them. 

Thomas  McCarthy's  first  wife  was  Percy  Soule 
of  Wilberham,  Massachusetts.  Their  children 
are:  Dennis,  who  married  Millicent  Carter; 
Robert,  who  married  Eliza  Pierce,  Boston;  Eliza, 

i8  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

who  married  Col.  Silas  Titus;  three  who  died 
young;  Mary,  who  married  Matthew  Murphy, 
Utica;  William,  who  married  Mary  E.  Kearney, 
Rochester;  Ellen,  who  married  Richard  Eliot, 
Detroit;  Sarah,  who  married  Daniel  Bryan, 
Utica;  Agnes,  who  married  William  Lalor,  Utica; 
John,  who  married  Elizabeth  Toole,  Syracuse. 

Thomas  McCarthy's  second  wife  was  Mrs. 
Anna  Cronly  Toole,  the  widow  of  Thomas  Toole, 
Jr.,  of  New  York,  and  her  daughter  Elizabeth 
married  his  son  John  the  next  year. 

Dennis  McCarthy,  son  of  the  Salina  pioneer 
merchant,  Thomas  McCarthy,  was  bom  in  Salina 
March  19,  18 14,  and  after  his  education  joined 
his  father  in  the  drygoods  business. 

Upon  the  father's  death  he  was  joined  in 
business  by  his  brother  John.  Later  Dennis 
McCarthy  bought  out  his  brother's  interest  and 
continued  in  the  business,  which  was  developed 
from  a  small  beginning  until  its  sales  amounted  to 
two  million  dollars  annually.  He  possessed  keen 
discernment  in  business  affairs,  was  at  all  times 
reliable  and  trustworthy,  and  carried  forward 
to  successful  completion  whatever  he  undertook. 
He  became  recognized  as  one  of  the  prominent 
leaders  of  the  Republican  party  in  New  York. 

His  opportunities  for  education  were  not  great 
but  he  attended  Yates  Polytechnic  Institute  at 
Chittenango  and  also  the  Academy  at  Onondaga. 
In  business  acumen,  force  of  character,  and  politi- 
cal sagacity,  he  continued  the  spirit  of  his  father. 

Salina  19 

the  pioneer  merchant  of  Salina.  His  sphere  of 
activity  was  greater  and  he  played  his  part  with 
supreme  success.  He  won  by  his  energy  and 
pluck,  by  his  tenacity  and  grit.  He  won  not  only 
his  own  battles  but  those  of  his  race  and  creed. 
He  won  from  his  very  enemies  their  dearest  pos- 
sessions and  he  died  in  the  harness.  Here  is  the 
scene : 

A  crowded  hall  with  a  debate  on  a  public 
measure  and  Dennis  McCarthy  the  advocate  on 
the  popular  side,  but  with  a  chosen  hostile  audi- 
ence. He  is  interrrupted  by  jeers  and  hisses  and 
howls,  but  he  holds  his  place  and  advances  his 
arguments.  Soon  the  crowd  calls  for  his  opponent 
but  McCarthy  makes  himself  heard:  "I  am  not 
the  man  to  be  howled  down  nor  hissed  down,  and 
my  opponent  cannot  speak  until  I  have  finished." 
The  crowd  is  won  by  the  plea  for  fair  play  and 
the  speaker  finishes  his  last  public  duty. 

Dennis  McCarthy  like  his  father  led  the  St. 
Patrick's  Day  celebration.  He  too  bore  many 
of  the  petty  persecutions  of  his  neighbors.  The 
spirit  of  intolerance  was  rife  with  its  brood  of  con- 
stant discord,  mutual  distrust,  and  fierce  passions. 
Dennis  McCarthy  challenged  the  ringleaders  to  a 
public  debate  on  religion.  He  won  and  so  broke 
the  spirit  of  intolerance  that  it  has  since  remained 
hidden  from  the  light  of  day. 

Dennis  McCarthy  married  Millicent  Carter, 
daughter  of  David  K.  Carter,  one  of  the  first 
settlers  in  Rochester.     Their  children  were  Mary 

20         Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

B.,  who  married  James  Sedgwick;  David  K. ; 
Thomas;  Percy,  who  married  Thomas  Emory; 
Kate;  Dennis,  Jr.,  and  three  infants  who  died. 
He  died  Feb.  14,  1886.  Neither  his  mother  nor 
his  wife  was  of  his  faith  though  both  became  con- 
verts to  it.  In  the  whirl  of  poHtical  and  business 
life,  Dennis  McCarthy  lost  some  of  his  religious 
fervor  in  his  later  years,  yet  remained  loyal  to  the 
faith  of  his  fathers  until  he  passed  to  join  them. 

John  McCarthy  was  born  in  Salina  in  1822. 
He  was  the  son  of  the  pioneer  Thomas  McCarthy 
and  Percy  Soule  McCarthy.  Educated  in  the 
district  schools,  Onondaga  Academy,  and  George- 
town College,  he  entered  upon  his  business  career 
in  his  father's  store  in  Salina,  remaining  there  as 
clerk  until  after  the  death  of  his  father,  when  he 
became  a  partner  of  his  brother  Dennis  in  the 
ownership  and  control  of  the  business. 

John  McCarthy  married  Elizabeth  Toole,  who 
was  born  April  9,  1829,  the  daughter  of  Thomas 
and  Anna  Cronly  Toole. 

Elizabeth  Toole  McCarthy  is  still  young  at 
heart  and  gay.  Her  brown  eyes  have  looked  upon 
the  sun  for  over  eighty  years  and  are  still  un- 
dimmed.  She  has  borne  the  burden  of  twelve 
sons  and  daughters  and  is  still  unbowed  by  care. 
Her  blood  runs  warm  in  her  veins,  true  blue. 

She  was  born  in  New  York  City  and  grew 
up  in  an  atmosphere  of  Irish  patriotism.  To  her 
home  came  the  exiles  to  discuss  their  common  fate, 
to  hope  and  to  plan  and  likewise  to  execrate  the 

Salina  21 

author  of  their  sorrows.  For  her  mother's  father 
had  drawn  his  sword  for  Irish  hberty  in  the  re- 
bellion of  1798  and  had  escaped  in  an  American 
vessel  to  America  with  Thomas  Addis  Emmet, 
Dr.  McNevin,  Mr.  Caldwell,  and  others.  Cald- 
well lived  many  years  in  New  York  and  told  the 
child  Elizabeth  how  he  had  been  taken  prisoner 
and  sentenced  to  death.  He  was  in  an  upper 
room  and  had  seen  through  a  crack  in  the  floor  the 
official  signature  put  to  his  death-warrant.  For 
some  reason  the  sentence  was  changed  to  exile 
and  he  lived  with  his  friends  and  compatriots  under 
the  Stars  and  Stripes. 

When  Thomas  McCarthy  made  his  semi-annual 
trips  to  New  York,  he  naturally  sought  the  com- 
panionship of  his  countrymen  and  shared  their 
interests.  There  in  time  he  took  for  his  second 
wife  Anna  Cronly  Toole,  the  widowed  daughter  of 
the  Irish  patriot,  and  returned  with  her  and  her 
young  daughter  Elizabeth  to  Salina.  Within 
a  year  Elizabeth  became  the  wife  of  her  step- 
father's son. 

Thomas  Toole,  Sr.,  had  come  from  Dublin  and 
with  Mr.  Caldwell  and  others  had  formed  the 
Irish  Immigrant  Society.  He  was  a  cousin  of 
General  Richard  Montgomery. 

Elizabeth  was  organist  in  St.  John  the  Baptist 
Church  for  many  years  and  John  McCarthy  sang 
in  the  choir.  John  had  studied  in  Canada  and 
was  a  good  French  scholar. 

John  McCarthy  had  his  part  in  the  business 

22  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

life  of  the  County  and  his  large  share  of  the  public 
esteem,  to  which  his  character,  solid  worth,  and 
high  ideals  entitled  him.  Gentle  and  retiring  in 
his  nature,  yet  of  strong  will  and  perseverance 
and  industry,  literary  in  his  tastes,  a  public  speaker 
of  merit  and  force,  he  preferred  the  domestic  to 
the  public  life  and  was  ever  kindly  in  his  greet- 
ing as  he  passed,  a  venerable  figiu-e,  through  the 
streets  of  the  city  he  had  helped  to  found. 

The  children  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Toole  Mc- 
Carthy are:  Thomas  I.,  who  married  Elizabeth 
Cayon,  Baltimore;  Anna,  who  married  John  J. 
Town,  Utica;  John  C,  who  married  Zollie  Bustin, 
Camden,  Miss.;  Percy,  whose  first  husband  was 
Theodore  Dissel  and  whose  second  Peter  A. 
Roche;  Ellen  E.,  who  married  Seymour  Bier- 
hardt,  Syracuse;  Edward  A.,  who  married  Nellie 
Collins,  Brooklyn;  Genevieve,  who  married  Ed- 
ward Kanaley,  Syracuse;  Grace  L.,  who  married 
Fred  Smith,  Syracuse;  Mary  A.,  who  married 
Clarence  Ellis,  Cortland;  Sallie,  and  two  who 
died  in  infancy. 

Robert  McCarthy  was  the  son  of  Thomas  and 
Percy  Soule  McCarthy  of  Salina.  He  married 
Eliza  Jane,  daughter  of  Parker  H.  and  Hanna 
Withington  Pierce  of  Boston,  Mass.,  whom  he  met 
while  she  was  here  visiting  Millicent  Carter,  wife 
of  Dennis  McCarthy. 

Their  children  are:  Robert,  Jr.;  Eugene,  whose 
first  wife  was  Esther  Yates  and  whose  second  Mary 
R.    O'Hara;   Frederic,    who   died   young;   Anna 

Salina  23 

Eliza,  who  married  Charies  Holland  Holt  of  New 
York;  Jennie  Marie,  who  married  Frederic  De 
Noyers  Peltier  of  New  York.  They  have  one 
child,  Paul. 

Robert  McCarthy  was  on  the  State  Board  of 
Charities  for  seventeen  years. 

The  children  of  William  and  Agnes  McCarthy 
Lai  or  are:  Wilhelmina,  who  married  James  F. 
Barrett,  New  York;  Agnes,  who  married  Dr. 
William  Cahill,  Syracuse;  Katharine,  who  mar- 
ried Joseph  Hogan,  Brooklyn;  Elizabeth,  who 
married  James  Johnson,  Chicago;  William,  in 
Chicago;  Mary  and  Genevieve,  teachers  in  Cali- 
fornia; Josephine  and  Percy,  trained  nurses  in 
New  York. 

William  Lalor  was  the  son  of  William  and  Cath- 
arine Mahony  Lalor  of  Grennan,  County  Cork, 
Ireland.  His  mother  was  first  cousin  of  Rev. 
Francis  Mahony,  "Father  Prout,"  the  author  of 
Shandon  Bells  and  other  poems.  His  brothers 
were  Timothy,  Dennis,  Richard.  His  sister, 
Mary  Ann,  married  Daniel  Mitchell  and  wrote  and 
translated  many  things  under  the  name  Mary 
Lalor  Mitchell.  The  Lalor  family  lived  in  Utica ; 
they  came  from  Ireland  in  1853.  Agnes  Mc- 
Carthy Lalor  remembers  having  seen  a  paper 
signed  by  ten  or  fifteen  people  petitioning  for  a 
priest  for  Salina.  She  remembered  only  the  one 
name  odd  (to  her)  in  the  list,  Hausenfrats.  Miss 
Mary  Elizabeth  Murphy,  granddaughter  of 
Thomas  McCarthy,  also  saw  the  paper  and  re- 

24  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

membered  the  odd  name,  Jacob  Hausenfrats. 
She  said  many  of  the  signers  made  only  their 
mark  and  there  were  about  fifteen  in  all. 

Agnes  McCarthy  was  educated  at  Mt.  St. 
Vincent  Convent,  where  Central  Park  now  is. 
Mary  Cooney  was  also  a  student  there. 

Mr.  Jefferson  Leach,  president  of  the  Bank  of 
Salina  in  days  gone  by,  said  that  John  McCarthy 
was  a  man  of  sterling  worth  and  unwavering  in- 
tegrity. Mr.  Leach  also  spoke  in  the  highest 
terms  of  Miss  Elizabeth  Toole.  He  said  she  was 
a  ray  of  sunshine,  the  life  of  the  house,  merry, 
sprightly,  talented.  She  played  the  piano  with 
masterly  skill,  sang  the  good  old  songs,  danced 
with  gayety,  and  spread  happiness  around  her. 
He  recalled  a  recent  visit  he  made  her  on  the 
occasion  of  her  77th  birthday  when  her  friends 
gathered  around  as  she  sang  again  the  songs  of 
old.  Her  skill  at  the  piano  remained,  and  her 
birthday  party  reproduced  the  festive  days  of  her 

Patrick  Cooney 

Patrick  Cooney  and  his  wife  Bridget  Coney 
Cooney  came  to  America  from  County  Wexford 
about  1816.  They  bore  the  same  name  with  a 
slight  difference  in  the  spelling  but  were  not  re- 
lated imtil  their  marriage.  Patrick  was  nineteen 
and  his  wife  somewhat  older  when  they  married 
and  after  a  few  years  they  set  out  to  better  their 
fortunes,  leaving  their  oldest  boy  Patrick,  two 

Salina  25 

years  of  age,  in  the  care  of  relatives.  They  came 
first  to  Utica  and  worked  there  for  the  O' Neils, 
then  Patrick  came  on  to  Syracuse  to  work  on  the 
Erie  Canal  contract.  Here  he  met  many  Irish- 
men, among  them  Thomas  Doyle,  who  worked 
with  him.  The  men  were  for  the  most  part 
young,  unmarried  men  who  did  their  work  and 
passed  on  to  other  places.  Thomas  Doyle  and 
Patrick  Cooney  remained.  There  were  no  Ger- 
mans or  workmen  of  nationalities  other  than  Irish 
and  American.  Michael  Cooney  and  his  wife 
Bridget  Sennit  came  later  to  Salina. 

When  the  work  on  the  Canal  was  done  Patrick 
Cooney  went  to  Salina  and  began  to  boil  salt. 
Fortiine  smiled  on  him  and  he  was  soon  able  to 
buy  a  salt-block  and  a  house.  He  bought  wooded 
land  and  chopped  down  the  trees  to  bum  in  the 
salt  works  and  so  cleared  the  land  for  a  farm,  which 
is  still  known  as  the  Oak  Orchard  farm.  Men 
spent  the  summer  in  boiling  salt  and  the  winter  in 
chopping  wood.  They  were  boarded  by  their 
employers,  whose  wives  did  the  cooking,  or  were 
boarded  elsewhere  at  the  expense  of  the  employers. 

As  business  increased  Patrick  Cooney  depended 
on  hired  men  to  carry  on  his  work.  Some  boiled 
salt,  others  packed  it,  and  some  travelled  to  sell 
it.  He  had  an  accident,  breaking  his  leg,  which 
left  him  lame.  His  home  was  in  the  house  built 
by  Thaddeus  Wood  and  Samuel  Matthews  at  the 
corner  of  Turtle  and  Salina  Streets  and  here  came 
Dr.  James  Foran  to  render  his  services.     He  was 

26  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

a  learned,   high-tempered   physician  and  had   a 
difficult  case  to  treat  in  this  fracture. 

It  is  natural  that  one  should  seek  one's  acquaint- 
ances in  a  strange  land  and  each  pioneer  of  Onon- 
daga gained  a  foothold  not  only  for  himself  but 
for  all  those  of  his  town  or  county  in  the  old 
country  who  wished  to  hazard  the  fortunes  of  the 
new.  Those  were  good  old  days  of  hospitality 
and  the  simple  life.  Many  came  to  the  Cooney 
home,  conveniently  situated  near  the  Canal,  the 
great  highway.  Some  looked  over  the  ground  and 
not  liking  the  salt  industr3''  passed  on  to  the  west 
or  north.  Some  remained  and  made  their  homes 
in  Salina  or  other  parts  of  the  County.  Among 
those  were  the  Oliphants,  who  located  in  Geddes. 
Their  experience  with  a  peddler  harbored  for  the 
night,  who  feared  he  would  be  killed  in  his  sleep 
by  his  Catholic  hosts,  showed  the  temper  of  the 

Many  others  found  their  first  familiar  face  at 
the  Cooney  home  after  a  long  voyage  from  their 
native  land.  This  house  eventually  passed  to 
Daniel  O'Brien  in  part  payment  for  the  construc- 
tion of  St.  John's  School  and  gave  place  to  the 
dwelling  of  his  brother  William,  now  Assistant 
Chief  of  Police. 

Patrick  Cooney,  like  all  the  other  Irish  who 
came  to  this  County  in  its  first  half -century,  met 
persecution.  He  was  one  of  the  early  known  ar- 
rivals, all  of  whom  were  unwelcome  because  the 
others  already  in  the  salt  industry  did  not  want 

Salina  27 

competition.  They  often  banded  together  to 
waylay  an  Irishman  and  subject  him  to  treat- 
ment which  they  hoped  would  force  him  to  leave. 
They  wore  masks  and  chose  the  night  time  for 
their  attacks.  The  Irish  were  in  the  minority  but 
when  they  became  sufficiently  numerous  they 
were  not  slow  to  retaliate.  The  Irish  are  not  op- 
pressive. Their  sympathies  are  generally  with  the 
weaker,  because  they  have  suffered  too  much 
themselves  not  to  share  in  the  sorrows  of  others. 
At  Salt  Point  they  worked  with  many  who  had 
this  advantage,  that  they  had  come  from  some 
other  part  of  America.  The  pioneers  of  New 
England  had  sterling  qualities.  They  had,  too, 
complementary  vices,  not  the  least  of  which  were 
narrowness  of  mind,  greed,  intolerance.  They 
antagonized  every  one  but  themselves  and  some- 
times even  themselves.  When  after  the  Revolu- 
tion they  set  out  for  the  frontier  of  the  West,  they 
passed  through  the  Dutch  settlements  of  the  Hud- 
son and  Mohawk,  provoking  to  wrath  even  the 
placid  Dutch.  They  would  have  dispossessed 
them  had  they  been  able,  but  the  Dutch  soon 
learned  to  give  them  free  passage  and  even  to 
assist  them  to  hasten  their  journey  westward. 
These  New  England  travellers  and  their  descend- 
ants by  their  right  of  might  harassed  the  immi- 
grant Irish  in  Onondaga,  as  their  forefathers,  the 
Old  Englanders,  did  in  Ireland  and  tried  to  do  in 
America.  But  in  Onondaga  the  contest  was  more 
equal.     It   was  man   to   man.     The   Irish   soon 

28  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

profited  by  the  tactics  of  their  enemies  and  banded 
together,  and  when  the  need  arose,  descended 
upon  some  nest  of  persecutors  and  gave  them 
their  punishment. 

Patrick  Cooney  gave  his  children  every  oppor- 
tunity possible  to  obtain  an  education.  The 
boys  went  to  Holy  Cross  College,  at  Worces- 
ter, to  the  seminary  at  Cazenovia,  and  to  the 
Syracuse  High  School.  His  daughter  Mary  was 
educated  at  the  Mount  St.  Vincent  Convent,  New 
York,  on  the  site  of  Central  Park.  Agnes  Mc- 
Carthy, daughter  of  Thomas,  was  a  student  there 
at  the  same  time. 

The  course  of  study  was  foiir  years,  and  in  addi- 
tion to  the  regular  school  work,  the  yoimg  ladies 
became  most  skilful  with  the  needle.  Repro- 
ductions of  famous  paintings  were  so  well  done 
with  the  needle  and  thread  that  they  appeared  as 
if  painted.  Embroidery  and  lace  work  formed 
part  of  the  course. 

Kate  O' Biennis  told  Patrick  Cooney  that  he 
would  become  a  rich  man.  Her  prophecy  was 
fulfilled  and  Kate  O'Blennis's  shrewdness  again 

Among  the  staunch  supporters  of  St.  John  the 
Baptist  Church  were  Daniel  Keefe  (Father  of 
John  C),  William  Butler,  John  Shannon,  William 
Dunn,  Thomas  Doyle,  Patrick  Cooney,  Patrick 
Ford,  James  Slattery,  Dennis  Devoy,  Thomas 
McCarthy,  and  James  Lynch. 

Patrick  Cooney  also  sold  wood. 

Salina  29 

Father  Duffy  bought  from  the  Cooney  estate 
the  homestead  for  a  parish  school. 

Patrick  and  Bridget  Coney  Cooney  had  eight 
children:  Patrick,  Jr.,  Nicholas,  John,  Jeremiah, 
Martin,  who  went  to  California  in  1870,  two  who 
died  young,  and  Mary. 

Patrick  Cooney,  Jr.,  married  Ellen  Command. 
Their  children  are:  Patrick  D.,  who  married  Rose 
Carberry;  Daniel;  Jerry,  who  married  Emma 
Lang;  and  James. 

Mary  married  John  McKeever.  Their  children 
are:  Nicholas,  Charles,  John  Seymour,  Arthur, 
Margaret,  Francis,  Ellen,  and  four  who  died 

Patrick  Cooney' s  second  wife  was  Catharine 
Command.  Her  sister  married  Michael,  son  of 
John  Lynch. 

Thomas  Doyle 

Thomas  Doyle  came  to  this  County  about  the 
year  181 5.  He  went  to  Salina  but  later  worked 
in  digging  the  Canal  through  Syracuse,  after 
which  he  returned  to  the  manufacture  of  salt. 

He  married  Jane  McFarland,  daughter  of 
William,  and  their  children  are:  Garrett;  Thomas; 
Mary,  who  married  John  McCann,  and  had  one 
child,  Blanche;  Catharine,  who  married  Michael 
Murray,  and  had  one  child,  Thomas  Murray; 
John,  who  married  Belle  Crowell,  and  had  three 
children,  Thomas,  Garrett,  and  Mary;  and  two 
children  who  died  young. 

30         Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

James  Doyle  was  a  brother  of  Thomas  Doyle. 
Thomas  Doyle  was  bom  in  Ballyknock,  Parish  of 
Ballymitty,  County  Wexford.  His  father  was 
Garrett  and  his  mother  Catharine  Neville  Doyle. 
He  was  one  of  seven  children  and  was  the  magnet 
that  drew  many  of  that  coimty  to  Salina. 

All  the  old  settlers  knew  Thomas  Doyle  and 
speak  in  the  highest  terms  of  his  character,  in- 
dustry, and  shrewdness.  He  accumulated  a 
fortune  by  hard  and  constant  work  and  saving. 
He  was  close-fisted  and  somewhat  eccentric  in 
manner  and  dress,  caring  little  for  his  personal 
appearance.  His  one  indulgence  and  pet  vanity 
was  a  certain  make  of  clay  pipe  with  the  initials 
T.  D.  for  the  trademark,  which  also  served  for  his 
own  name. 

Thomas  Doyle  gave  many  a  young  man  the  op- 
portunity to  make  a  start  in  the  world.  Daniel 
O'Brien  earned  from  him  not  only  his  first  wages 
but  owed  to  him  his  escape  from  an  early  and 
tragic  death.  For  when  a  lad  six  or  seven  years 
old,  he  andhis brother  William,  four  years  younger, 
while  pushing  an  old  wheelbarrow  along  the  tow- 
path  of  the  Canal  and  not  looking  ahead,  ran 
full  tilt  into  a  barrel  of  salt  and  Daniel  went  into 
the  Canal.  William  howled  and  Doyle,  some  dis- 
tance away,  saw  only  one  boy  where  a  moment 
before  were  two  and  shouted  to  his  son  Thomas, 
nearby  in  the  salt-block.  Thomas  appeared  at 
once  and  grasping  the  situation  from  his  father's 
gesture  jumped  into  the  Canal  and  saved  the  boy 

Salina  31 

who  has  done  much  for  Syracuse  and  for  his 

Thomas  Doyle  boiled  salt,  packed  it,  and  de- 
livered it  by  canal-boat.  Like  all  other  boats  his 
had  a  fighting  crew  and  when  necessary  the  crew 
tied  up  the  boat  and  went  ashore  to  fight. 

Patrick  Cooney  and  Thomas  Doyle  were  types 
of  the  Irishmen  who  lived  and  flourished  in  Salina 
from  the  earliest  days  of  the  County  to  the  decline 
of  the  salt  industry.  There  must  have  been  many 
others  there  during  these  early  times  besides  the 
McCarthy,  Cooney,  and  Doyle  families.  Some 
left  only  a  name.  The  salt  works  were  kept  up 
night  and  day  and  helpers  were  needed.  There 
must  have  been  many  other  Irish  when  an  Irish- 
man could  be  elected  trustee  of  the  village  in  its 
first  year  and  president  in  the  second. 

Garrett,  the  father  of  Thomas,  was  a  wealthy 
farmer  in  the  county  of  Wexford.  When  a  new 
road  was  opened  through  that  county  he  built  a 
tavern  at  the  cross-roads  near  his  farm  and  con- 
ducted it  for  years.  Of  his  means  he  lent  his 
friends  and  thereby  came  Thomas  Doyle  to  this 
country.  Garrett  had  lent  a  friend  money  to 
come  to  America  and  in  time  received  a  letter 
saying  the  money  would  be  paid  if  he  would  send 
a  messenger  for  it  to  Rome,  N.  Y.  The  oldest 
son,  John,  seemed  the  proper  messenger,  but  his 
mother  would  not  part  with  her  first  bom,  so 
Thomas  was  selected  to  come.  Whether  he  met 
the  debtor  and  received  the  money  is  not  known, 

32  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

but  he  did  not  return  home,  having  had  enough  of 
the  sea  in  one  trip.  He  went  to  work  on  the  Erie 
Canal  and  so  came  to  Syracuse  and  Salt  Point. 
Soon  he  sent  for  a  younger  brother,  James,  and 
these  were  the  only  two  members  of  his  family 
who  left  Ireland. 

The  Wexford  folk  were  familiar  with  war  and 
the  Boys  of  Wexford  were  valiant  warriors.  Each 
county  has  certain  characteristics  more  or  less 
marked  and  often  receives  a  n'ckname  more 
or  less  humorous.  The  people  of  Wexford  are 
called  the  "yellow  bellies,"  and  the  word  "yel- 
low" has  in  our  time  acquired  a  meaning  quite 
distinct  from  color.  The  Wexfords  received  their 
name  from  a  part  of  their  uniform — a  small 
yellow  apron. 

The  Doyle  children  dated  their  ages  from  the 
Rebellion  (1798).  One  was  four  years,  another 
two,  and  Thomas  was  three  months  old  at  the 
time  of  the  Rebellion.  They  recall  the  fireside 
tales — the  battle  won  and  the  victors  confidently 
in  repose  when  the  reinforced  enemy  returns 
across  the  bridge  that  should  have  been  burnt. 
And  so  the  tragedies  of  the  race  are  kept  alive  and 
the  spirit  of  liberty. 

Besides  Thomas  and  James  Doyle  there  were 
members  of  many  other  Wexford  families  in  this 
Coimty,^ — Lacy,  Clancy,  Thomas  O'Neil,  Ennis,  and 

Later  on  some  of  the  children  of  John  Doyle 
and   of   his   sister   Catharine   came   to  America. 

Salina  33 

Catharine's  daughter  Mary  married  John  Mc- 
Dermott,  and  they  have  one  child,  Catharine. 

Thomas  Doyle  and  James  Murphy  may  have 
been  friends  in  Ireland,  and  James  Doyle  and 
James  Murphy  may  have  come  to  Salt  Point 

The  two  families  were  always  friends,  and 
Thomas  Doyle  and  his  brother  James  gave  neigh- 
borly assistance  to  the  Murphy  family  when  they 
were  arranging  their  possessions  in  the  new  home 
in  Salina. 

Katharine  Mara  married  Thomas  Dineen, 
was  first  cousin,  sisters'  children,  of  Michael 
Murray  and  lived  in  his  family  from  childhood. 
She  was  the  daughter  of  William  and  Margaret 
Comerford  Mara.  Her  son  is  William  Dineen, 
the  famous  base-ball  pitcher. 

Extract  from  the  Syracuse  Evening  Herald: 

Catharine  Miuray  died  Feb.  6,  1906.  She  was  one 
of  the  wealthiest  women  in  Syracuse,  possessing  up- 
wards of  $200,000  in  salt  lands  and  salt  covers  and 
property  in  the  First  and  Second  wards  which  she 
inherited  from  her  father,  Thomas  Doyle,  and  her 
husband,  Michael  Murray.  Since  the  death  of  the 
latter  about  thirty  years  ago  she  has  managed  her 
extensive  business  with  the  help  of  her  son,  Thomas. 
Her  summer  home  was  at  Green  Point  and  for  many 
years  she  travelled  for  the  benefit  of  her  health  and 
maintained  a  cottage  in  the  woods. 

James  Murphy 

James  Murphy  had  seven  sisters  and  was  the 

34         Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

oldest  of  the  family.  When  he  came  to  America, 
in  1822,  his  mother  mourned  and  would  not  be 
comforted  until  her  husband  came  to  Green  Point 
to  coax  him  home.  But  James  coaxed  too  and 
persuaded  his  father  to  return  to  Ireland  and  bring 
over  his  mother  and  sisters.  This  he  did  and  all 
were  reunited.  James  during  this  period  had 
been  working  in  salt-boiling  and  had  also  bought  a 
small  farm  at  Green  Point  to  be  the  home  of  his 
family  in  the  wilds  of  Onondaga.  On  this  farm 
was  the  famous  Jesuit  well,  but  it  was  known  for 
the  succeeding  half  a  century  as  Mrs.  Murphy's 
well.  For  the  Jesuits  and  their  labors  were  not 
the  subject  of  discussion  during  those  days. 
The  salt  boilers  and  pioneer  farmers  did  not  have 
much  leisure  for  historical  research.  They  were 
busy  making  history  and  clearing  the  land  to  be 
fruitful,  and  fighting  malaria  and  other  evils. 
They  knew  Mrs.  Murphy's  well  late  in  the  de- 
cade beginning  with  1 820  and  for  many  years  after. 
Now  the  well,  or  the  ground  where  it  was,  is  the 
property  of  the  Onondaga  Historical  Associa- 
tion. One  man  says  the  Jesuit  well  was  salt 
water,  another  says  it  was  fresh  water,  and  that 
he  had  drunk  it  often,  another  says  it  had  been 
fresh  water  but  its  sources  had  been  permeated  by 
salt  water  from  leaking  pipes.  But  Mrs.  Murphy's 
grandchildren  know  their  grandmother  would 
not  drink  nor  give  to  drink  water  that  was  salty, 
that  the  water  was  of  course  fresh  and  constantly 

Salina  35 

Thomas  Murphy 

Thomas  Murphy  and  his  wife,  Mary  Farrell 
Murphy,  came  to  Green  Point,  in  1826,  from 
County  Wexford. 

They  came  to  join  their  son  James  who  had 
arrived  in  1822,  and  who  continued  to  urge  them 
to  come,  telhng  them  of  the  country  and  its  pros- 
pects, of  the  salt  industry  and  the  Httle  plot  of 
land  he  had  bought.  His  mother  was  ready  to 
brave  the  dangers  of  the  voyage  to  be  with  her  only 
son  and  had  already  sent  his  father  to  Green  Point 
to  induce  him  to  return.  Thomas  Murphy  could 
not  withstand  the  entreaties  of  his  wife  and  so  he 
moved  his  family  from  Ireland  to  Green  Point, 
since  James  refused  to  return  home.  There  were 
seven  daughters  no  less  anxious  for  their  mother's 
peace  of  mind  and  they  sailed  the  deep  for  three 

The  Murphys  had  many  friends  in  the  neigh- 
borhood of  their  new  home.  There  were  the 
families  of  Cooney,  Doyle,  Jackman,  O'Neill, 
McFarland,  and  Anderson  from  their  own  county, 
or  nearby,  or  related  in  some  social  way. 

The  children  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Farrell 
Murphy  are:  James,  who  married  Mrs.  Hoag,  a 
widow,  and  who  had  two  children,  James  and 
Margaret,  who  live  in  Buffalo;  Ann,  who  married 
Alexander  Anderson,  and  who  bore  Richard, 
Thomas,  Joseph,  and  several  others ;  Margaret,  who 
married   Thomas   Fitzgerald,    and   had  one  son, 

36  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Thomas;  Mary,  who  married  Thomas  Kendrick; 
Ellen,  who  married  Alonzo  West,  and  after  his 
death  in  the  Patriot's  War,  John  Rowland,  and 
who  had  one  daughter;  Antoinette,  who  married 
Patrick  Bulger  of  Buffalo,  and  bore  Thomas, 
James,  Andrew,  Patrick  William,  and  Mary; 
Catharine,  who  married  William  Dunn,  and  had 
these  children:  Margaret,  Thomas,  Mary,  Ellen, 
Agnes,  William,  Catharine,  and  Anna;  Bridget, 
who  married  Peter  McGraw  of  Lockport,  and  bore 
Peter,  John,  William,  Daniel,  Matilda,  and  Ellen. 

William  Dunn 
Catharine  Murphy  Dunn 

Catharine  Murphy  married  William,  son  of 
Edward  and  Margaret  Kelly  Dunn.  William  was 
born  in  1811  at  Castle  Comer,  County  Kilkenny, 
Ireland.  He  came  alone  to  America  by  way  of 
Quebec  and  then  to  Oswego.  He  walked  from 
Oswego  to  Green  Point  and  spent  the  first  night 
in  Salina  at  the  home  of  Christopher  Hand.  Later 
his  brothers  Patrick  and  Edward  came.  He  en- 
gaged in  the  salt  business  and  continued  in  it  for 
years.  He  reared  his  children  in  comfort,  giving 
them  the  advantages  of  a  good  education.  Few 
men  acquire  the  distinction  of  having  five  daugh- 
ters trained  to  teach  in  the  public  schools  of  their 
own  and  other  cities. 

When  William  Dunn  and  Catharine  Murphy 
married  they  built  their  home  in  Free  Street  and 

Salina  37 

lived  there  until  the  house  was  burned  in  the  fire 
that  swept  Salina  in  1856.  They  then  bought  a 
house  of  Frederick  Morrell  at  the  corner  of  Bear 
and  First  North  Streets,  Catharine  Murphy  Dunn 
spending  fifty-two  years  of  her  mortal  life  there 
and  in  1908  completing  there  her  allotted  time  of 
eighty-five  years. 

The  children  of  William  and  Catharine  Murphy 
Dunn  are:  Margaret,  who  married  Thomas 
Farmer,  son  of  Patrick  and  Bridget  Farmer,  and 
had  two  children,  William  B.,  and  Dr.  Thomas  P. 
Farmer;  Mary,  who  married  Patrick  Grace,  son 
of  John  and  Ann  Grace,  and  had  five  children, 
William  D.,  Charles,  George,  Mary,  and  Catha- 
rine; Thomas,  who  married  Katharine  Lawton, 
daughter  of  John  and  Catharine  Lawton,  and  who 
had  one  child,  Katharine,  who  became  a  nun; 
Ellen,  who  married  Matthew  Chryst  and  had 
six  children,  Mary  Stella,  Henrietta,  Edwin, 
who  died  in  the  Philippines,  William,  Matthew,  and 
Robert  D. ;  Agnes,  who  married  Richard  Wilkin- 
son; Catharine,  who  is  Principal  of  Grant  School, 
and  also  a  teacher  in  the  Shelter ;  Anna,  who  mar- 
ried Hugh  McSloy  of  St.  Catharines,  Ontario. 

James  Lynch 

James  Lynch  was  the  son  of  Cornelius  and  Jo- 
anna Dooling  Lynch  of  Tralee,  County  Kerry, 
Ireland.  Originally  from  the  city  of  Dublin, 
Cornelius  Lynch  married  and  settled  among  the 

38  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

relatives  of  his  wife  in  Kerry.  Their  sons,  James 
and  John,  both  came  to  Onondaga  County. 
James  had  obtained  a  clerkship  in  Cork  with  rela- 
tives engaged  in  shipping  dairy  products  to  Eng- 
land. Some  good  fortune  brought  him  a  similar 
office  in  the  United  States  Navy  during  the  War  of 
1812,  and  he  came  to  America.  During  his  ser- 
vice he  met  many  men  from  the  city  of  New  York 
among  whom  were  two  brothers  named  Little 
serving  in  the  navy.  These  young  men  invited 
Lynch  to  their  home  and  there  he  fell  in  love  with 
their  sister  Eliza,  then  sixteen  years  of  age. 
She  was  of  Knickerbocker  stock,  her  mother  a 
daughter  of  the  Von  Miillers.  Small  and  curly- 
headed,  vivacious  yet  haughty,  she  surrendered 
to  the  tall,  handsome,  bold  Irishman  whom  her 
brothers  called  their  friend.  James  Lynch  was 
a  gentleman  of  distinguished  bearing,  exquisite 
taste  in  dress,  and  of  polished  manners,  upright 
in  character  and  of  sterling  worth.  His  little 
bride  forsook  for  him  the  gay  life  of  New  York, 
and  came  up  into  the  wilderness  to  Utica,  where 
the  Devereaux  family,  true  to  their  reputation  of 
hospitality,  made  them  welcome.  There  in  the 
course  of  time  James  Lynch  and  Thomas  Mc- 
Carthy of  Salt  Point  met.  Lynch  with  his  wife 
and  children  came  to  Salina  in  the  year  1824, 
opened  a  store,  and  engaged  in  the  salt  industry. 
McCarthy  and  Lynch  worked  together  for  many 
years,  in  business,  in  politics,  and  in  religion. 
They  were  both  in  the  movement  which  led  to 


Salina  39 

the  establishment  of  the  first  CathoHc  church  in 
this  County.  Both  were  eminently  successful  in 
business,  accumulating  a  fortune.  Socially  they 
were  in  the  foremost  rank  and  exercised  a  hos- 
pitality of  which  this  generation  knows  not  the 
mode.  Both  held  office  and  took  part  in  every 
work  of  good  citizens  and  won  for  themselves  a 
place  in  the  history  of  their  time. 

Eliza  Little  Lynch  brought  with  her  to  the 
settlement  at  Salina  the  charm  and  grace  of  the 
metropolis  and  is  still  remembered  for  her  dainty 
loveliness.  The  first  piano  of  this  region  was 
hers,  and  the  salt  boilers  often  gathered  round  her 
gate  to  beg  the  favor  of  her  musical  art.  Her 
home  rivalled  the  McCarthy  home  in  its  recep- 
tion of  distinguished  guests.  It  became  a  chapel 
at  need  and  the  piano  served  for  an  altar.  So  was 
laid  in  Onondaga  County  the  foundation  of  the 
Lynch  family,  which  grew  and  spread  into  all  the 
avenues  of  work  and  life. 

The  children  of  James  and  Eliza  Little  Lynch 
are:  Mary,  who  married  Edward  Murray  of 
Pompey ;  Lucy,  who  married  John  White  of  Bing- 
hamton;  Michael,  who  married  Helen  Barry  of 
Oswego;  John  O'Sullivan,  who  married  Eleanor 
Denman,  Ohio;  George,  who  went  to  California; 
James,  Captain  149th  N.  Y.  Vol.  Inf. ;  Thomas,  un- 
married; Louise,  who  married  Charles  Pender- 
gast,  a  ship  owner  of  Baltimore,  and  Adelaide, 
who  married  James  Pendergast  of  Baltimore,  a 
ship  owner  and  a  brother  of  Charles. 

40  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

James  Lynch,  the  third,  son  of  James  Lynch 

and  grandson  of  James  L^aich,  served  in  the  war 

with  Spain. 

John  Lynch 

John  Lynch,  son  of  Cornehus  and  Joanna  Dool- 
ing  Lynch,  of  County  Kerry,  Ireland,  came  to 
Sahna  in  1833,  where  his  brother  James  had  been 
estabUshed  since  1824.  John  had  married  Mary, 
the  daughter  of  Dennis  Scanlon  of  County  Kerry, 
and  they  had  brought  with  them  from  Ireland  their 
eight  children.  One  child  was  born  on  board  ship 
and  the  youngest  was  born  after  they  had  taken 
up  their  residence  on  a  farm  in  Dewitt.  There 
were  nine  sons  and  one  daughter  besides  an  infant 
daughter  who  died.  Of  these  Daniel,  bom  1828, 
is  living  in  Syracuse  (1908).  Some  of  the  children 
spent  their  lives  on  the  farm  while  others  entered 
actively  into  the  life  of  the  city  as  merchants, 
bankers,  philanthropists.  Their  generosity  to 
the  orphans  was  constant  and  timely. 

The  children  of  John  and  Mary  Scanlon  Lynch 
are:  Cornelius,  Joanna,  James,  John,  Jr.,  Michael, 
Patrick,  Daniel,  Edward,  Dennis,  Andrew  Jackson. 

Cornelius  Lynch  married  Kate  Duggan.  Jo- 
anna Lynch  married  Daniel  McCarthy,  the  only 
one  of  his  family  who  came  to  America.  They 
had  these  children:  Timothy,  who  died  in  the 
Civil  War,  at  Atlanta;  Jeremiah,  who  died  at 
Lookout  Mountain;  Catherine,  who  married 
Patrick  Cooney;  and  Mary. 

Salina  41 

James  Lynch  married,  first,  Margaret  Farrell, 
and  they  had  one  child,  John.  He  married,  later, 
Mary  Donohue,  and  their  children  are:  Kath- 
arine, Edward,  Cornelius,  Sarah,  James,  George, 
Mary,  and  Margaret.  James  Lynch  married 
three  times. 

John  Lynch,  Jr.,  was  unmarried. 

Michael  Lynch  married  Bridget  Command 
(Cummings)  and  their  children  are:  John,  Mary, 
Daniel,  Cornelius,  Ellen,  Sarah,  Edward,  Andrew, 
and  Josephine.  Michael  Lynch's  second  wife  was 
Penfield  Slattery. 

Patrick  Lynch  married,  first,  Sarah  Stratton 
and  their  only  child,  Mary,  married  P.  H.  Pender- 
gast.  The  children  of  this  marriage  are  Nicholas, 
Sarah,  Edward  and  Andrew  J.  L.  Pender gast. 
Patrick  Lynch  married,  second,  Cynthia  Frisbee 
Van  Loon,  a  widow,  whose  daughter  Louise  Van 
Loon  married  Andrew,  the  youngest  brother  of 
Patrick  Lynch. 

Daniel  Lynch  married  Ann  Ready,  daughter  of 
William  and  Ann  Kennedy  Ready  of  County 
Kilkenny.  Their  children  are:  Mary,  who 
married  J.  W.  Pendergast;  Andrew  J.,  who  mar- 
ried Anna  Mahony;  Catherine  Ann  Adelaide,  who 
married  George  J.  Zett;  and  Louise  Elizabeth 

Edward  Lynch  entered  Fordham  Seminary  and 
was  ordained  a  priest  by  Archbishop  Hughes  in 
1855.  His  mission  was  in  Yonkers.  He  died 
when  he  was  thirty-two  years  old. 

42  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Dennis  Lynch  was  born  on  shipboard  while  his 
parents  were  coming  to  America.  His  wife, 
Kate  Quigley,  is  said  to  have  been  the  first  white 
child  bom  in  Iowa.  Their  children  are:  Ed- 
ward, Andrew,  and  Mary  Louise,  a  nun. 

Andrew  Jackson  Lynch  was  bom  in  Dewitt. 
He  married  M.  Louise  Van  Loon  and  their  chil- 
dren are:  Major  Charles  P.  Lynch,  M.D.,  of 
Washington,  D.  C,  and  John  G.  Lynch. 

Daniel  Lynch 

Daniel  Lynch  lived  with  his  parents  on  the  farm 
in  Dewitt.  He  helped  his  brothers  in  clearing  the 
land  and  when  nineteen  years  old  bought  for  him- 
self fifty  acres  in  Cicero.  He  sold  that  and  bought 
1 20  acres  near  the  toll-gate  in  the  town  of  Salina. 
About  1888  he  went  to  Syracuse,  and  entered  the 
salt  business  with  salt-blocks  and  vats,  and 
though  eighty  years  of  age  is  still  engaged  in  it. 

Among  the  early  settlers  of  whom  he  frequently 
heard  were  Dominick  Boyle,  Roger  Murph}'-, 
Thomas  Doyle,  Patrick  Jackman,  Thomas  Fagan, 
David  Fagan,  and  John  Fitzgerald,  the  Leslies, 
the  Cooneys,  the  McCarth^^s,  Christopher  Hand, 
John  Hand,  Thomas  Hand,  Owen  Mackin,  John 
Mackin,  Christopher  Buckley,  the  Leydens,  Pat- 
rick MoUoy,  John  McCann,  and  William  McCann. 

William  McCann 
For  more  than  eighty  years  William  McCann 

Salina  43 

lived  in  Salina  in  close  touch  with  the  life  and  de- 
velopment of  the  place  and  well  qualified  to  note 
what  he  saw.  His  neighbors  regarded  him  as  a 
treasury  of  information  on  the  events  of  early 
days,  as  a  trustworthy  witness  of  the  past  and 
one  whose  testimony  was  unimpeachable,  Mi- 
chael Maloney  and  his  daughter  Lucy  took  the 
writer  to  visit  William  McCann,  November  17, 
1907,  for  the  express  purpose  of  obtaining  his 
story  of  bygone  days. 

William  was  the  son  of  William  and  Ann  Mc- 
Guire  McCann  of  Shee-Bog,  which  is  between 
Inniskillen  and  Clunis  on  McGuire's  Bridge  in 
County  Fermanagh,  Ireland.  They  were  farmers 
and  may  also  have  been  weavers  of  hnen.  They 
came  to  Albany  sometime  after  1820.  Their  son 
William  was  born  there  in  1824,  and  four  years 
later,  1828,  came  to  Salina  on  a  canal-boat.  There 
were  two  other  sons,  James  and  John.  William 
went  to  the  district  school  of  Salina,  which  stood  in 
Washington  Park,  and  took  his  part  in  the  fun 
and  work  of  those  early  days. 

At  that  time  and  for  twenty  years  thereafter 
it  was  all  woodland  from  the  Oswego  Canal  to 
Bear  Trap  Creek.  The  woods  were  full  of  game  of 
all  kinds,  and  the  Indians  were  peaceable  neigh- 
bors in  the  settlements  they  made  while  hunting, 
trapping,  and  fishing.  Pigeons  were  very  numer- 
ous and  in  the  springtime  clouds  of  wild  geese 
rose  from  cover. 

William  McCann  boiled  salt  and  chopped  wood 

44         Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

— the  two  main  occupations  of  that  region.  He 
then  worked  on  the  State  scow  and  held  various 
positions  of  trust.  For  years  he  was  foreman 
for  Dennison  &  Belden,  contractors,  and  he  was 
foreman  for  Henry  Gale,  also  a  contractor.  He 
was  superintendent  of  the  construction  of  the 
Rome,  Watertown  &  Ogdensburg,  Northern  Di- 
vision, as  far  as  Richland;  also  of  the  N.  Y.  C. 
freight  road  around  the  city.  He  served  in  the 
same  capacity  at  the  Deruyter  Reservoir  and  was 
canal  collector  of  tolls,  boat  inspector,  and  harbor 

He  married  Martha,  the  daughter  of  John  and 
Olivia  Haight  Dana  of  Manlius.  Their  children 
are  Olivia,  Agnes,  James,  and  Ella. 

William  McCann  knew  many  of  the  early 
Irish  settlers  and  their  descendants  and  recalled 
their  names.  There  were  John  and  Michael 
Leyden,  Thomas  and  James  Doyle,  John  and 
David  Leslie  and  their  parents,  Thomas  McCarthy 
and  his  mother,  Mrs.  McSweeney,  Patrick  Cooney, 
Patrick  Jackman  from  Coimty  Wexford,  Catharine 
Murphy  Dunn,  who  was  about  his  own  age  and 
whom  he  knew  for  eighty  years,  Peter  O'Neill, 
Welch,  Christopher  Hand,  Michael  Yore, 
John  Davin  of  Liverpool,  McFarlands,  Ander- 
sons, David  and  Peter  Fagan,  and  Patrick,  their 
father,  David  Fagan,  a  policeman,  Owen  and  John 
Mackin,  who  like  the  Fagans  had  a  farm  on  the 
Buckley  Road,  named  after  Christopher  Buckley, 
James    Stimson   and   Daniel   Keefe,   who  boiled 

Salina  45 

salt  together  for  several  years.  Stimson,  though 
a  Presbyterian,  went  to  the  Catholic  church  with 
the  others.  He  also  knew  James  Coughlin,  and  his 
wife  Ellen,  whose  tombstone  is  in  the  old  ceme- 
tery. Recollection  of  James  Coughlin  is  scant 
but  he  was  a  very  able  man  of  splendid  educa- 
tion and  did  a  great  deal  of  good.  His  wife  Ellen 
came  to  the  old  cemetery  at  times,  to  visit  her 
husband's  grave,  and  would  accept  a  cup  of  tea 
before  she  turned  homeward. 

Thomas  Fitzgerald  married  Margaret  Murphy 
in  1832  and  later  married  Hanna  Sullivan,  who 
still  lives  on  Free  Street  with  her  daughter,  Mrs. 
George  Cole. 

Michael  Cahill  and  his  son  John  were  very  well 
known  by  William  McCann. 

Michael  Cahill  came  to  Salina  about  1833. 
He  had  been  twenty-one  years  in  the  British 
service  as  cavalryman.  He  took  part  in  the  battle 
at  Plattsburg  in  the  War  of  1812,  and  was  engaged 
in  a  hand-to-hand  conflict  with  a  soldier  of  the  op- 
posing army,  when  the  signal  of  retreat  was  given. 
On  his  discharge  from  service  he  received  one 
hundred  acres  of  land  in  Canada,  where  he  lived 
for  a  time  before  coming  to  the  United  States.  In 
after  years  he  met  again  the  man  with  whom  he 
had  measured  swords  in  the  battle  at  Plattsburg. 
Of  those  days  Michael  Cahill  rarely  spoke  when 
interrogated,  but  at  times  when  the  mood  was 
upon  him  or  when  some  particular  friend  tact- 
fully led  him  on,  he  would  take  the  old  sword  and 

46  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

put  it  through  its  play  in  brilliant  pass  and 
sweeping  curve.  Soon  the  sword  was  drawn 
against  the  government  it  had  served  so  long. 
It  was  lost  in  the  Patriots'  War  when  its  bearer 
perished,  for  Michael  Cahill  gave  the  sword  to  one 
of  Onondaga's  sons  who  marched  to  the  Canadian 

Michael  Cahill  was  sexton  of  the  old  cemetery, 
and  used  his  spare  time  in  constructing  a  mauso- 
leum for  himself.  It  is  the  only  one  in  the  ceme- 
tery and  received  all  that  was  mortal  of  Michael, 
his  wife,  and  his  son  John,  who  served  in  the  Civil 
War.  The  inscription  spells  the  name  as  it  is 
pronounced,  Chaell.  An  article  in  The  Syracuse 
Sunday  Herald,  Dec.  6,  1908,  includes  a  picture  of 
the  tomb  and  a  copy  of  the  inscription : 

Erected  to  the  memory  of 

Michael  Chaell 

Born  in  the  j^ear  1786  in  the 

Parish  of  Temple  Patrick 

County  of  West  Meath,  Ireland. 

Died  September  20th,  1848. 


To  the  memory  of 

Bridget,  wife  of  Michael  Chaell 

Born  in  the  year  1791  in  the 

Parish  of  Milestone,  County  of 

Kildare,  Ireland. 

Love  God  above  all  things  and  love 

thy  neighbor  as  thyself. 

Michael   Cahill's   daughter,    Caroline,   married 

Salina  47 

Edward  Day.  His  son  John  bequeathed  his  army 
portfolio  to  Olivia,  the  daughter  of  WilHam  Mc- 

Mrs.  Kate  Van  Vleck  O' Biennis  was  a  house- 
hold word  in  Salina.  She  was  a  midwife  and  did 
much  work  among  the  Irish  as  well  as  among 
other  people. 

William  McCann  was  a  witness  of  the  historic 
fight  at  the  court-house  at  the  corner  of  Ash  and 
Salina  Streets.  Michael  Maloney  said  all  the  old 
men  in  Salina  knew  and  related  the  details  of  the 
battle,  but  some  of  the  details  were  so  nearly  in- 
credible that  only  the  best  authority  should  be 
accepted.  He  considered  William  McCann,  who 
was  present  at  the  court-house,  and  mixed  up  in 
the  crowd,  such  an  authority.  Moreover  all 
agreed  on  the  main  points. 

Richard  Farrell 

Richard  Farrell  and  his  wife,  Mary,  and  their 
children  came  from  Mallow,  County  Cork,  about 
1825.  Their  children  are:  Jeremiah;  Richard, 
who  at  the  age  of  nine  years  was  waterboy  at  the 
Welland  Canal  construction,  and  who  married 
Mary  Devoy;  Bridget  Farrell,  who  married  Pat- 
rick MoUoy;  Daniel,  and  Thomas. 

Soldiers  of  the  Revolution 

Chase  writes^: 

There  are  many  incidents  of  the  Revolution  re- 
'  F.  H.  Chase. 

48         Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

puted  to  the  old  town  of  Salina.  Nine  soldiers  of 
the  continental  line  are  known  to  have  been  actual 
residents  of  this  town.  An  interesting  anecdote  of 
one  whom  it  is  difficult  to  locate  has  also  been  related. 
It  occurred  during  Lafayette's  visit  to  Syracuse  in 
1825.  Under  him  there  had  served  during  the 
Revolution  a  private  named  Moore  who,  from  the 
size  of  his  head,  had  been  nicknamed  by  his  soldier 
comrades,  "Cabbagehead"  Moore.  After  the  Revolu- 
tion he  moved  to  Salina,  and  upon  the  visit  of  Gen- 
eral Lafayette  pushed  forward  to  ask:  "Do  you 
know  me,  General? "  "  Know  you? "  was  the  answer, 
"how  could  I  ever  forget  old  'Cabbagehead'  ?"  .  .  . 

Another  Revolutionary  soldier  of  Salina  was 
William  Connor.  .  .  . 

Vine  Coy  at  the  age  of  seventy-four  in  1840  was  a 
pensioner  for  services  in  the  Revolution. 

Dennis  Devoy 

Three  young  men  set  out  in  search  of  adventure 
from  King's  County,  Ireland,  and  landed  at  Que- 
bec, June  23,  1822.  After  some  time  two  of  the 
young  men  returned  home  but  the  third,  Dennis 
Devoy,  came  on  to  Deerfield  near  Utica.  On 
board  ship  with  them  came  Thomas  Hurst  and  his 
wife  and  children,  John,  Samuel,  and  George, 
bound  for  Syracuse. 

Dennis  Devoy  was  born  in  TuUamore  in  1802, 
the  son  of  Dennis  Devoy.  There  was  a  tradition 
in  the  family  that  at  some  time,  a  few  genera- 
tions had  lived  in  France,  but  the  reason  of  the 
exile,  whether  political  or  religious,  is  not  known. 

Salina  49 

When  General  Lafayette  journeyed  on  the 
Erie  Canal  in  1825,  the  American  people  had  not 
forgotten  his  services  in  the  Revolution  and  they 
rushed  to  greet  him  and  to  press  his  hand  and 
hold  up  their  children  to  receive  his  kiss.  It  was 
an  event  to  be  treasured  in  the  memory.  Among 
the  men  to  clasp  his  hand  at  Utica  was  Dennis 

In  Deerfield,  Dennis  had  engaged  in  distillery 
and  the  raising  of  live-stock.  When  in  1826  he 
closed  the  distillery,  he  drove  his  stock  along  the 
highway,  selling  it  as  he  could,  and  finally  ar- 
rived at  Salina  where  he  opened  a  general  store  on 
Exchange  Street.  Like  all  the  merchants  in  that 
place  he  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  salt. 

There  was  not  much  money  in  circulation  and 
some  of  that  was  counterfeit.  Banks  were  un- 
reliable. Produce  was  the  medium  of  exchange. 
Farmers  and  Indians  were  among  the  patrons 
of  the  merchants.  The  Indians  brought  their 
handiwork — handles  for  all  kinds  of  tools,  and 
ladles  for  use  in  the  salt-works.  Fish  was  abund- 
ant, game  also. 

The  property  which  Dennis  Devoy  bought  a 
few  years  after  locating  in  Salina,  consisting  of 
two  lots,  store,  and  dwelling,  cost  $4800.  Sixty 
years  later  it  sold  for  three  hundred  dollars. 

Dennis  Devoy  married  Mary,  the  daughter  of 
Michael  McEvoy,  who  had  come  to  Utica  when 
she  was  four  years  old,  from  Queen's  County „ 
Their    children    are:     William,    Terence,    Mary, 

50         Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

who  married  Richard  Farrell,  Kate,  George,  Es- 
ther, who  married  John  McGuire,  Louise,  Martin, 
who  married  Katharine  Ryan,  Dennis,  John,  who 
married  Anna  McGuire,  and  Thomas. 

Peter  O'Neill 

Peter  O'Neill  and  his  wife,  Hanna  Welch, 
came  from  the  border-line  of  the  counties  Armagh 
and  Tyrone  and  landed  at  Quebec  about  1830. 
They  came  on  to  Oswego,  where  Peter  spent  one 
season  packing  flour.  He  had  been  a  weaver  of 
linen  in  his  native  land.  His  brother-in-law, 
Harry  Welch,  was  at  that  time  in  Salina,  and  so 
drew  Peter  and  his  wife  to  this  County,  where 
they  entered  the  salt  business.  They  located  at 
Liverpool  and  are  said  to  be  the  first  of  their  name 
who  came  to  Onondaga.  They  soon  made  a 
place  for  themselves  because  of  their  great  physi- 
cal strength  when  might  won  right.  They  had  ten 
children,  nine  boys  and  one  girl,  and  were  loyal 
to  each  other.  They  worked  together  and  fought 
for  the  rights  of  each  and  all.  They  had  to  fight, 
and  they  knew  the  art.  Prejudice  against  their 
race  and  the  general  conditions  under  which  all 
pioneers  in  this  County  lived,  made  physical 
combat  the  court  of  justice.  The  O'Neills  of 
Liverpool  and  the  McMahons  of  Caughdenoy 
(Cockanoy)  cleared  the  County  by  a  visit  or  two 
of  its  petty  tyrants,  to  whom  they  administered 
corporal  punishment,  for  there  are  many  who  just 
miss  decency  for  the  want  of  a  timely  physical 

Salina  51 

chastisement.  Some  of  these  had  fed  the  minds 
of  their  children  with  such  tales  that  an  Irish- 
man became  a  terror  and  a  monster.  The  child's 
curiosity  discovered  the  lie  and  found  that  he  was 
only  a  man,  like  other  men. 

Peter  O'Neill  and  his  nine  sons  worked  in  every 
detail  of  the  salt  industry  from  boiling  to  shipping. 
They  were  all  boatmen,  owning  their  horses  and 
boats,  making  money  easily  and  spending  it 
freely.  On  a  trip  of  four  or  five  days,  sixteen 
hundred  dollars  were  often  the  profits.  They 
shipped  generally  to  Oswego  but  also  east  and  to 
New  York.  From  Oswego  they  returned  with 
twenty-five  or  thirty  cords  of  wood  for  use  in  the 
salt-blocks  in  addition  to  the  regular  supply  ac- 
cumulated during  the  winter.  At  one  time  there 
were  700  cords  of  wood  piled  ready  to  feed  the 
fires  of  the  salt-blocks.  The  salt  boilers  were 
makers  of  salt  in  summer  but  hewers  of  wood 
in  winter.  The  whole  family,  father,  mother,  and 
children,  and  a  gang  of  eighteen  or  twenty  men 
took  up  their  winter  quarters  in  a  log  house  in  the 
woods  and  the  picturesque  life  of  the  lumber  camp 
had  its  local  habitation  in  Onondaga.  The  mother 
did  all  the  cooking  for  the  large  family,  the  open 
fire-place,  with  crane  and  kettle  and  blazing  logs, 
being  the  centre  of  her  labors.  The  rude  bunks 
rose  one  over  the  other  around  the  walls  of  the 
room.     All  worked  hard  and  slept  well. 

The  O'Neills  cut  their  wood  mostly  at  Caugh- 
denoy,  which  is  called  Cockanoy  by  many  of  the 

52  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

old  settlers.  The  McMahons'  land  adjoined  theirs 
and  the  two  families  became  friends.  William 
McMahon  is  described  as  a  perfectly  biiilt  man 
over  six  feet  in  height,  beautifully  proportioned, 
with  great  broad  shoulders  and  splendid  car- 
riage. His  strength  was  in  proportion.  His 
brothers,  Arthtir,  Thomas,  Frank,  and  John,  were 
equally  well  noted  for  their  physique  and  strength. 

Peter  O'Neill  had  no  brothers  or  sisters  as  far 
as  any  one  can  recall.  His  son  John,  who  gave 
the  facts  of  this  story  in  an  interview  at  his  home, 
December,  1908,  does  not  know  his  father's 
birthplace,  but  it  was  on  the  border-line  between 
Armagh  and  Tyrone.  Mrs.  Emeret  Crawford  of 
Liverpool  said  that  when  Peter  O'Neill  came  to 
America  in  1830,  he  left  his  two  oldest  children 
in  Ireland  with  his  wife's  mother,  who,  a  widow, 
had  married  James  McGee.  Sometime  after  the 
O'Neills  located  in  Liverpool  James  McGee 
brought  there  his  wife  and  the  O'Neill  children 
to  their  parents.  McGee  was  a  very  well  edu- 
cated man  and  was  very  kind  to  his  neighbors. 
They  went  to  him  with  their  troubles  and  he  was 
their  spiritual  adviser  in  the  absence  of  the 
priest.  He  conducted  the  funeral  services  and 
other  prayers  when  no  other  minister  was  avail- 

Peter  O'Neill  had  his  experience  with  the  effigy 
of  St.  Patrick,  hung  high  over  the  street  on  a  rope 
between  the  opposite  housetops.  On  h  s  way  to 
market  he  did  not  appear  to  see  the  image.     A 

Salina  53 

neighbor  called  his  attention  to  it.  Peter  looked 
up,  then  said:  "Be  jabers,  it  looks  like  Martin 
Van  Alstine,"  and  passed  on.  A  Dutch  St. 
Patrick  seemed  to  the  jokers  funnier  than  their 

Hanna  Welch  O'Neill  was  a  faithful  helpmate  to 
her  sturdy  husband  and  the  strong  mother  of 
strong  sons.  Fearless  and  daring  without,  the 
men  of  the  household  obeyed  the  glance  or  the 
nod  of  the  mother  in  her  home.  She  was  one  of 
those  splendid  women  who  knew  not  fatigue. 
If  the  men  of  those  days  were  of  almost  incredible 
strength,  the  women  were  also  of  great  vitality 
and  power.  They  were  accustomed  to  physical 
labor  and  did  with  ease  what  a  woman  of  to-day 
would  grow  weary  in  even  contemplating. 

The  children  of  Peter  and  Hanna  Welch  O'Neill 
are :  Matthew,  who  married  Miss  Graham ;  Mary, 
who  married  Capt.  Gavigan  of  Auburn  and  whose 
daughter  Rose  married  Patrick  Corbett;  Francis, 
who  married  Mary  Sitz;  Peter,  who  married  Mary 
Jane  Brady;  John,  who  married  Lucinda  Free- 
man; James,  who  married  Lucy  Basseter;  Cor- 
nelius, who  married  Ann  Dalton;  Henry,  who 
married  Elizabeth  Passmore;  William,  and  George. 

Henry  O'Neill  tells  how  his  father  happened  to 
locate  at  Liverpool.  Peter  O'Neill  had  come  from 
Oswego  to  Salina,  where  he  lived  for  a  time. 
Not  liking  it,  he  decided  to  return  to  Oswego. 
He  engaged  passage  with  a  boatman  and  started. 
When  the  boat  reached  the  dock  at  Liverpool  one 

54  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

of  the  men  there  named  Ingersoll  asked  O'Neill 
some  questions  about  his  destination  and  business 
and  then  volimteered  the  information  that  they 
did  not  allow  Irishmen  in  Liverpool.  "That  's 
just  the  place  I  'm  looking  for,"  said  O'Neill  and 
immediately  had  his  baggage  put  ashore  and  with 
his  family  took  up  his  residence  in  that  village. 

Church  of  St.  John  the  Baptist 

Clark  writes^: 

In  1829  St.  John's  Roman  Catholic  Church  in  the 
village  of  Salina  was  commenced  and  enclosed  by  the 
exertions  of  Thomas  McCarthy  and  James  Lynch  and 
a  few  other  Roman  Catholics  and  the  liberal  donations 
of  their  Protestant  fellow-citizens  in  the  villages  of 
Salina  and  Syracuse,  and  by  collections  made  by  said 
McCarthy  and  Lynch  from  their  friends  in  Utica, 
Albany,  and  New  York.  Rt.  Rev.  John  DuBois  was 
then  bishop  of  the  diocese  of  New  York,  and  for  the 
two  succeeding  years  the  congregation  being  small  was 
visited  by  clergymen  only  once  a  month.  Rev. 
Francis  O'Donohue,  Rev.  James  O'Donnell,  Rev. 
Haes,  and  Rev.  Cummings  are  the  priests  (Irish)  who 
have  had  charge  there. 

The  Appeal  to  Fists 

A  city  arose  in  the  swamps  and  wilderness  of 
Onondaga  by  hard  work  and  equally  hard 
fighting.  The  officers  of  the  law  in  the  early  days 
were  unwilling  and  unable  to  restrain  the  stal- 

'  J.  V.  H.  Clark,  vol.  ii.,  p.  145. 

Salina  55 

wart  pioneers  and  either  kept  away  from  the 
field  of  battle  or  stood  on  the  side  lines  to  cheer  on 
the  combatants.  The  methods  of  fight  were  with 
nature's  weapons,  the  fists,  and  when  all  other 
means  fail,  these  must  decide  the  battle.  Man  to 
man  is  the  primal  and  the  final  test.  The  art  of 
self-defence  is  under  ordinary  circumstances  here 
in  Onondaga  confined  to  professionals  and  boys. 
The  man  seeks  the  law  or  avails  himself  of  the 
weapons  of  the  mind,  or  bows  his  head  in  submis- 
sion; but  when  something  stirs  him  to  the  depths, 
he  strikes.  Physical  combat  is  the  only  relief 
to  his  heaped-up  wrath,  and  physical  punish- 
ment is  the  only  kind  his  enemy  will  not  fail  to 
understand.  This  feeling  sweeps  over  a  whole 
country  and  drives  it  to  war.  Blood  does  not  boil 
at  the  thought  of  pulling  a  trigger  or  lighting  a 
fuse.  The  need  is  to  strike  a  blow,  and  a  blow  is 
struck,  if  only  figuratively.  This  very  figure  of 
speech  persists  because  it  represents  an  impulse 
common  to  all.  It  is  easy  to  be  judicial  and  even 
scornful  of  another's  quarrel,  but  not  in  one's  own. 
The  fights  of  the  early  settlers  of  Onondaga, 
especially  at  Salt  Point  and  Syracuse,  had  causes 
some  grave,  others  trivial.  Some  were  simply  for 
exercise — as  a  vent  for  superabundant  strength. 
Every  man  not  physically  disqualified  took  his 
part  in  the  contests  while  the  need  lasted.  In 
time,  law  prevailed  among  the  better  men,  and  as 
at  present,  public  quarrels  were  conducted  by 

56  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

It  is  not  to  be  doubted  that  when  the  Salt 
Pointers  went  forth  to  battle  their  Irish  members 
were  well  represented  and  for  the  time  forgot  their 
own  private  disputes  for  the  glory  of  Salt  Point. 
They  met  and  vanquished  the  Syracuse  crowd,  and 
found  worthy  opponents  in  the  men  of  Liverpool. 
Geddes  had  its  fighting  men  and  nearly  every 
settlement  its  representatives,  and  a  row  could  be 
furnished  on  short  notice.  A  man  crossed  the 
boundary  line  of  his  territory  and  met,  perhaps  by 
accident,  a  member  of  a  rival  faction,  jostled  him, 
and  precipitated  a  fight.  Each  then  sent  out 
his  rallying-cry,  and  friends  nearby  sent  the  cry 
in  a  widening  circle,  and  all  who  heard  rushed  to 
the  battle.  It  might  be  the  Upstreeters  and 
Swampers  of  Liverpool,  the  Syracuse  and  Salt 
Pointers,  the  Syracuse  and  Garry-Owens  of 
Geddes,  or  the  Canallers  and  Masons  of  Lodi. 
Sometimes  the  fight  was  general,  often  between 
champions.  Fair  fight  was  the  rule.  A  ring 
was  formed  and  judgment  passed  on  the  merits. 
Law  was  there — the  contestants  as  their  own  lav/- 
yers,  the  witnesses  and  the  jury  giving  their  votes 
and,  if  necessary,  executing  judgment  on  the 
spot,  or  postponing  it  for  future  trial.  A  bully 
or  a  coward  learned  his  limitations  then  and  there. 

Liverpool  had  many  experiences  in  the  early 
days,  about  the  year  1830.  It  not  only  had  its 
own  fighting  factions  but  these  factions  often 
were  forced  to  combine  their  champions  to  repel 
invaders.     Time  and  again  noted  fighters  came 

Salina  57 

there  for  the  purpose  of  whipping  the  town,  but 
it  is  not  in  the  memory  of  man  that  the  Liver- 
pool champions  were  defeated.  Among  them 
the  mightiest  were  King  Allen,  Nate  Whiting, 
and  George  O'Neill. 

The  O'Neill  family  of  Liverpool  contained  ten 
men,  the  father,  Peter,  and  his  nine  sons.  Peter 
came  there  in  1830,  and  his  children  grew  to  be 
a  powerful  element  because  of  their  strength. 
They  were  good  fighters  and  knew  how  to  defend 
themselves  and  their  friends,  and  because  of  this 
they  and  the  town  had  peace. 

Fury  Family 

This  is  an  extract  from  the  twenty-first  article 
in  a  series  of  The  Old  Days  written  by  Albert  H. 
Crawford  of  Liverpool,  and  published  in  an  East 
Syracuse  newspaper,  June  9,  1894. 

Along  about  seventy-two  years  ago  when  the  gray- 
haired  grandfathers  of  to-day  were  babes  in  arms, 
there  lived  in  a  certain  place  where  the  sounding  sea 
beats  upon  the  shores  of  Ireland,  a  family  named  Fury. 
Whether  there  were  silent  letters  or  diphthongs  in 
the  name  or  not  is  of  no  consequence  any  more  than 
the  name  of  the  county  they  lived  in,  so  we  will  spell 
it  as  pronounced,  just  plain  Fury.  Patrick  and  his 
wife  and  his  eight  children  were  well  and  prosperous 
and,  as  they  should  be,  contented.  Quite  well  to  do 
was  Fury,  in  fact,  for  he  was  the  owner  of  a  fine  home, 
a  flourishing  mill  in  operation,  and  considerable  landed 

58  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

property.  Mrs.  Lee  never  knew  just  how  it  hap- 
pened, whether  it  was  a  tidal  wave,  or  a  great  storm 
out  of  the  stormy  Atlantic  that  drove  the  weaves  far 
inland,  or  an  inundation  from  the  inland  itself,  but 
from  some  source  the  floods  came  and  beat  upon  that 
house  and  it  fell,  and  upon  his  mill  and  it  was  swept 
away.  His  lands  were  covered  and  rendered  value- 
less. His  family,  himself,  and  some  wearing  apparel 
and  bedding  were  all  that  was  saved.  Mrs.  Lee 
says  that  among  their  effects  were  silk  dresses  and 
quite  a  quantity  of  very  fine  linen  bed  furnishings  that 
bore  witness  to  better  days.  So  it  was  that  the 
Furys  gathered  all  together  what  was  left  to  them, 
and  with  home  gone  and  property  gone,  they  also  gave 
up  their  native  land,  and  sailed  away  from  dear  old 
Ireland  into  the  new  world  where  with  Irish  courage 
and  Irish  hope  they  would  begin  life  anew. 

The  Fury  family  narrowly  escaped  shipwreck,  too, 
but  finally  arrived  and  made  their  way  into  the  in- 
terior. Either  by  the  way  of  the  great  lakes  and  Os- 
wego river  or  overland  they  arrived  in  time  at 
Phoenix  where  Patrick  and  the  oldest  boy  found 
work  in  building  the  canal.  They  put  up  a  shanty 
and  tried  to  make  themselves  as  comfortable  as  pos- 
sible. The  oldest  girl's  name  was  pronounced  Beady. 
The  other  girls  were  Ellen,  Catharine,  and  little 
Jane.  Patrick  was  the  oldest  boy,  Richard  fifteen 
months  younger,  while  Johnny  was  in  his  sixteenth 
year.  They  were  as  fine  a  lot  of  children,  Mrs.  Lee 
says,  as  she  ever  saw  together  but  baby  William  was  a 
beauty.  He  was  less  than  a  year  old,  bright  and 
active  and  as  handsome  as  a  picture. 

Soon  sickness  came  into  the  immigrant  family 
and  one  after  the  other  was  laid  low.     They  had 

Salina  59 

come  to  Liverpool  meanwhile  and  Mr.  Stigney,  the 
poormaster,  put  them  temporarily  in  the  little  old  red 
schoolhouse  on  the  common.  Mrs.  Lee's  mother, 
Mrs.  Forgar,  and  Mrs.  Abbott,  Mrs.  George  Bassett's 
grandmother,  for  pay  and  pity  were  engaged  to  care 
for  them.  They  were  all  sick  but  the  oldest  boy  with 
typhus  and  ague.  The  four  girls  had  ague.  Beady 
had  it  every  day.  Catharine  was  salivated  and  lost 
every  tooth.  Dr.  Hubbard  was  there  two  or  three 
times  a  day  and  Mr.  Stigney  was  there  at  least  once 
every  day  to  see  all  was  supplied  that  was  needed. 
Fury  died  and  was  buried  on  the  day  his  oldest  boy 
was  nineteen  years  old.  The  faithful  mother  gave  up 
the  struggle  just  one  week  later.  Catharine  was  not 
expected  to  live  from  one  day  to  another.  Seven 
weeks  it  took  for  the  disease  to  run  its  course  and  she 
began  to  mend.  As  soon  as  they  could  be  moved  the 
family  was  brought  in  a  wagon  to  Mrs.  Forgar's  own 
home  where  she  and  Mrs.  Lee  slowly  nursed  them 
back  to  life.  Mrs.  Lee  says  her  heart  ached  for  the 
baby  boy.  Every  time  he  saw  anything  that  had  be- 
longed to  his  mother  he  would' cry  pitifully  for  her. 
When  Mrs.  Forgar  got  the  mother's  clothes  out  on 
the  floor  to  wash,  the  little  fellow  struggled  out  of  Mrs. 
Lee's  lap  and  made  his  way  over  to  the  clothes.  He 
seized  them  in  his  little  arms,  clasped  them  to  his  body, 
and  broke  into  a  wailing  cry  for  his  mother.  They 
had  to  be  taken  out  of  his  sight.  Sometimes  the  only 
way  Mrs.  Lee  could  quiet  him  and  get  him  to  come  to 
her,  was  to  put  on  a  cap  and  then  pass  a  shawl  over 
her  shoulders,  crossing  in  front,  then  passing  around, 
and  tying  at  the  back  in  the  manner  common  with  old 
country  women,  which  made  her  look  very  much  like 
the  little  orphan's  mother. 

6o  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

As  the  children  were  gradually  brought  back  to 
health  and  strength  Mr.  Stigney — a  model  poormaster 
he  must  have  been,  by  the  way — bought  some  cloth 
and  made  a  bee  to  have  some  clothing  made  up  for 
them.  Then  he  found  a  place  for  Richard  in  a  store 
in  Baldwinsville,  and  got  John  into  another  store  in 
Salina.  Patrick,  the  oldest,  was  able  to  shift  for 
himself.  Beady,  the  oldest  girl,  went  to  live  with  a 
wealthy  farmer  in  Pompey — a  cousin  of  Mrs.  Forgar's, 
where  she  lived  until  she  was  married.  Ellen 
secured  a  place  at  Mosher's  on  Onondaga  Hill  but  died 
in  less  than  a  year.  Mrs.  Lee  thinks  someone  from  the 
country  took  Catharine  but  she  does  not  remember 
what  was  done  with  poor  little  Jane.  Their  effects 
were  sold  by  the  poormaster  and  applied  to  liquidate 
the  expenses  of  sickness  and  death.  They  had  worked 
long  enough  at  Phoenix  to  buy  a  cow  which  they 
brought  with  them.  Mr.  Forgar  bought  the  cow  for 
twenty  dollars.  Mrs.  Lee  bought  a  kettle,  for  three 
dollars,  that  they  had  brought  from  the  old  country, 
and  has  it  yet. 

An  Irish  family  out  towards  Clay  Corners  came 
and  took  the  baby.  The  children  were  then  still  at 
Mrs.  Forgar's.  They  hung  around  the  wagon  crying 
and  sobbing  as  they  kissed  the  dear  little  fellow  for  the 
last  time.  The  baby  stretched  out  his  tiny  hands 
and  cried  and  struggled  to  be  taken  back.  It  seemed 
as  though  his  heart  would  break  and  Mrs.  Lee  thought 
he  would  go  into  spasms.  That  was  indeed  the  last 
time  they  ever  saw  their  baby  brother,  for  within  three 
weeks  the  family  moved  West  and  the  baby  was  never 
heard  of  again.  Her  own  baby  Harry  was  a  baby  then 
and  seventy  years  have  sped  away  since  the  break- 
ing up  and  scattering  of  the  unfortunate  immigrant 

Salina  6i 

family.  Aside  from  Mr.  Case  no  one  but  Mrs.  Lee 
remembers  anything  of  this  family.  The  last  Mrs. 
Lee  heard  of  them  was  that  the  oldest  boy  was  going 
to  return  to  Ireland. 

How  many  times  have  I  thought  of  the  Fury 
family.  I  recollect  going  up  to  the  old  schoolhouse 
with  some  one.  I  saw  them  lying  sick,  the  father 
dead,  the  mother  walking  the  floor  in  great  distress, 
wringing  her  hands  and  crying,  and  I  remember  her 
saying  "twenty  years  ago  to-day  I  was  a  happy 
bride,  nineteen  years  to-day  was  a  happy  mother. 
To-day  I  am  the  most  miserable  of  women."  She 
did  not  seem  to  notice  any  one.^ 

Sometime  previous  to  the  war  of  1812  there  turned 
up  one  day  at  John  N.  Smith's  tavern  a  real  live  Irish 
gentleman.  When  he  sailed  away  from  Dublin  bay 
it  was  as  a  cold  corpse  in  a  coffin.  He  was  smuggled 
out  of  the  country  by  his  friends  to  escape  hanging  for 
"wearing  o'  the  green,"  He  did  not  work  except 
to  help  a  little  in  the  tavern  as  a  matter  of  accommo- 
dation, when  the  clerk  was  absent.  He  was  very 
tall,  well  proportioned  gentleman,  a  jovial  com- 
panion and  clever  fellow  generally.  He  used  to  sing 
"They  're  hanging  men  and  women  there  for  wear- 
ing of  the  green,"  and  other  popular  Irish  songs. 
He  received  regular  remittances  from  the  old  country 
but  at  last  died  and  it  was  a  standing  wonder  what 
became  of  the  considerable  amount  of  money  which 
he  was  supposed  to  have.     His  name  was  Crawford.  ^ 

Clark  says: 3     "Liverpool   was  named  by  the 

'  Quotation  from  another  article  by  A.  H.  Crawford. 

'A.  H.  Crawford.  ^  Clark,  vol.  ii.,  p.  148. 

62  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

commissioners   of   the   land   office.     Previous   to 
this,  it  was  called  Little  Ireland." 

The  new  name  must  have  been  given  as  an 
antidote.  The  Irish  were  there  in  numbers  for 
many  years  and  "Little  Ireland"  is  still  in  the 
memories  of  those  not  yet  grown  old. 

Patrick  Maloney 

Patrick  Maloney  and  his  wife,  Catharine  Mc- 
Gee,  came  from  Cloenlee,  County  Wexford,  Ire- 
land, to  Salina  sometime  after  1840.  Patrick 
Cooney  and  Patrick  Molloy  were  friends  already 
established  in  the  salt  business,  and  Patrick  Ma- 
loney immediately  began  to  boil  salt.  Men  were 
paid  by  the  hundred  bushels,  sometimes  four  dol- 
lars for  a  hundred  bushels.  During  the  war  some 
men  made  two  hundred  dollars  or  more  a  month. 

Patrick  Maloney  and  John  Shannon  bought  a 
block  of  land  four  hundred  feet  square  from  the 
State  for  $400.  Many  small  canals  were  dug  by 
the  salt  boilers  for  shipping  salt.  In  winter  they 
went  to  the  woods,  generally  towards  the  north,  to 
chop  wood,  receiving  fifty  cents  a  cord  of  four- 
foot  wood. 

The  children  of  Patrick  and  Catharine  Maloney 
are:  James,   Margaret,   Michael,   and  Catharine. 

Michael  Maloney  like  most  of  the  children  near 
the  salt  works  began  early  nailing  barrel  heads  as 
his  contribution  to  the  great  industry.  This  he 
did  in  vacation  time,  for  he  attended  school 
faithfully.     When  eighteen  years  old,  he  ran  his 

Salina  63 

own  boat,  carrying  lumber,  grain,  coal,  and  salt. 
For  some  time  he  was  a  bookkeeper  in  New  York, 
earning  one  hundred  dollars  a  month,  but  he  re- 
turned to  Salina  and  entered  the  grocery  business, 
also  the  coal,  feed,  and  wood  business.  He  was 
elected  school  commissioner  of  the  First  Ward  for 
1 883-1 889,  being  president  of  the  school  board  in 
1886-87,  the  only  Irish- American  who  thus  far 
has  held  that  office. 

Six  of  his  children  have  graduated  from  the 
Syracuse  High  School:  Lucy,  Catharine,  John, 
William,  Thomas,  and  Louise.  His  other  chil- 
dren are:  James  P.,  Michael,  and  Margaret. 
Michael  Maloney  obtained  the  interview  with 
Wm.  McCann  which  is  included  in  these  notes. 

William  O'Brien 

William  O'Brien  and  his  wife,  Bridget  O'Con- 
nell,  came  to  Salina  from  Listcarroll,  County  Lim- 
erick, in  1848.  He  was  a  man  of  great  strength 
and  splendid  physique.  One  of  his  pleasures  was 
swimming  with  his  boys,  Daniel  and  William, 
one  on  each  shoulder.  They  became  expert  in  the 
art  and  thereby  once  saved  their  father  from 
drowning.  The  children  are:  Daniel,  who  mar- 
ried Maria  Gallagher;  William,  who  married 
Margaret  Kingsley;  Margaret,  Sister  Annuncia- 
tion; Ellen,  Sister  Evangelist;  Catharine,  and 

Daniel  O'Brien  and  John  Hoolihan  as  con- 
tractors   constructed    many    buildings    in    Syra- 

64  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

cuse  and  did  much  government  work.  One  of 
the  most  interesting  constructions  was  at  Ports- 
mouth when  work  had  to  be  rushed  to  house  the 
Peace  Commission  of  Russia  and  Japan  in  1905. 
The  work  was  carried  on  night  and  day,  the  men 
spurred  by  the  premium  offered  for  the  completed 
building.  Precious  woods  were  used  in  finish- 
ing and  the  apartments  for  the  commissioners  were 
beautifully  furnished.  After  the  conference 
everything  went  to  souvenir  hunters. 

John  McQueen  came  from  Ireland  and  fought 
in  the  War  of  181 2.  He  located  in  Liverpool, 
where  his  son  Robert  was  born  in  1821. 

The  petition  for  a  church  in  Salina,  drawn  up 
about  1828,  was  preserved  for  a  long  time  but  is 
said  to  be  now  lost.  It  had  the  signatures  of  six 
or  seven  men  and  the  marks  of  two  or  three.  In 
the  absence  of  proof,  hearsay  is  depended  upon  for 
the  following  names  as  the  original  signatures: 
Thomas  McCarthy,  James  Lynch,  Patrick 
Cooney,  Thomas  Doyle,  Patrick  Jackman,  Peter 
Caldwell,  and  Jacob  Hausenfrats. 

Jeremiah  Driscoll  and  his  wife  Margaret  came 
from  Mallow,  County  Cork,  about  1840.  They 
lived  on  a  farm  which  they  bought  in  Clay  but 
after  a  time  went  to  Salina,  where  they  made  their 
home.  Their  children  are:  Ellen,  who  married 
John  Leahy;  Mary,   who  married  Thomas  Mc- 

Salina  65 

Carthy;  Margaret,  who  married  Terence  Riley; 
Martin,  and  Agnes. 

William  McKenzie  and  his  children,  Jane, 
William,  Robert,  and  Alexander,  were  Irish. 
They  went  to  Liverpool  after  1830. 

Father  Guerdet  was  one  of  the  first  professors  of 
the  University  of  Lyons,  France.  He  wrote 
articles  against  the  government  and  Louis  Phi- 
lippe, and  was  obliged  to  leave  the  country. 
He  went  to  England  and  then  as  a  missionary  to 
Canada,  then  to  SaHna.     (Eugene  Petit.) 

Patrick  Ford  owned  a  farm  and  salt  works. 
He  married  Nancy,  the  daughter  of  James  Slat- 
tery,  who  came  to  Salina  about  1835. 

John  Hoolihan 

John  Hoolihan,  son  of  Michael  and  Honora 
Clary  Hoolihan,  came  to  Salina  with  his  parents 
when  he  was  nine  months  old.  His  father  was 
from  Kilkenny,  and  his  mother  from  Tipperary. 

John  Hoolihan  formed  a  partnership  with 
Daniel  O'Brien,  and  constructed  many  buildings 
and  public  works. 

John  Leahy  and  his  wife,  Kate  Clary,  came  from 
Tipperary  in  1840.  Their  children  are:  Mat- 
thew, John,  and  Dennis.  The  wives  of  John 
Leahy  and  Michael  Hoolihan  are  sisters. 

66  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Father  Hackett  was  buried  in  the  old  school- 
yard for  many  years  and  then  transferred  to  St. 
Agnes  Cemetery. 

Garrett  Doyle  was  one  of  the  first  police  com- 

Michael,  Daniel,  and  James  Murray  were  First 
Vf  ard  settlers  and  were  all  well-to-do. 

The  children  of  William  Butler,  who  lived  at 
the  comer  of  Spring  and  Court  Streets,  are  Mary, 
who  married  Michael  Tobin,  William,  and  Ed- 

The  children  of  John  Shannon,  corner  of  Free 
and  First  North  Streets,  are:  James,  Mary,  and 

Patrick  Mulherin  has  three  sons:  James,  John, 
and  Bernard. 

Mr.  Rodgers  came  to  Salina  from  County 
Sligo  in  1 83 1. 

William  McFarland  had  one  son,  Robert,  and 
several  daughters. 

Christopher  Hand  came  to  Salina  about  1830. 
His  sons  are  John  and  Thomas,  whose  daughter 
Gertrude  married  Henry  Gale,  and  their  daughter 
in  turn  married  Edward,  the  son  of  John  Lighton. 

"When  Isaac  Van  Vleck  came  to  Salt  Point, 

Salina  67 

in  1792,  he  found  there  a  Mr.  Hopkins  engaged  in 
the  manufacture  of  salt  in  what  were  then  called 
'salt  works.'  "^ 

Richard  Maloney  was  paid  one  hundred  and 
fifty  dollars  for  clearing  lot  43,  Cemetery,  in  1829. 

Russell  Buckley  was  another  early  boatman  and 
is  said  to  have  taken  the  first  load  of  salt  through 
the  Erie  Canal  from  Salina  to  Utica.  His  son 
Christopher  perished  in  the  Patriots'  War. 

Hugh  Gallagher  and  his  wife,  Mary  Gallagher 
Gallagher,  came  to  Salina  about  1839.  Their 
children  are:  Antony,  who  married  Mary  Kill- 
gallon;  John,  who  married  Elizabeth  Hanley; 
Maria,  who  married  Daniel  O'Brien;  Anna,  who 
married  James  Powers;  Kate,  who  married  John 
Funda;  and  Julia,  who  married  Timothy  Dris- 

There  was  in  Liverpool  another  O'Neill  family. 
The  father  was  George,  a  champion.  His  son, 
James,  was  called  "Yankee  Jim."  The  term 
Yankee  thus  applied  generally  meant  an  Irish 
Catholic  who  had  lost  the  faith  or  affiliated  with 
the  "Yankees."  It  was  often  used  as  a  synonym 
for  Protestant. 

James  Stimson  called  himself  the  Presbyterian, 
and  was  fond  of  quoting  Lorenzo  Dow  to  those  who 

'  G.  S.  Strong. 

68  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

wished  to  listen.  Those  who  did  not  so  wish, 
Hstened  nevertheless,  fearing  the  heavy  hand  of 
this  disciple.  However,  James  often  accompanied 
his  friends  to  their  various  churches. 

The  Court-House  Fight 

Election  day  in  pioneer  times  was  dreadful  for 
the  lovers  of  peace  and  order.  Intemperance, 
brawls,  recklessness,  and  cheating  were  common. 
Might  prevailed  and  a  stolen  ballot  box  was  often 
the  booty  of  the  stronger.  Political  excitement, 
added  to  the  ordinary  conditions,  proved  just 
enough  to  make  a  tumult.  Much  has  already 
been  written  of  those  days,  but  one  of  the  battles 
is  held  in  the  memories  of  many  in  Salina,  who 
call  it  the  fight  at  the  court-house,  then  situated 
on  the  corner  of  Salina  and  Ash  Streets.  The 
chief  actors  were  Donohue  and  Mooney,  who,  how- 
ever, became  separated  in  the  crowd  and  carried 
on  their  fisticuffs  independently.  The  story 
centres  on  Donohue  and  his  prowess.  So  in- 
credible were  his  strength  and  endurance  that  men 
of  to-day  hesitate  to  relate  the  story,  though  all 
agree  regarding  the  main  facts.  It  is  a  matter  of 
common  consent  that  William  McCann,  now 
eighty-three  years  old  (1907),  a  witness  of  the 
fight,  gives  the  most  authentic  account  of  how 
the  affair  began  and  ended,  and  the  trivial  cause. 

It  was  sometime  between  the  years  1840  and 
1845,  it  may  have  been  1841,  the  year  of  which 
so  much  lawlessness  is  recorded,  that  a  political 

Salina  69 

meeting  took  place  at  the  court-house.  The 
building  was  so  crowded  that  one  could  scarcely 
move.  Donohue  and  his  friend  Mooney  stood 
together  behind  the  last  row  of  seats.  They  were 
pushed  and  jostled  continually  and  often  crowded 
over  onto  the  occupants  of  the  rear  seats.  One  of 
these,  named  Ase  Daggett,  did  not  enjoy  being 
thus  crowded,  so  he  pulled  Donohue' s  cap  down 
over  its  wearer's  eyes.  Donohue,  a  peaceable 
man,  said  nothing,  but  replaced  his  cap.  A 
few  minutes  later  Daggett  repeated  his  little 
trick,  and  Donohue,  replacing  the  cap  for  the 
second  time,  said  in  a  terribly  quiet  voice,  "Don't 
you  do  that  again."  The  warning  in  his  voice  was 
unheeded,  and  when  for  the  third  time  the  cap 
was  disturbed,  Donohue  reached  over,  caught 
Daggett  by  the  breast,  and  with  one  arm  lifted  him 
out  of  his  chair  and  started  with  him  for  the  door 
and  the  fight  was  on.  The  crowd  was  so  great  that 
Daggett  became  a  wedge  to  open  the  way  and  so 
they  reached  the  steps.  Many  tried  to  rescue 
Daggett,  but  Donohue,  who  was  powerful  and 
fearless,  knocked  down  one  after  the  other  just  as 
fast  as  they  came  up.  He  was  ready  for  all 
comers  and  no  one  came  up  for  a  second  experi- 
ence. One,  in  falling,  often  carried  down  others 
with  him  because  of  the  crowd.  Men  saw  their 
friends  go  down  and  looked  upon  Donohue  as  the 
aggressor  and  attacked  him,  but  he  stood  his 
ground,  hitting  right  and  left  while  a  hundred 
were  trying  to  get  at  him.     He  knocked  down 

70  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

many  but  during  the  whole  fight  never  went  down 
himself  farther  than  one  knee.  Neither  he  nor  the 
others  knew  what  they  were  fighting  for,  but  after 
it  had  begun  Donohue  had  to  defend  himself,  and 
this  he  did  according  to  the  rules  without  a  single 
move  that  was  not  fair  fight,  even  after  his 
opponents  assailed  him  with  chunks  of  frozen 

So  the  fight  went  on,  Donohue  finally  getting 
braced  against  the  wall  and  ready  to  keep  it  up 
as  long  as  necessary.  But  James  Harroun  and 
Alexander  McLean,  busy  bringing  in  men  to  the 
caucus,  came  upon  the  scene.  "Hold  on  there, 
boys.  By  the  devil,  stop  that  boys,"  said  Har- 
roun and  going  up  to  Donohue  said,  "My  good 
man,  come  with  me,"  and  Donohue  as  meekly  as  a 
child  bore  his  six  feet  and  four  inches  of  height 
after  the  peace-maker. 

The  fight  of  Donohue  became  a  fireside  tale  and 
received  many  exaggerations.  Nelson  Phillips, 
who  witnessed  the  fight,  was  fond  of  recounting 
it.  He  said  that  Donohue  knocked  down  five  or 
six  men  with  the  forward  thrust  of  his  fist  and  as 
many  more  behind  him  with  his  elbow,  as  his 
arm  came  back  to  position. 

James  Donohue  was  a  comparative  stranger, 
and  had  never  been  known  to  fight.  He  was  cool 
and  deliberate  in  all  things  and  of  excellent  char- 
acter. He  was  an  industrious  laborer  and  on  this 
day  when  he  had  to  fight  won  the  respect  and  ad- 

Salina  7^ 

miration  of  all.  No  one  looked  upon  his  conduct 
as  anything  but  gallant  and  courageous.  He  is 
said  to  have  been  the  largest  man  in  the  County, 
essentially  a  man  of  peace  but  powerful  and  abso- 
lutely fearless. 



THE  site  of  the  city  of  Syracuse  is  thus  de- 
scribed by  Clark: 

The  ground  upon  which  the  city  of  Syracuse  now 
stands  was  originally  a  part  of  the  Salt  Springs  Reser- 
vation, and  at  the  time  the  county  was  organized 
in  1794  with  all  that  part  of  the  reservation  east  of 
Onondaga  Creek  and  Lake  was  included  in  the  town 
of  Manlius. 

The  first  locality  which  received  a  name  within  the 
limits  of  the  present  city  of  Syracuse  was  called 
Webster's  Landing,  from  Ephraim  Webster,  who  kept 
a  few  goods  for  the  Indian  trade,  on  the  bank  of  the 
creek,  a  little  south  of  its  outlet.  Mr.  Webster  was 
succeeded  by  Benjamin  Newkirk  in  1793,  at  which 
time  there  was  quite  a  number  of  Indian  cabins, 
ranging  along  the  west  bank  of  the  creek,  enough  to 
form  a  respectable  Indian  village.  The  dark,  gloomy, 
and  almost  impenetrable  swamp  now  occupied  by  the 
city,  was  then  a  favorite  resort  for  wolves,  bears,  wild- 
cats, mud-turtles,  and  swamp  rattlesnakes.  The 
western  portion  of  the  valley  about  Syracuse  was 
originally  timbered  with  hemlock,  birch,  and  soft 
maple;  the  eastern  portion  with  cedar  and  pine.* 

'  Vol.  ii.,  p.  83. 


Syracuse  73 

In  1804  an  act  was  passed  directing  the  sale  of  two 
hundred  and  fifty  acres  of  land,  of  the  Salt  Springs 
Reservation,  the  avails  of  which  were  to  be  expended 
in  laying  out  and  improving  a  road  running  from  lot 
forty-nine,  Manlius,  to  lot  thirty-eight,  Onondaga, 
east  and  west  through  the  reservation.  The  lot  was 
laid  out  in  rather  an  irregular  form  and  the  reason 
assigned  for  so  doing,  was  that  as  much  dry  land 
might  be  secured  as  possible.  But  notwithstanding 
all  the  precaution  of  Mr.  Geddes,  he  found  it  impos- 
sible to  locate  the  ground  in  such  a  manner  as  to 
avoid  entirely  the  swamp,  some  considerable  portion 
of  which  was  covered  with  water  most  of  the  year;  a 
doleful  place,  indeed,  for  the  site  of  a  future  city. ' 

The  lot  was  thereafter  called  the  Walton  Tract. ^ 

In  spring  [1819],  the  water  did  not  usually  subside 
sufficiently  to  allow  people  to  pass  with  any  degree 
of  comfort  till  late  in  May  or  June  and  those  going 
from  Onondaga  to  Salina  were  obliged  to  pass  around 
on  the  high  ground  east  of  Syracuse  over  by-ways, 
which  were  cut  in  every  direction  through  the  reserva- 
tion for  the  purpose  of  collecting  wood  in  winter  for 
the  salt  works.  A  person  passing  over  the  present 
[1849]  improved  roads  can  have  no  conception  of 
their  impossible  condition  in  spring  and  autumn,  at 
that  period.  In  fact  the  only  time  when  they  were 
endurable  was  in  winter,  when  perfectly  frozen  and 
covered  with  a  good  body  of  snow.^ 

In  the  fall  of  18 19  Judge  Form  an  removed  to  Syra- 
cuse with  his  family.     At  that  time  there  were  but  two 

»  Vol.  u.,  p.  83.  »  Vol.  ii.,  p.  86.  i  Vol.  ii.,  p.  89. 

74  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

frame  houses  in  the  village,  besides  the  tavern.  Log 
houses  and  plank  and  slab  cabins  were  scattered  over 
the  dry  ground,  most  of  which  latter  had  been  ten- 
anted by  laborers  on  the  canal. ^ 

In  1822  Syracuse  had  not  more  than  two  hundred 
and  fifty  inhabitants,  and  no  place  of  worship,  no 
schoolhouse.  Almost  every  man  engaged  on  the 
canal  was  sick.^ 

In  1822  Judge  Forman  procured  the  passage  of  a 
law  authorizing  the  erection  of  fixtures  for  the  pur- 
pose of  manufacturing  coarse  salt  by  solar  evapora- 

To  no  individual  so  much  as  to  Judge  Forman  are 
we  indebted  for  a  modification  of  our  salt  laws,  and 
for  the  substitution  of  water  power  for  hand  labor  in 
the  elevation  of  brine,  for  the  reservoirs,  and  all  the 
apparatus  connected  with  those  improvements,  and 
for  the  introduction  of  the  manufacture  of  coarse 
salt  by  solar  heat.  These  were  measures  in  which 
the  public  were  deeply  interested,  which  particularly 
absorbed  his  attention,  and  which  have  greatly  im- 
proved and  increased  the  manufacture  of  salt  in  the 
town  of  Salina.'' 

They  set  up  two  crotches,  suspended  their  kettle  on 
a  chain  around  a  pole  between  them,  and  thus  carried 
on  the  business  of  making  salt.^ 

1797.  Mr.  Hopkins  located  on  present  site  of 

'  Vol.  ii.,  p.  90.  2  Vol.  ii.,  p.  91.  3  Vol.  ii.,  p.  76. 

<  Vol.  ii.,  p.  77.  5  Vol.  ii.,  p.  10.  *  Vol.  ii.,  p.  87. 

Syracuse  75 

1799.  Mr.  Butler  located  on  the  present  site  of 
Syracuse  in  the  vicinity  of  the  spot  where  Mr.  Bo- 
gardus  put  up  his  hotel  (site  of  the  Empire  Block).' 

John  Savage 

The  family  of  John  Savage  is  said  to  have  been 
the  first  Irish  family  to  locate  in  Syracuse.  He 
came  about  1821,  when  two  hundred  and  fifty 
scattered  people  made  the  nucleus  of  the  future 
city.  His  wife,  Mary  Ringwood,  and  their  five 
children  made  up  the  family.  They  were  Mar- 
garet, who  married  Campbell,  Anna,  Richard, 
Mary,  who  married  Sylvester  R.  Town,  and  one 
other  child,  who  died  in  infancy. 

Richard  Savage  ran  the  packet-boat  for  some 
time  and  then  became  a  builder  and  lumber 
merchant.     He  built  the  St.  Charles  Hotel. 

John  Savage  was  remembered  as  a  cheerful, 
hopeful  man,  a  general  favorite  in  the  village, 
fond  of  children,  fond  of  dancing,  in  which  he  was 
an  expert.  His  descendants  take  their  own  share 
of  the  world's  work,  as  he  did  in  the  early  days  of 
the  village. 

Clark  records^: 

In  1794  the  county  of  Onondaga  was  erected  from 
the  western  part  of  Herkimer  and  included  all  the 
Military  Tract  which  now  embraces  all  the  counties 
of  Seneca,  Cayuga,  Cortland,  and  Onondaga. 

In  Clark's  History  of  Onondaga  are  brief  refer- 

^  Vol.  ii.,  p.  87.  =>  J.  V.  H.  Clark. 

76         Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

ences  to  some  who  bear  Irish  names.     Such  are 
here  transcribed: 

1 792.  Cornelius  Higgins  built  blockhouse  at  Salina. 
Major  Cochran  accompanied  Col.  Van  Schaack  in  his 
expedition  against  the  Indians  (Onondagas)  in  1779, 
and  visited  Green  Point,  Onondaga  Lake,  Brewerton, 
and  the  hamlets  of  Onondaga.  James  Dean  was  an 
interpreter  with  Ephraim  Webster,  March  11,  1793, 
and  was  a  witness  of  leases  July  9,  1788.  Vincent 
Matthews  and  James  Emmott  were  State  Commis- 
sioners for  several  years.  Among  the  jurors,  grand 
and  petit,  of  the  first  court  were  Henry  Moore  and 
Thomas  Morgan.  In  the  Circuit  Court,  Onondaga 
County,  June  14,  1797,  among  the  grand  jurors  were 
John  Lamb  and  Joseph  Cody.  Judge  of  Onondaga 
County  Court  in  1823  was  James  Sisson,  Jr.  In 
1828  was  Martin  M.  Ford.  Surrogate  of  Onondaga 
County  in  1802  and  181 1  was  George  Hall;  in  1831 
was  John  Fleming .  Members  of  Assembly :  1 803 ,  John 
Lamb;  1809-14,  Barnet  Mooney;  18 16,  George  Hall; 
181 7,  James  Webb;  1829,  Samuel  R.  Matthews;  1843, 
Thomas  McCarthy;  1845, Dennis  McCarthy  and  1849, 
Samuel  Hart.  In  1825  Thomas  McCarthy  was 
elected  trustee  of  the  village  of  Salina,  and  in  1826 
President  of  the  village.  The  Federal  Company  or- 
ganized for  making  salt  in  1798  included  Daniel 
Keeler  and  Thomas  Hart.  In  1825  an  act  was  passed 
providing  an  engineer  for  the  salt  works  at  Salina. 
Simeon  Ford,  Esquire,  was  appointed.  Barnet 
Mooney  of  Hannibal  was  one  of  the  committee  to 
circulate  the  petition  for  the  Erie  canal.  Jeremiah 
Keeler  built  the  section  of  Erie  canal  through  Syra- 
cuse.    Michael  Hogan  and  Charles  Walton  bought 

Syracuse  77 

a  portion  of  the  Abraham  Walton  tract  about  1804. 
Tract  was  sold  again  in  1814. ' 

Carroll  E.  Smith  writes^: 

1 84 1 .  Gunpowder  explosion.  Isaac  Stanton  killed. 
The  Irish  wounded:  Hugh  Rogers,  Thomas  R. 
Hall,  Joseph  McDermott,  Patrick  Denfee,  Hand- 
wright,  B.  L.  Higgins,  John  McCaslin,  Dr.  James 
Foran,  Mr.  Martin,  John  Burns,  Luke  Collins,  and 
William  Lilly.  1824.  Joel  Cody's  residence  with  the 
famous  flower  garden.  [Frank  Hunt  says  he  was 
Irish.]  1827.  At  north  side  of  Franklin  Street  bridge 
a  small  tavern  was  kept  by  William  Hicks.  1825, 
Charles  T.  Hicks  was  an  active  man  in  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  society. 

The  towns  of  Onondaga  are  Camillus,  Cicero, 
Clay,  Dewitt,  Elbridge,  Fabius,  Geddes,  Lafayette, 
Lysander,  Manlius,  Marcellus,  Onondaga,  Otisco, 
Pompey,  SaHna,  Skaneateles,  Spafford,  Tully,  and 
Van  Buren. 

Timothy  Cheney  writes  ^i 

1823,  George  Davis  &  Co.,  and  John  Rogers  &  Co. 
1825,  May,  First  village  election.  John  Rogers, 
trustee.  James  Webb,  assessor.  Henry  Young, 
poundmaster.  Thomas  Bennett  and  Bradley  Carey. 
May  8,  store  license  to  Joel  Owen.  He  played  in 
German  band.  1826.  Joel  Owen  and  John  Wall,  first 
firemen.  M.  M.  White  and  Judge  James  Webb. 
H.  W.  McGowan  played  in  the  German  band.  1828. 
Calvin  Riley,  soapmaker.  1829.  George  T.  M.  Davis 
built  a  house  at  the  corner  of  Onondaga  and  South 

'  J.  V.  H.  Clark.         'Pioneer  Times.  sT  E.  Cheney. 

78  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Ave.,  on  the  cinder  road.  John  Wall  was  a  builder 
and  in  1829  was  contractor  for  building  a  jail.  1830. 
Caleb  Davis,  butcher  shop.  Father  of  Thomas  T. 
Davis.     George  Davis,  merchant. 

Cummings  was  an  old  hunter  and  trapper  who  kept 
pet  bears,  wolves,  monkeys,  wildcats  etc.,  which  he 
exhibited  to  passing  boatmen  for  a  small  fee.  He  was 
bought  out  in  1824.  This  Cummings  was  a  miserable 
old  fellow  and  everybody  was  glad  to  get  rid  of  him.* 

The  other  house  near  the  corner  of  Warren  and 
James  in  1824  was  the  residence  of  the  widow  Gush- 
ing who  obtained  a  scanty  subsistence  by  retailing 
milk  to  those  needing  this  product  of  her  only  cow.^ 
[Frank  Hunt  said  his  mother  knew  her  as  Granny 

A  little  Irishman  named  John  Dunn  had  a  black- 
smithing  and  horseshoeing  shop  on  the  corner  of 
Genesee  and  Mill  streets  in  1824.^ 

The  garden  of  Judge  Joshua  Forman  was  well 
stocked  with  fruit  and  was  tended  by  a  Protestant 
Irishman  named  Montgomery,  a  very  intelligent, 
faithful  man."* 

Other  residents  in  1824  were  Mr.  Martin  who  had  a 
carriage  factory;  James  Webb;  Henry  Young,  a 
miller;  Matthew  L.  Davis,  a  builder;  William  Hicks, 
tavern  keeper;  Lieutenant  Russell  and  John  Rod- 
gers,  one  of  the  most  enterprising  men  in  the  village  of 
Syracuse.     Amos  and  Rufus  Stanton.     Isaac  Stan- 

'  T.  E.  Cheney.  ^  Ibid.  J  Ibid.  i  Ibid. 

Syracuse  79 

ton  had  a  stonecutter  shop  at  the  corner  of  Church 
and  Salina.     H.  &  W.  Dowd.  ^ 

This  story  is  related  by  M.  C.  Hand  of  a  man 
who  bears  the  Irish  name  of  James  B.  Moore ^: 

Our  first  schoolhouse  was  built  on  Church  Street. 
The  first  sermons  were  preached  there  by  all  sects. 
In  February,  1821,  was  organized  the  first  Baptist 
society  with  a  membership  of  thirteen  persons. 
The  seminary  set  Hamilton  offered  to  provide  preach- 
ing every  Sunday  on  condition  that  those  interested 
should  furnish  a  horse  and  saddle  to  be  the  property 
of  the  seminary.  James  B.  Moore  had  just  bought  a 
fine  horse  in  exchange  for  sixty  bushels  of  salt  at  one 
dollar  a  bushel.  He  was  notified  one  day  that  this 
little  religious  society  had  voted  that  his  horse  had 
a  providential  call  for  this  purpose ;  he  at  once  added 
his  vote  and  the  horse  was  sent  to  Hamilton.  As 
Moore  was  a  strong  Methodist  and  never  a  member  of 
the  Baptist  society  he  was  looked  upon  as  a  most  gen- 
erous Christian.  He  was  a  good  citizen,  devoted  to 
his  family.  He  and  his  wife  lived  to  see  more  than 
eighty  years  and  both  died  from  old  age  on  the  same 

Patrick  Shaunessy 

Patrick  Shaunessy  and  his  wife,  Mary  Bustin, 
came  from  Stone  Hall,  County  Limerick,  to 
Syracuse  about  1830.  They  had  married  very 
young  and  Patrick  was  eager  to  come  to  America 
when  the  boys  of  his  neighborhood  made  up  a 

^  T.  E.  Cheney.  ^  From  a  Forest  to  a  City. 

8o         Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

party  to  emigrate.  He  had  paid  his  pound 
sterling  as  guarantee,  but  his  mother  insisted  that 
he  forfeit  the  deposit  and  wait  until  his  family 
could  come  with  him.  The  boys  who  sailed 
went  down  with  the  ship. 

One  son  of  Patrick  Shaunessy  was  born  and 
buried  at  sea.  His  other  children  are:  Mary, 
who  married  George  Clark;  Sarah,  who  married 
John  Murphy;  Johanna,  who  married  James 
Baker;  Margaret,  who  married  Thomas  Knobel; 
James,  who  married  Mary  Hennesy;  and  Thomas, 
who  married  Mary  Shaunessy. 

Thomas  McLaughlin 

Just  after  the  coronation  of  Queen  Victoria, 
Thomas  McLaughlin  left  her  dominion  and  came 
to  Syracuse.  He  was  the  son  of  Andrew  and 
Bridget  Gavigan  McLaughlin,  Parish  of  Dum- 
feeny.  County  Mayo.  He  landed  in  Quebec  and 
lived  there  two  years,  coming  by  the  Oswego  Canal 
to  Syracuse.  Here  he  worked  for  Joseph  Savage 
in  the  salt  works  near  West  Genesee  Street. 

His  wife  Honora  was  the  daughter  of  John  and 
Nancy  Boyle  Burke,  also  of  County  Mayo,  and 
their  children  are  Bridget,  who  married  Peter 
McLaughlin  of  Utica,  Ellen,  and  Mary,  who  be- 
came a  nun. 

Ellen  McLaughlin  has  lived  more  than  seven- 
ty-four years  in  Syracuse  (1910),  and  remembers 
many  incidents  of  the  early  years.     She  married 

Syracuse  8 1 

Patrick,  the  son  of  James  and  Bridget  Barnes 
Doyle  of  County  Cariow,  all  of  whom  came  to 
Syracuse  after  1840.  Their  children  are:  James, 
who  married  Mary  Egan;  Delia,  Sister  Vincent; 
Hanna,  who  married  Charles  McNeill;  John,  who 
married  Elizabeth  Mooney;  Robert,  who  married 
Elizabeth  Prunty;  Mary  H.;  Esther,  who  mar- 
ried William  J.  Mahar;  Agnes,  who  married  Ran- 
son  Sheldon;  Thomas,  who  married  Bertha 
Whitney;  and  Ellen,  who  married  Thomas  H. 

Patrick  and  Edward  McLaughlin,  brothers  of 
Thomas,  came  with  him  to  America. 

John  Leslie 
Ross  Leslie 

The  name  Leslie  was  for  more  than  fifty  years 
prominent  in  the  business  life  of  Syracuse  and 
literally  a  household  word.  Father  and  sons  were 
engaged  in  the  general  grocery  business  with 
exceptional  success.  John  Leslie  and  his  wife, 
Margaret  Cunningham,  came  to  Syracuse  before 
the  year  1830  from  Ireland.  Soon  after,  John  and 
his  brother  Ross  were  in  business  in  the  row  of 
stores  on  the  present  site  of  the  Wieting  Opera 
House.  They  were  prominent  and  successful, 
winning  a  reputation  for  industry  and  honesty  in 
all  their  dealings.  John  Leslie  lived  forty-six 
years  in  Syracuse,  a  warm-hearted,  frank,  kindly 
man.     All  of  his  sons  entered  the  grocery  branch 

82  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

of  commercial  life,  each  starting  independently. 
Later  two  of  the  brothers  formed  a  partnership, 
while  the  other  two  entered  their  employ.  David, 
in  partnership  first  with  Ritchie  and  later,  1858, 
with  his  brother  John,  spent  thirty-five  years 
in  the  grocer's  trade.  The  partnership  with 
his  brother  lasted  twenty-seven  years.  Thomas 
Leslie  spent  thirty-two  years,  mostly  as  book- 
keeper, in  the  same  business,  while  the  fourth 
brother,  Ross,  acted  as  treasurer  for  thirty  years. 
David  was  the  chief  salesman  and  John  the  chief 
buyer.  They  worked  and  lived  together  in 
harmony  and  contentment  for  many  years.  They 
retired  from  business  in  1886,  following  the  death 
of  John  in  the  previous  year. 

The  children  of  John  and  Margaret  Cunningham 
Leslie  are:  David,  1827,  John,  1829,  Thomas, 
Ross,  1 841,  Martha,  Mary,  Margaret,  Anna,  and 

Ross  Leslie  married  Margaret,  the  daughter  of 
Elisha  and  Helen  Forman  Whitney.  Margaret, 
the  granddaughter  of  Joshua  Forman,  founder 
of  Syracuse,  was  born  in  Onondaga  but  spent  her 
youth  in  Poughkeepsie.  Her  only  child,  Grace 
Leslie,  married  Albert  J.  Paltz. 

Elizabeth  Leslie  married,  and  her  son,  David  R., 
assumed  his  mother's  name,  Leslie,  by  legisla- 
tive act. 

There  are  a  couple  of  stories  told  of  the  Leslies 
which  show  that  on  occasion  they  would  strike 
fire.     As  a  rule  they  applied  themselves  strictly 

Syracuse  83 

to  business  and  took  no  part  in  other  affairs. 
Their  patronage  was  enormous  both  from  the 
Erie  Canal  travellers  and  the  townsmen. 

One  day  a  boatman  came  into  the  store,  stood 
around  kicking  his  heels  and  boasting  of  his  fight- 
ing powers.  Because  of  Leslie's  religion  the 
boaster  mistook  his  nationality  and  presently 
started  in  to  abuse  the  Irish.  For  a  long  time  he 
was  allowed  to  vent  his  feelings  and  tell  the  un- 
resisting air  that  he  could  lick  any  Irishman  that 
ever  was  bom.  Then  John  Leslie,  senior,  asked 
him  if  he  would  not  like  to  view  the  back  yard. 
He  said  he  would,  the  two  left  the  store,  and 
Leslie  invited  the  visitor  to  remove  his  coat. 
"What  for?"  "You  are  going  to  be  licked  by  an 
Irishman."     And  he  was. 

Another  time  a  wanderer  named  Leslie  came 
into  the  store.  He  liked  his  Syracuse  namesakes 
and  began  to  prove  the  existence  of  a  relation- 
ship. One  of  the  firm  asked  him  if  he  was  Irish. 
"No,"  was  the  answer.  "Well,  we  are,  so  you 
cannot  be  a  relative  of  ours." 

C.  E.  Smith  writes^: 

1819-20.  On  the  Wieting  corner,  stores  were 
erected  in  1819-20.  The  third  store  from  the  corner 
was  occupied  by  W.  H.  Mosely,  the  grocer,  the  "green 
store,"  the  first  store  between  Onondaga  valley  and 
the  village  of  Salina.  The  grocery  was  later  kept  by 
John  Leslie,  father  of  David,  John,  Ross,  and  Thomas 
Leslie,  who  also  were  grocers. 

*  Pioneer  Times. 

84         Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

John  Lighton 
James  Lighton 

John  and  James  Lighton  came  to  America 
and  established  the  family  in  Onondaga  about 
1830.  John  married  Mary  Burke  and  James 
married  Catharine  McDermott.  The  children 
of  John  and  Mary  Burke  Lighton  are  James,  John, 
and  Margaret,  who  were  born  in  Syracuse.  The 
children  of  James  and  Catharine  McDermott 
Lighton  are  John  and  Kate.  James  and  John 
Lighton,  sons  of  John,  formed  the  firm  of  Lighton 
Brothers,  which  later  joined  with  McKeever  in 
the  well-known  grocery  firm  at  Lighton's  Locks. 
James  Lighton  married  Mary,  the  daughter  of 
James  and  Margaret  Brennan  Doran,  and  their 
children  are:  James,  who  married  Marie  The- 
resa Keeler;  Mary  E.;  Margaret  Theresa,  who 
married  Frank  H.  LoughUn;  Thomas,  who  mar- 
ried Electa  Canfield;  Anna  Laura,  who  married 
Walter  Welch;  John,  who  married  Katharine 
Toole;  and  Martha  Tilden. 

A  short  sketch  of  the  life  and  character  of  James 
Lighton  is  given  in  Beauchamp's  History,  volume 
two,  page  148.  For  three  quarters  of  a  century 
the  family  in  Syracuse  has  been  characterized  by 
benevolence  and  hospitality. 

John  Lighton,  the  son  of  John  and  Mary  Burke 
Lighton,  married  Theresa  Fechter,  and  their 
children  are  Louis,  Edward,  C.  Frank,  John  B., 
Arthur,  George,  Lula,  and  Stella. 

Syracuse  85 

Margaret  Lighten  married  James  Finnegan  and 
their  children  are  John,  Thomas,  and  George. 

John  Lighten,  son  of  James  and  Catharine 
McDermott  Lighton,  married  Anna  Kavanaugh, 
and  their  children  are  James  McDermott,  William 
T,,  Ellen  Frances,  and  Tasiana,  who  married 
Parnell  Fleming. 

Dennis  Driscoll 

Dennis  Driscoll  and  his  wife,  Johanna  Catharine 
Collins,  and  five  of  their  ten  children  left  their 
native  land  and  came  to  Syracuse  in  1832.  They 
were  from  County  Cork  not  far  from  Bantry  Bay 
and  sought  the  new  home  in  America  to  better 
their  fortune.  A  thousand  pounds  was  a  small 
fortune  when  they  landed  at  Quebec  and  started 
in  business  by  opening  a  tavern.  There  were  many 
guests  who  sought  their  hospitality  but  there  was 
no  profit,  for  they  were  immigrants  and  poor. 
Dennis  Driscoll  saw  his  money  disappear  like 
snow  in  summer  and  in  a  few  months  closed 
his  tavern  and  entered  the  more  profitable  field 
in  Syracuse  with  enough  money  for  his  needs. 

They  were  farmers  in  Ireland  as  were  most  of 
the  Irish  and  his  father  was  the  last  heir  of  some 
entailed  property.  His  son  must  find  work  and 
chose  to  come  to  America. 

Dennis  was  the  son  of  Dennis  and  Goodwin 
Driscoll  of  the  Parish  of  Scull,  Bantry  Bay.  His 
wife  was  Johanna,  daughter  of  Dennis  and  Mary 

86  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

DriscoU  Collins,  of  the  parish  of  Caharrough,  forty 
miles  from  Cork. 

In  Syracuse  they  built  a  house  on  Franklin 
Street  near  Genesee  and  their  investments  were 
profitable  enough  for  their  maintenance  in  com- 
fort. Johanna  Driscoll  passed  the  century  mark 
in  age  by  several  years  and  saw  the  city  grow  up 
around  her;  she  saw  too  all  her  children  pass  be- 
fore her  into  death. 

Their  children  were:  Cornelius,  who  died  in 
Washington;  one  Dennis,  who  died  in  Ireland,  as 
did  also  Eliza  and  Honora;  Richard,  who  went 
to  California;  Bridget,  who  married  Mr.  Crow- 
ley, and  went  to  New  Orleans.  There  were 
two  others,  ten  in  all;  Hanna  married  Charles 
McFall  and  Dennis  married  Catharine  Louise 

Dennis,  Sr.,  had  learned  the  mason  trade,  and 
became  a  contractor  doing  public  and  private 
work.     He  owned  salt-blocks  also. 

Dennis  Driscoll,  Jr.,  was  born  some  time  after 
the  arrival  of  his  parents  on  this  side  of  the  At- 
lantic. He  grew  to  manhood  and  entered  actively 
into  business  life  as  a  contractor,  but  preserved 
a  taste  for  literature  and  military  things.  He 
joined  a  company  of  the  State  militia  and  was 
made  Captain.  This  was  the  prelude  to  his  part  in 
the  Civil  War.  He  raised  a  company  among  his 
friends  and  acquaintances,  who  trusted  and  loved 
him,  and  went  to  the  front  as  Captain  of  Company 
C,  I2th  Regiment,  N.  Y.  Vol.  Infantry. 

Syracuse  87 

During  an  official  visit  to  his  home  city  he  was 
the  guest  of  honor  at  a  banquet,  the  toasts  de- 
livered at  which  reflect  the  spirit  of  those  days  of 
anxiety.  The  following  toast  was  offered:  "Our 
honored  guest — May  he  soon  return  to  us  with 
the  laurels  of  victory  around  his  brow  and  the  life 
blood  rushing  free  and  healthy  through  his  brave 
and  honest  heart." 

The  children  of  Dennis  and  Catharine  Savage 
DriscoU  are:  Richard  L.,  Ambrose  C,  Mary  C, 
Milburge,  and  J.  Frances. 

Ambrose  is  a  contractor  and  civil  engineer; 
he  was  graduated  from  Syracuse  University  in 
1887.  He  married  Helen,  the  daughter  of  George 
F.  and  Helen  Borden  Thurston.  J.  Frances 
DriscoU  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  and 
graduated  from  the  Syracuse  High  School  in 
1878.  Music  and  painting  claimed  her  time,  and 
to  these  were  added  the  care  of  real  estate  which 
she  shared  with  her  brother. 

Dr.  James  Foran 
Bruce  writes^: 

James  Foran  was  born  in  County  Kilkenny,  Ireland, 
in  1807,  where  he  received  a  good  education  and  be- 
gan life  as  a  merchant.  His  natural  tastes  led  him  to 
take  up  the  medical  profession.  He  came  to  America 
— to  Quebec  in  1825 — locating  first  in  Albany,  where 
he  began  teaching  in  a  female  seminary,  giving  all  of  his 

'  D.  H.  Bruce,  vol.  i.,  p.  385. 

88  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

leisure  to  the  study  of  medicine.  At  the  end  of  three 
years  he  removed  to  Canastota,  where  he  continued 
teaching  and  studying.  In  1833  he  settled  in  Salina, 
where  he  devoted  two  more  years  to  study  before  as- 
suming the  responsibilities  of  active  practice.  In 
1834  he  received  a  license  from  the  State  Medical 
Society  and  opened  an  office.  In  1837  he  became  a 
member  of  the  Onondaga  Medical  Society,  and  was 
its  president  in  1859.  In  1840  he  removed  to  Syra- 
cuse, where  he  remained  until  his  death.  He  was  ter- 
ribly injured  in  the  gunpowder  explosion  and  about 
six  years  before  his  death  was  poisoned  while  treat- 
ing a  patient  by  a  discharge  reaching  his  blood  through 
an  abrasion  on  his  hand,  which  soon  affected  his  brain 
and  wrecked  his  mental  powers.  During  a  period 
of  insanity  he  was  drowned  in  Onondaga  creek, 
December  10,  1873.  It  was  written  of  him  that  "in 
the  practice  of  obstetrics  he  was  recognized  as  second 
to  none  in  Central  New  York." 

The  following  is  from  the  records  of  the  Cen- 
tennial Meeting  (1906)  of  the  Onondaga  Medical 
Society  from  the  Reminiscences  of  Dr.  Alfred 
Mercer : 

Dr.  Foran  was  of  Irish  stock,  if  not  of  Irish  birth, 
and  had  a  large  Irish  practice,  particularly  in  obstet- 
rics. For  some  reason  the  doctor  frequently  called 
me  to  assist  him  in  difficiilt  labors,  requiring  the  use 
of  forceps  or  other  manual  interference.  For  the 
most  part  I  looked  on  while  the  doctor  did  the  work. 
These  calls  made  me  reasonably  familiar  with  most 
forms  of  difficult  labor.  One  of  these  calls  had  a  sad 
ending  for  both  the  doctor  and  the  patient,  the  case 

Syracuse  89 

proving  fatal  without  any  known  source  of  infection. 
The  doctor  had  an  abrasion  on  his  hand  followed  by 
local  and  general  infection;  abscesses  formed  in  his 
hand,  seriously  crippling  the  hand  for  use.  He  was 
delirious  for  several  days  and  his  life  almost  despaired 
of.  However  he  finally  recovered  but  his  mind  was 
never  right  afterwards.  He  continued  to  be  em- 
ployed by  his  friends,  though  he  was  quite  incompetent 
to  do  business  at  times.  Finally  he  wandered  off 
alone,  and  was  found  drowned  in  Onondaga  creek, 
south  of  the  city. 

Dr.  James  Foran  taught  in  the  Salina  Institute 
on  Tiirtle  Street  between  Salina  and  Park  Streets 
probably  before  he  began  the  practice  of  medicine 
in  1834.  He  read  papers  before  the  medical 
societies  on  vaccination  and  cholera.  He  was  the 
first  physician  to  the  penitentiary,  appointed  in 
1 85 1,  and  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Onondaga 
County  Savings  Bank  in  1855. 

Dr.  Foran  married  Esther  Castle,  an  aunt  of 
Alfred  Higgins  of  the  American  Express  office. 
He  was  a  devoted  member  of  the  Catholic  Church 
and  with  Dennis  McCarthy  conducted  a  public 
debate  on  religion,  and  silenced  the  slanderers  of 
his  faith.  He  is  held  in  affectionate  remembrance 
by  his  patients  of  long  ago.  He  was  learned  and 
high  tempered,  skilful,  and  a  ready  speaker. 
He  practised  both  medicine  and  surgery,  but 
especially  obstetrics.  He  had  the  largest  prac- 
tice of  obstetrics  of  any  physician  in  the  County 
before  his  time  or  since. 

90  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Dennis  Hunt 

Michael  Hunt 

Frances  Galvin  Hunt 

The  lordly  forests  of  Canada  bowed  to  the  wood- 
man's axe  and  freighted  with  treasure  the  im- 
mense sailing  vessels  bound  for  England.  The 
empty  vessels  were  then  furnished  with  rude 
bunks  and  carried  westward  crowds  of  emigrants 
among  whom  were  many  from  Ireland.  They 
brought  their  own  provisions  for  the  long  voyage 
and  were  furnished  water  and  fire  for  cooking. 
Many  of  them  had  never  been  beyond  the  bound- 
aries of  their  native  villages  and  the  task  of 
providing  food  for  a  journey  of  three  months' 
duration  fell  to  their  unskilled  hands.  The  dis- 
comforts and  miseries  of  their  rude  ship  and  the 
terrors  of  the  deep  w^ere  evils  enough  in  them- 
selves; but  there  were  added  the  dangers  of 
improper  food  and  the  menace  of  ship  fever. 
They  were  stout  hearts  that  set  out,  brave  men 
and  brave  women,  who  came  to  find  a  new  home 
for  themselves  in  the  wilds  of  America. 

Dennis  Hunt  was  a  younger  son  in  a  family  of 
ten  children.  According  to  the  custom  of  the 
country  the  oldest  son  inherits  the  farm,  so  Den- 
nis and  his  wife  Frances  and  their  year-old  son 
took  their  dower  and  left  their  native  land.  With 
them  came  Michael  Hunt,  brother  of  Dennis. 

The  voyage  w^as  unusually  long.  They  were 
thirteen  weeks  and  one  day  in  crossing.     Pro- 

Syracuse  91 

visions  had  run  short  and  the  passengers  were 
obhged  to  buy  the  necessary  food  from  the  captain 
at  his  price.  Water  was  Hmited  to  one  half-pint 
a  day  for  each  passenger.  The  kixury  of  the  first 
weeks  seemed  sinful  waste  in  comparison  with 
the  privations  of  the  later  days  of  the  journey. 
The  tobacco  with  which  each  had  supplied  him- 
self was  all  consumed  in  the  first  month  of  the 
voyage.  None  was  to  be  had  for  love  or  money. 
They  found  a  substitute.  When  the  tea  had  been 
steeped  and  drunk,  the  tea  leaves,  carefully  har- 
vested, were  dried  and  smoked. 

Under  such  conditions  they  came  into  the  St. 
Lawrence.  Never  was  land  so  welcome.  The 
opposite  shores  stretched  themselves  like  wel- 
coming arms  to  the  sea- weary  travellers.  They 
wanted  to  feel  the  land  again  tmder  their  feet. 
Especially  Frances  Hunt  and  her  baby  were  de- 
termined to  disembark  and  they  went  ashore  at 
Ramouski,  250  miles  below  Quebec.  Dennis  Hunt, 
his  wife  and  baby,  and  his  brother  Michael  were 
the  only  passengers  that  left  the  ship;  the  others 
went  on  to  Quebec.  Ramouski  was  a  French 
settlement  in  the  lumber  districts.  There  was 
not  a  single  English-speaking  person  in  the  whole 
colony,  and  here  these  Irish  immigrants  made  their 
home  until  they  had  forgotten  the  cradling  deep. 
Three  years  they  lived  here  and  the  baby  spoke 
only  French,  when  he  spoke  at  all.  The  men  soon 
obtained  work  in  the  lumber  camps  and  grew 
skillful  with  the  axe.     That  skill  was  later  called 

92  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

into  play  on  the  bank  of  the  Erie  in  S3rracuse  on  a 
memorable  occasion. 

The  Irishwoman,  who  could  not  exchange  ideas 
with  those  of  her  sex  because  of  their  unknown 
language,  had  many  hours  of  loneHness,  but  she 
soon  found  an  opportunity  to  employ  those  hoiu"S. 
The  owners  of  the  timber  offered  her  not  only 
wages  but  a  bounty  of  logs  if  she  would  cook  for 
the  men  of  the  lumber  camp.  She  eagerly  ac- 
cepted the  offer  and  it  is  very  probable  that  she 
cooked  well  and  that  the  men,  well-fed,  showed 
their  appreciation  by  greater  efforts  in  their 
work,  thus  to  increase  the  bounty  of  logs  promised 
to  her.  The  sale  of  these  logs  paid  for  a  home 
in  Syracuse  and  Frances  Hunt  proved  herself  a 
woman  equal  to  any  occasion. 

In  1834  the  Hunt  family  came  to  Syracuse  and 
lived  opposite  the  old  red  mill.  For  the  first  year 
Dennis  worked  at  various  trades  and  then  became 
a  porter  in  the  Syracuse  House.  In  a  few  years, 
1837,  he  started  a  boarding  house  he  had  bought  on 
the  north  bank  of  the  Erie  between  Clinton  and 
Franklin  Streets  and  lived  there  during  the  rest 
of  his  life  (1858).  The  Erie  Canal  was  then  the 
great  highway  of  travel.  The  boarding  houses 
served  also  as  hotels  for  travellers,  especially  im- 
migrants. If  an  Irishman  in  any  part  of  the 
County  was  expecting  his  wife  and  children,  or  a 
sister  or  friend,  he  would  leave  word  at  the  board- 
ing house,  and  the  proprietor  would  receive  them 
from  the  canal-boat  into  his  house  until  he  could 

Syracuse  93 

send  word  of  their  arrival.  Sometimes  repre- 
sentatives from  every  county  of  Ireland  would 
sit  at  one  table.  Sometimes  a  house  would  re- 
ceive almost  exclusively  people  from  the  county  or 
province  of  the  landlord.  Sometimes  the  im- 
migrant or  his  relative  in  this  country  would  pay 
the  landlord  for  his  hospitality  and  sometimes  he 
would  not.  The  pioneers,  and  the  late  comers  as 
well,  gave  to  the  new  arrivals  of  their  abundance. 
Individuals  received  into  their  homes  their  own 
relatives  or  friends  or  townsmen  of  the  old  coun- 
try until  they  could  look  about  and  find  work, 
and  a  place  of  their  own.  The  regular  hotels  were 
not  anxious  to  entertain  immigrants  and  often 
refused  them  accommodations  in  their  need. 
The  abuses  and  fleecing  of  the  immigrants  in  the 
large  cities  were  unknown  along  the  Erie,  where  a 
man  and  his  goods  could  be  reasonably  safe  in 
any  of  the  numerous  boarding  houses.  The  regu- 
lar boarders  were  workers  in  various  fields,  mostly 
unmarried  young  men.  When  they  married 
they  began  housekeeping  for  themselves.  The 
landlord  was  a  kind  of  father  to  them.  On  the 
night  of  the  gunpowder  explosion  Dennis  Hunt 
locked  the  doors  to  keep  his  boarders  in,  as  every 
one  thought  at  the  first  explosion  that  trouble 
was  abroad.  All  soon  learned  the  dreadful  truth. 
Michael  Hunt  was  a  prominent  actor  in  the 
scene  at  Liberty  Pole,  when  his  woodman's  skill 
was  exercised  at  the  base  of  the  150-foot  flag- 
staff.    Michael  Gleason  receives  the  credit  for 

94  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

the  deed  because  he  was  the  leader  in  the  action. 
Three  or  four  men  wielded  the  axes,  IMichael 
Gleason,  IMichael  Hunt,  and  one  or  two  others. 
Irishmen  surrounded  them  and  some  of  them  had 
guns  and  stood  guard.  Among  these  were 
Edward  Farley  and  Dennis  Hunt. 

Dennis  Hunt  and  his  family  like  many  of  their 
countrj^men  bear  a  name  forced  upon  them  by  the 
Penal  Laws  of  a  t^Tannous  government,  which 
strove  thereb}^  to  destroy  all  that  was  Irish, 
whether  in  name  or  in  book  or  in  custom  or  in 
song.  One  of  these  laws  was  to  the  effect  that  an 
Irish  name  must  be  translated  into  its  English 
meaning  to  make  certain  records  legal. 

The  father  of  Dennis  Hunt  was  James  Feighery 
in  the  records  of  his  first  marriage,  but  when  he 
married  the  second  time,  he  was  obliged  for  some 
reason  or  another  to  translate  the  name  into  Eng- 
lish, that  is  a  hunt,  or  chase.  So  in  the  same  family 
there  are  those  who  bear  the  Irish  name  and  those 
who  bear  the  English  equivalent.  Far  removed 
from  such  times  and  such  laws,  the  incident  be- 
comes onl}"  an  interesting  story,  yet  with  an  echo 
that  rouses  the  rebellious  blood  of  Erin's  children. 

The  children  of  James  Hunt  of  Parish  Eglis, 
King's  Count}^  Ireland,  are:  John,  Matthew, 
Dennis,  IMichael,  Thomas,  Francis,  James,  Pat- 
rick, IMary,  and  Kittie. 

Dennis  Hunt  married  Frances  Galvin,  daughter 
of  James  Galvin,  Parish  of  IMo^^ston,  King's 
Coiinty,  in  1829,  and  came  to  Canada  in  1831. 

Syracuse  95 

Their  children  are  James  and  Frank,  and  three 
others  who  died  in  infancy-.  James  married, 
first,  Honora,  daughter  of  Edward  Hickey  of  Os- 
wego. Their  children  are  James,  Francis,  and 
IMargaret,  who  married  John  Button.  His  second 
wife  was  Bridget,  daughter  of  Stephen  and  Dora 
Quinn  McGinnis  of  Parish  Eglis,  King's  County, 
Ireland  (sister  of  the  wife  of  Frank  Hunt).  His 
third  wdfe  was  Ann  Murphy,  and  their  children  are 
Margaret,  Joanna,  and  Dennis. 

James  Hunt  was  a  blacksmith  for  man}-  years. 

Frank  Hunt  married  Catharine,  daughter  of 
Stephen  and  Dora  Quinn  McGinnis,  Parish  Eglis, 
King's  Co^lnt^^  Ireland.  Their  children  are: 
Stephen  and  James,  twins;  Dora,  Frances,  Eliz- 
abeth, Dennis,  William,  Charles,  Mary,  Theresa, 
and  Frank. 

Frank  Hunt  entered  the  S>Tacuse  High  School 
when  it  was  organized  in  1856.  It  was  started  by 
promoting  the  highest  classes  in  the  other  schools, 
ward  schools,  to  form  the  first  class  in  the  High 
School.  There  were  no  examinations,  but  the 
classes  were  promoted.  There  were  no  other  Irish 
in  his  class.  He  spent  two  years  there,  then 
learned  the  carpenter's  trade,  which  he  still  fol- 

Frank  Hunt  has  had  seven  children  who  have 
attended  the  High  School. 

County  Rivalry 
In  the  old,  old  countries  of  the  world,  in  those 

96         Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

lands  whose  history  is  recorded  by  centimes  in- 
stead of  years,  in  old  Ireland,  whose  story  was 
old  when  Christianity  was  born,  the  people  cling 
to  the  soil  through  all  the  tempests  of  time  which 
sweep  over  the  face  of  the  land.  They  preserve 
their  racial  characteristics,  their  pride  of  birth, 
their  traditional  glory,  their  hereditary  hate. 
The  division  of  the  country  into  counties  adds 
to  these  tendencies,  accentuates  the  individual. 
A  man  becomes  recognized  as  the  type  of  a  certain 
village  or  town  or  county  or  province  by  his  ap- 
pearance or  speech  or  manners.  In  these  old 
lands,  where  change  comes  slowly  or  not  at  all, 
the  very  family  is  known  by  the  bearing  of  the  in- 
dividual and  his  actions  are  anticipated  by  the 
common  knowledge  of  his  family's  vices  and 

Now,  the  old  countries  are  growing  young  and 
in  the  complexity  of  life  family  tradition  fades  and 
even  the  most  sacred  national  traditions  are 
threatened  by  scientific  investigation.  Steam  and 
electricity,  the  automobile  and  the  newspaper, 
have  annihilated  distance  and  brought  the  re- 
mote hamlet  into  touch  with  the  whole  world. 

The  early  dwellers  of  Onondaga,  however, 
brought  to  the  land  of  their  adoption  the  habits  of 
their  native  land.  Those  from  the  same  county 
in  Ireland  became  neighbors  here.  They  looked 
upon  men  from  other  countries  as  they  had  looked 
upon  them  at  home.  Each  county  had  its  chief 
families,  its  own  traits,  and  generally  one  or  more 

Syracuse  97 

expressive  nicknames.  The  chief  families  had 
character,  virtue,  or  frailty  to  give  reputation  to 
their  county.  They  stood  for  certain  qualities, 
which  brought  them  confidence  or  distrust,  al- 
legiance or  enmity,  as  they  had  deserved  for 
generations.  One  family  was  famed  for  piety, 
another  for  judicial  ability,  or  deep  learning,  or 
military  power.  There  were  those  whose  word 
was  as  good  as  a  bond,  whose  charity  was  great, 
whose  lives  were  above  reproach.  There  was 
the  family  of  sportsmen,  lovers  of  the  chase  and 
the  game.  There  were  the  shrewd,  the  stingy,  the 
selfish,  and  the  shiftless.  There  were  the  dis- 
honest, who  would  steal  the  cross  off  of  an  ass 
or  the  pennies  off  a  dead  man's  eyes.  There 
were  the  boasters,  who  drew  the  long  bow.  There 
were  those  whose  blood  had  the  taint  of  treach- 

So  the  families  marked  the  counties  and  each 
county  had  its  representatives  in  Onondaga.  Of 
course  each  admitted  no  adverse  criticism  of  its 
own  people  but  left  them  free  to  find  the  faults 
or  vanities  or  any  traits  of  the  other  counties  to 
which  they  could  hang  a  nickname.  Often  an 
argument  was  answered,  or  a  boaster  silenced,  or 
a  case  summed  up,  by  a  wise  shake  of  the  head, 
and  the  quaint  utterance  of  the  county's  nick- 
name. There  were  the  Far-Downs  in  the  North, 
the  Yellow  Bellies  in  Wexford.  The  Roaring  Tips 
from  Nenagh  were  also  the  Stone-Throwers  of 
Tipperary.    There  were  the  Fish-Jolters  in  Water- 

98  Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

ford  and  Cats  in  Kilkenny.  Goat-Milker  de- 
scribed the  man  from  Wicklow.  County  Kerry, 
where  the  cows  are  the  size  of  goats,  was  the 
proper  way  to  treat  Kerry  pride.  There  was 
Rebel  Cork  and  Buttermilk  Limerick  and  County 
Mayo,  God  help  us ! 

These  expressions  were  not  necessarily  offensive 
but  might  easily  become  so.  They  were  handy  to 
administer  when  county  feeling  ran  high.  Of 
course  sensible  people  frowned  upon  all  this  ri- 
valry and  avoided  it — by  choosing  their  friends 
from  their  own  county,  as  perhaps  they  do  to-day 
in  Onondaga.  But  in  spite  of  county  loyalty  they 
all  managed  to  live  and  work  and  play  and  pray 

In  time  it  became  bad  manners  to  ask  a  man 
from  what  county  he  came  and  the  respective 
merits  of  neighboring  clans  ceased  to  be  cause  of 

Counties  in  Ireland 

Ireland  is  divided  into  four  provinces :  Leinster 
in  the  east,  Ulster  in  the  north,  Munster  in  the 
south,  and  Connaught  in  the  west.  These 
provinces  are  subdivided  into  thirty-two  coun- 
ties : 

Leinster — Louth,  Meath,  Westmeath,  Longford, 
Dublin,  Kildare,  King's,  Queen's,  Carlow, Wicklow, 
Wexford,  and  Kilkenny. 

Ulster — Donegal,    Derry,   Antrim,    Down,   Ar- 

Syracuse  99 

magh,  Monaghan,  Tyrone,  Fermanagh,  and 

Munster — Waterford,  Tipperary,  Clare,  Lim- 
erick, Cork,  and  Kerry. 

Connaught — Roscommon,  Leitrim,  Sligo,  Mayo, 
and  Galway. 

Thomas  Kendrick 

Thomas  Kendrick  and  his  brother  Dennis  came 
to  Syracuse  in  1835  from  Fethard,  County  Tip- 
perary, Ireland.  Thomas  Kendrick,  Patrick  Hall, 
and  Edward  Farley  were  stewards  in  the  old 
Syracuse  House  conducted  by  Philo  Rust.  This 
hotel  gave  many  young  Irishmen  their  start  in 
life.  The  work  was  pleasant  and  contact  with 
the  travelling  public  gave  them  a  certain  style 
that  appealed  to  the  gentler  sex.  The  stewards  as 
a  rule  were  good-looking  and  well-dressed  in  those 
days,  when  the  art  of  dressing  had  no  assistance 
from  the  ready-made  industry.  These  men  were 
sources  of  information  to  their  countrymen  and  to 
all  travellers  by  coach  or  packet-boat.  Many  of 
the  young  men  left  the  hotel  to  enter  a  business 
of  their  own,  not  a  few  becoming  hosts  in  their 
own  hotels. 

Thomas  Kendrick  became  a  cartman  and  re- 
mained in  that  then  lucrative  trade  until  he 
retired.  He  married  Mary,  the  daughter  of 
a  Salina  pioneer,  Thomas  Murphy,  and  after 
her  early  death  took  for  his  second  wife  Maria 

100        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Degnan,  the  daughter  of  Patrick,  an  eariy  settler 
at  Split  Rock. 

The  children  of  Thomas  and  Maria  Deg- 
nan Kendrick  are:  James  P.,  Thomas  J., 
Dennis,  Michael  G.,  Francis  B.,  Mary  A.,  and 

Edward  Farley 

Edward  Fariey  found  his  first  employment  in 
Onondaga  with  Peter  McGuire  of  Salina  in  1837. 
He  had  come  from  County  Cavan,  Ireland,  while 
his  wife,  Eliza  Kearney,  was  from  Kingston, 
Canada.  Edward  was  active  in  the  Liberty  Pole 

Edward  Farley  married  Eliza,  daughter  of 
Patrick  and  Carmencita  Timmons  Kearney,  and 
their  children  are:  John,  who  married  Mary 
Fitzpatrick,  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Mary  Fo- 
garty  Fitzpatrick;  Mary,  who  married  James 
Gordon;  Patrick;  Edward;  Charles;  Bernard,  who 
married  Laura  B.  Smith;  Eugene;  Catharine  and 
one  Edward  died  when  infants. 

Francis  Conlin 

Francis  and  Catharine  Morgan  Conlin  came  to 
America  on  their  wedding  trip  in  1832,  living  for 
a  time  in  Kingston  and  then  going  to  Syracuse. 
He  was  a  gardener  and  did  much  to  beautify 
the  city  by  planting  trees  and  shrubs. 

Syracuse  loi 

Edward  Drake 

Edward,  son  of  William  and  Julia  Brosnahan 
Drake,  was  bom  in  Oswego  in  1835,  and  came  to 
Syracuse  in  1838.  Five  of  their  ten  children 
were  bom  in  Syracuse. 

Dennis  Sullivan 
Mary  Sullivan  Sullivan 

Dennis  Sullivan  and  his  wife,  Mary  Sullivan 
Sullivan,  came  to  Syracuse  from  Killarney,  County 
Kerry,  in  1836.  They  came  here  to  improve  their 
fortunes,  leaving  behind  them  the  life  of  the  far- 
mer. Dennis  found  his  first  work  packing  salt, 
for  which  he  received  the  standard  price  of  three 
cents  a  barrel,  earning  about  seventy-five  cents  a 
day.  After  three  or  four  years  he  was  appointed 
sexton  of  Rose  Hill  Cemetery,  and  had  charge  of 
the  "pest"  house  on  Highland  Street,  where  the 
victims  of  small-pox  were  housed.  Dr.  Pease  was 
then  health  officer.  For  five  years  he  worked  as 
sexton  and  superintendent  and  then  lost  his  job 
because  of  the  enmity  of  a  man  who  hated  his  race 
and  did  not  want  an  Irishman  to  be  above  his 
grave.  The  man's  name,  strangely  enough,  was 

Dennis  Sullivan  then  bought  a  farm  near  Split 
Rock  and  lived  there  two  years.  Returning  to 
the  city  he  bought  a  horse  and  cart  and  spent 
twenty  years  in   carting.     He   drove   the   same 

102        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

horse  for  the  whole  period  of  twenty  years,  surely 
a  record  and  a  proof  of  his  humanity.  In  this 
business  his  great  friend  and  crony  was  Nicholas 
Peters,  who  afterwards  entered  the  clothing  and 
grocery  business.  In  this  he  went  bankrupt,  but 
within  a  few  years  fulfilled  a  promise  he  had  made 
to  himself  by  paying  one  hundred  cents  on 
every  dollar  he  owed,  to  the  honor  of  himself 
and  in  justification  of  the  pride  his  friends  had 
in  him. 

While  Dennis  Sullivan  was  sexton  he  bought 
a  lot  from  E.  W.  Leavenworth  and  built  a  house, 
at  that  time  the  only  one  on  the  block  bounded  by 
McBride,  Catharine,  Hickory,  and  Willow  Streets. 
Here  came  many  of  the  immigrants  from  Kerry  to 
find  a  temporary  home  until  work  was  found. 
Here  also  came  a  man  from  Kilkenny,  Edward 
Dunfee,  the  father  of  John.  Here  Dennis  Sullivan 
kept  a  tiny  farm  and  sold  milk  and  eggs  and  vege- 
tables to  his  neighbors,  after  he  had  given  up  the 
heavy  work  of  carting. 

Over  sixty  years  Dennis  and  Mary  Sullivan 
lived  in  wedlock.  The  fiftieth  anniversary  of 
their  marriage  was  celebrated  with  great  cere- 
mony, both  in  the  Church  of  St.  John  the  Evangel- 
ist, which  they  had  helped  to  found  and  of  which 
he  was  a  trustee,  and  in  their  home,  where  their 
five  children  and  their  many  friends  made  merry, 
with  feast  and  song.  Among  the  guests  was  the 
pastor.  Father  Moriarty,  a  native  of  their  own 
County  Kerry,  and  a  guest  of  his,  Father  Sullivan, 

Syracuse  103 

also  of  Kerry,  out  on  a  visit  to  this  country. 
So  in  the  jubilee,  when  they  knelt  again  within 
the  chancel  and  listened  to  the  jubilee  sermon 
of  their  pastor,  the  land  of  their  birth  was  not 

Dennis  Sullivan  was  a  member  of  Father  Mat- 
thew's Temperance  Society  for  forty-five  years. 
He  was  also  a  charter  member  of  St.  Vincent  de 
Paul  Society,  and  with  it  marched  in  processions 
wearing  sashes  of  green.  When  he  came  here, 
there  were  many  Irishmen  who  owned  salt-blocks, 
then  worth  $10,000  apiece.  Those  he  knew  best 
were  Gleason,  Hayes,  Spring,  Cooney,  Shanahan, 
Farrell,  Pendergast,  and  Doyle.  The  manu- 
facturer of  salt  worked  in  the  block,  operating 
night  and  day,  and  hired  men,  each  to  take  his 
turn  with  him  in  the  work. 

The  children  of  Dennis  and  Mary  Sullivan  are: 
Ellen;  Jeremiah,  who  married  Mary,  the  daughter 
of  Daniel  Welch;  Cornelius  J.,  who  married  first 
Margaret,  the  daughter  of  John  and  Margaret 
Tracy,  and  later  Sarah,  the  daughter  of  Michael 
and  Sarah  Grant  Fogarty  of  Holy  Cross,  Tip- 
perary;  Mary,  who  married  Dell  Casavand;  and 

Cornelius  J.  Sullivan  was  born  in  Syracuse  in 
1848,  and  educated  in  old  number  five  school, 
finishing  at  the  age  of  thirteen.  He  then  worked 
for  Robert  Townsend  for  two  years,  then  for  Peter 
Cutwater,  Patrick  Lynch,  A.  C.  Yates,  and  Mrs. 
C,  S.  Longstreet.     For  four  years  he  was  brake- 

104        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

man  on  the  N.  Y.  C,  then  conductor  until  the 
strike  in  1878,  when  he  entered  the  employ  of 
the  D.  L.  &  W.  Six  months  later  by  an  accident 
he  lost  his  right  forearm  but  remained  with  the 
railroad  company  until  1883  when  he  joined 
W.  K.  Niver  in  the  coal  business.  Later  he 
formed  a  partnership  with  Andrew  Martin,  and 
in  1 89 1  began  the  business  of  cement  and  con- 
tracting, laying  many  miles  of  sewer  within  the 
city.  He  now  conducts  the  cement  business 

The  children  of  Cornelius  J.  and  Margaret 
Tracy  Sullivan  are:  Margaret,  Charles  M., 
William  J.,  Francis,  Mary,  and  Dennis;  and  the 
children  of  Cornelius  J.  and  Sarah  M.  Sullivan 
are:  Lawrence  D.,  Mary  V.,  Thomas  J.,  Cor- 
neHus  F.,  Sarah  E.,  Anna  M.,  Katharine  M.,  and 
Agnes  L. 

Michael  Gleason 

Few  men  have  lived  and  died  in  the  unchang- 
ing love  of  their  countrymen,  but  among  the  few 
was  Michael  Gleason.  To  this  hour  he  is  re- 
membered with  gratitude  and  love  by  those  who 
knew  him,  and  he  was  widely  known.  Some  re- 
call his  generous  hospitahty;  others,  his  kindly 
offices  to  those  in  misfortune;  others,  his  loyalty, 
his  patriotism,  and  sterling  worth.  He  was  a 
friend  in  need  except  to  the  thief,  whom  he  left 
to  his  own  deserts.     For  any  other  sinner  or  tin- 

Syracuse  105 

fortunate  he  would  cheerfully  leave  his  bed  and 
home  to  answer  the  appeal  for  help.  For  many- 
years  he  was  the  leader  to  whom  they  looked  for 
counsel.  His  disposition  was  uniformly  mild  and 
his  judgment  sound.  Of  prepossessing  appear- 
ance, good  education,  and  business  experience, 
with  sufficient  worldly  goods  to  make  him  inde- 
pendent, he  became  a  power  among  his  country- 
men and  freed  them  from  petty  abuses  and  trials. 
In  one  instance  he  was  the  actor  in  a  scene  which 
stirred  the  blood  of  his  race  and  handed  down  to 
posterity  the  thrill  of  the  deed  though  his  name 
was  forgotten.  The  story  was  told  at  the  fireside 
of  every  Irish  family  as  a  tale  of  prejudice  and 
bigotry  towards  their  race. 

Michael  Gleason  was  born  in  1799  in  Thurles, 
County  Tipperary,  Ireland.  He  was  a  store- 
keeper in  Thurles  for  many  years.  His  wife, 
Mary  Neal,  died,  leaving  him  one  daughter, 
Catharine,  born  in  1826.  He  came  to  Split  Rock, 
where  he  lived  for  a  time,  and  then  went  to  Syra- 
cuse about  the  year  1835-36,  and  was  appointed 
an  inspector  of  salt.  Within  a  few  years  of  his 
arrival  in  this  country  he  returned  to  Ireland  to 
bring  over  his  daughter.  She  related  many 
anecdotes  of  her  father.  One  will  show  his  love 
of  a  joke.  It  was  exceptional  for  a  man  who 
had  left  Ireland  to  return  for  pleasure  or  to  act 
as  escort  to  other  members  of  his  family.  Mr. 
Gleason  and  his  daughter  were  much  alike  in  their 
sense  of  humor,  and  enjoyed  many  a  joke  at  the 

io6        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

expense  of  their  fellow  passengers.  The  daughter 
naturally  made  friends  with  the  young  women  of 
her  own  age  on  board  ship,  especially  with  two 
sisters  bound  for  Philadelphia.  They  regarded 
her  father  as  a  villain  because  he  wore  a  gold 
watch  and  chain,  and  they  were  convinced  that  he 
had  enticed  the  young  lady  away  from  her  home 
and  would  desert  her  in  America,  where  he  prob- 
ably had  a  wife  and  family.  They  begged  her  to 
leave  him  and  go  with  them  to  their  brother. 
But  Miss  Gleason  was  carried  aboard  the  packet- 
boat  at  New  York,  because  she  was  too  ill  to 
walk,  and  she  came  to  Syracuse,  where  she  still 
laughs  at  the  joke  of  being  the  runaway  bride  of 
her  father  when  she  was  sweet  sixteen. 

A  Canadian  Tragedy 

A  few  years  after  Mr.  Gleason  came  to  Syracuse 
business  of  some  sort  took  him  to  Kingston, 
Canada.  With  a  companion,  he  arrived  there  on 
Orangemen's  Day,  July  12th,  about  the  year  1845. 
The  city  was  decorated,  flags  flying,  soldiers 
marching,  and  bands  playing.  His  Irish  heart 
was  on  fire  and  he  went  and  bought  a  piece  of 
green  ribbon  and  pinned  it  on  his  breast  and  on 
that  of  his  companion.  They  went  out  into  the 
street  and  without  a  moment's  warning  the  soldiers 
turned  their  guns  on  them  and  fired.  His  com- 
panion staggered  a  few  paces  and  dropped  dead. 
Gleason  was  terribly  wounded,  a  great  hole  hav- 

Syracuse  107 

ing  been  torn  in  his  right  flank.  He  was  taken 
into  the  office  of  a  young  EngHsh  physician,  who 
put  him  in  bed  and  cared  for  him  many  weeks. 
He  refused  to  surrender  his  patient  to  the  law, 
which  issued  a  warrant  for  his  arrest,  on  the  ground 
that  he  was  in  mortal  danger.  For  weeks  he  be- 
friended him  and  when  at  last  he  was  sufficiently 
recovered  and  the  law  could  no  longer  be  delayed, 
the  good  doctor  found  a  night  dark  enough  to 
ship  him  home. 

St.  Patrick  in  Effigy  on  Liberty  Pole 

In  these  days  it  has  become  the  fashion  for  all 
classes  of  people  to  celebrate  St.  Patrick's  Day. 
Business  men  decorate  their  stores  with  the  Stars 
and  Stripes  and  the  Green  and  Gold;  banquets 
with  decorations  of  green  and  other  representa- 
tions of  Irish  sentiment  have  become  a  fad.  Festi- 
vals are  planned  yearly  by  those  who  claim  no 
Irish  blood,  in  honor  of  the  Irish  apostle,  and 
nearly  every  one  wears  a  bit  of  green  upon  his 
breast  in  sympathy  with  the  sentiment  of  the 
day.  Fifty  years  ago  the  fathers  of  the  present 
generation  hung  St.  Patrick  in  effigy. 

The  Irish  aroused  the  hatred  of  their  neighbors 
in  nothing  so  much  as  in  their  religion,  and  those 
who  had  crossed  the  seas  to  find  freedom  of 
thought  in  religion  were  the  first  to  attempt  re- 
striction in  the  religion  of  their  neighbors. 

The  Irish  have  carried  with  them  to  all  parts  of 

io8        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

the  world  their  veneration  of  St.  Patrick  and  they 
celebrated  in  his  honor  in  the  marshes  and  forests 
of  Onondaga.  As  they  became  more  numerous, 
their  celebration  became  more  elaborate  and  the 
hostility  of  their  enemies  more  bitter.  Men  to 
whom  had  been  given  the  highest  office  of  the 
community  led  the  march  of  jubilation  and  as 
regularly  cut  down  from  some  tree  the  efifigy  of 
their  saint.  An  Irishman  would  open  his  door  in 
the  early  morning  of  St.  Patrick's  Day  to  find  a 
stuffed  image  swinging  aloft.  Sometimes  it  was 
decorated  with  a  necklace  of  potatoes,  to  ridicule 
the  national  dish  they  had  adopted  from  the  land 
of  the  American  Indian.  Sometimes  a  codfish 
would  add  its  ridicule  of  obedient  abstinence  on 
Fridays.  Sometimes  a  bottle  would  protrude  in 
mockery  of  the  unfortunate  who  hoped  to  drive 
out  the  dreadful  malaria  of  the  swamps  by  the 
more  deadly  rum.  This  hanging  in  effigy,  not 
only  of  St.  Patrick  but  of  any  other  man,  was  a 
common  event. 

For  years  and  years  there  had  stood  on  the 
south  bank  of  the  Erie  Canal  at  the  Salina  Street 
crossing  a  flagstaff,  150  feet  high,  called  the 
Liberty  Pole.  The  Red,  White,  and  Blue  was 
thrown  to  the  breeze  from  this  pole  during  any 
local  celebration  or  national  holiday.  Michael 
Gleason  had  been  in  this  country  only  a  few  years 
and  had  already  won  the  respect  and  confidence 
of  his  countrymen  when  St.  Patrick  in  effigy  was 
hung  at  the  top  of  Liberty  Pole.     The  Irish  were 

Syracuse  109 

furious.  They  stormed  around  and  were  be- 
side themselves  with  rage.  One  fight  followed  an- 
other between  them  and  others  of  the  crowd. 
They  finally  sought  Gleason  for  advice.  Fol- 
lowed by  the  angry  crowd  he  went  to  the  village 
fathers  and  asked  them  to  remove  the  doubly 
desecrating  effigy.  They  promised  to  do  so  but 
apparently  were  in  no  hurry,  and  the  Irishmen 
grew  more  furious  every  minute.  Mr.  Gleason 
again  sought  the  officers  and  they  again  promised 
but  delayed.  Three  times  they  were  visited  and 
asked  to  remove  it  and  avoid  the  riot  which 
threatened.  Returning  from  the  third  interview 
Michael  Gleason  stopped  at  a  hardware  store, 
bought  an  axe,  and  forcing  his  way  through  the 
crowd,  calmly  chopped  down  the  Liberty  Pole. 

Patrick  Hall 

Patrick  Hall  married  Catharine  Gleason,  the 
only  daughter  of  Michael  Gleason.  Patrick 
seemed  to  possess  the  qualities  and  influence  of 
his  father-in-law.  His  store  became  the  meeting 
place  of  all  the  Irishmen.  He  won  the  adjective 
"handsome"  by  his  dress  and  physical  beauty, 
which  must  have  been  exceptional,  since  beauty 
is  a  common  gift  to  the  Irish  race.  There  is 
much  direct  testimony  of  those  who  were  young 
with  him  that  Patrick  Hall  deserved  the  "hand- 

He  was  bom  in  the  town  of  Tipperary,  Ireland, 

no        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

about  1 817,  the  son  of  William  and  Bridget 
Franklin  Hall,  and  youngest  of  five  children, 
David,  William,  Catharine,  and  Bridget.  His 
father  died  when  he  was  very  young,  and  his 
mother  brought  her  five  children  to  this  land 
of  brighter  promise.  Patrick  worked  for  many 
years  as  steward  in  the  old  Syracuse  House. 
He  won  the  friendship  of  all,  and  especially  the 
much  desired  approval  of  Michael  Gleason,  whose 
daughter  he  sought  in  marriage.  These  two  men 
stood  for  all  that  was  best  for  their  race  in  this 
County.  They  gave  the  hand  of  fellowship  to 
all  who  strove  for  the  right.  They  encouraged  the 
young.  They  kept  the  latch-string  out  for  those 
less  fortunate  than  themselves.  They  were  the 
centre  of  the  little  social  life  possible  in  those 

Patrick  Hall  started  a  general  store  and  con- 
ducted it  for  many  years  where  the  West  Shore 
Railroad  crosses  Salina  Street.  Hither  came  men 
from  the  whole  countryside  to  buy  and  carry  home 
their  groceries  on  their  shoulders.  To  carry  a 
sack  of  flour  five  miles  at  a  stretch  was  an  ordinary 
event.  The  roads  were  in  bad  condition  and  the 
delivery  of  goods  by  the  grocer  was  undreamed 
of.  Many  truly  carried  away  what  they  never 
paid  for  and  Patrick  Hall  trusted  them.  Men 
found  plenty  of  work  to  do  in  the  summer  but  were 
often  idle  during  the  whole  winter,  so  the  debts 
incurred  in  the  idle  months  were  a  constant  drain 
on  the  productive  time.     The  balance  was  kept 

Syracuse  1 1 1 

when  all  was  well,  but  sickness  or  any  other  loss 
had  to  be  met,  and  the  grocer  bore  the  burden. 
The  same  conditions  exist  to-day  among  certain 
classes  of  skilled  and  unskilled  labor,  but  the 
grocers  no  longer  extend  unlimited  credit. 

The  visit  to  the  grocery  store  was  the  event  of 
the  week.  Here  the  men  met  to  buy  and  visit. 
Barrels  of  molasses,  of  oil,  of  sugar,  chests  of  tea, 
and  boxes  of  all  kinds  served  to  accommodate  the 
listeners  to  many  a  spirited  debate.  Occasionally 
the  store  was  the  arena  of  a  friendly  test  of 
strength  or  agility  to  silence  some  boaster. 

And  through  it  all  these  two  men,  Michael 
Gleason  and  his  son-in-law,  Patrick  Hall,  wielded 
their  influence  and  won  for  themselves  the  respect 
and  love  of  their  contemporaries,  who  in  turn 
talked  to  their  children  until  the  names  of  these 
men  have  become  the  heritage  of  their  race  in  the 
country  of  the  Onondagas. 

Catharine  Gleason  Hall 

Catharine  Gleason  Hall  recalls  the  "Garry 
Owen  "  cry  in  the  quarrels  of  those  days.  She  also 
pays  tribute  to  the  memory  of  Dr.  James  Foran 
and  Dr.  Henry  Grant,  to  Mr.  John  Molloy,  a 
lawyer,  to  Patrick  Corbett,  Mrs.  Ford,  and  Mrs. 
McGrath,  grandmother  of  Harold.  Mrs.  Mc- 
Grath  was  the  widow  of  a  Tipperary  storekeeper 
and  supported  herself  and  son  by  dressmaking. 
She  was  very  clever  and  especially  witty. 

112        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Mrs.  Hall  related  many  anecdotes  of  the  1840 
period.  Many  tales  are  told  of  those  who,  har- 
boring a  wandering  Catholic  peddler  or  tramp, 
sat  up  all  night  in  fear  of  treachery,  so  wide-spread 
was  religious  prejudice.  Mrs.  Hall  affirms  the 
truth  of  this  story : 

A  Protestant  peddler  from  Salina  found  him- 
self in  Geddes  late  in  the  day.  Darkness  and  a 
violent  snow-storm  drove  him  to  seek  shelter  at 
the  house  of  a  family  named  Oliphant,  who  were 
both  Irish  and  Catholic.  The  peddler  chose  the 
dangers  within  to  those  without,  but  spent  the 
whole  night  wide  awake  in  deadly  fear.  This  he 
confessed  to  his  host  when  later  he  returned  to  woo 
a  daughter  of  the  house  and  carry  her  off  in 

Mrs.  Hall  also  speaks  of  Dennis  DriscoU,  George 
and  Michael  Ryan,  the  undertakers,  the  latter 
the  father  of  Charles  Ryan.  They  were  promi- 
nent Irish  gentlemen.  She  knew  also  the  Mc- 
Carthy family,  Lynch,  Cooney,  Patrick  Doyle, 
Moses  Summers,  William  Summers.  She  speaks 
of  the  McKevett  soldiers. 

The  children  of  Patrick  and  Catharine  Gleason 
Hall  are:  Mary  A.,  David  F.,  Bridget  C, 
Michael,  Katharine  N.,  William,  Anna,  Gertrude, 
and  Frank  V.  Hall.  Mary  A.  married  Richard 
L.  Hewitt,  and  their  children  are:  Bernard  H., 
William  P.  H.,  Anna  B.,  Katharine  N.,  Mary 
Florence,  and  Gertrude  R,  David  F.  married 
first    Emma    Tipplon,    and   later    Mary     Schug 

Syracuse  113 

Feldsmith.      Bridget     C.    married    Edward    L. 
Monen  of  Oswego,  and  had  one  child,  Jessie. 

Petty  Abuses 

Besides  the  occasions  for  strife  common  to  all 
the  pioneers  of  Onondaga,  the  Irish  had  their  own 
special  causes.  Every  pioneer  Irishman  has  told 
the  same  story  of  opposition  in  his  efforts  to  earn 
a  living,  of  insult  and  intolerance  in  his  religious 
practices,  and  humiliation  and  petty  tyranny  in 
his  social  relations.  They  had  come  to  this 
country,  bringing  with  them  the  pride  of  race 
which  centuries  of  tyranny  had  not  broken.  They 
brought  a  social  purity  unequalled  by  any  nation. 
They  had  health  and  strength  and  virtue  and  wit. 
They  came  as  sons  and  daughters  of  their  father's 
house.  Fortune  had  failed  them  and  they  found  it 
easier  to  toil  among  strangers  in  the  land  of  op- 
portunity than  under  the  altered  conditions  of 
home.  Some  had  money  and  established  them- 
selves. Those  who  had  only  their  labor  to  offer, 
found  the  farm  and  the  kitchen.  They  worked 
for  those  as  little  accustomed  to  command  as 
they  themselves  were  to  serve.  Generally  both 
adapted  themselves  to  the  conditions,  but  there 
were  not  wanting  the  exceptions  who  provoked 
resentment  by  petty  persecutions.  The  hin- 
drance placed  on  church  attendance,  the  taunting 
slanders,  the  scanty  food  on  every  day  but 
Friday,  when  it  was  prohibited,  the  mockery  of 
their  patron  saints,  and  other  petty  measures  could 

114        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

not  fail  in  their  very  meanness  to  arouse  the  gen- 
erous Irish  heart.  But  these  things  passed,  and 
the  petty  persecutor  vanished  in  the  broadening 
Hght  of  better  days.  When  the  great  tide  of  im- 
migration set  in,  pubHc  opinion  was  in  control 
and  the  Irish  immigrant's  struggle  for  justice  had 
been  practically  won. 

James  Haley 

Circumstances  which  forced  youth  to  leave  its 
native  land  gave  birth  to  chance  which  separated 
the  members  of  a  family.  James  and  Anthony 
Haley  turned  to  America  while  their  brother  Mar- 
tin established  himself  in  England.  James  and 
his  wife,  Ann  Murphy,  came  to  Quebec  from  Cross 
MuUina,  County  Mayo,  about  1837,  reaching 
Syracuse  the  same  year.  He  worked  for  Joseph 
Savage  in  the  salt  works  and  then  in  the  quarries 
at  Split  Rock.  About  1846  he  and  a  friend, 
Patrick  Haley,  leased  land  from  the  Indians  at 
Onondaga,  but  in  less  than  a  year  James  died  of 
some  intestinal  disease,  epidemic  at  that  time. 
His  wife  with  her  five  little  children  came  to 
Syracuse  to  live  on  North  Geddes  Street.  Friends 
tried  to  persuade  the  mother  to  part  with  her 
children  for  a  time  that  they  might  grow  up  in 
farmers'  families  according  to  the  custom  of  those 
days.  The  mother  resisted  all  influence  and  kept 
her  children  together,  as  many  a  mother  did  with 
heart  courageous  and  faith  unshaken. 

Syracuse  115 

The  children  of  James  and  Ann  Haley  are 
Martin,  who  married  Elizabeth  Welch,  Mary, 
Anthony  J,,  James,  and  Ann,  who  married  Pat- 
rick Toomey. 

Anthony  J.  Haley  was  born  in  Syracuse  in  1842, 
attended  old  No.  4  School,  and  found  his  first 
work  in  the  salt  industry.  He  worked  in  the  mills 
at  Lodi  and  Rome,  making  rails.  In  1870  he 
was  appointed  on  the  police  force  and  served  until 
his  retirement  in  1907.  The  law  requires  that 
an  officer  shall  retire  at  the  age  of  65  years,  if  he 
has  completed  twenty  years'  service,  regardless  of 
a  man's  physical  condition  or  ability  for  further 
service.  Officer  Haley  found  pleasure  and  in- 
formation in  the  pursuit  of  his  duty.  He  learned 
from  the  Italian  and  the  Greek  and  the  Slav  the 
common  expressions  of  their  languages. 

Anthony  Haley  married  Margaret,  the  daughter 
of  Mark  and  Margaret  Garrity  McGrath  of 
County  Fermanagh. 

With  James  Haley  aboard  ship  bound  for 
America  were  two  others  who  came  to  Syracuse — 
Owen  Gallagher  and  John  C.  Manley. 

Michael  Ryan 

Michael  Ryan  was  born  in  Syracuse  in  1839. 
With  his  elder  brother  John  he  formed  the  firm, 
Ryan  Brothers,  undertakers,  widely  known 
throughout  the  State. 

ii6        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Thomas  Molloy 

Thomas  Molloy  came  from  West  Meath  in  1836 
and  to  Syracuse  the  next  year.  He  married  Anne 
Murphy  of  County  Clare. 

Several  Irish  families,  numerous  and  prosperous 
in  the  County  and  intermarried  with  many  other 
families,  lack  their  own  family  chronicles. 

Patrick  J.  Johnson 

Patrick  J.  Johnson,  for  many  years  manager 
of  the  Onondaga  Salt  Company,  is  the  son  of 
Thomas  and  Anastasia  Phalen  Johnson,  who 
emigrated  from  Ireland  to  America  in  1832. 

Thomas  Quigley 

On  the  Tipperary  end  of  the  Killaloe  bridge 
John  McNamara  and  his  wife,  Mary  Flannery 
McNamara,  lived  in  their  hotel  with  their  little 
children.  Near  by  was  a  school  to  which  came 
Thomas,  the  son  of  Thomas  and  Catharine 
O'Brien  Quigley  of  Town  Lock,  four  miles  dis- 
tant from  Ballina.  One  day  young  Thomas,  in 
temporary  charge  of  some  lambs,  met  the  little 
daughter  of  the  hotel -keeper,  Julia,  grand- 
daughter and  namesake  of  Julia  St.  Leger.  Julia 
could  not  resist  the  impulse  to  reach  the-  soft  coats 
of  the  lambs  to  pat  them  and  was  sharply  chided 
by  her  nurse.  "Don't  scold  the  little  girl,"  said 
Thomas  and  thus  won  the  heart  of  the  child  who 

Syracuse  117 

afterwards  became  his  wife.  They  married  young 
and  came  to  America  on  their  wedding  trip,  land- 
ing at  Quebec  in  1840,  and  then  travelling  to 
Newburgh.  The  next  year  they  came  to  Syra- 
cuse on  the  packet-boat. 

Thomas  Quigley  soon  learned  that  the  success- 
ful men  were  those  who  had  a  trade,  so  he  be- 
gan to  work  as  a  boiler-maker  and  followed  the 
trade  for  more  than  thirty-five  years  in  the  employ 
of  the  New  York  Central.  He  had  worked  on 
steamboats  and  on  the  Auburn  railroad  rivet- 
ing the  rails.  In  1850  he  was  a  volunteer  fire- 
man in  a  company  called  No.  8,  the  majority  of 
whose  members  were  employees  of  the  N.  Y. 

He  built  the  first  house  on  Otisco  Street,  where 
he  had  bought  eight  lots  for  eight  hundred  dol- 
lars, afterwards  selling  one  of  these  for  the  price 
he  had  paid  for  eight.  This  property  he  be- 
lieved gave  him  the  opportunity  to  educate  his 
family  in  books  and  in  trades.  Each  of  his 
children  had  this  double  advantage. 

Thomas  Quigley  located  first  on  the  southeast 
corner  of  West  and  TuUy  Streets.  On  the  op- 
posite side  were  the  salt  covers.  On  the  north- 
west comer  lived  the  family  of  Bourke.  Here  was 
born  William  Bourke,  the  first  American  to  be- 
come a  priest  in  the  County.  On  the  same  day 
John  Quigley  and  Thomas  Bourke  were  born  on 
opposite  comers. 

Thomas   Quigley  was  the  grandson  of  Mary 

ii8        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Seymour.  He  was  quiet  and  studious  in  his 
habits  and  gave  his  services  freely  to  those  whose 
education  had  been  neglected.  He  wrote  their 
letters  and  read  to  them  the  daily  news.  His 
listeners  often  showed  remarkable  memories,  re- 
taining for  many  years  a  newspaper  account  that 
had  been  read  to  them  once. 

Patrick  Quigley  came  to  America  sometime  after 
his  brother  Thomas.  He  was  a  stone  mason  by 
trade  but  enlisted  in  the  regular  army  at  West 
Point  and  became  a  sergeant.  He  helped  to  build 
some  of  the  walls  of  the  garrison.  Ulysses  Grant 
was  then  a  cadet  there. 

The  children  of  Thomas  and  Julia  McNamara 
Quigley  are:  Catharine,  Mary,  Martin,  John  J., 
Thomas  W.,  Patrick,  Simon,  Julia  E.,  and    Agnes. 

Catharine  Quigley  married  Charles  J.  Ryan,  the 
son  of  Edwin  and  Catharine  Sweeny  Ryan  from 
Tipperary.  Their  children  are:  Edward  J.,  T. 
Francis,  Charles  R.,  Mary  Agnes,  Julia  Elizabeth, 
Katharine  Estella,  Leonard  A.,  and  Bertha. 

Thomas  W.  Quigley 

Thomas  W.  Quigley  went  to  the  public  schools 
of  Syracuse  and  spent  his  vacations  heating  rivets 
in  a  boiler  shop.  The  work  attracted  him  and  in 
time  he  learned  the  trade.  He  attended  Foote's 
Academy,  and  was,  a  book-keeper  for  two  years. 
He  joined  the  police  force  in  1878  as  patrolman, 
resigned  after  four  years,  but  the  next  year  was 

Syracuse  119 

reappointed  as  captain,  which  office  he  still  holds. 
When  the  captain  was  yet  a  boy,  there  was  a  rink 
and  pleasure  resort  where  the  Armory  stands. 
Kelly,  a  railroad  watchman,  was  in  charge.  He 
whipped  the  boys  with  a  cane  instead  of  arrest- 
ing them,  but  he  was  partial  to  Thomas,  whom  he 
liked.  One  night  at  the  rink  a  watch  was  stolen, 
and  the  watchman  was  getting  the  worst  of  it 
in  his  battle  with  the  thief.  Young  Thomas  came 
to  help  his  friend  and  soon  after  was  appointed 
officer  at  the  rink.  He  remained  there  during  the 
season  and  so  began  his  career  as  guardian  of 
the  public  peace.  He  worked  for  several  years 
after  at  his  trade  of  boiler  maker,  but  always  felt 
the  attraction  to  the  department  of  police,  in 
which  he  has  served  over  thirty  years. 

Thomas  W.  Quigley  married  Mary,  daughter  of 
Patrick  and  Katharine  King  Murphy,  of  County 
Louth.  Their  children  are:  Thomas  W.,  Jr., 
and  Katharine  Julia. 

Martin  Quigley  married  first  Mary  Rosenberg 
and  they  had  one  son,  John  T.  Later  he  married 
Mary  Kippley,  and  their  son  is  Martin  C. 

Patrick  Quigley  married  first  Mary  Foy  and 
later  Anna  Walch. 

Agnes  Quigley  married  Carl  C.  Barnes. 

Patrick  H.  Agan 

Patrick  H,  Agan  was  one  of  the  wisest  of  the 
city  fathers.  Born  at  Watertown  in  1817,  an 
orphan  at  nine  years,  he  came  to  Liverpool  in 

120        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

1837  to  work  for  his  brother-in-law  Sampson 
Jaqueth,  a  salt  manufacturer.  He  was  political 
editor  of  the  Standard  for  over  twenty  years,  a 
clear  and  concise  writer.  He  was  postmaster,  and 
was  largely  instrumental  in  the  creation  of  the 
Adirondack  State  Park  and  other  measures  for 
the  public  good. 

Peter  Burns 

Peter,  only  child  of  David  and  Mary  Dempsey 
Burns,  was  bom  in  Dublin  in  1814.  Five  years 
later,  his  mother  having  died,  he  went  with  his 
father  to  America.  His  childhood  years  were 
spent  successively  in  a  French  and  a  Dutch 
family.  He  learned  their  languages  and  read  the 
pages  of  human  nature  and  the  few  books  avail- 
able. He  was  apprenticed  to  the  saddlery  trade, 
and  in  1840,  at  the  age  of  twenty-six,  entered 
Onondaga  Academy,  and  in  two  years  obtained  a 
teacher's  diploma.  However,  he  preferred  a 
commercial  career,  which  led  him  into  extensive 
fields  and  extensive  charities. 

In  1850  he  married  Elizabeth,  daughter  of 
Joshua  and  Jane  Phillips  Bates.  Their  children 
are  Willis  B.,  who  married  Sannie  Davis,  and 
Flora  E.,  who  married  Lyman  C.  Smith. 

Willis  B.  Burns 
Willis  B.  Bums  followed  his  father  in  beginning 

Syracuse  121 

at  the  age  of  seventeen  the  saddlery  trade.  He 
served  in  the  city  council,  was  mayor  on  the  Re- 
publican ticket,  and  was  elected  to  the  Legis- 
lature, where  he  acted  on  various  committees. 

Moses  Summers 

The  achievements  of  Moses  Summers  in  the  de- 
velopment of  the  newspaper  in  Onondaga,  as 
well  as  his  record  in  war,  have  been  already  in- 
scribed on  the  pages  of  history.  He  was  born 
in  County  Wexford,  January  i,  1819,  to  Thomas 
and  Elizabeth  Summers  and  came  with  them 
to  America  when  he  was  six  months  old.  His 
father  was  a  stone  mason  and  worked  at  his  trade 
in  the  construction  of  the  Erie  Canal,  moving  as 
the  work  progressed  to  Utica,  Rochester,  Lock- 
port,  and  Buffalo,  then  to  Oswego,  where  he  died 
of  cholera  in  1832.  Four  children  survived  him: 
Moses,  William,  Peter,  and  Mary. 

In  1835  Moses  Summers,  then  sixteen  years  of 
age,  apprenticed  himself  to  the  printer's  trade  on 
the  Free  Press  of  Oswego,  and  later  on  the  Pal- 
ladium. In  1 84 1  he  came  to  Syracuse  to  work  on 
the  Onondaga  Standard.  As  a  volunteer  fire- 
man he  witnessed  the  scene  of  the  explosion  of 
that  year. 

In  1845,  he  bought  an  interest  in  the  Standard, 
and  later  his  brother  William  joined  him  in  owner- 
ship and  general  management. 

Moses  Summers  served  once  as  alderman.     He 

122        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

was  active  in  the  Jerry  Rescue.  In  1862  he  en- 
Hsted  in  the  149th  Regiment  as  quartermaster, 
and  served  in  all  its  battles.  He  marched  to  the 
sea  with  Sherman,  and  was  one  of  the  first  to 
enter  Savannah.  By  an  order  of  Major-General 
John  W.  Geary  he  seized  the  printing  material  of 
the  city,  collected  it  in  one  office,  and  to  the  sur- 
' prise  of  all,  on  the  next  day  issued  a  paper.  The 
Loyal  Georgian,  and  retained  control  of  it  for  several 
months.  He  was  in  the  review  at  Washington, 
and  received  a  commission  as  Brevet-Major. 
He  held  many  other  commissions.  Returning 
to  Syracuse,  he  again  took  up  his  work  on  the 
Standard  until  he  became  a  member  of  the  Board 
of  Port  Wardens  in  New  York  in  1880. 

Moses  Summers  married  first  Harriet  Hunt  and 
later  Mrs.  Davis.     He  had  no  children. 

William  Summers  was  also  a  printer  and  owner 
of  a  newspaper  before  he  entered  partnership 
with  his  brother.  He  married  Annie  E.  Donovan, 
and  they  have  three  children:  William,  Thomas 
H.,  and  May  E. 

Hugh  Rogers 

Hugh  Rogers  lived  on  the  towpath  of  the  Erie 
near  Franklin  Street  before  1840.  His  name  ap- 
pears in  the  list  of  wounded  in  the  gunpowder  ex- 
plosion. He  kept  a  boarding  house  and  received 
many  of  his  fellow  countrymen,  who  held  him  in 
high  esteem.     He   became  a  landowner  and  ac- 

Syracuse  123 

cumulated  money.  His  first  wife  was  Bridget, 
his  second  Catharine.  He  had  one  son,  John,  and 
three  daughters:  Anne,  who  married  John  Bo- 
land,  Sarah,  who  married  Patrick  Pendergast  of 
Salina,  and  Catharine. 

The  names  of  Hugh  Rogers  and  David  Hall, 
are  signed  to  the  document  of  organization  of 
the  first  parish  in  Syracuse  July  11,  1841.^  John 
Murphy  and  William  F.  Byrne  were  among  the 
trustees.  ^ 

Residents  of  the  Old  Third  Ward 

Some  residents  of  the  old  Third  Ward  about  1840 
and  a  few  years  later  were :  John  Bigley,  Captain 
Berrigan,  Brennan,  James  Clary,  who  kept  a  hard- 
ware store,  Patrick  Cummings,  a  builder,  Coogan, 
Matthew  Dolphin,  John  Dolphin,  Patrick  Dol- 
phin, Philip  Deady,  Hugh  Gallagher,  Farrell 
Gallagher,  Patrick  Gere,  Griffin,  the  blacksmith, 
Paul  Hart,  Charles  Manahan,  alderman,  Thomas 
Maloney  (Quinlan  and  Maloney),  Michael  C. 
Murphy,  Michael  Meagher,  who  was  engaged  in 
the  salt  works,  Thomas  Meagher,  and  his  sons, 
William  and  James,  James  McCullough,  and 
John  Morrisey.  Patrick  McCarthy  was  the  first 
librarian  and  his  son  William  succeeded  him  in 
that  office.  There  were,  too,  Daniel  O'Herin, 
and  his  wife  Honora  Welch;  Michael  O'Connell, 
and  his  son  Patrick  and  his  sister  Kate;  David 

'  W.  P.  H.  Hewitt.  » Ibid. 

124        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Quinlan  and  his  wife  Mary  McCabe;  Rogers,  the 
shoemaker;  Matthew,  John,  and  Margaret  Rogers; 
Lawrence  Ryan,  and  Jeremiah  Sullivan. 

Residents  of  the  Old  Seventh  Ward 

Some  residents  of  the  old  Seventh  Ward  about 
1847  and  a  few  years  later  were:  John  Barry, 
John  Beatson,  James  Buckley,  John  Brown, 
William  Brennan,  Martin  Berry,  John  Cullen, 
John  Caffray,  Timothy  Curtin,  Anthony  Caul- 
field,  Patrick  Caul  field,  Thomas  Costello  and  his 
wife  Honora,  James  Cahill  and  Thomas  Cahil] ; 
Daniel,  William,  Hugh,  and  John  Doherty;  Martin 
Dillon,  Morgan  Dunn,  Granny  Feaney,  a  mid- 
wife; John  and  James  Feaney,  William  Farrell, 
Owen  Gallagher,  John  Gallagher,  Mrs.  Gere,  Jesse 
Gallavan,  Michael  Giblin,  Patrick  Griffin,  John 
Griffin,  Maurice  Griffin,  John  Heffron,  Anthony 

Jennings,  Joyce,  Patrick  Kennedy,  Patrick 

Kelley,  and  his  sons  Patrick,  Andrew,  James,  and 
Anthony;  William  Leamy,  Richard  Leamy,  Ed- 
ward Lewis,  Thomas  Lewis,  John  Lewis,  Michael 

Lally,  Leahy,  Daniel  Lynch,  John  Murray, 

Patrick  Mangan.  The  children  of  the  last  named 
are  John,  Bernard,  Michael,  Martin,  and  Bridget. 
Other  residents  were  John  C.  Manley,  Malay, 
Maurice  Mead,  James  Mead,  Michael  Mee- 
han,  Patrick  Murphy,  John  Moran,  James  Mc- 
Lean, James  McCormick,  Thomas  McLaughlin, 
Stephen  Nicholson  and  his  wife  Bridget  Kearney, 

Syracuse  125 

Richard  Newton,  William  Nicholson,  William 
Nicholson,  the  tailor;  Matthew  O'Brien,  Michael 
O'Brien,  Patrick  Phalen,  Daniel  Phalen,  John 
Quinn,  Jeremiah  Quinn,  Dominick  Rafferty, 
Andrew  Ready,  Patrick  Ready,  Michael  Reddin, 

Ryan,  Bernard    (Brian)   Sheridan,   Maurice 

Shea,  Patrick  Stanton,  Roger  Tyrrell,  Martin 

Francis  Bourke 

Francis  Bourke  was  born  in  Tipperary  at  Nine 
Mile  House,  a  hotel,  then  owned  by  his  father  and 
still  conducted  by  the  family.  He  came  to  Syra- 
cuse about  1842,  and  two  years  later  came  Jo- 
anna Welch  and  her  sister  from  Kilkenny,  and 
therein  is  a  romance,  for  Francis  and  Joanna  were 
betrothed  in  Ireland.  They  were  soon  married  and 
to  them  were  born  six  children,  William  J.,  Thomas 
F.,  Joseph  P.,  Nora  A.,  Francis  J.,  and  Hannie  L. 

William  J.  Bourke  was  the  first  American  born 
in  Onondaga  to  become  a  priest.  He  was  born  in 
Syracuse  June  i,  1846.  He  served  at  the  altar  in 
the  Church  of  St.  John  the  Evangelist,  studied  at 
Niagara,  and  was  ordained  at  Troy.  After  vari- 
ous missions  he  was  appointed  pastor  of  St.  John 
the  Baptist  Church.  Few  priests  have  been  more 
beloved  than  this  young  man,  who  labored  and 
lived  and  died  for  his  people. 

Edward  Dunfee 

Edward  Dunfee  came  from  Kilkenny  to  Syra- 

126        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

cuse  perhaps  as  early  as  1840.  He  married  Julia 
Hoolihan,  and  their  son,  John,  was  born  in  1851, 
and  through  almost  incredible  hardships  forced  his 
way  to  success. 

Peter  Lawrence  Ryan 

Peter  Lawrence  Ryan  is  the  son  of  Lawrence, 
who  came  to  Syracuse  in  1842,  and  who  married 
Bridget  Howard.  He  married  Ada  C,  daughter  of 
Asa  C.  Fyler,  and  descendant  of  a  Revolutionary 
soldier,  who  came  to  Split  Rock  about  1800. 

George  Doheny 

George  Doheny  was  born  in  Syracuse  in  1844,  the 
youngest  child  of  Edward  and  Mary  Doheny,  who 
came  from  Ireland  in  1840,  from  County  Tipper- 
ary.  Edward  Doheny  bought  land  on  Geddes 
Street  between  Marcellus  and  Otisco  Streets  and 
extending  to  Harbor  Brook.  The  gravel  and  sand 
proved  valuable  and  became  a  bountiful  source  of 
revenue  to  its  owner. 

The  children  of  Edward  and  Mary  Doheny  are 
Mary  Doheny  Cummings;  Bridget  Doheny  Ca- 
ples;  Timothy;  James;  and  George,  who  entered 
the  legal  profession,  in  which  under  the  partner- 
ship of  Hiscock,  Doheny  and  Hiscock,  and  other 
firms,  he  has  practised  more  than  forty  years. 
For  some  years  he  has  been  president  of  the  Syra- 
cuse Savings  Bank. 

Syracuse  127 

Thomas  Griffin 

Welcome  as  a  mother's  arms  to  a  sick  child  is 
his  native  land  to  the  suffering  man.  In  his  ill- 
ness exile  becomes  a  distressing  circumstance. 
Thomas  Griffin  and  his  wife,  Ellen  Lynch,  and 
their  nine  children  came  to  Syracuse  from  Tralee, 
County  Kerry,  in  1846.  After  several  years 
Thomas  fell  sick,  and  in  his  misery  vowed  a  vow 
that  he  would  return  to  the  land  of  his  fathers. 
He  kept  his  vow  in  1852  but,  later,  returned  to 
Syracuse  with  children  and  grandchildren.  Two 
sons,  John  and  James,  remained  in  Liverpool, 
England,  one  son,  Thomas,  went  South.  His 
daughter  Mary  married  John,  son  of  John  and 
Margaret  Gallavan  McDonald  of  Tralee,  and  came 
with  him  to  Syracuse.  The  other  children  who 
reached  maturity  are  Bridget,  Michael,  and  Ellen. 

Thomas  Griffin  was  a  grocer  in  Tralee,  but  here 
he  engaged  in  the  clothing  business  at  the  corner  of 
Clinton  and  Water  Streets.  Some  of  his  patron- 
age was  from  travellers  on  the  packet-boat. 

One  day  two  Irish  boys  boimd  for  the  west  were 
put  ashore  at  the  packet-dock  to  die  victims  of 
ship  fever.  Father  Heas  came  to  administer  the 
last  rites  of  the  Church.  There  was  no  shelter 
for  the  unfortunates,  for  no  one  dared  to  receive 
them.  Thomas  McManus  as  messenger  for  the 
priest  found  Thomas  Griffin  ready  to  construct  a 
shed  in  the  rear  of  his  premises  for  the  reception 
of  the  dying  youths. 

128        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 
Matthew  Geagan 

A  blacksmith  shop  in  a  young  community  is 
always  a  centre  of  activity  and  the  smith  is  very 
likely  to  be  a  man  of  sterling  worth.  Such  was 
Matthew  Geagan, who  came  to  Syracuse,  to  the  old 
Fourth  Ward,  before  it  had  fully  emerged  from  the 
wilderness,  about  1842.  He  was  the  son  of  Ed- 
ward and  Catharine  D'Arcy  Geagan  of  Kildare, 
and  he  had  one  brother  John. 

Matthew  fell  in  love  and  energetically  wooed 
and  won  beautiful  Margaret  Gray,  seventeen  years 
old.  They  spent  most  of  the  years  of  their  long 
union  in  the  old  home  in  Burnet  Avenue.  Mar- 
garet was  the  daughter  of  James  and  Margaret 
Gray  of  the  Parish  of  Drumard,  County  Longford. 
Among  the  visitors  to  the  young  bride  and  matron 
were  the  Indians.  They  entered  without  cere- 
mony, helped  themselves  to  what  they  wanted, 
and  did  not  hesitate  to  ask  for  food  stuffs  they 
might  happen  to  need.  They  brought  often  great 
baskets  of  berries  to  sell  and  other  baskets  and 
bead-work.  Squaws  wore  skirt  and  shawl.  The 
braves  occasionally  took  a  nap  under  the  side- 
walk, which  was  built  a  foot  or  more  above  the 
level  of  the  swampy  soil. 


Dominick  Rafferty  spent  his  first  year  in  Amer- 
ica in  Syracuse,  going  then  to  Canada  for  several 

Syracuse  129 

years  and  returning  to  make  his  permanent  home 
in  the  old  Seventh  Ward.  He  was  born  in  Balla, 
County  Mayo,  and  married  first  Margaret  Far- 
rell  from  his  own  parish.  His  second  wife  was 
Mary  Hughes,  a  native  of  Balla,  who  moved  to 
Lancaster,  England,  with  her  parents  when  a 
child,  coming  to  Syracuse  in  1859. 

James  Augustus  McCormick 

James  Augustus  McCormick  was  born  in  Syra- 
cuse in  1852,  son  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Matthews 
McCormick.  He  struggled  to  obtain  an  educa- 
tion, entered  the  legal  profession,  and  eventually, 
as  deputy-attorney  for  the  general  land  office  at 
Washington,  travelled  extensively  through  the 
United  States. 

His  grandfather  came  to  Syracuse  from  County 
Louth  in  1845,  his  father  Thomas  going  to  Phila- 
delphia and  later  to  Syracuse. 

Timothy  Fleming 

Timothy  Fleming  and  his  wife,  Winifred  Rogers, 
came  to  Syracuse  from  Balloughaderean,  County 
Mayo.  He  had  been  a  drayman  in  Ireland, 
travelling  from  his  home  to  Dublin,  but  here  he 
was  a  mason.  His  children  are  Patrick,  Thomas, 
Michael,  William,  John,  James,  Mary  Ann,  and 

Thomas  served  in  the  3d  N.  Y.  Light  Cavalry 
in  the  Civil  War. 

130        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 
William  Cassidy 

From  Clonbulloge,  Queen's  County,  Ireland, 
came  William  and  Michael  Cassidy  about  the 
year  1845.  They  were  the  sons  of  John  and 
Catharine  Conners  Cassidy.  William  went  to 
work  as  meat-cutter  for  Stephen  Bastable  and 
after  a  few  years  became  foreman  in  the  salt  mill 
conducted  by  J.  W.  Barker  &  Co.,  for  the  rest  of 
his  life,  over  forty  years. 

He  married  Mary,  the  daughter  of  John  and 
Johanna  Barry  of  Cloyne,  County  Cork.  John 
Barry  was  captain  of  a  sailing  vessel.  After  his 
death,  his  wife  brought  their  six  sons  and  two 
daughters  and  a  bag  of  sovereigns  to  Syracuse. 
The  children  were  Patrick,  William,  John,  Richard, 
Daniel,  James,  Margaret,  and  the  infant  Mary. 
With  them  came  Peter,  Edward,  and  Mary 
Pendergast,  James  O'Herin,  and  others,  mak- 
ing a  party  of  twenty-eight  under  the  leadership 
of  Johanna  Barry.  She  saw  her  children  grow  up 
and  branch  out  into  various  parts  of  the  Union. 
Like  every  Irish  mother  she  had  the  pain  and  the 
wounded  pride  when  her  children  labored  as  this 
country  requires  that  all  shall  labor,  as  Europe 
does  not. 

William  Cassidy  and  his  wife  Mary  in  1850 
reared  their  roof-tree  on  Plum  Street,  where  it 
still  shelters  their  children.  The  elm  trees  they 
set  at  their  gate  still  throw  long  shadows  to  their 
door.     For  years  their  home  was  open  to  their 

Syracuse  131 

countrymen  newly  arrived  with  their  hair-trunks 
and  feather  beds  and  their  vivid  tales  of  the  old 
country.  Many  of  them  found  work  in  the  salt 

The  children  of  William  and  Mary  Barry  Cas- 
sidy  are  Stephen  J.,  who  married  Rebecca  Brash; 
John  J.,  whose  first  wife  was  Mary  Demong^ 
and  whose  second  was  Catharine  Ryan;  William 
S.,  who  married  Ellen  Cawley;  James  and  his 
twin,  Kate,  who  married  John  R.  Hirsch;  Mary 
Ellen,  Harvey  B.,  Rose;  Christopher  J.,  who  mar- 
ried Lulu  Burroughs;  Agnes,  who  married  Thomas 
D.  Callahan;  Elizabeth,  Frances,  Mina,  and  one 
infant,  who  died  young. 

Patrick  McLaughlin 

Patrick  McLaughlin  was  the  first  to  cultivate 
the  land  on  which  the  old  Adams  School  was  after- 
wards built.  He  came  to  Syracuse  from  Marcel- 
lus,  where  he  had  lived  on  the  Doctor  Plant  farm 
after  his  arrival  from  Achill,  County  Mayo,  in 
1840.  Patrick  had  been  a  constable  in  Ireland. 
He  married  Mary  Masterson  and  they  brought 
their  three  sons  and  three  daughters  with  them  to 
Marcellus,  where  their  youngest  child,  Anne,  was 
born  in  1844.  Their  oldest  son,  Thomas,  served 
in  the  Mexican  War,  was  wounded,  and  put  in  a 
hospital  in  the  City  of  Mexico.  During  convales- 
cence he  was  walking  about  when  a  Mexican 
stabbed  him  to  death. 

132        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Another  son,  Patrick,  served  in  the  Civil  War 
with  the  army  in  Tennessee.  He  was  returning 
home  on  furlough  when  he  met  death  by  drown- 

Their  daughter  Mary  married  James  Mc- 
Laughlin, and  their  son  Edward  represented  the 
ward  in  the  Common  Council  for  several  years. 

The  other  children  were  John;  Catharine,  who 
married  Martin  Berry;  Bridget,  who  married 
Michael  Murray. 

Anne  married  Joseph,  the  son  of  Owen  and 
Mary  O'Laughlin  Bannon. 

Joseph  Bannon 

Joseph  Bannon  came  from  Castlewellan,  County 
Down,  Ireland,  in  1849.  He  became  a  peddler 
travelling  through  Central  New  York  for  several 
years.  There  was  not  much  money  in  circulation 
and  some  of  that  was  counterfeit,  so  Joseph  be- 
came a  cigar  maker  and  travelled  to  sell  his  wares. 
He  thus  widened  his  acquaintance  and  estab- 
lished a  friendship  with  others  of  his  name  in  other 
counties.  The  Bannon  family  is  not  numerous, 
being  a  subdivision  of  a  larger  clan.  Northern 
Tipperary  is  the  home  of  one  family,  but  Joseph 
was  of  the  North,  the  son  of  Owen  and  Mary 
O'Laughlin  Bannon.  He  married  Anne,  the 
daughter  of  Patrick  and  Mary  Masterson  Mc- 
Laughlin, and  their  children  are:  Bernard  A., 
who  married  Anne,   the  daughter  of  John  and 

Syracuse  133 

Margaret  O'Meara  O'Brien  of  Syracuse;  and 
Joseph  F.,  who  married  Tatiana,  the  daughter  of 
James  and  Joanna  Doyle  McDonald. 

Thomas  Connolly 

Thomas  Connolly  was  the  second  postman  ap- 
pointed in  Syracuse,  and  his  son  and  grandson 
chose  the  same  field  of  work,  Thomas  came  in 
1845  from  Cashel,  County  Tipperary,  where  he 
had  been  a  shoemaker.  He  worked  at  his  trade  in 
this  country  until  his  appointment  as  carrier  of 
letters  throughout  the  city.  He  collected  two 
cents  for  each  letter  delivered. 

He  was  one  of  only  a  dozen  Irishmen  in  the 
County  who  joined  the  Republican  party  at  its 
birth  in  1856.  Michael  Gleason  was  active  in  the 

Thomas  Connolly  married  Catharine  Kelley,  and 
their  children  are  John  F.  Connolly  of  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,  who  married  Anna  Holger;  Jerry  R., 
who  married  Margaret  F.  Tehan ;  Hugh,  who  mar- 
ried Mary  Tracy;  Anna  R.,  Thomas,  and  Pierce. 

On  shipboard  with  Thomas  Connolly  was  an- 
other passenger  bound  for  Syracuse  and  destined 
to  become  the  mother  of  the  well-beloved  Father 
William  Bourke.  William  Tracy  came  to  America 
and  Syracuse  about  the  same  year. 

John  Ryan 
The    Gaelic  revival  of  recent  years  serves   to 

134        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

recall  how  few  of  Ireland's  children  found  ex- 
pression in  their  mother  tongue  alone.  Most  of 
them  knew  enough  English  for  the  practical  pur- 
poses of  a  strange  land,  while  their  hearts  fed  upon 
the  language  of  their  inheritance  in  the  days  of 
their  exile. 

John  Ryan  had  a  master's  knowledge  of  both 
tongues.  As  clerk  and  assistant  to  his  uncle  in 
the  grain  business  in  Fermoy,  County  Cork,  he 
also  acquired  a  training  in  business  put  to  use 
in  Onondaga.  Here  in  1846  he  went  to  work  in 
the  salt  mill  of  Captain  William  Porter  of  Salina. 
In  1863  he  moved  to  Syracuse  and  formed  a  part- 
nership in  flour  and  feed  business  with  William 
H.  Gere.  After  ten  years  he  returned  to  the  salt 
industry  in  the  wholesale  branch,  later  combining 
with  it  the  flour  and  feed  business,  in  which  he 
remained  for  many  years. 

John  Ryan  was  an  untiring  student.  Languages 
and  mathematics  were  of  special  interest  to  him. 
Current  events  claimed  his  attention  and,  in  the 
dark  months  when  he  suffered  from  a  malady  of 
the  eyes,  his  young  children  read  to  him  in  order 
to  satisfy  his  inquiring  mind.  Short  of  stature, 
he  was  athletic — a  fine  swimmer,  an  expert  player 
of  hand-ball,  and  a  member  of  the  volunteer  fire- 
men company. 

He  was  the  son  of  Thomas  and  Catharine 
Cronin  Ryan,  who  came  to  Salina  in  1847 
with  their  other  children:  Honora,  who  married 
Robert    Barry;    John;    Johanna,     who    married 

Syracuse  135 

James  O'Neill;  Thomas,  and  Mary,  who  became 
a  nun. 

John  Ryan  married  Catharine,  the  daughter  of 
Redmond  and  Mary  Hennessy  McGrath  of  Kill- 
worth,  County  Cork.  The  name  is  often  spelled 
McGraw  and  McCraith.  Their  children  are: 
Mary,  William;  Edward,  who  married  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  Michael  J.  and  Mary  Ryan  Lawless; 
Catharine,  who  married  John  Cassidy;  Ellen  and 

John  McGrath,  a  brother  of  Catharine,  served  in 
the  149th  Regiment  N.  Y.  Vols.,  and  after  the  war 
gave  his  arms  to  the  Fenians. 

Edward  Ryan 

Edward  Ryan  was  bom  in  Syracuse  and  re- 
ceived his  education  in  the  public  schools.  At  an 
early  age  he  engaged  in  the  hardware  business  and 
later  in  the  clothing  business.  He  has  always 
taken  an  active  interest  in  city  affairs,  serv- 
ing under  both  Republican  and  Democratic 
administrations  as  Fire  Commissioner,  Health 
Commissioner,  Police  Commissioner,  and  Deputy 
Commissioner  of  Public  Safety.  Meanwhile  he 
has  been  identified  for  many  years  with  the  Ca- 
tholic Mutual  Benefit  Association  which  he  has 
served  as  Branch  President,  Law  Commissioner  of 
the  Grand  Council  of  N.  Y.  State,  Vice-President, 
and  then  President  of  the  Grand  Council,  and  now 
Grand  Secretary.     He  is  a  charter  member  of  the 

136        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

first  branch  of  the  Ancient  Order  of  Hibernians 
organized  in  1886  in  this  County.  He  married 
EHzabeth  Lawless,  and  has  one  son,  Michael 
Lawless  Ryan,  now  a  student  in  medicine. 

C.   M.   B.   A. 

It  would  be  difficult  to  estimate  the  benefits 
that  the  C.  M.  B.  A.  has  brought  to  its  members 
and  their  families.  Organized  at  Niagara  Falls 
in  1876  by  a  few  men  of  modest  means — business 
and  professional  men,  clerks  and  laborers — it  of- 
fered life  insurance  to  the  poor,  who  could  not 
enter  the  expensive  field  of  the  old  line  companies. 
How  the  association  prospered  is  well  known,  but 
its  far-reaching  influence  can  only  be  imagined. 
Before  that  time,  when  the  wage  earner  in  his 
hazardous  employment  met  an  untimely  death, 
the  fate  of  wife  and  children  or  other  dependents 
was  pitiable  indeed.  The  small  insurance  of 
the  C.  M.  B.  A.  paid  off  many  a  mortgage  from 
the  little  home  and  gave  the  widows  and  orphans  a 
breathing  space  to  adjust  themselves  to  the  new 
order  of  things.  It  gave  them  also  the  assistance 
of  men  of  the  association  to  steer  them  safely 
in  the  unknown  sea  of  business  life.  Chapters 
could  be  written  of  the  thousand  emergencies  it 
met  and  not  one  word  to  show  a  triumph  of  the 
mercenary  over  the  charitable. 

Lawrence  Byrne 
In  the  parish  of  Leighlin  in  County  Carlow 

Syracuse  137 

lived  Thomas  Byrne  and  his  wife,  Margaret 
Brennan,  and  their  seven  sons,  and  one  daugh- 
ter: John,  Lawrence,  Charles,  Thomas,  Terence, 
William,  Ellen,  and  Peter  Vincent.  Lawrence 
was  the  first  to  leave  his  home  to  join  an  uncle  in 
America  in  1848.  The  next  year  he  came  to 
Syracuse,  and  worked  for  Patrick  Molloy  for  the 
succeeding  three  years.  He  then  bought  a  farm 
in  Lafayette  through  which  the  railroad  had  an 
option  for  right  of  way.  At  his  house  Mass  was 
celebrated  for  the  first  time  in  that  section,  al- 
though there  is  a  tradition  that  Mass  had  once 
been  said  under  the  spreading  branches  of  an  ap- 
ple tree.  Before  that  time  Lawrence  and  his 
brothers  frequently  walked  to  Syracuse  to  attend 
St.  Mary's  Church,  and  walked  back  to  Lafayette 
after  Mass.  Many  other  Irish  men  and  women 
practiced  the  exercises  of  their  faith  under  the 
same  difficulties.  The  Byrne  family  was  remark- 
able for  its  fervor  and  loyalty  to  Mother  Church. 
Peter  Vincent  Byrne  entered  the  priesthood  in 
the  Congregation  of  Missions,  and  is  now  the  Very 
Reverend  in  that  order  in  St.  Louis.  John  Vin- 
cent Byrne,  son  of  Lawrence,  obtained  a  master's 
degree  at  Niagara  University,  and  entered  the 
priesthood.  Law,  medicine,  and  teaching  have 
called  other  members  of  the  family. 

Lawrence  Byrne  married  Jane  McGurn  and 
their  children  are:  Margaret,  who  married 
Michael  Horan;  Bridget;  Ellen,  who  married 
John    Byrne;  Mary,  who   became  a  nun;  Eliza- 

138        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

beth,  Sarah,  Patrick,  Michael,  and  Rev.  John 

Charles  Byrne  married  Margaret,  daughter  of 
Edward  and  Mary  Kennedy  Burke.  Their 
children  are:  Dr.  Patrick  J.,  who  married  Ellen 
M.  Halligan;  Mary  F.,  Margaret  E.;  Ellen,  who 
married  Maurice  F.  Lane;  Edward;  Peter,  who 
married  Minnie  Lynch;  Anna  J.,  Cecilia  L, 
Francis,  and  Charles  Vincent. 

Ellen  Byrne  married  Patrick  Foley.  Their 
children  are:  Margaret,  Mary,  John,  Patrick, 
Peter,    Agnes,    and    Kate. 

William    Byrne    remained  in  Ireland. 

The  Very  Reverend  Peter  Vincent  Byrne  and 
the  late  Monsignor  John  Joseph  Kennedy  started 
together  from  home  to  college,  forming  a  close 
and  constant  friendship  through  all  the  years  of 
their  labors. 

Patrick  Griffin 

Patrick  GrifKn  left  his  home  in  Ballylangfort, 
County  Kerry,  to  board  a  man-of-war,  the 
Rodney,  in  1846.  With  11 00  men  it  sailed  the 
Mediterranean,  stopping  at  many  ports,  on  to 
Alexandria.  One  day  they  passed  a  vessel  bear- 
ing Pope  Pius  the  Ninth  and  gave  him  the  royal 
salute  of  twenty-one  guns.  Returning  to  the  At- 
lantic, the  cruise  was  along  the  west  coast  of 
Africa  to  Cape  of  Good  Hope  and  thence  to  Ports- 
mouth. Here  Patrick  was  paid  off  for  two  years 
and  nine  months  of  service  and  with  the  money 

Syracuse  139 

came  to  America.  First  he  revisited  his  home  and 
saw  the  dreadful  effects  of  the  famine.  Many  of 
his  friends  were  dead. 

In  Syracuse  he  for  the  first  time  in  his  life  was 
sick.  The  prevalent  fever  and  ague  quenched  his 
desire  for  further  travel.  His  first  work  was  as 
porter  in  the  Brintnell  Hotel.  There  were  then 
only  two  houses  on  Onondaga  Street  and  one  or 
two  on  Fayette  and  nothing  but  swamp  and  fields 
between  the  two  streets. 

All  the  young  Irish  people  knew  each  other  and 
visited  together.  They  found  friends  among  their 
own  people  whose  names  are  ever  on  their  lips — 
Michael  Gleason,  Dennis  Hunt.  They  had  other 
friends,  James  Randall,  of  French  and  English 
parentage,  and  Henry  Foster,  who  stood  for 
justice  to  the  immigrant  in  a  strange  land. 

Nicholas  Downes 

Nicholas  Downes  declares  (March  18,  1909) 
that  the  National  Guards  were  organized  in 
Syracuse  in  1850  by  Irishmen  to  protect  themselves 
on  St.  Patrick's  Day  during  their  parade.  It  was 
a  military  organization  and  received  its  arms 
from  the  State  and  responded  to  the  State's  call, 
when  needed  to  quell  disturbance  of  any  kind.  So 
the  enemies  of  the  Irish  feared  to  molest  the 
State  military  men  on  the  seventeenth  of  March. 
Men  of  other  nations  were  members  in  the  minor- 
ity, and  the  Citizens'  Corps,  another  military  com- 

140        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

pany,  often  joined  them  in  parade.  The  first 
captains  of  the  National  Guards  were  Edward 
Pendergast,  Nicholas  Downes,  John  Radigan, 
Dennis  DriscoU,  and  Timothy  Sullivan.  It  be- 
came Company  C  of  the  Twelfth  Regiment,  N.  Y. 
Vol.  Infantry,  with  Dennis  Driscoll,  Captain. 

Nicholas  Downes  was  the  son  of  Michael  and 
Ann  Downes  Downes,  and  was  born  January  i, 
1820,  being  now  nearly  ninety  years  old  and  blush- 
ing with  embarrassment  when  he  is  reminded  that 
the  members  of  the  National  Guards  were  con- 
sidered very  handsome  and  gallant  young  fel- 
lows. He  was  born  near  historic  Tara  in  County 
Meath.  His  great-grandfather  and  an  English 
official  in  Ireland  having  the  same  name,  Downes, 
the  Irishman  was  frequently  called  upon  to  dis- 
claim any  English  blood  in  his  veins.  He  lived 
within  the  Pale  at  Trim,  whence  the  Irish  had 
been  driven  and  were  forbidden  to  return.  The 
Pale  was  the  residence  of  the  English,  and  if  an 
Englishwoman  married  an  Irishman,  she  was 
drummed  out  and  driven  beyond  the  Pale. 
Downes  never  knew  why  he  was  permitted  to  re- 
main nor  could  his  friends  discover  the  reason. 
They  knew  that  Downes  was  Irish,  not  only  from 
his  own  assertions  but  from  the  traditions  of  the 
family.  In  Ireland  a  mixture  with  foreign  blood 
is  remembered  for  generations,  especially  in  the 
country  districts,  and  there  is  no  memory  of  Eng- 
lish mixture  with  this  Downes  family. 

Michael  Downes,   the  father  of  Nicholas,  and 

Syracuse  141 

his  two  brothers  were  in  the  rebellion  of  1798,  while 
their  mother,  in  the  secrecy  of  a  cave  on  the  farm, 
baked  bread  for  her  soldier  sons.  Two  were 
killed  and  Michael  escaped  the  penalty  of  re- 
bellion by  binding  himself  to  the  weaver's  trade. 
He  became  a  farmer  later,  and  influenced  by  Pat- 
rick Reynolds,  who  had  located  in  Carthage,  N.  Y., 
Michael  and  his  family  emigrated  to  America  in 
1832.  They  came  on  the  Stephen  Wright  from 
Dublin  to  Quebec  in  six  weeks  and  three  days, 
hitting  an  iceberg  on  the  way  at  Newfoundland. 
Carthage  was  their  destination,  but  they  first  went 
to  Montreal,  then  to  Ottawa,  and  finally  located 
in  Watertown.  Here  Nicholas  attended  the  In- 
stitute and  became  a  schoolmaster,  teaching  in 
Oswego,  Watertown,  and  Brownville,  coming  to 
Syracuse  about  1846.  At  that  time  the  great 
question  of  the  day  was  the  name  of  the  city, 
Syracuse  or  Salina,  the  latter  urging  its  superiority 
in  drainage  as  compared  with  the  flooded  streets 
of  its  rival.  Nicholas  became  clerk  and  book- 
keeper in  the  hardware  store  of  John  and  Matthew 
Murphy  and  about  i860  formed  the  partnership  of 
McCarthy,  Radigan,  and  Downes,  continuing  it 
twenty  years.  He  then  travelled  through  the 
United  States  with  a  patent  filter  of  his  own  design 
until  he  retired.  He  saw  the  introduction  of 
stoves  for  coal  into  this  region  and  the  passing 
of  the  sheet-iron  variety.  He  married  Mary, 
the  daughter  of  John  Stapleton,  and  they  have 
one  adopted  son. 

142        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 
Patrick  Daly 

When  Patrick  Daly  came  to  Syracuse  about 
1844  there  were  only  a  few  shanties  along  the 
north  side  of  the  Erie  Canal  in  the  swamps  and 
muck  land  of  Lodi,  One  farmhouse  stood  in  the 
centre  of  the  farmyard  which  Clinton  School  now 
occupies.  A  grove  of  hard  wood  covered  the  hill 
near  Green  and  Gertrude  Streets.  There  were 
two  reservoirs  built  of  stone,  projecting  a  little 
above  the  ground,  that  had  been  constructed  by 
Captain  Teall,  the  head  of  the  water  department, 
and  the  water  was  distributed  by  logs  bored 
through  their  length  and  fitted  well  into  each 
other.  They  were  prepared  at  the  present  tube 
works  and  are  still  frequently  unearthed. 

The  water  came  from  springs  and  was  stored  in 
these  reservoirs,  called  fountains,  to  equalize  any 
shortage  in  the  regular  water  supply.  One  of 
these  gave  the  name  to  Fountain  Street,  the  other 
was  on  Mather  Street  between  Burnet  and  Hawley. 

Most  of  the  men  in  that  section  of  the  north 
side  of  the  Canal  were  boatmen,  while  those  on 
the  south  were  masons  and  their  helpers;  rivalry 
was  keen.  The  boats  were  first  forty  ton,  later 
sixty  ton,  and  now  about  225  ton,  and  drew  first 
three  feet  and  later  six  feet  of  water.  There  were 
the  packet-boats  and  the  freight-boats.  The 
packet  had  the  right  of  way,  paying  double  clear- 
ance. It  was  narrow,  pointed  sharply  at  the  bow, 
and  had  a  small  rounded  stem.     It  carried  pas- 

Syracuse  143 

sengers  and  freight.  Its  crew  were  a  captain,  two 
steersmen,  and  a  bowsman.  The  driver  was  less 
closely  attached  to  the  boat,  being  at  the  service  of 
the  different  crews.  Later  the  whole  crew  was  in- 
creased. The  packet-boat  was  drawn  by  three 
horses  tandem,  the  driver  riding  the  rear  horse. 
Every  fifteen  miles  the  horses  were  changed  in 
quick  time,  everything  being  ready,  and  the 
journey  continued  with  the  horses  on  a  gallop 
or  trot  all  the  time,  day  and  night.  They  came 
up  full  speed  to  the  locks  with  the  right  of  way 
and  passed  in  ahead  of  other  boats.  This  led 
to  many  fights,  but  the  packet-boats  had  the  best 
fighters  in  their  crews.  They  were  hired  for  that 
needed  qualification  no  less  than  for  their  labor. 
Passengers  disembarked  at  various  points  along 
the  Canal.  Many  passed  on  to  Buffalo  and  the 
West  in  both  the  packet-  and  the  freight-boats. 
After  a  while  several  boats  were  owned  by  one 
man  or  company,  as  the  Western  Transportation 
Company  and  the  American  Transportation  Com- 
pany, called  the  W.  T.  and  the  A.  T.  By  calling 
out  these  initials  the  crews  made  themselves  known 
at  night.  These  companies  maintained  barns 
at  regular  stations  along  the  Canal  so  that  drivers 
and  horses  were  changed  with  little  delay.  In- 
dividual owners  hired  their  own  drivers  and  the 
horses  travelled  side  by  side  leisurely. 

The  freight-boats,  called  simply  canal-boats, 
carried  salt,  grain,  wood,  and  other  merchandise, 
the  smaller   boats   stopping  every  few  miles   to 

144        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

receive  and  discharge  freight,  the  larger  boats 
carrying  freight  only  for  Buffalo  and  the  West. 
Salt  was  the  most  common  cargo  from  this  County. 
The  drivers  usually  walked  but  often  rode  in  a 
saddle.  One  of  the  dangerous  parts  of  the  Canal 
was  at  Lockport  where  the  steep  bank  above  the 
heel-path  and  the  narrow  tow-path  made  a  false 
step  cost  a  horse's  life. 

The  activity  along  the  Canal  reached  its  height 
during  the  Civil  War  when  eight  thousand  boats 
had  clearance. 

Patrick  Daly  went  boating  when  eighteen  years 
old  and  spent  years  in  that  line  of  work. 

Patrick  Daly  is  the  son  of  Peter  and  Margaret 
Conners  Daly  and  was  born  near  Holy  Cross, 
County  Tipperary.  His  parents  brought  him  to 
Syracuse  about  1844  with  their  other  children: 
Peter,  Maria,  Margaret,  and  Bridget.  Patrick 
married  Catharine,  daughter  of  Peter  and  Mary 
Ann  McGuire  Nicholson  of  Albany.  Their 
children  are:  Mary  A.,  Arthur  P.,  Nellie,  who 
married  Charles  Sammons. 

James  Hughes 

James  Hughes  came  to  America  about  1845. 
His  wife  was  Catharine  Gavigan  and  their  children 
are  Charles,  James,  and  Eugene.  James  Hughes 
was  an  extensive  stone  contractor  and  for  more 
than  half  a  century  the  family  engaged  in  that 
branch  of  industry. 

Syracuse  145 

Florince  O.  Donohue 

Florlnce  O.  Donohue  was  born  in  Syracuse, 
the  son  of  Cornelius  and  Ellen  Donohue  Donohue. 
He  married  Lucy  Mosely  of  Onondaga. 

William  J.  Dwyer 

William  J.,  son  of  Michael  and  Katharine 
Corcoran  Dwyer,  has  been  close  to  the  business 
life  of  his  native  city.  Michael  served  in  loist 
Reg.  of  N.  Y.  Vols,  from  1861  to  the  close  of  the 

John  L.  Heffron  represents  the  third  genera- 
tion of  his  family  born  on  this  side  of  the  Atlan- 
tic and  the  third  generation  of  physicians.  His 
grandfather  was  surgeon  in  the  War  of  18 12,  his 
father  was  a  physician,  and  John  Lorenzo  Hef- 
fron is  both  Master  of  Arts  and  Doctor  in  Medi- 

His  great-grandfather,  Dennis,  came  from  Bally- 
castle,  County  Antrim,  to  Keene,  New  Hamp- 
shire, and  served  in  the  Revolution.  The  wife  of 
Dennis  was  a  Scotch  woman. 

William  E.  Hopkins  is  the  ninth  generation 
from  the  arrival  of  the  Mayflower.  His  grand- 
father Elijah  came  to  Onondaga  in  1798,  but  re- 
turned to  Connecticut  and  three  years  later  came 
with  his  wife  on  horseback  to  Onondaga  Hill. 

146        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

There  were  three  distinct  families  of  this  name  in 
the  County,  and  this  branch  claims  Irish  blood  in 
its  ancestry. 

Albert  Edwin  Larkin  is  of  a  family  established 
in  America  before  the  Revolution. 

Dennis  McCarthy,  son  of  Dennis  and  grandson 
of  the  pioneer  Thomas  McCarthy,  has  staked  his 
own  claim  in  the  history  of  the  County. 

Eugene  McCarthy,  son  of  Robert  and  grand- 
son of  Thomas,  won  reputation  as  an  author. 

Harold  MacGrath,  the  well-known  author, 
probably  owes  some  of  his  sense  of  humor  to  his 
Tipperary  ancestors.  His  grandmother,  widowed, 
brought  her  son  Thomas  to  Onondaga.  She  is  re- 
membered for  her  wit. 

Class  Distinction 

Along  with  county  loyalty  the  Irish  have  deep- 
rooted  ideas  of  social  division,  of  class  distinction, 
inherited  from  generations  untold.  In  the  old 
country  marriages  are  arranged  between  members 
of  the  same  class,  family  blood  being  of  first  im- 
portance. Perhaps  the  man  and  maid  saw  each 
other  for  the  first  time  on  their  wedding  day. 
Perhaps  each  loved  some  one  else.  It  did  not 
matter.     They  conformed  to  custom  and  the  will 

Syracuse  147 

of  their  parents.  Occasionally  lovers,  grown  des- 
perate, eloped  and  came  to  Onondaga.  A  servant 
may  have  run  away  with  his  master's  daughter, 
or  the  daughter  of  a  farmer  had  stooped  to  love 
a  clerk,  or  Romeo  and  Juliet  of  Irish  houses  had 
defied  their  families.  It  was  spice  to  the  pioneers 
and  a  sweet  morsel  of  gossip  at  the  fireside  in  the 

An  Appeal  to  the  Courts 

All  the  histories  of  the  County  have  this  note: 
"First  Court  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  for  County  of 
Onondaga,  July  21,  1794.  A  bill  of  indictment 
was  found  against  James  Fitzgerald  for  an  as- 
sault and  battery  with  intent  to  rob  Andrew 
McCarthy."  It  is  of  course  gratifying  to  know 
that  the  intent  was  only  to  rob  and  that  a  graver 
motive  was  absent.  Curiosity  led  to  an  effort 
to  inspect  the  indictment  with  the  hope  of  find- 
ing the  evidence  in  the  case  and  any  friends  of 
either  of  the  parties,  residents  of  the  County  at 
that  early  date.  No  evidence  was  recorded. 
Most  eager  was  the  desire  to  learn  what  was  the 
matter  with  Andrew  that  he  had  to  appeal  to  the 
courts.  Of  course  he  may  have  been  physically 
unfit  to  settle  with  his  assailant,  or  he  may  have 
been  a  Scotchman. 

Patrick    Reidy;    John  Reidy;    Simon    Reidy 

John  Reidy,  the  son  of  Maurice  and  Sarah  Mc- 

148        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Grath  Reidy  of  Kildysart,  County  Clare,  Ireland, 
followed  his  brothers  and  sister  to  America,  land- 
ing at  Quebec  and  coming  to  Onondaga  the  same 
year,  1852.  His  father  owned  a  farm  and  was 
also  a  weaver  of  wool  and  linen,  operating  several 
looms  and  making  all  grades  of  goods,  the  finest 
being  called  Dowless.  He  sold  part  of  the  farm 
to  send  his  children  to  America,  John  just  after 
the  famine  years. 

Work  was  not  easily  obtained  in  those  days  and 
men  travelled  long  distances  on  foot  looking  for  a 
job  and  willing  to  take  any  kind.  John  found 
work  first  on  a  farm  at  Christian  Hollow,  and  often 
on  Sunday  after  the  early  tasks  walked  to  St. 
Mary's  Church  in  Syracuse  to  attend  Mass,  and 
back  again  to  his  work.  Though  short  of  stature, 
he  was  like  a  rock  in  strength  and  needed  no  as- 
sistance to  maintain  his  rights.  A  man  twice  his 
height  might  on  occasion  find  himself  gripped  by 
the  knees  and  sent  flying  over  John's  head. 

Working  in  various  capacities  for  several  years, 
he  finally  became  a  boiler  maker  in  the  employ  of 
the  New  York  Central  and  worked  there  for  forty 
years  without  a  single  period  of  suspension.  In 
1 858  he  had  saved  money  enough  to  buy  the  prop- 
erty in  Geddes  Street  where  he  still  lives. 

John  Reidy  never  missed  going  to  church.  He 
supported  it  generously  with  money  and  labor. 
He  was  among  the  first  members  who  formed  St. 
Lucy's  parish,  attending  the  first  Mass  held  in  the 
Cook  building  and  going  himself  to  a  convenient 

Syracuse  149 

lumber  yard  to  bring  in  boards  for  the  temporary 

He  married  Honora,  the  daughter  of  Michael 
Konoulty,  and  has  three  children:  Maurice, 
Margaret  E.,  and  John  J. 

Patrick  Reidy ,  brother  of  John,  came  to  America 
in  1847.  He  enlisted  in  Company  C,  12th  Regt. 
N.  Y.  Vols.,  was  wounded  at  Bull  Run,  and  re- 
turned with  discharge.     Later  he  moved  to  Iowa. 

Simon  Reidy,  brother  of  John  and  Patrick, 
came  to  Onondaga  in  1847.  He  has  two  daugh- 
ters: Mary,  the  wife  of  T.  Frank  Dolan,  for 
many  years  leading  soprano  in  St.  Lucy 's  Church 
choir,  and  popular  for  her  sympathetic  rendering  of 
the  Irish  melodies;  and  Sarah,  the  wife  of  Peter 
J.  Walch. 

James  Butler 

James  Butler  served  in  Co.  D.,  1226  Regt.  N.  Y. 
Vols.,  from  1862  to  the  close  of  the  war.  He  was 
County  Clerk  at  the  time  of  his  death.  He  mar- 
ried Mary,  the  daughter  of  Richard  and  Ellen 
Campbell  Randall,  pioneers  of  Split  Rock,  and 
their  son,  James  Campbell  Butler,  now  fills  the 
office  of  County  Clerk. 

Patrick  Francis  Cahill 

Patrick  Francis  Cahill  was  born  in  Syracuse  in 
1844,  son  of  Edward  and  Ellen  Meagher  Cahill. 

150        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

He  served  in  Co.  K.,  185th  Regt.  N.  Y.  Vols. 
He  was  Deputy  Sheriff  of  Onondaga  County  for 
more  than  twenty-five  years.  His  wife  is  Cath- 
arine Sweeny  and  their  family  consists  of  six  sons 
and  three  daughters. 

Malachi  Gooley  came  to  Onondaga  County  from 
Ireland  in  1846. 

John  Kelley 
Anna  Mooney  Kelley 

John  Kelley  was  from  County  Tipperary,  near 
Killaloe  and  Ballina  (Ballinaugh) ,  and  went  to 
work  on  a  farm  on  Onondaga  Hill  about  1847. 
He  was  the  son  of  Frank,  who  with  his  second 
wife,  Nancy  Reagan  Kelley,  came  with  him  to 
America ;  but  the  father  fell  sick  on  shipboard  and 
died  shortly  after  the  arrival  in  New  York. 
John  Kelley  was  seventeen  years  old  when  his 
father  died,  leaving  his  wife  and  five  children  to 
the  care  of  John,  the  son  of  his  first  marriage. 
From  the  Hill,  John  went  to  work  in  the  Onondaga 
Indian  quarry  and  spent  more  than  fifty  years 
there,  sometimes  as  foreman,  sometimes  as  owner. 
In  1847  the  quarries  were  worked  by  O'Brien, 
for  whom  John  Kelley  worked  six  years,  and  then 
took  charge  and  ran  them  for  ten  years  for  him- 
self. Then  he  sold  out  his  interest  to  James 
Hughes  and  worked  for  him  as  foreman  in  the 
quarries.     Nearly  all  the  men  working  there  were 

Syracuse  151 

Irish,  who  were  frugal  and  industrious  in  their 
habits.  Sometimes  a  hundred  Irishmen  were 
there  at  work. 

John  Kelley,  in  addition  to  the  quarry,  ran  a 
farm  and  cultivates  it  yet.  He  married  Nancy, 
the  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Mary  Curry  Mooney, 
bom  in  Cushendoll,  County  Antrim,  Ireland. 
She  came  here  with  her  parents  and  one  brother, 
Daniel,  in  1851,  the  other  children,  John,  Sarah, 
Bridget,  and  Margaret,  having  come  in  1847. 

The  children  of  John  and  Nancy  Mooney 
Kelley  are:  Mary,  John,  Frank,  Daniel,  Ber- 
nard, Margaret,  Anna,  Charles,  William,  Cath- 
arine, and  James.  John  married  Mary,  the 
daughter  of  John  and  Julia  Murray  Butler; 
Frank's  first  wife  was  Rose,  the  daughter  of  Pat- 
rick Burns,  and  his  second,  Mary,  daughter  of 
Thaddeus  Coyne;  Daniel  married  Alice,  daughter 
of  Philip  and  Sarah  Coyne  Gannon;  Bernard 
married  Nellie,  daughter  of  John  and  Margaret 
Burke  Bowler;  William  H.  married  first  Jennie 
Mahony  and  later  Nellie,  daughter  of  James 
Dwyer;  Catharine  married  John,  son  of  John  and 
Margaret  Burke  Bowler,  and  James  married 
Margaret,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Herald 

The  Kelley  family  naturally  saw  much  of  the 
Onondaga  Indians,  who  were  peaceable  and 
harmless  neighbors.  Many  of  them,  both  braves 
and  squaws,  wore  only  a  blanket  for  covering. 
They  slept  in  the  open  air,  often  lying  on  the  road- 

152        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

side,  wrapped  in  their  blankets.  They  came  to 
the  Kelley  home  frequently  for  articles  of  food, 
giving  beads,  baskets,  and  other  things  in  ex- 
change. In  January  and  February  they  went 
hunting  witches,  looking  for  them  in  holes  and 
hedges  and  seeking  to  scare  them  away.  One 
squaw  told  Nancy  Kelley  that  another  squaw 
was  a  witch  and  had  caused  the  death  of  a  woman. 
Some  braves  came  to  her  house  to  take  her  away 
and  kill  her,  but  they  waited  until  the  bread 
she  had  made  was  baked  and  then  took  her 
quietly  away.  She  showed  no  fear  and  made  no 

One  squaw  was  dressed  for  burial  in  the  clothes 
she  had  prepared  for  that  occasion — a  blue  skirt 
and  shawl,  slate-colored  gloves  with  green  rib- 
bons, and  white  slippers  with  high  heels.  She 
had  taken  off  a  part  of  the  high  heels  so  they 
would  not  trip  her  when  she  was  hunting  buffalo 
in  the  happy  hunting  ground.  Some  small  cakes 
were  put  into  her  coffin  near  her  hand  for  the 
journey  and  imtil  she  could  bring  down  food  in 
the  hunt. 

Father  Heas  visited  his  scattered  flock  on  horse- 
back, travelling  through  the  deep  snow-banks. 
He  was  often  obliged  to  spread  his  coat  on  the 
snow  to  give  his  horse  a  footing.  Those  he  served 
remember  him  with  gratitude.  He  was  pastor 
in  St.  John  the  Baptist  Church,  attended  the 
Split  Rock  mission,  and  was  the  first  pastor  of  St. 
Mary's  Church,   now  Cathedral.     He  was  sue- 

Syracuse  153 

ceeded  by  Father  James  O'Hara,  to  whom  a 
notable  reception  was  tendered  on  the  first  St. 
Patrick's  Day  of  his  mission.  A  banquet  was 
served  in  Wieting  Hall  by  the  staff  of  the  Syracuse 
House,  tickets  for  which  were  sold  at  fourteen 
shillings  a  couple.  The  musical  programme  was 
furnished  by  Father  O'Hara,  Doctor  Henderson, 
Dennis  McCarthy,  Robert  McCarthy,  John  Con- 
nelly, and  John  J.  Kennedy,  then  a  child  and 
altar-boy  at  St.  Mary's,  afterwards  Monsignor  and 
Vicar-General  of  the  Diocese  of  Syracuse. 

Pierce  Grace 

Pierce  Grace  is  the  twenty-second  generation 
in  direct  line  from  Raymond  Le  Gras,  who  mar- 
ried a  sister  of  Strongbow,  Earl  Richard  Le  Clare. 
The  Grace  genealogy  is  complete.  Pierce  is  the 
eighth  generation  of  the  name  Pierce. 

He  came  from  Ballytarsna,  County  Tipper- 
ary,  Ireland,  and  was  the  son  of  Pierce  and  Eliza 
O'Connell  Grace,  daughter  of  John  O'Connell  of 
Templemore.  He  sailed  from  Liverpool  on  the 
Wilson  Kennedy,  which  carried  687  passengers, 
and  met  many  dangers  in  its  three  months'  trip. 
The  boat  was  once  on  fire,  once  partly  wrecked, 
and  once  suffered  from  a  mutiny  among  the  crew. 
Provisions  and  water  were  scant.  It  was  bound 
for  New  York  but  the  captain,  influenced  by  the 
condition  of  the  boat  and  the  desire  to  see  his 
family,  wanted  to  dock  at  Halifax  and  circulated 

154        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

among  the  passengers  a  paper  for  signatures  to 
grant  such  a  change.  Many  had  already  signed 
when  the  mate,  who  was  an  Irishman,  learned 
of  it.  When  the  signers  realized  that  Halifax  was 
a  long  way  from  their  destination,  and  they  would 
be  practically  as  far  from  the  United  States  as 
if  they  were  in  Ireland,  they  regretted  their  agree- 
ment. The  mate  told  them  that  once  at  Halifax, 
the  captain  would  declare  the  boat  unseaworthy, 
and  they  would  not  be  allowed  to  sail  out.  They 
regained  the  signed  document  by  sending  one  of 
their  number  to  sign,  who  tore  up  the  paper  and 
threw  it  into  the  sea,  and  the  boat  continued  its 
course  to  New  York, 

Pierce  Grace  came  to  Syracuse  in  1849  by  packet- 
boat  until,  east  of  Utica,  the  boat  was  caught  in 
the  ice  and  the  passengers  had  to  walk.  The  few 
hotels  along  the  way  were  not  anxious  to  receive 

Pierce  Grace  spent  his  life  in  the  employ  of 
the  railroad  companies.  He  married  Catharine, 
the  daughter  of  Stephen  and  Mary  Mahar  Loner- 
gan  of  Ballina,  County  Tipperary,  Ireland,  and 
they  celebrated  the  golden  jubilee  of  their  mar- 
riage. They  were  blessed  with  eight  children: 
Pierce,  Thomas,  Stephen  L.,  Elizabeth,  Mary, 
Ellen,  Catharine,  and  Margaret. 

Francis  Connelly 

Francis  Connelly  was  for  more  than  thirty-five 

Syracuse  155 

years  prominent  in  the  business  life  of  Syracuse. 
He,  with  his  brother  James,  kept  a  bookstore, 
deahng  especially  in  Catholic  books  and  church 
supplies.  He  was  one  of  the  prominent  men  of 
St.  Lucy's  Church,  which  he  served  in  many  ways. 

His  father  was  Irish,  his  mother  English,  and 
he  was  born  in  the  city  of  Liverpool.  His  second 
wife  was  the  daughter  of  Joanna  McSweeney, 
half-sister  of  the  pioneer,  Thomas  McCarthy  of 

His  father  located  in  Bald  wins  ville  in  1840  or 
after.  The  other  children  are:  William,  John, 
Anna,  James,  Mary,  Ellen,  and  Elizabeth. 

William  Lilly 

William  Lilly  owned  Lilly's  Grove  (Bellevue 
Heights  now).  He  was  from  County  Sligo,  Ire- 
land. His  mother,  whose  name  was  Leonard,  had 
thirteen  sons,  five  by  her  marriage  to  Lilly,  and 
eight  by  her  second  marriage  to  O'Brien. 

William  Lilly  was  a  soldier  in  the  Civil  War,  and 
from  him  Lilly  Post,  G.  A.  R.,  takes  its  name.  His 
picture  is  said  to  be  on  the  bronze  tablet  on  the 
Post  Office. 

A  recent  publication  of  the  Onondaga  Histori- 
cal Association  in  an  account  of  the  powder  ex- 
plosion of  1 841  states:  "Nearby  lay  a  boy  whom 
I  knew  well,  William  Lilly,  who  recovered  and 
afterwards  did  creditable  service  as  color  bearer  in 
the  1 2th  Regt.  N.  Y.  S.  V." 

156        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 
Rt.   Rev.   Patrick  Anthony  Ludden 

Patrick  Anthony  Ludden  was  consecrated 
Bishop  of  Syracuse  May  i,  1887,  at  the  forma- 
tion of  the  diocese.  He  was  born  near  Castle- 
bar,  County  Mayo,  in  1836,  son  of  Anthony  and 
Ellen  Fitzgerald  Ludden.  He  studied  at  St. 
Jarlath's  College,  Tuam,  Ireland,  came  to  Amer- 
ica in  i860,  continued  his  studies  at  Grand  Sem- 
inaire,  Montreal,  and  was  ordained  in  1864.  He 
was  appointed  assistant  at  Immaculate  Concep- 
tion Cathedral,  Albany,  then  pastor  at  Malone, 
N.  Y.,  then  rector  at  Albany  Cathedral  and  Vicar- 
General  of  the  diocese  1877-80.  He  was  pastor 
of  St.  Peter's  Church,  Troy,  from  1880  until 
he  came  to  Onondaga  to  be  the  first  Bishop  of 

The  growth  of  the  Church  in  this  County  and 
the  history  of  the  diocese  of  Syracuse  are  already  a 
matter  of  record  and  a  timely  addition  to  the 
County  history. 

John  Molloy 

John  Molloy  came  to  America  from  West- 
meath  in  1832,  when  he  was  two  years  old,  and 
soon  after  his  father  died,  leaving  him  entirely 
alone,  his  mother  having  died  at  his  birth.  He 
grew  to  manhood,  obtaining  an  education  by  his 
own  efforts,  taught  school  in  Parish,  N.  Y.,  and 
elsewhere,  finally  entering  the  legal  profession  in 

Syracuse  157 

Syracuse.  He  early  won  distinction  for  his  pro- 
fessional ability  and  brilliant  oratory,  but  the 
promise  of  his  youth  was  closed  by  his  death  at 
the  age  of  thirty-seven. 

He  married  Eliza,  daughter  of  James  and  Sarah 
Donnelly  Cosgriff ,  and  their  children  are :  Mary, 
who  married  Charles  Hughes;  Sarah,  who  married 
John  F.  Whalen;  EHzabeth,  William  C,  and 
John  R. 

Patrick  Corbett 

Patrick  Corbett  won  a  large  place  in  the  hearts 
of  his  countrymen  by  that  gift  to  his  race  which 
put  them  in  the  first  rank  of  the  world's  orators. 
None  of  his  speeches  remain  to  be  judged  in  cold 
type,  and  if  they  did,  they  would  lack  the  fire  and 
magnetism  of  the  speaker.  He  was  a  politician 
and  campaign  leader,  and  filled  the  office  of  police 
justice.  Starting  as  a  shoemaker,  studying  as  he 
could,  he  became  powerful  enough  to  hold  the  at- 
tention of  the  whole  community. 

He  married  Rose,  the  daughter  of  Captain 
Gavigan  of  Auburn.  Her  mother  was  Mary,  the 
only  daughter  of  Peter  O'Neill  of  Liverpool. 

Francis  Edward  Carroll 

Francis  E.  Carroll  was  bom  in  Philadelphia, 
Nov.  16,  1830,  son  of  James  Francis  and  Mary 
Louise  Dana  Carroll.  His  father  was  from 
County  Wexford,  Ireland,  his  mother  of  French 

158        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

descent.  Her  grandfather  Cotineau  during  the 
Reign  of  Terror  was  called  out  from  his  home  and 
taken  away  by  a  detachment  of  soldiers,  and 
probably  bowed  to  the  guillotine. 

Francis  E.  Carroll  came  to  Syracuse  in  1849. 
In  1 87 1  and  1872  he  was  elected  mayor  of  the  city 
on  the  Democratic  ticket. 

He  married  Caroline  Goldsmith  and  their  chil- 
dren are:  Frank  D.,  in  Oklahoma;  Dana  H.,  Paris 
correspondent  of  the  New  York  Sun;  Goldsmith, 
and  Charles  L. 

James  A.  Carroll  is  the  brother  of  Francis  E. 
and  a  resident  of  Syracuse. 

Richard  Joy 

When  Richard  Joy  came  to  Syracuse  from 
County  Waterford,  with  his  eight  sons  and  two 
daughters,  the  young  city  was  still  very  close  to  the 
woodland  and  swamp  from  which  it  sprung. 
Most  of  the  old  country  people  then  as  now  left 
behind  them  many  domestic  utensils  and  sup- 
plies which  would  have  brought  comfort  to  their 
new  homes.  The  women  found  need  of  their 
household  arts.  They  made  nearly  everything 
from  soap  and  yeast  to  stockings  and  medicines. 
Quilting  bees  was  the  custom  within  and  building 
or  reaping  bees  without.  Beds  were  made  of 
husks  or  feathers,  spoons  of  pewter;  cooking  was 
with  wood  fires  only.  The  blacksmith  shop  alone 
had  the  luxury  of  coal. 

Syracuse  159 

Every  house  had  its  garden  and  the  winter's  food 
was  buried  in  mounds  and  unearthed  as  needed. 

Amusements  were  the  dance  and  parties,  fre- 
quent and  joyful.  The  chief  occupation  was  of 
course  in  the  salt  industry.  Richard  Joy  mar- 
ried Mary  Powers,  and  their  children  took  part  in 
the  business  life  of  the  city  with  uniform  success. 
They  are  Nicholas,  who  married  first  Bridget 
Cummings  and  later  Jane  Vrooman;  John;  Pierce, 
who  married  Catharine  Guilick;  Mary  Ann; 
Thomas,  who  married  Mary  Ann  Meagher; 
Ellen,  Michael,  Richard;  Patrick,  who  married 
Bridget  Meagher,  and  Edward,  who  married 
Mary  Cleary. 

Thomas  Hurst 

Thomas  Hurst  came  to  Syracuse  in  1822.  His 
children  are:  John;  Samuel,  who  married  Mary 
Beatson;  George,  who  married  Miss  Scott;  Sarah, 
who  married  Mr.  Dustin ;  Margaret,  who  married 
John  Clark;  and  Ellen. 

John  Doherty 

The  story  runs,  that  John  Doherty  contracted 
consumption  during  service  in  the  Civil  War,  and 
returned  home  to  be  nursed  faithfully  by  his 
mother.  As  the  end  drew  near,  the  young  man 
grew  afraid  and  begged  his  mother  to  go  with  him 
on  the  lonesome  journey. 

i6o        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 
John  Burns 

John  Bums  rounded  out  his  hundred  and  one 
years  among  his  children  and  grandchildren  and 
great-grandchildren  in  Syracuse.  Bom  in  Mary- 
borough, Queen's  County,  Ireland,  in  1808,  he 
served  in  the  army,  and  at  the  age  of  thirty 
eloped  with  Katty  Kennedy,  the  young  daughter 
of  a  nobleman  whose  lodge  he  occupied.  From 
New  York  they  came  to  Syracuse  and  its  vicinity 
and  here  grew  up  around  them  their  remarkable 
family  of  six  sons  and  five  daughters. 

John  Burns's  life  is  already  a  matter  of  record, 
for  his  birthdays  were  of  public  interest.  During 
his  lifetime  he  cleared  of  timber  and  put  under 
cultivation  three  hundred  and  fifty  acres  of  land 
in  this  County.  His  children  are:  Mary,  who 
married  James,  son  of  Patrick  and  Catharine 
Burns;  John,  Jr.,  who  married  Mary,  the  daugh- 
ter of  Thomas  Dwyer;  William,  who  married 
Cora,  the  daughter  of  John  and  Sarah  Taft  Mc- 
Chesney;  Edward  P.,  who  married,  first,  Eliza- 
beth, the  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  Beers,  and 
later,  Minnie  A.,  the  daughter  of  Dr.  D.  W.  and 
Elizabeth  Dunbar  Burdick;  Joseph,  who  married^ 
first,  Dora,  the  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  O'Brien 
McLean,  and  later,  Jennie,  daughter  of  John  and 
Mary  Lynch  Dillon;  Anna,  who  married  John  W., 
son  of  Timothy  W.  and  Honora  Crowley  Cronin ; 
Margaret  Ellen,  who  married  John,  son  of  Michael 
and  Nano  Buckley  Mack;  Frank,  who  married. 

Syracuse  i6i 

first,  Mary,  daughter  of  Nicholas  and  Bridget 
Cummings  Joy,  and  second,  Anna,  daughter  of 
Patrick  and  Mary  Murray  McGraw;  Catharine, 
who  married  James  J.,  son  of  James  and  Ann  Mc- 
Carthy Kehoe ;  Charles ;  and  Emma,  who  married 
Charles  E.,  son  of  James  and  Martha  Clancy  Oley. 

Irish  Surnames 

The  preservation  in  correct  form  of  the  name 
men  transfer  to  their  children  is  a  lifelong  task 
under  ordinary  circumstances.  When  pioneers  of 
different  races  meet,  their  mutual  strangeness  is 
manifest  in  the  attempts  to  spell  each  other's 
names.  Moreover  education  is  not  universal. 
The  Irish  pronounce  the  vowels  as  in  Latin,  their 
language  having  been  less  affected  by  outside 
influence  than  the  English.  In  consequence  of 
these  things  a  single  Irish  name  appears  in  records 
in  a  dozen  or  more  forms,  often  scarcely  recogniz- 
able. The  prefix  Mac  is  used  for  the  whole 
name  or  is  not  used  at  all  or  is  added  to  a  name 
without  authority.  The  vowels  a,  e,  i,  and  u, 
each  with  two  sounds,  Latin  and  English,  lead  to 
endless  variety.  There  are  syllables  which  have 
no  equivalent  English  sound.  The  recording 
clerk  wrote  a  name  according  to  his  own  special 
knowledge  of  sounds,  getting  results  most  un- 
usual. Often  the  owner  of  a  name  could  not  spell 
it  without  hopelessly  confusing  his  auditor  with 
a,  e,  i  and  ah,  a,  e. 

i62        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

These  Irish  names,  which  appear  in  every  page 
of  American  history,  are  a  rich  legacy  from  the 
saints  and  scholars,  the  kings  and  warriors  of  the 
Emerald  Isle.  Her  children  have  borne  them  to 
every  part  of  the  earth. 

There  are  other  names  shared  by  Irishmen  with 
the  Scotch  and  English  and  with  those  who  have 
lost  identity  with  the  Irish.  The  nature  of  this 
work  precludes  research  in  nomenclature.  Un- 
less there  has  been  evidence  or  a  reasonable  cer- 
tainty of  Irish  blood,  names  have  been  excluded 
when  extracts  have  been  made  from  the  records. 
In  the  original  part  of  the  work,  of  course,  the 
names  are  those  of  Irishmen. 

The  doubt-producing  names  are,  besides  others : 
Anderson,  Bennett,  Berry,  Brown,  Burns,  Butler, 
Coleman,  Collins,  Cook,  Clark,  Cummings,  Cun- 
ningham, Day,  Davis,  Daggett,  Dixon,  Drake, 
Dunn,  English,  Edwards,  Fay,  Ford,  Fitz, 
Griffin,  Gray,  Gere,  Gleason,  Glynn,  Graham, 
Hall,  Harrington,  Hayes,  Hackett,  Hand,  Hen- 
derson, Hicks,  Higgins,  Hopkins,  Hunt,  Johnson, 
Keeney,  Keeler,  Lee,  Lane,  Lacy,  Lamb,  Leslie, 
Lewis,  Lyon,  many  names  beginning  with  Mc 
and  Mac,  Martin,  Matthews,  Molyneaux,  Mor- 
gan, Moore,  Mitchell,  Owen,  Powell,  Powers, 
Price,  Rogers,  Reed,  Russell,  Savage,  Shaw, 
Shields,  Scott,  Smith,  Stanton,  Taylor,  Wall, 
Ward,  Walch,  Welch,  Weston,  Webb,  White, 
Wilson,  Young,  and  Youngs. 

Syracuse  163 

Early  Marriage  Records  of  Irish,  from  First 
Presbyterian  Church,  Syracuse^ 

1826.     Mr.  Anderson  of  Salina  to   Miss  McFar- 
land  of  same  place. 

1833.  Mr.  Thomas  Owens  to  Miss  Leora  Ormsby, 
both  of  Camillas.     At  Mansion  House. 

1834.  Mr.  Sterling  Morehead  to  Miss  Ann  Leslie 
of  this  village. 

1837.  John  Galvin  to  Eliza  McDonald  of  Caze- 
novia.     Daniel  Hopkins,  witness. 

1838.  John  McBride  of  Elbridge  to  Mary  Gregg. 

1839.  John  Fleming  to  Elvira  Wheaton. 

1839.  John  Grier  to  Bridget  Hughs  of  Geddes. 
Witnesses,  Michael  SulHvan,  L.  Stephen  Kimball. 

1840.  Wilham  Henry  Cable  to  Mary  Rodgers,  at 
Mr.  Haggerty's. 

1 84 1.  Peter  Curran  to  Mrs.  Laura  Parks  of  Split 

1842.  William  Craig  to   Mary  Lane,  all  of  this 

1843.  John  White  to  Sarah  Conway  of  Cicero. 
At  Kellogg's  Onondaga  House. 

1843.  Theodore  F.   A.  Andrews  to  Jane  Agnes 

1844.  Sylvester  R.  Town  of  Canandaigua  to  Mary 
Savage  of  Lodi. 

Marriage  Records  of  First  Baptist  Church, 
Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  Rev.  Mr.  Gilber,  Pastor 

1 8 15.  Mr.  Vansallas  to  Mariah  Salmon. 

1 8 16.  William  Gary  to  Sally  West. 

'  Compiled  by  Minnie  L.  Kellogg,  Syracuse  Public  Library. 

164        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

181 7.  Mr.  Cummins  to  Miss  Benton. 

1825.  Henry  Train  to  Mary  Sullivan. 

1826.  James  Davidson  to  Elizabeth  More. 

1827.  John  More  to  Nancy  A.  Cook. 

1827.     Theodore  Fleming  to  Nancy  Ainsley. 
The  marriage  fee  was  indicated  by  Roman  letters 
I,  II,  113^,  occasionally  V,  X,  and  once  XX. 

Inscriptions  in  Cemeteries 

Onondaga  Valley. 

James  Sisson,  died  1827,  age  80. 

Hannah,  his  wife,  died  1821,  age  63. 

James  Sisson,  Jr. 

Bridget,  wife  of  Franklin  Peck,  son  of  Captain 
Joseph  and  Hannah  Peck.  Bridget  was  daughter 
of  James  and  Hannah  Sisson,  was  born  at  Stonington, 
Conn.,  Dec.  9,  1785,  and  died  April  5,  1842. 

Delphi  Cemetery. 

John  Shields,  1 747-1 832. 

Jane,  his  wife,  1 751-1839. 

Patrick  Shields,  July  20,  1867,  age  91. 


Oliver  Cummings,  died  1856,  age  86. 
Esther,  his  wife,  died  1838,  age  70. 


Jemina  Robinson,  wife  of  Thomas  Burk,  died  1847, 
age  74  years. 

Jane  Dunn,  daughter  Carey  and  Jane  Dunn,  April, 

Syracuse  165 

Thomas  Grimes  and  Mary,  his  wife. 
Catharine  Grimes,  wife  of  Oliver  Watkins. 
Sally  McKay,  wife  of  Philo  McKay,  died  1829. 
Henry,  died  1829,  nine  days  before  his  mother. 

Myrtle  Hill  Cemetery,  Geddes. 

Freeman  Hughes,  born  1781,  in  Massachusetts, 
died  1856. 

His  wife,  Mary  Hughes. 


William  Cunningham  and  his  wife  Margaret. 
Their  son,  bom  in  1839. 

Two  Hated  Sins 

There  are  two  sins  which  the  Irish  believe  to  be 
the  most  deadly,  which  taint  the  blood  almost  be- 
yond cure,  beyond  cleansing.  The  worse  of  the 
two  is  treason.  Their  native  land  is  to  them  still 
a  country  in  rebellion,  struggling  against  tyranny. 
Treason  is  the  blackest  crime  in  their  decalogue. 
An  informer,  a  spy,  tarnishes  the  good  name  of  his 
whole  family.  The  tragic  history  and  fate  of  the 
Emerald  Isle,  her  ceaseless  struggles  for  freedom, 
the  pathos  of  her  long-sustained  misery  prompt 
the  thought  that  all  has  been  fore-ordained  and 
that  in  time  there  will  come  the  answer  to  the 
Irishman's  prayer,  "God  save  Ireland." 

Next  to  treason  and  its  brood,  the  Irish  hate 
lust.  They  both  follow  a  family  even  into  the 
wilderness.     In  Ireland,  the  Scarlet  Letter  is  so 

i66        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

unusual  as  to  be  almost  mythical.  Some  one 
may  have  seen  it,  but  that  was  a  long  time  ago. 
This  is  the  testimony  of  men  and  women  from 
every  part  of  that  country.  It  is  a  fact  of  statis- 
tics borne  out  by  the  experience  of  Onondaga. 
Chastity  is  in  the  blood  of  their  race. 

It  is  true  that,  in  the  radical  changes  of  social 
conditions  which  the  immigrants  met  in  America, 
transgressions  did  occur.  The  equal  liberty  to 
boys  and  girls,  so  natural  here,  is  not  readily 
understood  by  foreigners.  Even  the  mixture  of 
different  races  is  a  novelty  and  surprises  and  ex- 
cites them.  It  is  hardly  to  be  wondered  at  that 
young  men  and  women  thrown  together  by  the 
circumstances  of  their  work,  freed  from  the  re- 
straining customs  of  home  and  native  land,  in- 
toxicated by  the  unwonted  liberty,  sometimes 
found  themselves  enmeshed  in  scandal.  Among 
the  Irish  in  Onondaga  there  was  less  of  a  shame- 
ful character  to  be  forgotten  than  among  their 
neighbors,  both  because  of  the  virtue  of  their  men 
and  the  transcendent  purity  of  their  women. 



John  Lynch 
Catharine  Gormly  Lynch 

SPLIT  ROCK  was  well  known  along  the  St. 
Lawrence,  as  well  as  along  the  Hudson  to 
New  York.  John  Lynch  and  his  bride,  Catharine 
Gormly,  left  New  York  for  the  wilderness  of 
Onondaga,  expecting  to  make  the  whole  journey 
by  water,  but  for  some  reason  had  to  finish  with 
an  ox  team.  This  was  in  1827,  when  the  Canal 
was  new.  Their  destination  was  Split'  Rock 
and  a  farm,  and  here  they  lived  iintil  the  grim 
reaper  took  his  harvest  and  the  wife  and  children 
were  left  to  make  their  own  way  in  the  world. 

John  Lynch  was  born  in  Ballananagh,  County 
Cavan,  Ireland,  the  son  of  Andrew  and  Mary 
Lynch.  His  wife,  Catharine  Gormly,  was  born  in 
1801,  and  lived  to  be  one  hundred  years  old. 

The  Gormly  family  was  originally  of  County 
Armagh,  but  during  the  efforts  of  colonization  in 
Ulster  was  driven  south  and  settled  in  County 
Longford    near    Lough    Gowna.      John    Gormly 


i68        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Art,  grandfather  of  Catharine,  Hved  to  be  one 
hundred  and  three  years  old  and  told  his  young 
granddaughter  many  tales  of  the  English  and 
Irish  in  the  province  of  Ulster.  The  Gormly 
family  was  very  numerous  and  the  various 
branches  were  distinguished  by  compound  names. 
This  branch  added  Art,  a  contraction  of  Arthur, 
to  the  surname,  while  the  son  of  John  Gormly 
Art  took  Arthur  for  the  full  Christian  name. 
Arthur  Gormly  married  Catharine  Gormly, 
daughter  of  Michael,  and  their  daughter,  Cath- 
arine, married  John  Lynch.  The  Gormlys  were 
alike  remarkable  for  longevity  and  for  their  great 
stature.  Long  Sampson  Gormly  measured  seven 
feet  and  six  inches  in  height  and  received  that 
share  of  mother  earth  in  a  New  York  cemetery. 
Another  member  of  the  family  reared  twenty- 
three  sons  and  one  daughter. 

Catharine  Gormly,  a  grandfather's  pet,  was  a 
little  rebel  in  the  schoolroom  because  she  did  not 
like  the  master.  She  came  to  America  in  1814 
on  the  Carolina  Ann  under  the  command  of  Cap- 
tain Bush,  sailing  for  three  months,  often  driven 
from  the  course  by  storms.  In  New  York  she 
went  to  live  with  Letitia  Blackwell  until  her 
marriage  in  1827  and  her  departure  for  Split 

Catharine  lived  in  close  touch  with  the  life  of 
the  Rock  and  told  many  thrilling  incidents  of  early 
days.  The  last  panther  in  this  County  met  the 
pioneer's  axe  at  the  Rock,  and  bears  prowled  oc- 

Onondaga  169 

casionally,  the  last  one  folding  a  man  and  a  sapling 
in  his  embrace,  which  latter  kept  the  man's  ribs 
intact  imtil  help  came.  She  told  of  an  infected 
house  every  one  occupant  of  which  contracted  a 
fever  imtil  one  sensible  woman,  anticipating  dis- 
infection, scrubbed  and  whitewashed  the  house 
from  top  to  bottom  and  destroyed  the  contagion. 

Catharine  found  many  friends  in  her  hour  of 
loss  and  sorrow.  Three  of  her  children  had  died, 
but  the  other  two  were  destined  to  enter  the  busi- 
ness life  of  the  future  city,  doing  their  share  of 
the  world's  work.  Both  entered  the  grocery 
trade  and  general  store,  John  J.  Lynch  and  Mary 
Lynch,  the  wife  of  Thomas  Webb  Egan.  Their 
children  keep  alive  their  memory. 

The  children  of  Thomas  Webb  and  Mary 
Lynch  Egan  are:  James,  Martha,  Rose  Frances, 
Thomas  Webb,  Jr.,  Alice,  Seymour,  Gertrude, 
John,  Agnes  Geraldine,  and  two  infants. 

John  J.  Lynch 

There  were  schools  at  Split  Rock  and  school- 
masters, and  John  J.  Lynch  showed  early  ap- 
preciation of  both.  He  was  a  diligent  pupil  and  a 
passionate  lover  of  books  during  his  whole  life. 
He  advanced  from  grade  to  grade,  working  his 
way  through  school  and  then  teaching  where  he 
had  studied.  At  Split  Rock  and  Howlett  Hill 
and  in  the  vicinity  of  Homer  he  taught  school 
until  he  was  able  to  enter  the  academy  at  Homer, 

170        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

graduating  at  the  head  of  his  class  in  1861.  He 
was  a  man  of  gentle  natiire  and  manners,  es- 
sentially refined  both  in  his  domestic  and  business 
circles,  leading  by  virtue  of  his  trained  mind 
those  with  whom  he  associated.  He  was  of  that 
band  of  stanch  friends  who  rallied  to  the  support 
of  the  young  pastor  of  St.  Lucy's  Church  in  the 
early  days  of  its  organization.  He  gave  time  and 
labor  and  money  to  the  young  parish  while  en- 
gaged in  developing  his  own  work  in  a  general 

He  married  Mary  Schemel  and  they  have  seven 
children:  Arthur,  Katharine,  Augusta,  Grace, 
John,  George,  and  Martha. 

Bernard  Clark 

Bernard  Clark  of  County  Cavan  and  his  wife 
Mary,  the  daughter  of  Garrett  and  Ellen  Farrell 
of  County  Westmeath,  came  to  Split  Rock  with 
their  two  children  in  1836.  There  were  then  at 
the  Rock  many  hundred  of  Irishmen.  Nellie 
Clark,  second  child  of  Bernard,  gave  many  of 
the  facts  of  Split  Rock  as  well  as  sketches  of 
many  of  the  people  there  in  the  early  days. 
Her  brothers  and  sisters  are:  Charles,  Mary, 
Sarah,  Catharine,  Bernard,  and  James. 

Patrick  Degnan 

The  activity  of  the  Split  Rock  quarries  was  de- 
scribed to  Patrick  Degnan  of  Longford,  Coimty 

Onondaga  171 

Longford,  Ireland,  while  he  was  at  work  on  the 
Cornwall  Locks  in  Canada.  He  had  been  a  stone- 
cutter in  Ireland,  had  worked  on  the  Longford 
Cathedral  and  other  buildings,  and  had  left  his 
native  land  for  Cornwall  in  1825.  Here  his  wife 
Elizabeth  died  and  in  1830  he  brought  his  three 
children  to  Split  Rock.  He  then  married  Mary 
Gavigan.  When  he  moved  to  Syracuse,  his  stone 
yard,  the  first  in  the  city,  was  at  the  southeast 
corner  of  Salina  and  Jefferson  Streets. 

His  daughter  Maria  married  Thomas  Ken- 
drick;  Bridget  married  Bernard  McGuire,  and 
Michael  married  Mary  McGovern. 

James  Shanahan 

James  Shanahan  and  his  wife,  Ellen  Tobin, 
came  to  Split  Rock  from  Pilltown,  County  Kil- 
kenny, Ireland,  about  1830.  Sometime  after  he 
went  to  Michigan  and  his  sons,  John,  James,  and 
Edward,  remained  at  Split  Rock  or  else  returned 
there  from  Michigan.  They  were  all  stone- 
cutters in  Ireland,  good  judges  of  stone,  born 
quarrymen  so  to  speak. 

One  son,  Thomas,  became  a  Jesuit  and  lived  to 
be  ninety-six  years  old  in  1907.  A  daughter, 
Ellen,  married  John  Quinn  of  Syracuse  and  their 
son  is  Rev.  Francis  J.  Nora,  another  daughter, 
married  in  Michigan;  Mary,  in  New  York. 
Edward  lives  in  Salt  Lake  City,  and  Catharine 
married  John  Lewis. 

172        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

John,  James,  and  Edward  Shanahan  had  ex- 
tensive contracts  for  stone,  first  renting  the 
quarries  and  later  purchasing  farms  and  quarries 
to  carry  on  their  increasing  business.  James  went 
to  Tribe's  Hill  where  he  opened  quarries  and  made 
contracts  on  a  large  scale,  becoming  superinten- 
dent of  public  works  under  Governor  Cleveland. 

John  and  Edward  furnished  stone  from  Split 
Rock  for  many  public  works,  one  of  the  most 
difficult  of  which  was  over  the  Montezuma 
marshes.  Several  contractors  had  surrendered 
the  contract,  but  it  was  carried  out  by  the  Shana- 
hans.  Fever  and  ague  seized  the  hundreds  of 
men  at  work  in  the  marshes  where  they  stood 
waist  deep  in  the  water.  Contractors  and  men 
alike  suffered  from  the  disease  with  which  science 
has  only  recently  become  acquainted. 

John  Shanahan  rented  first  the  Fyler  quarries 
and  lived  in  their  house.  Later  he  bought  a 
small  place  of  fifty  acres,  west,  and  a  log  house 
from  Saybrook  Lee,  and  afterwards  the  fine  Kas- 
son  farm  and  house.  These  were  sold  in  recent 
years  to  the  Solvay  Process  Company. 

The  fever  and  ague  of  the  marshes  sapped  the 
strength  of  John  Shanahan  and  he  never  regained 
health.  After  his  death,  his  brother  Edward 
joined  James  in  the  quarries  at  Tribe's  Hill. 
The  children  of  John  Shanahan  and  his  wife, 
Margaret  Carey  Shanahan,  are  Ella,  Mary  E., 
John,  Kate,  who  married  George  W.  DriscoU, 
and  Edward,  who  married  Helen  C.  Becker. 

Onondaga  173 

Michael  Driscoll 

Michael  Driscoll  and  his  wife  Ellen,  the  daugh- 
ter of  Patrick  Cronin,  left  Bantry  Bay,  County 
Cork,  Ireland,  in  1842  to  come  to  Split  Rock, 
Onondaga  County.  The  uncle  of  Michael, 
James  Driscoll,  and  his  wife  were  already  here  on 
a  small  farm  and  prosperous  in  selling  dairy  pro- 
ducts to  their  neighbors.  Michael  remained  only 
a  short  time  at  the  Rock,  then  went  to  South  On- 
ondaga for  a  time,  after  which  he  located  at  Syra- 
cuse for  seven  years.  He  did  the  hardest  kind  of 
work  in  those  days,  when  hard  times  were  the  ac- 
companying condition  of  labor.  He  bore  more 
than  his  share  of  the  day's  burden  and  did  not 
know  it,  so  great  was  his  strength.  When  by  ac- 
cident he  learned  this,  his  wages  were  increased 
in  proportion.  He  received  an  extra  shilling  a 
day.  Prospect  Hill  was  cut  down  to  fill  up  the 
swamps  and  the  virgin  soil  was  hard  to  turn,  but 
Michael's  wrists  of  steel  held  the  plough  in  the 
furrow  when  no  others  could.  Virgin  strength 
conquered  virgin  soil,  for  the  Irish  immigrants 
were  not  toil-worn,  the  labors  of  their  native  land 
were  light.  There  is  a  strength  that  is  innate 
and  one  that  is  acquired  by  exercise,  whether  in 
work  or  play.  The  world-famed  athletes  of  Ire- 
land are  not  from  the  laboring  class. 

In  the  old  country  Michael  Driscoll  had  been  a 
farmer  specially  trained  in  the  surgical  care  of 
domestic  animals  and  during  his  long  life  was  ir- 

174        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

resistibly  attracted  to  the  soil.  At  the  earliest 
possible  day  he  bought  a  farm  of  thirty- two  acres  in 
the  woods  at  Fairmount,  built  a  house  of  lumber, 
and  began  to  clear  the  land.  By  these  exertions 
he  was  able  to  support  his  large  family  until 
fortune  smiled  on  him  through  the  war  clouds. 
A  horse  reared  on  the  land  and  a  good  harvest  of 
corn  brought  him  seven  hundred  dollars,  which 
cancelled  the  debt  on  the  farm.  But  the  children 
were  now  old  enough  to  know  discontent  and  one 
after  the  other  went  forth  to  win  his  way  in  the 
world.  The  oldest,  James,  went  to  the  mines  in 
California,  but  in  a  short  time  invested  his  earnings 
in  a  farm  in  Kansas.  The  fever  of  those  days, 
however,  claimed  him  among  its  victims.  Ellen 
entered  a  convent  and  joined  a  teaching  order 
of  nuns.  Michael  E.,  our  Congressman,  and 
George  W.,  worked  their  way  through  school 
and  college,  and  entered  the  legal  profession 
here  in  Syracuse,  where  their  character,  life,  and 
achievements  are  an  open  book.  The  other 
children  are  Marietta,  Katharine,  Eliza,  Mar- 

When  Michael  Driscoll  realized  that  his  children 
were  not  content  to  remain  on  the  farm,  he  sold  it 
and  retired  to  a  few  acres  near  Onondaga  Hill. 
But  he  was  again  drawn  to  the  life  of  a  farmer  and 
bought  again  in  Fairmount,  and  he  did  not  take 
his  hand  from  the  work  of  stirring  the  soil  until 
the  very  last  day  of  his  seventy-six  years.  His 
wife   has   now   completed   sixty-seven   years   of 

Onondaga  175 

residence    (1909)    in   the    County   of   Onondaga. 
She  will  be  ninety  years  old  in  May. 

Michael  E.  married  Marie  McLean.  George 
W.  married  Kate  Shanahan  and  they  have  two 
children:  Keith  and  Katharine  Ernestine.  Two 
other  children  died  young. 

Richard  Kelley 

Richard  Kelley  was  left  to  the  guardianship  of 
his  uncle,  when  a  boy,  by  the  death  of  his  parents. 
He  and  his  brothers  inherited  some  money  but 
the  uncle  deemed  it  wise  to  bind  them  out  to  learn 
a  trade.  Richard  was  apprenticed  to  a  shoemaker, 
but  in  less  than  a  year  found  the  work  distasteful 
and  ran  away.  The  boy  stowed  away  and  came 
to  Newfoundland,  in  181 1.  Here  he  shipped  in  a 
fishing  smack  and  began  his  adventurous  career. 
Sometime  during  the  year  he  was  in  New  Bruns- 
wick and  was  caught  in  the  forest  fires  which 
swept  along  the  course  of  the  Miramichi  River. 
He  saved  himself  by  crawling  in  a  hole  in  the  bank 
of  the  river  until  the  danger  had  passed.  The 
next  year  he  met  shipwreck  with  the  crew  of  his 
ship.  They  were  thrown  on  the  mainland  and  a 
young  Indian  boy,  about  his  own  age,  led  them 
through  the  forest  to  a  port  on  the  St.  Lawrence 
where  they  shipped  for  Quebec.  Here  Richard 
found  work  at  his  rejected  trade  of  shoemaker. 
The  lumbermen  needed  boots  and  repairs,  the 
Indians  wanted  moccasins,    and    Richard    spent 

176        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

several  years  at  work.  In  the  meantime  the 
young  Indian  boy  had  come  to  Quebec  and  by 
chance  came  to  Richard's  shop  and  recognized 
him.  They  became  friends  and  Richard  spent 
every  Sunday  with  Indians,  hunting  and  fishing 
for  pleasure.  He  had  labored  in  mackerel  fishing 
in  summer,  and  in  winter  had  drawn  wood  with  dog 
teams,  but  his  Indian  friends  made  him  their 
guest  of  honor.  Somewhere  in  the  neighborhood 
they  had  a  chapel,  but  Richard  learned  little  of 
its  history. 

Richard  left  Quebec  with  a  contractor  at  work 
on  the  Welland  Canal.  He  was  to  look  after  the 
harnesses  of  the  horses,  repairing  them  when  need 
arose,  and  to  make  new  shoes  and  repair  the 
old  shoes  of  the  laborers  there.  Peter  McGuire 
was  a  foreman  there,  and  the  two  men  became  in- 
timate friends.  At  Smith's  Falls  near  Ottawa, 
which  they  called  Bye-Town,  the  men  met  and 
married  daughters  of  Patrick  Marion  of  County 
Monaghan.  Peter  married  Elizabeth,  and  Richard 
married  Margaret  Marion.  The  young  women 
had  come  to  Smith's  Falls  to  join  their  sister,  who 
had  married  John  Smith.  The  two  young  couples 
followed  the  contractors  from  one  labor  to  an- 
other, from  the  Welland  Canal  to  the  Oswego,  and 
then  to  the  Chenango  Canal.  During  these  years 
Split  Rock  was  well  known,  for  the  contractors 
came  there  to  get  stone  and  the  residents  of  the 
Rock  were  old-time  friends  of  McGuire  and 
Kelley.     After  the  Chenango  Canal  contract  they 

Onondaga  177 

learned  from  their  friends,  especially  John  Sayles, 
that  Split  Rock  gave  promise  of  prosperity  for  a 
grocery  and  shoe-shop.  Richard  Kelley  opened  a 
shoe-shop,  which  soon  expanded  into  a  general 
store,  about  the  year  1836. 

Richard  Kelley  and  Margaret  Marion  Kelley 
have  eleven  children,  all  of  whom  are  still  living: 
Katharine,  Francis,  Edward,  John,  Elizabeth, 
Patrick,  Sarah,  Mary,  Jane,  Ellen,  and  Margaret. 

There  are  thirty- three  grandchildren  and 
twenty-seven  great-grandchildren  (1908). 

Edmund  Kelley,  the  brother  of  Richard,  had 
come  to  Newfoundland  about  1831  and  to  Split 
Rock  in  1834.  They  were  from  County  Kil- 
kenny, Ireland. 

There  were  many  Irish  at  Split  Rock  when 
Richard  Kelley  came.  The  Rev.  Father  Michael 
Heas  went  there  to  adminster  to  the  spiritual 
needs  of  the  people,  walking  from  Salt  Point. 
There  was  a  little  stone  church  there  for  some  time 
but  it  met  untimely  destruction.  The  land  on 
which  it  stood  had  been  given  or  loaned  for  the 
purpose,  but  the  property  changed  hands  and  the 
new  owner  had  no  love  for  the  faith  it  fostered. 
He  immediately  gave  notice  that  the  church  was 
on  his  land  and  that  he  would  tear  it  down.  That 
same  day  the  Irishmen  collected  and  removed 
every  stone  from  the  place,  forestalling  less 
kindly  hands. 

For  a  long  time  Mass  was  said  once  a  month  at 
the  Kelley  home.     The  priest  would  come  there 

17S        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Saturday  evening  and  the  people  flocked  to  him. 
On  other  Sundays  many  walked  to  Salina  to  at- 
tend Mass.  The  old  candlesticks  of  brass  and 
crystal  which  were  used  at  Split  Rock  are  pre- 
served as  souvenirs  of  those  times. 

It  was  at  the  Kelley  home  that  the  old  holy- 
water  font  now  in  the  Liverpool  church  was  made 
by  the  chisels  of  James  Shanahan,  Maurice  Ward, 
and  Mr.  Quigley. 

Margaret  Marion,  wife  of  Richard  Kelley  and 
sister  of  Mrs.  Peter  McGuire,  was  the  daughter  of 
Patrick  Marion,  County  Monaghan,  Ireland,  a 
school-teacher  and  linen  weaver.  He  had  ex- 
tensive bleach  fields. 

Edmund  Kelley 

Edmund  Kelley  spent  his  youth  on  the  farm, 
having  been  apprenticed  to  a  farmer  by  his 
uncle.  In  1831  he  came  to  Newfoundland, 
leaving  his  wife,  Alice  McGraw,  and  his  baby 
Catharine  in  Ireland.  For  two  years  he  worked 
in  the  cod  and  seal  fisheries,  where  at  that  time 
the  most  desirable  product  of  the  industry  was  the 
skin  of  the  unborn  seal.  Then  he  spent  one  win- 
ter in  a  lumber  camp  at  Quebec  and  in  the  fol- 
lowing year  came  to  Split  Rock  with  his  wife  and 
child.  Here  were  many  Irish  working  the  quar- 
ries as  contractors,  stone-cutters,  quarrymen,  and 
laborers.  Edmund  would  wake  up  at  cock- 
crow and  had  no  other  timepiece  than  that  barn- 
yard fowl. 

Onondaga  179 

After  one  year  Edmund  Kelley  left  Split  Rock 
for  Gorham's  quarry  in  Elbridge,  but  the  next 
year  returned  to  farm  twenty  acres,  which  he 
bought  from  Judge  Mason  as  agent  for  that  por- 
tion known  as  the  Fisher  lot.  It  was  a  military 
lot,  but  its  owner  had  not  settled  upon  it,  and 
when  Fisher  died  his  heirs  went  to  law.  The  ap- 
pointed agent  cut  and  sold  the  timber  and  then 
the  land,  part  of  which  Edmund  Kelley  bought  and 
his  heirs  still  hold.  He  was  a  most  successful 
farmer,  thanks  to  the  training  of  his  youth. 

When  Edmund  was  moving  from  the  quarry  to 
the  farm  he  was  a  little  uneasy  about  the  two 
hundred  dollars  he  had  in  his  pocket.  It  was 
quite  a  simi  in  those  days  and  he  did  not  want  to 
lose  it,  so  he  hid  it  in  the  roots  of  a  tree.  But 
when  he  went  to  look  for  it,  he  could  not  find 
it.  He  could  not  recognize  the  tree  in  spite  of 
weary  days  of  search.  Ten  years  later  it  was 
found  by  some  wood-choppers,  and  though 
Edmund's  loss  was  well  known,  some  point  of 
law  arose  and  the  claim  was  assigned  to  an  agent 
who  pocketed  the  money  and  built  his  fortune 

Catharine,  the  daughter  of  Edmund  Kelley, 
married  Michael  Malay,  the  son  of  James  and 
Ellen  Doyle  Malay  of  Thomastown,  County  Kil- 
kenny. Their  children  are  Ellen,  Alice,  James, 
Edward,  Richard,  John,  Thomas,  Michael,  two 
Williams,  and  Francis. 

Contractors    for    whom    Edmund    worked    in 

i8o        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Gorham's  quarry,  Elbridge,  were  John  Shanahan 
and  Thomas  Hurley.  He  went  to  Jordan  from 
Elbridge  in  1838.  Edmund  sold  his  farm  in 
South  Hollow  and  in  1838  bought  the  farm 
at  Jordan  where  shanties  of  Erie  laborers  had 

Edmund  Kelley  was  the  son  of and  Cath- 
arine Delehanty  Kelley  of  Moncoyne,  County 

Peter  McGuire 

Peter  McGuire,   the  son  of  Dennis  and  

Cusack  McGmre,  was  bom  in  Knockbride,  County 
Cavan,  Ireland,  in  1807.  After  the  death  of  his 
mother,  Peter  and  his  sister  Mary  and  his  bro- 
thers John  and  Francis  came  to  Quebec  and 
then  to  Ottawa  about  the  year  1826.  Peter's 
only  experience  on  shipboard  was  sea-sickness, 
which  the  ship's  cook  finally  cured  by  salt 
herrings,  a  dish  that  there  and  then  became  his 

At  Ottawa,  or  Bye-Tow^n,  Peter  obtained  work 
on  the  Welland  Canal  and  soon  became  a  fore- 
man. Here  he  met  Richard  Kelley  and  many 
other  countrymen;  Richard  and  he  went  a- wooing 
at  the  same  house  and  became  kinsmen  by 
marrying  sisters.  He  married  Elizabeth  Marion, 
daughter  of  Patrick  Marion,  of  County  Monaghan. 
Peter  McGuire  and  all  the  workmen  not  only 
on  the  Welland  Canal  but  all  along  the  St.  Law- 

Onondaga  i8i 

rence  River  were  familiar  with  stone  brought  from 
Split  Rock,  Onondaga  County.  Workmen  from 
these  quarries  passed  into  Canada  and  returned, 
as  the  spirit  moved  them.  Some  worked  in 
Canada  in  summer  and  at  Split  Rock  in  winter. 
Peter  moved  with  the  contractor  and  came  to  the 
Chenango  Canal,  and  then  to  Split  Rock  where 
the  contractor  often  came  for  stone.  Others  who 
changed  residence  as  the  contractors  moved  were 
Richard  Kelley,  Patrick  Nesdle,  Patrick  Taylor, 
and  Lawrence  Power. 

At  Split  Rock  Peter  McGuire  opened  a  general 
store  but  remained  there  only  one  or  two  years, 
and  then  came  to  Syracuse  for  a  short  time, 
locating  finally  on  Salina  Street  at  the  corner  of 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  this  move  of  Peter's 
did  not  meet  the  approval  of  Father  Heas,  who 
considered  Split  Rock  the  more  important  settle- 
ment of  the  two  and  more  promising  in  every 
way  than  Salina  or  Syracuse.  Many  others  held 
the  same  opinion,  so  great  was  the  activity  there 
and  the  nimiber  of  men.  However,  things 
prospered  with  Peter  until  the  fire  of  1856  swept 
Salina.  He  rebuilt  his  house  on  a  larger  scale 
and  prospered.  He  was  appointed  constable  and 
in  1867  was  elected  justice  of  the  peace,  and  held 
the  office  eight  years.  He  then  resimied  business 
and  continued  in  commercial  life  until  the  end. 
He  was  a  trustee  of  St.  John  the  Baptist  Church 
for  nearly  fifty  years.     His  record  as  justice  is 

1 82        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

still  a  source  of  pride  to  his  friends,  who  recall 
many  incidents  of  his  court. 

While  the  parish  of  St.  John  the  Baptist  was 
struggling  for  existence,  its  pastor.  Father  Heas, 
made  his  home  with  Peter  McGuire.  There  were 
two  entrances,  one  on  each  street.  The  saintly 
priest,  who  trudged  miles  to  bring  comfort  to 
the  sick,  who  gave  his  coat  to  clothe  the  naked, 
whose  life  was  an  open  book,  could  not  by  these 
virtues  escape  the  annual  insult.  Lest  by  chance 
he  might  leave  the  house  by  the  other  door  an 
effigy  was  hung  before  each  of  the  two  doors  on 
the  seventeenth  of  March.  They  were  left  there 
until  removed  by  the  proper  agent. 

The  children  of  Peter  and  Elizabeth  Marion 
AlcGuire  are:  John,  who  married  Esther  Devoy, 
and  who  had  one  child,  Ambrose;  Mary;  and 
Francis  De  Sales  McGuire,  who  received  Holy 
Orders  in  1874.  His  missions  were  in  Saratoga, 
Fonda,  and  Albany  where  for  seventeen  years 
he  was  rector  of  the  cathedral.  He  was  a  priest 
thirty  years. 

Peter  McGuire  and  his  son  John  both  sang  in  the 
church  choir,  John  at  times  acting  as  organist  at 
the  tiny  instrument  which  his  father  bought. 
The  history  of  this  travelling  church  organ  has 
been  published  {Catholic  Sun)  with  an  account 
of  Peter  McGuire  walking  to  Jordan  one  morn- 
ing, carrying  the  pedals  which  had  been  forgotten. 
The  dedication  services  were  not  delayed  be- 
cause of  Peter's  pedestrian  endurance. 

Onondaga  183 

Keeners  (Caoin) 

The  funeral  services  of  the  Milesians  savored  of  the 
barbarism  of  ancient  times.  When  any  person  of 
distinction  or  a  chief  of  their  ancient  families  died, 
they  prepared  feasts  and  kept  open  houses  for  all 
those  who  assisted  at  the  funeral.  The  wives  of  their 
vassals  or  other  women  who  were  professed  mourners 
of  the  dead  came  in  crowds,  and  entering  one  after 
the  other  with  every  appearance  of  despair  the  hall 
where  the  corpse  was  exposed,  they  uttered  loud 
cries  and  lamentations,  reciting  the  genealogy,  and 
singing  in  verse  with  a  plaintive  and  melancholy 
voice  the  virtues  and  exploits  of  the  deceased  and 
those  of  his  earliest  ancestors.  This  kind  of  elegy  or 
rhyming  funeral  oration  being  ended,  they  were 
brought  into  another  hall  where  all  kinds  of  refresh- 
ments were  prepared;  these  women,  who  relieved  each 
other  every  hour,  continued  this  ceremony  as  long  as 
the  corpse  remained  exposed.  The  day  being  appoin- 
ted and  everything  ready  for  the  interment,  the  body 
was  carried  to  the  place  of  burial  accompanied  by  the 
same  women,  making  the  air  resound  with  their  cries. ' 

Where  the  Irish  population  in  this  County  was 
concentrated,  as  at  Split  Rock,  their  ancient 
customs  were  more  closely  observed  than  in  a 
mixed  population.  Customs  of  the  old  world  do 
not  flourish  on  this  side.  They  are  regarded  as 
superstitious  or  ignorant  practices  which  are 
better  forgotten  and  replaced  by  the  modern 
forms.     Death  and  all  things  connected  with  it 

'  The  Abb^  Mac  Geoghegan. 

i84        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

began  at  the  birth  of  the  race,  and  a  custom  of 
many  centuries  must  have  had  some  good  reason 
for  its  existence.  On  analysis  the  most  approved 
modern  methods  in  funeral  ceremonies  are  found 
to  differ  little  from  the  old,  small  margin  being  left 
for  any  variation  in  this  old  debt  all  pay  to  nature. 
To-day  the  service  is  more  specialized.  The 
trained  nurse  is  retained  a  few  days  longer  than  her 
patient  needs  to  act  as  hired  watcher;  the  crowd 
of  friends  come  and  recite  the  past  and  present 
history  of  the  family  in  an  undertone,  while  the 
choir  singers  add  the  lamentations  in  solos  and 
chorus.  The  keeners  united  the  three  offices  in 
one.  Their  number  was  in  proportion  to  the 
means  of  the  family  and  they  had  degrees  of  ex- 
cellence in  voice  and  tears  and  mournful  coimte- 
nance,  which  made  them  more  or  less  acceptable. 
Men  as  well  as  women  won  reputation  in  this 
melancholy  profession.  The  wail  was  weird  and 
peculiar  with  rhythm  and  cadences  and  crescendos 
learned  centuries  ago.  It  was  often  accompanied 
by  the  regular  clasping  and  unclasping  of  hands. 
The  chant  rose  and  fell  in  the  various  keys  of  the 
human  voice,  depending  on  the  number  and  genius 
of  the  keeners.  The  language  was  of  course 
Gaelic,  but  in  time  became  mixed  with  English, 
the  Gaelic  being  retained  in  the  exclamations  of 
sorrow  and  endearment,  the  English  in  the  recita- 
tion of  virtues:  Wirra!  Wirra!  Wirra!  Asthore! 
Asthore!  Arrah  Wisha!  Wisha!  Asthore!  Asthore! 
Alanna,  alanna  machree,  etc. 

Onondaga  185 

At  Split  Rock,  the  keener  entered  and  without 
speaking  walked  quickly  to  the  dead  and  began  her 
lamentation  or  alagone.  She  then  retired  until 
another  keener  entered  and  then  they  chanted 
together  and  continued  in  this  way  until  several 
had  joined  the  chorus.  They  were  not  profession- 
als but  kind  neighbors,  who  wailed  their  sympathy 
in  the  tragic  tone  of  long-past  keeners.  The  echo 
of  the  keening  is  heard  to-day  and  will  probably 
never  die. 

There  are  many  Irish  who  never  heard  the 
keening  or  knew  of  its  existence.  They  do  not 
believe  in  it  nor  do  they  believe  in  the  banshee, 
which  foretells  death  in  a  certain  family.  They 
may  know  that  there  are  some  observances  of 
which  they  would  not  approve  but  they  do  not 
know  that  these  things  are  the  abuses  of  an  ancient 
custom.  Grief  destroys  self-control  and  the 
mourner  betrays  in  lamentation  many  things  of  a 
personal  nature.  These  things  to  stranger  ears 
are  ridiculous  and  the  custom  of  keening  meets 
disfavor.  Moreover  in  towns  and  cities  fashion 
changes  and  custom  dwells  undisturbed  only  in 
remote  districts.  The  Irish  who  come  from  these 
parts  know  the  ancient  customs  in  their  full  ob- 
servance, where  no  change  is  tolerated  and  ridi- 
cule cannot  reach,  where  offices  are  performed  by 
skilled  subjects  and  cannot  with  impunity  be  at- 
tempted by  an  amateur.  Such  an  Irishman 
scorns  the  untrained  keener  and  those  who  mis- 
take him  for  the  real.     He  has  seen  the  artist 

1 86        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

keeners  in  their  black  gowns  leading  the  pro- 
cession, their  voices  swelling  in  the  ancient  hymn. 
But  it  is  the  fashion  to  disbelieve  what  one  has 
not  seen,  to  despise  what  one  does  not  understand, 
to  ridicule  instead  of  reflect,  and  to  discard  one 
superstition  to  grasp  another.  A  banshee  is  a 
myth,  but  a  dog's  howl  is  ominous;  there  are  no 
fairies,  but  fortune-tellers  reap  a  harvest;  Friday 
is  an  unlucky  day,  and  thirteen  people  must  not 
eat  together. 

Split   Rock  Folks  and  Things  (mostly   be- 
tween 1830-40^ 

Cornelius  Hayes,  Jr.,  was  Cock  of  the  Walk. 

Michael  Kennedy  was  a  persistent  scholar. 
He  went  to  school  when  he  could  and  kept  at  it 
until  twenty-seven  years  of  age  or  more.  He 
was  also  inscrutable  and  to  this  day  has  not  ex- 
plained one  of  the  last  incidents  of  his  school-days 
when  he  spoke  a  piece  in  a  programme  prepared 
for  the  parents  and  admiring  friends  of  the 
pupils.  Whether  he  was  serious  or  playing  a  joke 
on  his  audience  has  never  been  decided.  This 
long,  lean,  and  lank  man  solemnly  took  his  place 
on  the  platform,  with  an  elaborate  bow  and  ges- 
tures, suited  the  action  to  the  word  and  made  his 
listeners  jump  in  their  seats  at  his  emphasis  and 
left  them  in  doubt  while  he  recited:  "'My  bird 
is  dead,'  said  Nancy  Ray,  'I  cannot  sing,  I  cannot 

Onondaga  187 

play.    Go  hang  her  cage  on  yonder  tree.     I  cannot 
sing  no  more  to-day.'" 

There  were  at  Split  Rock  many  men  of  great 
strength,  which  must  have  been  used  up  in  their 
work,  as  there  were  fewer  fights  or  fighters  there 
than  elsewhere  in  the  County.  Thomas  Sheehan, 
however,  was  a  scientific  left-handed  fighter  and 
met  his  Waterloo  by  treachery  at  Marcellus, 
where  the  odds  were  four  to  one. 

A  little  woman  named  Mrs.  Hogan  lived  alone 
in  her  little  house.  There  were  signs  of  a  severe 
snow-storm  and  knowing  that  she  would  be  snow- 
bound, she  went  to  a  neighbor's  to  borrow  some 
matches.  She  received  them  and  a  present  of 
spare-rib  and  started  for  home.  A  few  days  later 
some  men,  noticing  the  untracked  snow  about  her 
house,  found  the  door  open  and  the  house  un- 
tenanted. A  search  was  made  all  over  the  Rock 
and  she  was  found  far  from  her  path,  sitting  under 
a  ledge  with  her  shawl  drawn  close,  frozen  to 
death.     This  was  in  1881. 

Mrs.  McGovern  kept  store  at  the  Rock. 

James  Driscoll  and  his  wife  farmed  it  and  kept 
cows.  Mary  Donovan  was  her  niece  and  was  a 
relative  of  the  Dalys. 

James  Reagan  was  a  school-teacher  and  made 
pens  for  the  children  out  of  goose  quills.  He  was 
a  good  teacher  but  terrifying  because  of  his 
gruffness.     He  growled  and  blustered  and  plied 

1 88        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

the  rod  while  he  taught  the  rudiments  and  the 

Thomas  Kearnan  and  his  wife  Mary  were  both 
school-teachers.  He  was  also  a  peddler  when 
school  was  not  in  session. 

One  schoolhouse  was  built  on  Lower  Rock  from 
the  material  of  the  church  that  had  to  be  torn 
down  because  the  land  on  which  it  stood  changed 
owners  and  came  into  unfriendly  hands. 

Another  school  was  in  the  basement  of  a  store 
at  the  Upper  Rock. 

The  school  at  Howlett  Hill  was  for  the  advanced 
scholars  of  the  Rock. 

The  children  who  went  to  school  at  the  Rock 
had  to  pay  two  cents  a  day  for  the  privilege. 

There  were  no  seats  in  the  church  at  Split 
Rock.  Many  walked  to  Salina  to  church  along 
the  cinder  road,  and  through  the  mud,  jumping 
from  one  log  to  another. 

There  were  as  many  Irish  at  the  Rock  in  1830- 
40  as  there  are  others  there  now  (1908). 

About  one  hundred  families  of  French  at  the 
Upper  Rock  lived  in  shanties  with  sharp  gables, 
kept  neat  and  pretty,  with  dainty  white  curtains 
and  flowers.  The  cellars  were  bowl-shaped  dug- 
outs beneath  the  house.  The  women  were 
hot-tempered  and  frequently  had  hair-pulling 
encounters,  which  the  constable  only  could  stop. 
Their  shanties  showed  signs  of  dilapidation  in  1830. 

Onondaga  189 

The  old  forge  was  haunted  at  night.  The 
screech-owls  were  mistaken  for  banshees  and  the 
Irishmen  chased  them  through  the  woods  to  see 
whose  house  they  visited. 

Patrick  Maloney  kept  a  little  shebeen  house 
where  whiskey  was  sold  by  the  glass  without 
a  license.     No  license  was  reqiiired. 

Mrs.  Dundas  also  kept  a  little  store,  and  sold 
whiskey.  One  day  a  child  turned  the  faucet 
and  a  barrel  was  wasted.  All  the  children  were 
whipped  by  the  angry  woman  except  the  culprit, 
who  hid. 

Whiskey  was  three  dollars  a  barrel.  Sunday  was 
drinking  day,  the  day  beginning  Saturday  night. 

Mrs.  May  was  a  very  little  woman  and  very 
pretty  in  the  white  cap  she  always  wore.  She 
came  to  Syracuse  to  buy  flour  and  carried  a  sack 
of  it  on  her  head  to  Split  Rock. 

The  Clancys  were  bakers  at  the  Rock  and  made 
good  bread. 

Most  of  the  people  at  Split  Rock  went  bare- 
footed. On  festive  occasions  they  carried  their 
shoes  and  put  them  on  when  the  destination  was 
reached.  This  was  the  rule  when  going  to  a 
dance.  The  depth  of  the  mud  made  the  rule 

Dancing  in  the  old  stone  store  was  conducted 
with  all  the  formality  and  propriety  of  a  dancing 
class.     Gordon  Harvey  of   Salina  was   the   dan- 

190        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

cing  master  and  fiddler,  and  he  was  very  dignified. 
The  SpHt  Rock  boys  paid  him  well  and  on  oc- 
casion outbid  the  Salina  folks  for  his  services, 
paying  twenty-five  dollars  for  his  assistance  at  a 
Fourth  of  July  dance. 

Patrick  Taylor  was  a  shoemaker  and  journey- 
men of  his  trade  often  came  to  assist  him. 

Captain  John  Hastings  was  a  great  quarry- 
man.  He  received  the  title  of  Captain  because  he 
had  charge  of  exploding  the  gunpowder  used  in 
blasting  the  rock. 

Ned  Day  carried  a  barrel  of  flour  on  his  shoul- 
ders from  Syracuse  to  the  Rock  whenever  the  needs 
of  his  family  required  that  article  of  food.  Every- 
body carried  home  their  flour,  but  Ned  had  no 
competitor  in  anything.  He  took  all  without  op- 
position. Occasionally  on  Saturday  night  Ned 
celebrated  a  little  and  in  the  expansion  of  his 
spirits  walked  up  and  down  the  road,  beating  a 
drum  or  a  tin  pan,  yelling  like  a  fiend  and  daring 
any  one  to  come  out  and  fight.  No  one  ever 
came  out. 

With  Ned  on  the  warpath  was  his  second — a 
blustering  little  chap  named  Hughes.  He  tagged 
along  swaggering  and  shouting  and  perfectly  safe 
under  Ned's  care.  He  was  called  in  derision  the 
Cock  of  the  Rock. 

There  were  at  Split  Rock  two  branches  of  the 
Hayes  family,  one  of  which  was  Scotch  and  the 

Onondaga  191 

other  Irish,  but  no  one  ever  thought  of  call- 
ing either  by  the  present  commonly-used  term 
"Scotch-Irish."  Most  of  the  people  there  were 
French  or  Irish,  living  in  two  distinct  settle- 
ments. There  were  a  few  Scotch  and  some 
whose  ancestors  were  immigrants  several  genera- 
tions before.  There  was  no  religious  strife  be- 
cause nearly  all  had  the  same  faith.  In  fact, 
from  a  Catholic  standpoint  Split  Rock  was  by  far 
the  most  important  colony  in  this  part  of  the 

The  gulf,  or  little  valley  along  the  base  of  the 
rock,  contained  the  only  source  of  the  water  for 
the  people.  There  were  two  wells  of  spring  water, 
a  sulphur  spring,  and  a  small  stream,  ice  cold, 
along  the  bottom  of  the  gulf.  The  springs  were 
named  the  French  well  and  the  Irish  well  and 
were  visited  each  by  its  own  people.  There  was 
no  prohibition  to  another's  use  of  the  water  but 
each  nation  followed  the  custom  and  drew  from 
its  own  well.  The  water  was  carried  a  mile  or  a 
mile  and  a  half  either  on  the  head  or  by  a  shoulder 
yoke.  Up  and  down  the  steep  rocky  path  the 
women  passed  with  ease  and  grace  and  siu^eness. 
In  the  spring  and  summer  they  brought  their 
clothes  to  wash  in  the  gulf  near  the  wells.  Fires 
were  built  and  huge  pots  swung,  in  which  the 
clothes  were  boiled  before  they  were  spread  out  to 

The  stone  store  and  the  stone  house  have  been 

192        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

landmarks  for  many,  many  years.  The  store,  now 
in  ruins,  answered  every  purpose  to  which  a  build- 
ing could  be  put.  It  was  a  store,  a  dwelling, 
council  chamber,  dance  hall,  and  general  assembly 
room.  The  stone  house  was  rebuilt  in  1832 
by  Oris  Fay,  son  of  Augustus  and  grandson  of 
William,  who  was  the  first  of  the  family  in  On- 
ondaga. Before  that  it  is  said  to  have  been  a 

The  cooking  was  done  in  the  fireplace  and  wood 
was  the  fuel.  The  fire  was  preserved  by  banking 
it  in  ashes,  and  when  it  went  out,  a  spark  was  bor- 
rowed from  the  neighbors.  Sometimes  a  flint 
was  used  to  strike  fire.     Candles  were  for  light. 

Some  of  the  houses  at  Split  Rock  were  built  of 
stone,  some  of  logs,  and  the  shanties  of  the 
workmen  were  of  straight  boards.  The  old  stone 
store,  which  has  stood  many  changes,  is  said  to 
have  been  built  by  the  contractors,  Bradley  and 
Adkins,  about  1830  for  housing  the  supplies  of 
the  workmen.  There  was  also  a  small  stone 
office  with  a  belfry  and  bell,  which  rang  the  hours. 
The  stone  store  is  still  a  landmark  and  next  to  it 
the  stone  house,  with  a  corner  stone  and  date, 
1832,  which  was  built  by  Fay.  There  are  other 
stone  houses.  The  log  houses  were  built  by  the 
farmers  for  permanent  dwellings,  while  the 
shanties  were  put  up  by  the  quarrymen  for  their 
own  families.  They  paid  no  rent  for  the  houses 
but  for  the  land  on  which  they  were  built  there  was 

Onondaga  193 

paid  five  dollars  a  year  to  the  landowner.  The 
rent  was  higher  if  a  garden  was  attached.  One 
building  which  sheltered  four  families  was  called 
the  barracks. 

The  quarrymen  worked  from  daylight  till  dark 
and  received  one  dollar  a  day.  They  came  from 
all  points  of  the  compass.  Many  came  from  the 
Welland  Canal  labors,  the  Oswego  Canal,  the 
Chenango  Canal,  and  from  quarries  along  the  St. 
Lawrence.  Men  came  on  snow-shoes  from  Canada 
to  work  during  the  winter,  returning  in  the  early 
spring  to  their  summer  work.  Contractors 
familiar  with  Split  Rock  sent  men  there.  The 
sons  of  farmers  joined  the  quarrymen  and  thus 
the  colony  grew.  The  stone  was  drilled  by  hand, 
eight  or  ten  men  working  in  a  crew,  making  holes 
about  two  feet  apart  and  filling  them  with  gun- 
powder to  be  exploded.  There  were  three  kinds 
of  stone;  water-lime  on  top,  and  below  layers  of 
gray  and  blue  limestone.  These  quarries  are 
considered  among  the  finest  in  the  world. 

The  quarries  of  Split  Rock  occupied  that  ledge 
running  east  and  west  about  two  miles  and  vary- 
ing in  width  from  one  half  to  three  quarters  of  a 
mile.  The  rock  is  in  many  places  at  the  surface 
or  a  few  inches  beneath,  and  valuable  in  being 
thus  accessible.  At  no  part  is  the  task  of  strip- 
ping great. 

The  Rock  was  divided   for  convenience  into 
three  divisions:    i.  The  Lower,  or  Eastern  Rock. 

1^4        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

2.     The  Middle  Rock.     3.     The  Upper,  or  West- 
ern Rock. 

The  quarries  were  part  of  the  land  of  the  On- 
ondaga Reservation,  which  was  transferred  by 
the  State  to  different  settlers  for  farms.  The 
value  of  the  quarries  was  unknown  at  that  time 
but  later  they  were  leased  to  contractors  who 
worked  them.  Among  the  early  settlers  and  land- 
owners were  James  Kasson  and  his  sons,  James, 
Louis,  and  Nathaniel,  on  the  Upper  Rock,  where 
was  also  Eleazer  (Leeze)  Loomis.  On  the  Mid- 
dle Rock  were  Asa  Fyler  and  his  sons.  He  had 
been  a  Revolutionary  soldier  and  had  come  to  the 
Rock  from  Connecticut  shortly  after  1800.  On 
the  lower  Rock  was  the  Fay  family,  who  came 
to  this  section  from  Great  Barrington,  Mass., 
in  1796,  and  as  owners,  builders,  and  contractors 
has  ever  since  been  identified  with  Split  Rock. 
Oris  Fay  and  Archibald  Hays  formed  the  firm  of 

The  Kasson  property  passed  to  John  Shanahan 
and  his  children  and  then  to  the  Solvay  Process 

The  Fyler  property  passed  to  Hughes  Brothers 
and  Michael,  the  son  of  Patrick  Degnan,  and  then 
to  the  Solvay  Process  Company. 

The  Fay  property  is  still  in  the  family. 

John  Shanahan  first  rented  the  Fyler  quarry 
and  lived  in  the  Fyler  house.  Then  he  bought 
from  Saybrook  Lee  fifty  acres  and  a  log  house  to 

Onondaga  195 

the  west  and  in  1842  bought  the  Kasson  stone 
house  and  the  farm. 

SpHt  Rock  was  named  by  the  Revolutionaiy 
soldiers  from  Split  Rock  on  Lake  Champlain  with 
which  they  were  familar.  This  is  the  statement 
of  Edward  Fay,  who  heard  it  from  his  father  and 
grandfather.  Split  Rock  on  Lake  Champlain  was 
for  a  long  time  the  boundary  between  the  Iroquois 
and  Algonquins. 

Mrs.  Anthony  O'Brien  was  a  keener. 

There  were  many  snakes  at  Split  Rock. 

There  was  a  railroad  from  Split  Rock  to  the 
Erie  Canal  near  Geddes  Street,  passing  along  the 
Split  Rock  road.  Its  cars  were  operated  by  grav- 
ity, coasting  down  the  hill,  and  were  controlled 
by  brakes.  They  carried  stone  to  the  Canal  for 
shipment  and  were  then  drawn  back  to  the  Rock 
by  horses.  Traces  of  this  old  railroad  were  visible 
fifty  years  ago,  and  parts  of  it  are  occasionally 
found  when  excavating.  The  rails  were  of  wood 
topped  by  an  iron  strip.  Sometimes  on  Sunday  a 
christening  party  came  down  on  the  cars  to  the 
Canal  bank  and  continued  the  journey  to  Salina 
on  foot. 

There  were  deep  rents  in  the  rocks  and  small 
animals  tumbled  in.  The  rescuer  became  the 
owner,  and  nearly  every  child  at  the  Rock  found 
a  pet  in  this  way. 

The  workers  in  the  quarries  were  paid  partly 

196        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

by  store  orders,  and  at  the  end  of  the  season  the 
stores  often  failed  and  the  men  lost.  This  oc- 
curred frequently  enough  to  be  almost  a  rule. 

Dennis  Dwyer  owned  his  house.  It  was  part 
log  and  part  lumber. 

Mrs.  Watson  lived  in  the  stone  store. 

Archibald  Hays  also  lived  in  the  stone  store. 

James  Hughes  took  a  weekly  bath  in  the. icy 
stream  in  the  gulf.  He  sank  his  clothes  beneath 
the  water  with  a  stone  and  left  them  there  for  some 
time  until  they  were  clean,  when  they  were  taken 
out  and  dried  and  exchanged  for  his  other  suit 
which  underwent  the  same  process. 

John  Campbell  would  appear  to  be  a  Scotch- 
man from  his  name.  He  was  of  Darylone,  Coimty 
Tyrone,  Ireland.  His  daughters,  Mary  and  Ellen, 
came  to  the  ,Rock  before  1840.  One  of  them,  now 
an  old  lady,  became  indignant  at  the  suggestion 
that  Campbell  was  a  Scotch  name.  She  asserted 
most  positively  that  she  and  all  of  her  people 
were  and  had  always  been  Irish. 

William  Fay  led  a  cow  from  Great  Barring- 
ton,  Massachusetts,  to  Split  Rock  when  he  came 
ill  1796.  He  chose  the  high  ground  and  not  the 
fertile  valley  because  the  valley  was  an  "ague 

Oris  Fay  was  born  in  18 16.  As  soon  as  he  was 
old  enough  he  went  to  work  in  a  lime-kiln,  get- 
ting no  pay  until  the  end  of  the  season.     Neces- 

Onondaga  197 

sity  forced  him  to  draw  upon  his  employer  for  a 
pair  of  boots  and  that  is  all  he  ever  got  for  his 
season's  work. 

There  were  many  transfers  recorded  in  the 
County  Clerk's  office  between  members  of  the 
Fay  family  and  other  owners  of  the  Rock  who  do 
not  come  within  the  scope  of  these  notes. 

Clark   says   in   speaking  of   the  Erie  Canal*: 

"The  first  locks  were  built  of  Elbridge  sandstone. 
Commissioners,  engineers,  builders,  and  masons 
had  no  idea  that  the  Onondaga  limestone  could 
be  cut  for  facing  stone,  so  little  was  this  valuable 
material  then  understood." 

Scarcely  a  dozen  lines  appear  in  the  histories  of 
the  County  about  Split  Rock  and  these  may  be 
the  full  measure  of  its  importance.  Yet  it  has 
been  the  scene  of  the  labors  of  many  men  for 
a  century  or  more.  An  effort  to  fix  the  date  when 
its  great  importance  began  has  been  unsuccess- 
ful. Conclusions  have  been  drawn  from  inter- 
views with  early  settlers  and  are  here  put  down 
for  what  they  are  worth. 

This  great  expanse  of  limestone  was  known  to 
travellers  before  and  during  the  Revolution.  It 
was  part  of  the  Onondaga  Reservation  and  so  not 
included  in  the  military  lands.  Just  before  1800, 
parts  of  it  were  purchased  from  the  State  of  New 
York  direct  by  different  families,  who  cultivated 
the  land  for  farms  and  used  the  stone  for  their 

'  Clark's  Onondaga. 

198        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

houses  and  barns,  and  for  lime.  The  quarries 
were  worked  in  a  small  way  for  these  local  uses 
until  1825  or  thereabouts.  At  this  time  there  was 
at  Split  Rock  a  colony  of  Frenchmen,  who  had 
probably  come  from  Canada.  There  were  also 
a  few  Irish.  The  construction  of  the  Welland 
Canal  seems  to  explain  the  beginning  activity 
of  the  quarries  on  a  large  scale,  the  stone  being 
quarried  and  cut  far  in  advance.  Other  canals 
and  constructions  increased  the  population  and 
activity  at  Split  Rock  in  1830  and  the  suc- 
ceeding years.  The  stone  was  drawn  down  to 
the  Canal  in  winter,  sliding  over  the  snow,  to 
be  loaded  and  shipped  in  the  spring.  The  con- 
struction of  a  railroad  with  low  cars  operated  by 
gravity  made  transportation  easier.  By  1840 
the  value  of  the  stone  for  buildings  was  fully 
recognized.  By  this  time  the  Irish  had  come  to 
Split  Rock  in  large  numbers.  Some  of  them  were 
expert,  estimating  the  quality  and  grain  and 
cleavage  at  a  glance.  Some  of  them  had  been  at 
work  along  the  St.  Lawrence  and  had  journeyed  to 
Split  Rock  and  back  on  business  for  their  em- 
ployers and  eventually  came  back  to  the  Rock  to 
labor.  A  trip  from  Canada  on  snow-shoes  was 
of  frequent  occurrence.  They  worked  hard  for 
little  money,  and  were  often  cheated  at  the  end 
of  the  season  by  absconding  grocers.  They  lived, 
as  did  nearly  all  the  laborers  in  Onondaga,  in 
shanties  made  of  plain  boards.  It  was  the  simple 
life  and  they  were  sane  and  happy  and  healthy. 

Onondaga  199 

They  kept  the  customs  of  their  native  land  longer 
than  any  other  immigrants  because  they  were  re- 
moved from  the  influence  of  other  people.  Their 
French  neighbors  were  equally  conservative  and 

Split  Rock  passed  to  the  Solvay  Process  Com- 
pany, and  machinery  supplanted  muscle,  and 
dynamite,  gunpowder.  The  electric  drill  and 
cable  buckets  took  the  place  of  hands  and  primi- 
tive railway.  Where  once  a  garden  smiled  and 
overlooked  the  beautiful  valley  is  now  a  barren 
expanse  of  denuded  rock. 

Other  Pioneer  Irish  at  Split  Rock  about  1840 
were  Patrick  Barrett,  the  Carabine  family,  John 
Conner,  James  Conner,  son,  Cornelius  Crowly 
and  family,  John  Carlton,  William  Cummings, 
Owen  Daly,  Margaret  Daly,  William  Daly,  Daniel 
Daly,  John  Daly,  Flaherty,  Fleming,  John 
Heaney,  John  Hayes,  James  Hayes,  Thomas 
Hastings,  James  Harvey,  Patrick  Hoban,  James 
Hoban,  Hogan,  William  Kearney  and  Patrick 
Kennedy,  Anthony  Langan,  Roger  McGovern 
and  family,  Ann  Murphy,  John  Murphy,  Dennis 
Murphy,  Bridget  Murphy,  Michael  Murphy, 
Jeremiah  Murphy,  Cornelius  Murphy,  James  Mc- 
Carthy (Fitz-Mac),  Martin  Murphy,  Murphy, 
Charles  Manahan  and  Dennis  Mahar,  Patrick 
Nesdle,  Thomas  Nesdle,  Philip  Nesdle,  Michael 
O'Brien,  John  O'Brien,  Matthew  O'Brien,  Law- 
rence Power,  John  Powers,  Ryan,  Sullivan,  Pat- 
rick Taylor,  Peter  Tucker,  Maurice  Ward. 

200        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 
Edward  Devine 

Edward  Devine  came  from  County  Galway  to 
New  York  City  about  1840  and  spent  six  years 
there  in  the  grocery  business.  Failing  health 
sent  him  to  live  with  an  uncle  in  Canada  for  two 
years,  after  which  he  located  in  the  town  of  On- 
ondaga. He  took  up  the  then  lucrative  work  of  a 
peddler,  travelling  through  the  surrounding  ter- 
ritory and  in  a  few  years  turned  farmer. 

He  married  Margaret,  the  daughter  of  John 
Mackey,  who  located  in  Lyons  about  1840.  The 
cholera  claimed  his  wife  and  two  children  within 
three  days  and  he  fled  the  scene  of  his  sorrows  and 
came  to  Onondaga. 

The  children  of  Edward  and  Margaret  Devine 
are :  James,  who  married  Alice  Start ;  John,  who 
married  Theresa  Fleming;  Mary  Ann;  Ellen,  who 
married  Thomas  Collins;  Edward,  who  married 
Anna  Best  Veith ;  and  Alvaretta. 

James  Devine  had  a  double  claim  on  the  love 
and  respect  of  his  fellow-men.  When  a  young 
man  he  played  the  national  game  with  the  eyes 
of  the  nation  upon  him.  He  became  a  lawyer 
and  won  the  confidence  of  client  and  court. 

Edward  Devine  followed  his  eldest  brother 
into  the  legal  profession. 

Patrick  Haley 

Patrick  Haley  left  Castlebar,   County  Mayo, 

Onondaga  201 

about  the  year  1837  to  seek  his  fortune  in  America. 
He  had  worked  on  the  Erie  and  then  wandered  to 
Chicago  and  back  to  Watertown  where  fate  was 
waiting.  For  Ann  Preston  was  across  the  river 
in  Canada  practically  alone  among  acquaintances 
whose  religion  was  not  hers.  So  her  friends  made 
a  match  between  her  and  Patrick  and  they  came 
to  Syracuse.  With  James  Haley,  Patrick  rented 
farm  land  from  the  Onondagas  in  the  valley,  and 
here  his  children  were  born  and  reared:  James, 
John,  Patrick,  Peter,  and  Margaret,  who  married 
Michael  Fleming  of  Syracuse. 

James  Haley  was  not  a  kinsman  of  Patrick. 
Andrew  was  his  elder  brother,  who  had  lived  at 
Split  Rock  and  then  removed  to  Caramony, 
Fillmore  County,  Minnesota,  where  there  is  now 
a  colony  of  the  Haley  family. 

The  Indian  lands  were  desirable  for  farms  be- 
cause they  were  above  the  swamps  of  Syracuse. 
It  was  a  common  occurrence  to  lease  the  land  of 
the  valley  and  hill  of  Onondaga. 

Patrick  Haley  was  the  son  of  Patrick  and  Mar- 
garet McAndrews  Haley.  His  mother  died  and 
his  father  married  again  before  Patrick  came  to 

Other  famiHes  who  located  in  Onondaga  were 
Carlin,  Patrick  Cloney,  Moran,  Donelly,  Dunn, 
John  Hopkins,  James  Plunkett,  Cornelius  O'Don- 
ohue,  Ryan,  Tucker,  James  McNaulty,  Patrick 
McNeil,   Michael  and   Catharine   Donohue  and 

202        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

their  son,  Maurice,  born  1848,  James  and  Ann 
Murphy  Healy,  and  their  son,  Martin  Healy,  born 
in  Onondaga,  Elijah  Hopkins,  Onondaga  Hill, 
1801,  Onondaga  County,  1798,  Edwin  P.  Hop- 
kins, born  Onondaga  Hill,  18 12. 
Bruce  says': 

Oliver  Cummings  came  to  Navarino  about  1790 
from  Connecticut  and  was  the  first  settler  on  the  land 
which  became  his  farm.  A  barn  which  he  erected  was 
the  first  frame  barn  in  that  part  of  the  county,  and 
was  used  for  more  than  a  hundred  years  by  four  gen- 
erations of  the  family.  He  died  in  1856  at  the  age  of 
eighty-six  years.  His  wife  Esther  died  in  1838,  aged 
seventy  years,  according  to  the  epitaph  in  Navarino 

Their  son  Charles  was  born  at  Navarino,  and  his 
wife  Chloe  was  a  native  of  Spafford. 

Franklin  H.  Chase  compiled  these  records  of 
the  Revolutionary  soldiers  of  Onondaga  Town : 

When  a  very  young  man  Ebenezer  Moore  enlisted 
in  Col.  Olney's  regiment  of  the  Rhode  Island  line. 
He  served  to  the  close  of  the  war,  taking  an  active  part 
in  the  gallant  struggle  for  about  three  years.  But 
in  1820,  then  at  the  age  of  sixty  years,  he  had  only 
property  worth  $2.55  that  he  could  call  his  own. 
His  wife  was  then  forty-two  years  old,  and  he  had  one 
child,  Ebenezer,  aged  seven.  Ebenezer  Moore  had 
reached  the  age  of  eighty-one  in  1840.  He  then 
lived  with  Almira  Wilson  in  the  town  of  Onondaga 

'  D.  H.  Bruce. 

Onondaga  203 

and  drew  a  pension  for  his  services  from  the  United 
States  government. 

Richard  Reed,  otherwise  called  "Duke,"  had  a 
varied  service  in  the  Revolution,  all  in  the  Connecticut 
line.  His  sole  property,  and  he  was  then  sixty-three 
years  old,  consisted  of  an  axe  worth  $2,  and  a  debt 
due  him  of  $5.  He  had  no  occupation.  He  said  that 
"from  my  wound  received  at  the  battle  of  Monmouth  " 
and  rheumatic  pains  he  was  unable  to  support  himself. 
He  had  no  wife  nor  children. 

William  Dean,  town  not  given.  The  service  of 
William  Dean  was  from  the  first  of  January,  1777, 
in  Colonel  John  Durgus'  regiment  of  Connecticut 
troops.  At  first  the  veteran  was  in  Captain  Thomas 
Dyer's  company,  and,  when  he  was  promoted,  in  the 
company  of  Captain  Daniel  Tilden.  Dean  was  a 
farmer,  giving  his  age  as  sixty- two  in  1820,  and  said 
that  in  consequence  of  his  age,  and  a  fall  from  a 
wagon  he  was  very  infirm.  With  him  lived  his  wife 
Anna,  aged  fifty-seven;  his  son  Rial,  aged  eighteen, 
and  Lucy  Denny,  aged  ten,  the  orphan  of  a  soldier 
who  died  in  the  service  of  his  country  in  the  War  of 

Jesse  Teague,  town  not  given.  The  veteran  Jesse 
Teague  served  for  about  two  years  and  four  months  in 
the  army  at  the  close  of  the  war.  He  had  enlisted  to 
serve  for  three  years  in  May,  1781,  but  was  discharged 
in  the  fall  of  1783.  Teague  enlisted  at  Weston, 
Massachusetts,  in  Colonel  Jackson's  regiment,  in  the 
company  commanded  by  Captain  Hill,  and  in  1782 
was  transferred  to  the  regiment  of  Colonel  Ebenezer 
Sprant,  Massachusetts  troops,  and  soon  after  vol- 
unteered into  the  company  of  rangers  on  the  British 

204        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

line  under  Captain  Pritchard.  In  Teague's  family, 
there  were  seven  persons  besides  himself,  Peggy 
Teague,  aged  forty-nine;  Maria  Bayard,  daughter, 
aged  nineteen,  with  her  infant  daughter  Eliza  Ann; 
William,  Jemima,  Jane  Ann,  and  Elmina.^ 

Other  settlers  in  Onondaga  between  1 800-18 14 
bear  the  names  Hunt,  Henderson,  Fay,  Reed, 
Young,  Webb,  and  Clark. 

Dr.  Samuel  Healy  was  born  in  Washington  county 
about  1786.  He  followed  teaching  in  his  young  man- 
hood and  while  thus  engaged  began  studying  medicine. 
He  attended  lectures  at  the  College  of  Physicians  and 
Surgeons,  New  York,  and  was  licensed  to  practise  by 
the  County  Medical  Society  of  Saratoga.  In  18 15  he 
settled  at  Onondaga  Hill,  and  secured  a  large  practice. 
Admitted  to  Onondaga  Medical  Society  18 16.  He 
died  1854.^ 

'  F.  H.  Chase.  » D.  H.  Bruce. 

Clark  says:  ^ 

Mr.  James  Geddes  continued  at  his  first 
landing  place  but  a  short  time,  about  four  years  ^ 
when  he  located  on  the  farm  in  Fairmount. 

The  next  person  who  tried  his  fortune  at  this  place 
was  Mr.  Freeman  Hughs  from  Westfield,  Massa- 
chusetts, who  located  there  in  March,  1799,  at  18  years 
of  age.  At  that  time  there  was  not  a  single  house  in 
what  is  now  Geddes  except  Geddes  Salt  Works.  Here 
he  took  up  his  abode  three  days  and  three  nights,  all 
alone,  and  not  an  individual  nearer  than  Salt  Point — a 
lonely  time  indeed,  considering  the  state  of  the  country, 
the  dark  and  dreary  swamps,  the  wolves,  bears,  and 
wildcats,  by  which  he  was  surrounded. 

Mr.  Hughs  has  occupied  during  his  residence  at 
Geddes  almost  every  station  connected  with  the  salt 
business.  He  has  bored  for  salt,  pumped  the  brine, 
built  pumps,  made  and  laid  aqueducts,  tubed  wells, 
boiled  salt,  made  barrels,  packed  salt,  inspected  it 
for  six  years,  was  a  receiver  of  duties  for  two  years, 
boated  salt,  and  as  a  Justice  of  the  Peace  tried  those 
who  had  evaded  the  payment  of  duties. 

The  epitaph  in  the  Myrtle  Hill  cemetery,  Geddes,  is; 

*  Clark,  vol.  ii.,  p.  150. 


2o6        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Freeman  Hughes  born  1781  in  Massachusetts 
Died  1856 

His  wife,   Mary  Hughes. 

Record  of  a  marriage  in  First  Presbyterian  Church, 
Syracuse,  1839: 

John  Grier  to  Bridget  Hughs  of  Geddes 
Witnesses:  Michael  SulHvan 

L.  Stephen  Kimball  '• 

James  Hughs,  son  of  Freeman  Hughs,  was  the  first 
white  child  born  in  Geddes.^ 

Timothy  Enright 
Timothy  Enright  came  to  Geddes  in  1836. 

Patrick  Parkinson 

Patrick  Parkinson  was  bom  in  the  town  of  Jay, 
Essex  County,  N.  Y.,  in  1834  and  was  brought 
to  Geddes  by  his  parents  when  four  years  old. 
His  father,  Richard,  and  mother,  Bridget  Mas- 
terson,  were  natives  of  Queenstown,  Ireland. 
They  were  farmers  in  Geddes.  Patrick  has  now 
spent  seventy-two  years  in  this  County  in  various 
positions  of  trust  both  in  the  village  and  in  the 
salt  reservation.  He  married  first  Margaret, 
daughter  of  John  and  Joanna  Condon  Ahern, 
and  their  children  are  Cora  E.,  Mary  E.,  and 
Katharine  A.  He  married  later  Mary  Gaherty, 
daughter  of  Patrick  and  Jane  Ford  Gaherty. 

'  Bruce. 


Michael  Leyden 

THE  following  extracts  are  from  the  journal  or 
diary  of  Michael  Leyden.  They  are  written 
for  the  first  year  on  the  blank  leaves  of  a  little 
book,  The  Traveller's  Guide  through  the  United  States, 
by  D.  Hewett,  A,  M.,  published  at  No.  73  Vesey 
St.,  New  York,  March,  1822.  The  writing  is  in  a 
fine  hand  and  records  various  events  from  the 
purchase  of  land  to  the  posting  of  a  letter.  It 
is  also  an  account  of  expenses  for  groceries,  clothes, 
and  oxen.  Michael  Leyden  had  some  difficulty 
with  the  dollar  and  cent  denomination  but  per- 
severed. The  pounds,  shilling,  and  pence  sterling 
sometimes  get  mixed  with  dollars,  shillings,  and 
cents  federal.  An  article  cost  two  and  sixpence, 
meaning  thirty-one  cents,  or  it  cost  five  dollars  and 
six  shillings,  meaning  five  dollars  and  seventy-five 

The  first  record  is  this: 

On  Thursday  6th  May,  1824  we  arrived  in   New 
York,  we  left  Limerick  on   ist  April,  1824. 


2o8        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 


24  Guineas  at  5  Dollars  and  3  Cents    ams  to  12072 

25  Guineas  at  4  Dollars  and  84  Cents   ams  to  121:00 

49  Guineas  Ams  to  241  72 

49  Guineas  gave  in  to  the  Bank  there  return  in 
Dollars  is  Dollars  Cents 

242  ,91 

Joe  Agnew  is  the  Owner  of  the  Virginia,  we  left 
New  York  on  the  i8th.  of  May  1824  we  arrived  there 
on  7th  May,  1824. 

Paid  out  of  the  Above  Money  for  our  passage  to 
Manles  (Manlius)  ...  Ii  Dollars. 

I  wrote  a  letter  to  Mr.  Geo.  Walton  a  Saturday 
July  loth  1824. 

7th  of  November  1824  Dollars 

7th  of  Do.  paid  To  Mr.  McCarty  in  full  7 :6 

1 2th  November  To  Mr.  McNeail  in  part  paymt  10:0 
3d  of  Decemr  1824  To  Mr.  Gillmore  f or^drawing 

a  Deed  and  morgage  2  :o 

3d  of  Do  To  am — to  witness  the  deed  07 

3d  of  Decemr  1824  paid  Mr.  Cook  in  part  Payment 
of  his  land  150:0 

I  January  1825  To  mending  a  Bonnet  for  Nancy  0:56 
14th  of  March  1825  paid  for  oxen  to  Mr.  Lewis  34:00 
7th  May  paid  for  my  oxen  10:00 

7th  May  paid  for  my  cow  8  :oo 

6th  Novemr  1825  Paid  in  full  for  my  oxen  20:00 

Here  another  entry  shows  the  total  amount  for  the 
oxen  was  $64  not  pounds  sterling. 

Devvitt  209 

s  d 

22nd.  January  1825  To  i  pair  of  shoes  12:0 

To  making  a  small  vest  4 :  o 

Doct  Hooker  came  to  see  me 

Friday  Aug  19th  1825 i  time 

a  Sunday  21st  bled  me  when 

he  was  passing  by i  time 

Michl  To  Doct  Hooker  $2 :  o 

John  To  Do  2:0 

George  went  to  school  on  the  13th  of  Decemr  1824 
and  was  at  school  until  a  Tuesday,  February  22  d  1825. 

I  paid  to  the  Captain  in  New  York  Hospital  Money 
7  dollars,  25  cents. 

The  second  book  is  called  Michael  Leyden's  account 
book,  and  is  made  by  sewing  pieces  of  plain  paper  to- 
gether, home  made.  In  it  are  entries  of  money  paid 
Mr.  Thos.  McCarthy  and  Mr.  Lynch  and  many  other 
people.  Also  records  of  the  farm — when  a  certain  field 
was  planted,  the  amount  of  grain  harvested,  the  birth 
of  calves  and  other  animals.  There  are  addresses  of 
different  people  and  rules  and  directions  for  reaching 
them.     The  year  is  1827. 

Amos  Scales  was  a  square  (probably  esquire).  He 
lives  in  the  town  of  Preble  Quortland  County,  2^ 
miles  from  Tully  Corners  South.  '  I  have  to  gow  true 
Cristin  Hollow.  I  have  to  gow  to  Buttons  Tavern 
and  I  will  be  directed,  I  have  to  gow  true  the  Indien 

7th  March  1827  we  have  left  4  logs  at  the  Mill  to  be 
cut  in  tue  planks  and  Boards. 

2IO        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Mr.  Gerrand  was  probably  a  blacksmith  and  did  a 
great  deal  of  work  for  Michael  Leyden,  who  paid  him 
by  loads  of  wood,  loads  of  bark,  and  bushels  of  potatoes. 
He  mended  chains,  pointed  wedges,  mended  brand 
iron,  mounted  swivel  and  shewed  (shoed)  the  oxen 
and  the  filly,  and  repaired  wagons  and  sleighs.  The 
bay  mare  kept  him  busy  for  there  are  frequent  entries 
about  rummovers  (removal)  for  the  bay  mare  costing  a 
shilling  for  each  rummover[  a  removing  of  a  shoe  and 

s  d 

January  i  Shewed  the  oxen    20 :  o 

February  24  Shewing  the  ox      8:0 

Monday  December  3d  1827,  Geor.  and  Mary  &  Ann 
went  to  school  to  Miss  Witcox. 

2d  April  1827  I  bought  from  Adams  60  apple  trees 
at  9d  pence  a  piece. 

Potatoes    cost  2s  6d  a  bushel 
Tobacco    cost  i  shilling  a  pound 
Whiskey    cost  2s  6d  a  gallon 
Wood        cost  5  to  8  s  a  load 
Bark  cost  10  to  12  s  a  load 

Corn  cost  50  cents  a  bushel 

I  Plow       cost  9  dollars  &  50  cts. 
Nails  cost  I  shilling  a  lb. 

3^  lb.  Tea  cost  22  cents 
I  lb.  10  oz.  Soap  18  cents 
Pigeons  i  cent  apiece 

An  account  of  work  done  by  Mrs.  Terrall 

s     d 
To  I  coat  for  Nancy  2     6 

Dewitt  211 

s  d 

To  2  pair  of  pantaloons  for  myself  8  o 

To  I  waistcoat  for  John  4  o 

To  I  pair  of  pantaloons  for  John     3  o 

To  I  pair  of  Do.  for  Michl.  3  o 

To  I  pair  more  for  John  3  o 

9th  June  1827  To  the  postage  of  two  letters 

from  Mr.  Geor  Walton  from  Thstown  150 

27th  July  1827  To  the  postage  of  a  letter 

from  Patt  Leaden  :2i 

A  Monday,  May  14th  1827  our  steer  was  wounded 
by  Coopers  dog  late  in  the  evening  and  he  was  dead 
a  Friday  morning  the  i8th  May.  He  agreed  to  pay 
for  the  steer  or  to  put  a  steer  in  his  place  in  the  course 
of  2  days. 

$  cts. 

The  steer's  hide  WT.  51  lb.  at  5  per  lb.  2.55. 
Samuel  Cooper  agreed  to  pay  for  the  steer  a  Saturday 
26th  May  1827  $10.70  cts  and  the  account  was  settled 
this  morning  at  his  house.  $10.70  &  Horse  hire  $1.50 
&  hide  $2.55  and  pigeons  .25 — $15,  The  horse  hire 
was  for  helping  with  plowing  (3  days).  Pigeoiis 
were  i  cent  apiece.     He  took  25. 

A  Friday  May  i8th  1827  I  sold  my  oxen  for  $50. 

There  is  a  long  account  between  Mr.  McCarthy  and 
Michael  Leyden.  It  would  appear  that  Leyden  paid 
those  who  worked  for  him  by  an  order  on  McCarthy, 
who  honored  the  order  either  by  money  or  goods. 
Leyden  himself  traded  with  McCarthy  for  supplies  of 
all  kinds  and  paid  by  wood  drawn  by  his  oxen  to  the 
McCarthy  home  and  salt  works  and  to  the  home  of 
McCarthy's  mother,  Mrs.  McSweeney.  These  loads 
were  duly  credited  on  the  back  of  Mr.  Leyden's  due 

212        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

bill.  Leyden  records  several  purchases  and  sales  of 
oxen  and  speaks  of  sheep,  pigs,  pigeons,  cows,  foals, 
and  horses  and  the  details  of  their  lives. 

In  another  old  book  in  the  Leyden  family  under 
date  October  20, 1832,  is  an  account  with  Miss  Gatias: 

To  weaving  i  piece  of  Table  linen     1:0 
To  4  weeks  worke  spinning  wool        3 :  o 
To  weaving  24^  yards  of  flannel      2 :  48 
Charged  for  washing  t(h)read  :  10 

Miss  Gatias  got  to  weave  20  lb  of  tread  and  she 
returned  but  7  lb  wove. 

Michael  Leyden,  from  whose  note-book  the  above 
extracts  were  taken,  came  to  this  country,  from 
Ennis,  County  Clare,  Ireland,  bringing  with  him 
his  wife,  Anna  Walton,  daughter  of  Thomas,  and 
their  five  children,  John,  Michael,  Jr.,  Mary, 
George,  and  Anna. 

The  note-book  above  shows  that  he  left  Lim- 
erick April  I,  1824,  and  reached  New  York  May 
7th,  and  May  i8th  left  New  York,  paying  eleven 
dollars  for  their  passage  to  Manlius.  He  evidently 
came  on  to  Salina  and  made  various  payments  to 
Mr.  McCarthy.  In  December  of  the  same  year 
he  bought  a  farm  near  Dewitt  and  proceeded  to 
buy  stock  and  clear  the  land.  The  note-book  is  a 
record  of  expenses  as  well  as  of  the  details  of  the 
farm  life.  The  tools  used  in  clearing  land,  the 
planting  or  harvesting  of  a  field,  his  oxen,  his  bay 
mare,  the  bill  at  the  blacksmith's  are  all  put 
down  in  the  few  pages  of  the  book. 

Dewitt  213 

Michael  Ley  den  had  been  an  officer  in  the 
English  army.  His  wife,  Anna  Walton,  was  a 
member  of  a  wealthy  family,  who  did  not  much 
favor  the  officer  but  gave  her  a  dower  nevertheless. 
When  the  term  of  enlistment  expired  they  deter- 
mined to  come  to  America.  Anna  appears  in  the 
note-book  as  Nancy,  for  whom  bonnets  and 
dresses  are  made.  Anna's  oldest  brother  Thomas 
had  studied  for  the  priesthood  but  on  the  death 
of  his  father,  a  lawyer  of  Ennis,  Thomas  gave  up 
his  studies  to  take  charge  of  the  family  affairs. 
It  was  part  of  the  oldest  brother's  privileges,  which 
he  exercised,  to  attempt  to  regulate  his  sister's 
love  affairs.  However,  Thomas  himself  fell  in 
love  and  married  Mary  Purcell  of  Ennis  and  years 
later  three  of  their  children  came  to  America. 
Another  brother  of  Anna  Walton,  George,  took 
his  share  of  his  father's  property  and  went  to  the 
West  Indies.  He  sent  one  little  negro  to  Ireland 
where  he  learned  the  tailor's  trade  in  a  seven-year 
apprenticeship.  George  Walton  is  said  to  have 
introduced  the  wheelbarrow  to  the  West  Indies. 
Before  that  the  negroes  carried  the  burdens  on 
their  heads.  Michael  Leyden's  note-book  has  fre- 
quent reference  to  the  exchange  of  letters  with 
George  Walton. 

The  name  Leaden,  or  Ley  den,  appears  as  Laden 
in  some  old  records,  sometimes  as  Lay  den;  e  has 
a  sound. 

Three  children  of  Michael  Leyden,  the  pioneer, 
grew  to  adult  age  and  married,  and  their  children 

214        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

served  their  country  well  in  war  and  peace.  The 
father  divided  his  property  as  the  children  started 
out  to  make  their  own  homes  and  his  granddaughter 
now  lives  in  his  old  home  at  Leyden's  Corners. 
She  is  the  daughter  of  his  son  John  and  married 
Valentine  Roder.  Her  mother  was  Hanna  Pad- 
bury,  the  second  wife  of  John  Leyden.  His 
first  wife  was  a  daughter  of  Thomas  Molloy. 

Michael  Leyden,  the  second,  son  of  the  pioneer, 
married  Kate  Carahart  and  reared  a  large,  in- 
telligent, and  enterprising  family.  Their  son 
Maurice  became  Major  in  the  15th  N.  Y.  Cavalry, 
three  daughters  taught  school,  two  of  them  in 
the  high  school  for  many  years.  One  daughter 
afterwards  held  a  professorship  in  a  college  in  New 
Jersey.  Their  other  sons  entered  the  commercial 
life  of  Syracuse  and  other  cities.  Michael  Leyden, 
the  second,  considered  the  education  of  his  children 
the  best  investment  for  his  money. 

Mary  Leyden,  the  daughter  of  the  pioneer, 
received  her  share  of  her  father's  property  in 
money.  She  married  James  Tallman,  a  pros- 
perous farmer  of  Collamer,  and  was  blessed  with 
children  and  grandchildren. 

Michael  Leyden  attracted  to  this  country  the 
children  of  his  brother-in-law,  Thomas  Walton, 
and  his  wife,  Mary  Purcell.  Their  oldest  child 
remained  in  Ireland  but  the  other  three  came. 
Within  six  months  Anna  Maria  was  married  to 
Joseph  Ealden,  a  native  of  Kent,  England,  and 
years  later  took,  for  her  second  husband,  William 

Devvitt  215 

Fitzsimmons,  a  native  of  Limerick,  Ireland. 
Her  two  sons,  William  and  Robert  Walton  Ealden, 
served  in  the  I22d  Regiment,  N.  Y.  Vol.  Inf.,  in  the 
Civil  War.  Robert  was  nineteen  years  old  when 
he  enlisted,  begging  to  be  allowed  to  go  with  his 
brother.  Both  contracted  consumption,  William 
by  swimming  the  Potomac  to  save  some  army 
records  and  becoming  chilled.  He  died  in  Los 
Angeles.  Most  of  the  Fitzsimmons  children 
located  in  California. 

George  William  Walton  lived  in  Syracuse  for 
some  time  and  was  a  book-keeper  in  Root's  shoe 
store.  He  went  to  St.  Louis  in  1843  and  there  en- 
listed in  Captain  Reese's  company  for  the  Mexican 
War.  His  letters  direct  that  mail  be  sent  to  him 
through  Lieutenant  B.  Richardson's  Company,  3d 
Regt.,  U.  S.  Army,  Jefferson  Barracks,  Mississippi, 
to  be  forwarded  to  George  W.  Walton.  In  one 
battle  the  top  of  his  cap  was  blown  off  and  he 
sent  the  rest  of  it  to  his  people  in  Ireland.  He 
died  of  fever  before  the  end  of  the  war. 

Maria  Jane  Walton  followed  the  example  of 
her  sister  Anna  and  married.  Thomas  Burns  was  a 
native  of  County  Carlow  and  when  fourteen  years 
old  stole  away  from  home  and  stowed  away  in 
a  ship  bound  for  Canada.  There  he  remained 
several  years,  then  came  to  Syracuse,  and  after 
his  marriage  to  Maria  Walton,  opened  a  store 
at  Thompson's  Landing,  near  Dewitt.  At  one 
time  he  owned  land  near  the  Frye  block  and  found 
it  difficult  to  sell  it.     A  tax  receipt  Jan.  12,  1855, 

2i6        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

for  the  city  and  county  taxes  combined  was  for 
$6.50,  signed  J.  M.  Reynolds,  collector  fourth 

The  two  oldest  children  of  Thomas  and  Maria 
Walton  Burns  died  young.  Anna  Marion,  Frank, 
and  Louise  are  their  youngest  children.  Frank 
was  for  years  a  druggist  with  C.  W.  Snow.  To 
him  fell  the  task  of  transferring  the  remains  of  his 
soldier  cousin,  Robert  Ealden,  from  one  cemetery 
to  another  and  to  see  the  scant  remains  of  the 
uniform  of  blue.  Louise  in  the  McCarthy  store 
represents  a  business  association  which  has  lasted 
three  generations  between  the  Leyden-Walton  and 
McCarthy  families. 

The  children  of  Michael  and  Anna  Walton 
Leyden  are:  John,  Michael,  Mary,  George,  and 
Anna.  John,  born  1802,  married,  first,  a  daughter 
of  Thomas  Molloy,  Sr.,  and  had  two  children  who 
died,  and  later,  Hanna  Padbury  and  had  two 
children,  John,  who  died  young,  and  Ella,  who 
married  Valentine  Roder  and  has  five  children, 
Charles  Joseph,  Frank,  Marie,  Edward,  and  Ella 
Louise.  Michael  Leyden  2nd,  born  1809,  mar- 
ried Kate  Carahart  and  had  eleven  children: 
Maurice,  Captain  and  Major  15th  Cavalry,  who 
married  Margaret  Garrigus  and  had  one  child, 
Blanche;  Hanna  who  married  H.  M.  Clark,  and 
had  one  son,  Orville  Leyden;  Isaac  H.,  who  married 
Nellie  Hart  and  had  one  daughter,  Ella;  Elizabeth, 
now  a  professor  in  a  college  in  New  Jersey,  was 
for  many  years  a  teacher  in  the  high  school ;  Hart 

Dewitt  217 

C,  who  was  engaged  in  the  dental  supply  busi- 
ness; Esther  A.  (Hester),  who  became  a  teacher; 
Barbara,  who  was  a  teacher  in  the  high  school  for 
many  years  and  married  James  M.  Turner ;  Edward 
C,  in  dental  supplies,  in  Rochester;  Katharine; 
Ella;  Lula,  who  married  James  Farrar;  Ella, 
twin  to  Katharine,  died  young.  Mary  Leyden, 
bom  1807,  married  James  Tallman  of  CoUamer 
and  their  children  are:  Sarah,  who  married  George 
Garrett,  and  who  had  two  children,  George  and  a 
daughter  who  died  young;  James,  Jr.,  who  married 
Elizabeth  Donnellson  of  Onondaga  Hill  and  had 
three  children,  Jenny,  Rose,  and  William.  George 
Leyden,  bom  1812,  and  Anna,  bom  1814,  died 
at  an  early  age. 

The  children  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Purcell 
Walton  of  Ennis  are  Thomas,  Anna  Maria,  George 
William,  and  Maria  Jane.  Thomas,  a  dentist, 
married  Bessie  Sampson  and  died  from  an  injury 
received  when  he  was  thrown  from  a  horse ;  Anna 
Maria,  who  came  to  Dewitt,  married,  first,  Joseph 
Ealden,  a  native  of  Kent,  England,  had  four 
children — William,  married  Eliza  Price ;  he  served 
in  I22d  Regiment  N.  Y.  Vol.  Inf.,  and  swam  the 
Potomac  to  recover  army  records ;  Robert  Walton, 
1st  lieutenant  I22d  N.  Y.  Vol.  Inf.,  died  in  1868, 
aged  26  years;  Maria  Jane,  married  Benedict  Blum 
of  Salina,  now  Washington,  and  Cornelius  J., 
married  Emma  Gardiner  of  Kansas,  had  two 
children,  May  and  Robert;  second  Anna  Maria 
Walton  married  William  Fitzsimmons,  native  of 

2i8        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Limerick,  Ireland,  and  had  five  children — George 
William,  who  died  young;  Anna  Maria  of  Cali- 
fornia; John  Walton  went  to  San  Francisco ;  Elisha, 
married  Mr.  Weldon  of  Sacramento,  and  Thomas 
F.,  of  the  Santa  Fe  R.  R.  George  William,  who 
went  to  St.  Louis,  served  in  Mexican  War,  Capt. 
Reese's  Co.  Maria  Jane  married  Thomas  Burns 
and  their  children  are  George  William  and  Robert, 
died  young;  Anna  Marion,  Frank  Walton,  the 
first  licensed  druggist  in  this  city,  and  Louise 

Patrick  Burke 

Patrick  and  Edward  Burke  were  sons  of  Mat- 
thew and  Bridget  Carey  Burke,  Parish  of  Temple- 
derry.  County  Tipperary.  Patrick  came  to 
America  before  1829.  He  owned  two  quarries  in 
Onondaga  and  for  more  than  twenty-five  years 
gave  employment  to  hundreds  of  his  countrymen 
in  the  construction  of  public  works.  He  built  and 
occupied  a  stone  house,  which  was  the  centre  of 
hospitality  for  the  immigrant  in  that  part  of  the 

Patrick  Burke  married  first  Harriet  Mayhew 
and  they  have  one  son,  John.  He  married,  later, 
Margaret  Delaney  and  their  children  are  Margaret, 
Josephine,  Bridget,  and  Anastasia. 

Edward  Burke 
Edward  Burke  and   his  wife,   Mary  Kennedy 

Devvitt  219 

Burke,  and  son  Matthew  came  from  Thurles, 
County  Tipperary  to  Jamesville  in  1833.  They 
were  eleven  weeks  on  the  ocean.  Patrick  Burke, 
brother  of  Edward,  was  already  here.  He  was  a 
contractor,  Edward  was  a  farmer. 

The  children  of  Edward  and  Mary  Burke  are: 
Matthew,  who  married  Mary  Lee;  Mary,  who 
married  Edward  Cahill;  Margaret,  who  married 
Charles  Byrne ;  James,  who  married  Eliza  Sherry ; 
Ellen,  who  married  Thomas  Small;  Sarah,  who 
became  a  nun ;  and  Julia,  who  married  John  Small. 

James  McGough  settled  in  Jamesville  in  1835. 
Also  his  wife  Peggy  (Margaret). 

Between  1840  and  i860  there  were  in  Jamesville, 
John  Martin,  Daniel  Quinlan,  Mary  Bowes 
Quinlan,  John  Bowes,  John  Carey,  Daniel  Carey, 
Margaret,  John,  Lawrence,  and  Nellie  Carey, 
John  Miney,  John  Brady,  John  Crow,  Andrew 
Crow,  Barney  McMenome,  Thomas  Burns,  Michael 
Howard,  Dennis  Corcoran,  James  Ryan,  Eugene 
McCarthy,  Peter  Logan,  Michael  McGowan, 
Bryan  Trainor,  and  Martin  Quirk.  The  exact 
date  of  arrival  is  lacking  in  most  cases. 

Daniel  Quinlan 

Daniel  Quinlan  was  the  son  of  Dennis  and  Mary 
Ryan  Quinlan  of  New  Birmingham,  County 
Tipperary,  Ireland.  They  came  to  America  about 
1848.     Daniel    first    worked    in    Syracuse,    then 

220        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

moved  to  South  Hollow  and  then  to  Jamesville, 
where  he  worked  as  millwright  for  twenty-one 
years.  In  1 874  he  started  a  general  store,  which  his 
son  now  has.  He  married  Mary  Bowes  and  they 
had  two  children,  Dennis  and  an  infant  who  died. 
Dennis  Quinlan  married  Ellen  Theresa,  daughter 
of  John  and  Mary  Daly  Sheedy.  Their  children 
are  John,  Mary,  Helen,  Daniel,  and  Thomas. 

Joseph  H.  McVey  was  bom  in  Jamesville  in 
1847,  being  one  of  six  children  of  James  McVey. 
Gideon  Seely,  his  great-grandfather,  came  to 
Onondaga  County  in  1797. 

Among  the  settlers  in  Dewitt  before  1835  were 
John  Leyden,  spelled  Laden,  Michael  Leyden, 
Enos  Burke,  Lyman  Burke.  Other  early  settlers 
were  Frank  Burke,  Thomas  McDermott. 

James  Mahar 

James  Mahar,  son  of  Michael,  was  bom  in 
Dublin  in  1805  and  came  to  Boston  in  1824.  He 
went  South  for  a  time  and  helped  to  build  Fort 
Sumter.  He  married  Mary,  the  daughter  of 
Edward  Boyle  of  Dublin,  and  in  1836  moved  to 
Chicago^  where  on  August  9,  1838,  was  bom  their 
son  Michael,  the  first  white  male  child  born  in  the 
village  after  its  incorporation.  John  Winsworth 
editor  of  the  Chicago  Democrat,  was  then  president 
of   the  village  and  while  taking  the  census  he 

»  Chicago  was  incorporated  as  a  village  March  14,  1837. 

Dewitt  221 

informed  the  parents  of  this  fact.  James  Mahar 
came  to  Syracuse  in  1840  and  worked  at  the  Lodi 
locks  and  was  there  when  the  explosion  occtirred  in 
1 84 1.     In  1842  he  moved  to  Lafayette. 

During  his  residence  in  Chicago  there  was  in  the 
village  only  one  small  Catholic  church  and  one 
priest.  Indians  and  French  and  sailors  made  up 
the  population.  There  was  no  railroad  and  in  the 
one  slaughter  house  the  daily  number  of  cattle  was 
from  seventeen  to  twenty.  The  beef  was  packed 
in  barrels  and  sent  to  Buffalo  on  schooners.  Land 
twelve  miles  from  the  village  was  sold  by  the  gov- 
ernment for  $1.25  an  acre.  Mahar  had  bought  two 
lots  on  the  lake  shore  and  traded  off  one  of  these  to 
the  captain  of  a  schooner  for  passage  to  Buffalo  in 

Michael  Mahar  lived  near  Jamesville  in  the 
town  of  Lafayette  and  was  one  of  the  leading 
builders  and  masons  in  the  southern  section  of  the 
County.  He  married  Mary  J.,  daughter  of  Cor- 
nelius Callahan,  and  they  have  seven  children. 
His  sisters  are  Margaret  A.  and  Alice  M.  Mahar 
of  Syracuse. 

Dr.  George  Eagen,  Jamesville,  was  admitted  to 
the  Onondaga  Medical  Society  October  7,  1806. 

Daniel  Fitzpatrick  married  Mary,  daughter  of 
Michael  Fogarty,  of  Syracuse.  Their  children: 
Ellen,  who  married  James  Irwin  Hanna;  Mary, 
who  married  John  Farley;  and  Michael.  Other 
children  of  Michael  Fogarty  are  Pierre  and  John. 



1808 — William  Wilson  and  James  Clark,  As- 

1820 — The  first  physician  in  the  village  of 
Baldwinsville  was  Dr.  Dennis  Kennedy,  who  also 
built  and  kept  the  first  tavern.  In  the  latter  part 
of  his  life  he  gave  up  medical  practice  and  pur- 
chased the  mill  property  near  Lysander.  His  wife 
was  Mary  E.  Kennedy  and  he  was  the  father  of 
Dennis  M.  and  Bradford  Kennedy,  prominent 
hardware  merchants  of  Syracuse.  He  was  ad- 
mitted to  the  Onondaga  Medical  Society  in  1831. 
His  other  children  were  Eunice;  Sarah  Ann; 
Lavinia,  who  married  George  F.  K.  Betts;  Alida; 
Warren,  who  married  Mary  Merryfield;  Hiram; 
Eunice  second,  married  Abram  Howe;  and  Me- 
hitabel.  There  were  eleven  children.  Bradford 
married  Ellen  Morehouse. 

In  the  Onondaga's  Centennial  are  the  following 
notes  ^: 

'  D.  H.  Bruce. 


Lysander  223 

Richard  Sullivan,  grandson  of  General  John  Sulli- 
van, was  born  in  1791  and  came  to  the  town  of 
Lysander  about  18 10,  being  one  of  the  earliest  settlers 
in  that  part  of  the  county.  He  engaged  in  agriculture 
and  other  interests. 

When  the  War  of  18 12  broke  out  he  volunteered  his 
services  and  was  given  a  commission  as  Captain.  He 
served  with  distinction  during  the  war  and  after  that 
closed  returned  to  his  occupation  and  business  at  home. 

During  his  whole  life  he  took  a  lively  interest  in 
military  affairs  and  for  years  during  the  early  times  had 
charge  of  the  military  training  which  took  place  on  the 
fiats  just  east  of  where  Memphis  is  now  situated. 

His  wife  was  Nancy  Faulkner  of  Washington  County, 
of  which  both  were  natives.  They  were  parents  of 
eleven  children.  Their  son  Napoleon  B.  Sullivan 
was  bom  in  Lysander  in  1829.  He  graduated  at 
the  Geneva  Medical  College  and  practised  for  many 
years  at  Plainville  and  Memphis.  He  married 
Theresa,  daughter  of  Alanson  and  Susan  Betts. 

Other  early  settlers  in  Plainville  about  18 15  were 
Abram  Daily  and  Thomas  Martin,  farmer,  and  in  1820 
Daniel  J.  Kelly.  In  Little  Utica  about  18 12  were 
John  Butler,  Nicholas  and  Carmi  Harrington.  David 
Carroll  was  in  Plainville  in  18 10. 

William  Moor  was  an  early  surveyor  of  roads  in 
the  town. 

Fred  I.  Tator  came  from  Dutchess  County  in  18 15. 
He  married  Polly,  daughter  of  John  Geary,  and  they 
had  eight  children.  Their  son  James  M.  was  born 
in  1824. 

224        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Daniel  J.  Kelly  came  to  Lysander  from  Dutchess 
County  in  1820,  married  Nancy  Crane.  He  was  one 
of  the  most  successful  farmers  of  the  town.  Of  his 
nine  children,  T.  D.,  James  M.,  and  Joel  F.  are  the 
subjects  of  biographical  sketches  in  local  history. 

William  Wilson,  the  first  of  three  or  four  generations 
of  that  name,  settled  in  Plainville  in  1806. 

Louis  Dow  Scisco  records^: 

The  first  permanent  settler  in  the  town  of  Van 
Buren  was  Joseph  Wilson,  a  native  of  Limerick, 
Ireland.  Patrick  Carroll  and  Ira  Welch  were  in 
Baldwinsville  in  1830. 

Dr.  John  Hart,  Lysander,  admitted  to  Onondaga 
Medical  Society,  1841. 

Francis  McCabe  and  his  wife,  Catharine  Con- 
Ion,  came  to  Baldwinsville  from  County  Monaghan 
in  1832.  They  owned  and  conducted  the  Ex- 
change Hotel  for  many  years.  Their  children  are 
Mary  Ann,  Margaret,  Andrew,  and  Catharine, 
who  married  Patrick  H.  Quinlan  and  had  one  son, 
John  Michael. 

Dennis  Donovan  was  looked  upon  as  an  early 
resident  of  Baldwinsville,  having  located  there 
about  1840. 

Andrew  Fitzgerald,  Artillery,  was  born  in  Ireland 
where  his  father  was  a  government  official.  He  came 
to  Salina  in  1847  and  worked  in  a  brickyard.     Later  he 

^History  of  Van  Buren. 

Lysander  225 

went  to  Elbridge  and  then  to  Baldwinsville.  He  en- 
listed in  1862  in  3d  N.  Y.  Light  Artillery  in  Auburn. 
He  was  taken  prisoner  in  1863  and  confined  in  Libby 
Prison  for  six  weeks,  then  paroled,  and  exchanged. 
Came  home  on  furlough  when  his  wife  died.  Return- 
ing to  the  front  he  served  with  his  battery  until  just 
before  Lee's  surrender,  when  he  was  seriously  wounded 
by  the  bursting  of  a  shell.  He  was  sent  to  New  York 
and  then  home.  * 

'  Baldwinsville  Gazette. 


NEARLY  all   the  Spafford  notes  are  extracts 
fromG.  K.  Collins': 

Jeremiah  Fitzgerald  came  to  this  town,  Spafford, 
Thorn  Hill,  from  Wallldll,  N.  Y.,  in  the  spring  of  1806 
and  settled  on  300  acres  owned  by  him  on  lot  70 
Marcellus.  He  died  in  18 17  and  was  buried  in  the 
old  Borodino  cemetery  on  the  farm  of  Alexander 
Becker,  north  of  the  village  of  Borodino,  now  in 
disuse,  and  no  stone  marks  his  grave.  In  his  will, 
August  20,  1810,  and  probated  February  12,  1817,  he 
mentions  his  wife  Anna  Fitzgerald  and  the  following 
children — William;  Elizabeth,  married  Warren  Knee- 
land,  son  of  Jonathan;  Susanna,  David,  John,  and  Jere- 
miah. He  also  mentions  his  two  grandchildren,  Jane 
and  James  H.,  children  of  his  daughter  Elizabeth. 

Erastus  Hayes  came  from  Otsego  County  to 
Homer  in  1807  and  to  Spafford  in  1827.^ 

John  McDaniels,  son  of  Timothy,  died  April,  1873, 
age  82  years.  According  to  family  tradition  Timothy 
McDaniels  came  to  this  country  from  Ireland  and 
settled  in  New  York,  where  he  died  of  Asiatic  cholera, 
leaving  two  small  children,  John  and  Bridget,  who  after 
his  decease  were  taken  to  Goshen,  New  York,  Orange 

^  Spafford  Mortuary  Records,  Collins.  =  Ibid. 


Spafford  227 

County,  and  reared  in  the  family  of  Judge  Wickham. 
Subsequently  the  daughter  Bridget  married  George 
D.  Wickham,  the  only  child  and  heir  of  her  foster 
father  Judge  Wickham.  George  D.  became  a  large 
landholder  and  among  his  other  possessions  owned 
the  principal  part  of  Lots  44  Tully  and  Lot  14  Sem- 
pronius  in  this  town,  and  at  an  early  date  John 
McDaniels,  under  a  contract  from  his  brother-in-law 
Mr.  Wickham,  settled  on  the  latter  of  said  lots  and 
then  on  100  acres  on  the  northwest  corner  of  the 
former  said  lots  where  he  remained  until  the  date 
of  his  decease.  Before  coming  to  this  town  Mr. 
McDaniels,  born  July  15,  1790,  married  Polly  Hawkins 
and  by  her  had  the  following  children— Eliza  A.,  born 
1812;  George  W.,  1814;  Caroline  B.,  1816;  Emily  B., 
1818;  John  Nelson,  1822;  Bridget,  1824;  Benjamin, 
1826;  Julia  A.,  1829;  Richard  H.,  1831;  Edgar  B., 
1833,  and  Mary,  1835.  Polly  Hawkins  McDaniels 
died  1882,  age  84.^ 

James  McDuffee  was  an  Irishman  and  by  trade  a 
carpenter.    His  daughter  Ruth  died  1 840.  ^  (Borodino.) 

Nancy  Wallace  Nesbit  was  born  in  Ireland  and 
was  the  sister  of  John  Wallace  and  Matilda  Wallace, 
wife  of  Alexander  Gordon,  all  of  this  town.  Her 
husband  Robert  Nesbit  died  in  Canada.  She  was  the 
mother  of  James  and  William  Nesbit,  both  residents 
of  this  town,  the  latter  being  a  member  of  Co.  G, 
149th.  Reg.  N.  Y.  Vols.^ 

William  O'Farrell  died  1863,  age  79.  He  came 
to  this  town  before  18 14  and  settled  on  Lot  24  Tully 

'  Spafford  Mortuary  Records,  Collins. 

228        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

in  Spafford  Hollow.  By  his  wife  Dinah  he  had 
Elihu,  Francis  A.,  William  M.,  Esther,  David,  John 
W.,  Maria,  Catharine,  Caroline,  and  Henry.  Mr. 
O'Farrell  was  a  man  of  prominence  in  town  affairs 
and  at  various  times  held  responsible  town  offices 
from  Supervisor  to  Justice.^ 

There  was  another  William  O'Farrell  also  in 
Spafford  Hollow.^ 

James  Shaw  for  miny  years  before  his  decease 
resided  near  the  westerly  line  of  Lot  45  in  the  town  of 
Tully  in  Shawville  and  kept  a  small  store  at  that 
place.  He  had  a  very  respectable  family  of  girls  who 
married  into  well-known  Spafford  families.  Died 
1858,  age  63  years.  ^ 

Mary,  wife  of   John   Walch,  died   at    Thorn  Hill 
1837,  age  57. 
James  Fitzgerald  came  to  Spafford  in  1806. 
John  Wallace  came  to  Spafford  in  1836. 
Jason  Gleason  came  to  Spafford  in  1801. 
Sam  McClure  came  in  1804. 
John  Hunt  came  in  1806.^ 

George  K.  Collins  records^; 

In  an  application  for  a  pension  by  Daniel  Owen 
of  Spafford  dated  September  i,  1820,  he  makes  the 
following  claim:  that  he  served  in  the  war  of  the 
Revolution  as  a  member  of  the  company  of  Captain 
William  Hall  in  the  regiment  commanded  by  Colonel 
Charles  Webb  of  Connecticut  troops  in  the  service  of 
the  United  States ;  that  he  served  for  the  period  of  one 

'  Spafford  Mortuary  Records,  Collins. 

Spafford  229 

year  and  was  discharged  at  Morristown,  N.  Y.,  in  1776; 
that  he  had  a  wife  Lydia  and  a  daughter  and  grand- 
daughter who  resided  with  him  in  Spafford.  Mr.  Owen 
purchased  on  March  17,  1824,  eighteen  acres  of  land 
on  the  nunnery  road  on  Lot  12  Sempronius  which  were 
afterwards  conveyed  by  his  widow.  After  his  decease 
his  pension  was  continued  to  his  widow  who  was  on  the 
pension  list  of  1841-42  and  therein  described  as  of 
Spafford.  Timothy  Owen  died  April,  1878,  in  his 
92d  year.  In  an  obituary  notice  published  at  the 
time  of  his  death  it  stated  that  he  was  born  at  Tyring- 
ham,  Massachusetts,  and  moved  with  his  parents  to 
Navarino,  N.  Y.,  when  he  was  fifteen  years  of  age. 
Two  years  later  he  worked  clearing  land  at  the  foot 
of  Skaneateles  Lake  where  the  village  of  that  name 
now  stands.  He  then  went  to  Sempronius  where 
he  lived  four  years  and  then  bought  the  farm  known  as 
the  Owen  farm,  one  and  one  half  miles  north  of 
Spafford  Corners,  where  he  resided  until  1857;  he  then 
moved  to  Borodino,  where  he  lived  until  his  death. 
By  his  wife  Lydia  he  had  one  daughter,  Polly  Ann, 
who  married  George  W.  Breed. 

John  Ford  came  before  1821. 

Burnett  Carroll  came  before  1823. 

Richard  Callender  was  a  native  of  Ireland  who  came 
to  America  when  a  boy  and  spent  most  of  his  days 
in  Henrietta.^ 

Clark  says  ^: 

The  first  settler  in  that  part  of  the  town  taken 
from  Tully  was  Jonathan  Berry  and  is  still  living  a 

^  Bruce.  »  Clark,  vol.  ii.,  p.  349. 

230        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

resident  of  the  town.  He  first  settled  a  short  distance 
south  of  the  village  of  Borodino,  in  March,  1803. 
In  April  the  same  year,  Archibald  Farr  located 
himself  on  the  southwest  corner  of  Lot  number 

To  facilitate  the  progress  of  Mr.  Farr  s  imigration, 
Berry  sent  his  teams  and  men  to  clear  out  a  road,  that 
Farr  might  proceed  to  his  place  of  destination.  This 
was  the  first  road  attempted  to  be  made  within  the 
limits  of  the  town,  and  is  the  same  that  now  leads  from 
Spafford  Corners  to  Borodino. 

Morris  Geer  was  born  in  Ireland.  He  married 
Mrs.  Joanna  Dunn  and  had  one  son,  James  Geer,  of 
Syracuse.     Morris  died  in  1888,  age  90  years.  ^ 

Charles  McCansey  was  born  in  Washington 
County,  1816,  the  son  of  James  and  Lydia  Mitchell 
McCansey,  both  natives  of  Connecticut  who  came 
to  Spafford.  The  maternal  grandfather,  William 
Mitchell,  was  a  soldier  in  the  Revolutionary  War.  The 
paternal  grandfather,  James  McCansey,  was  a  Tory 
and  his  farm  of  600  acres  was  confiscated.  ^ 

^  Collins.  *  Bruce. 


David  Welch 

THE  veteran  David  Welch  came  to  Skaneateles 
from  Fort  Ann,  Washington  County,  in  1798 
and  settled  on  Lot  73.  He  was  a  private  in  the 
Revolution  and  was  in  the  battle  of  Bennington, 
where  he  received  a  wound  in  the  shoulder.  He 
built  the  first  frame  barn  in  the  town  in  1800.^ 

Samuel  Welch 

Samuel  Welch,  brother  of  David,  came  here  in  1800 
from  the  same  place.  He  was  born  in  1773,  was 
twenty-seven  years  old  when  he  came,  and  arrived 
here  in  the  month  of  March  with  two  yoke  of  oxen 
and  a  wooden  shod  sled.  His  son  Samuel  was  then 
three  years  old.  He  came  by  way  of  Oneida  and 
through  Marcellus.  He  served  in  the  War  of  1812. 
Frame  barn  was  built  for  him  in  1 804.  Samuel  Welch, 
Jr.,  later  in  Auburn.^ 

Captain  Welch  kept  the  first  tavern  in  1795.  He 
was  captain  of  militia.^ 

'F.  H.  Chase.  » E.  N.Leslie. 


232        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

E.  N.  Leslie  writing  of  the  period  1 800-1810 

An  Irishman  was  a  curiosity  in  those  days.  There 
were  no  Irish  women. 

In  another  page  Leslie  says^: 

The  first  tailors  in  this  section  were  an  old  English- 
man ( !)  named  O'Keefe  and  his  son  in  Skaneateles.  His 
shop  was  near  the  big  elm-tree,  corner  of  Jordan 
and  Academy  streets. 

A  Miss  Hall  and  Miss  Gleason  afterwards  taught 
school  in  this  first  (log)  schoolhouse.  ^ 

Dr.  Israel  Parsons  relates: 

Mrs.  Cody,  the  grandmother  of  Hiram  Reed,  came 
from  Massachusetts  some  time  before  the  year  1800 
alone  and  on  horseback.  She  was  a  widow,  and  this 
was  her  prospecting  tour  for  a  home  in  this,  at  that 
period,  great  wilderness.  After  reaching  this  part 
of  the  State  she  rode  around  viewing  portions 
of  the  town  and  finally  made  a  purchase  of  six  hundred 
and  forty  acres,  the  northeastern  corner  of  which 
afterwards  included  what  is  now  Clintonville. 

John  Walsh 

It  was  early  in  the  War  of  Independence  that 
John  Walsh  of  Skaneateles  enlisted  and  his 
service  lasted  until  peace  was  declared.  In  1775 
he  enlisted  in  Col.  Paul  Dudley  Loyrant's  regiment, 
in  Captain  William  Scott's  company,  and  served 

» E.  N.  Leslie. 

Skaneateles  2^3 

as  a  private  for  six  months.  In  the  spring  of  1 776 
he  enHsted  in  Colonel  Van  Schaick's  regiment,  Cap- 
tain John  Vader's  company,  for  six  months  and 
served  for  that  time  in  making  roads  from  Albany 
to  Lake  George.  Then,  in  the  fall  of  1776  he 
enlisted  until  the  end  of  the  war  in  Colonel  Van 
Schaick's  regiment,  in  Captain  John  Copp's 
company,  and  served  afterwards  in  Captain 
Parson's  company  until  his  discharge  in  1783.  A 
part  of  this  time  the  veteran  did  sergeant's  duty, 
Walsh  said  in  1821  that  he  was  81  years  old,  that  he 
had  absolutely  no  property,  was  blind  and  lived 
on  the  charity  of  his  friends.  ^ 

James  Ennis    and    Timothy    Coleman  were  early 
settlers  on  Lots  35  and  37.^ 

Among  the  early   settlers   before    1803  E.  N. 
Leslie  names : 

Richard  Berry,  farmer,  on  J.  L.  Mason  farm. 

John  Burnes,  farmer. 

Eleazer  Burns,    Marcellus,    potash  boiler  for  John 
Meeker  and  lived  on  place  of  John  Burns,  Jr. 

Joseph  Cody  built   and   kept   the   first  tavern  in 
Clintonville  as  early  as  1806.     He  was  a  farmer. 

Jacobus  Ennis  owned  and  lived  very  early  on  the 
Lapham  place. 

John  Fitzgerald,  farmer,  east  side  of  the  lake. 

Amasa  Gleason,  painter, 

David  Hall  came  to  this  town  in  March,  1806. 

'  F.  H.  Chase. 
*  Bruce. 

234        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Ezra  Lane,  school  teacher  before  1807. 

Ezra  Lee,  farmer,  had  a  wood  boat  on  the  lake. 

Daniel  McKay,  farmer  and  mason. 

James  McKee,  farmer  on  Lot  No.  84. 

Henry  Millhollen,  well-digger,  lived  near  Borodino. 

Thomas  Read,  farmer,  on  West  Lake  road. 

Samuel  Shaw,  lived  at  Mottville. 

Seth  McKay,  property  owner. 

Early  settlers  before  1 8 15  according  to  Leslie 

Elijah  Cody,  farmer,  near  Clintonville. 
James    Daggett,    teamster   between   Albany   and 
Skaneateles,  lived  in  the  gulf  near  Guppy's. 

James  Dayley,  farmer,  moved  to  Ohio  and  went  into 
the  counterfeit  business  there. 

John  Dayley,  farmer,  turned  Mormon  and  left 

Moses  Dayley,  farmer,  turned  Mormon  and  left 
for  Ohio. 

Charles  Glynn,  well  digger,  west  side  of  the  lake. 
Simon  McKay,  hatter,  carpenter,  and  joiner. 

James  Ennis  was  a  witness  to  a  legal  form  here  in 

the  year  1800.     He   married    Hannah,    daughter   of 

Abraham  A.  Cuddeback,  the  earliest  settler  in  this 
town.  ^ 

There  was  very  early  a  log  house  erected  on  this 
(Mill)  Point.  Granny  Beebe  lived  in  it  for  many 
years.  After  her  death  a  man  by  the  name  of  Mc- 
Mullen  lived  in  it.  His  wife,  Katy  McMullen,  worked 
for  many  people.  ^ 

'  E.  N.  Leslie.  =>  Ibid.  3  Ibid. 

Skaneateles  235 

In  1829  James  McCray  made  to  order  the  Douglas 
patent  threshing  machine.^ 

Bernard  (Brine)  and  Nancy  O'Connor  came  to 
Skaneateles  from  the  north  of  Ireland  in  1832.  Their 
son  William  O'Connor  was  bom  in  1840  and  came  to 
Syracuse  in  1858.^ 

James  D.  Feeley  was  born  in  Ireland  in  1841  and 
came  to  Skaneateles  in  1846.  He  married  Hannah 
Dee  of  Rome.^ 

Andrew  and  Sarah  (Gray)  Gamble  of  Ireland 
settled  in  Skaneateles  in  1832.  Their  son  John  came 
at  the  age  of  eleven  years.'' 

John  McKinney  came  to  Mandana  from  Done- 
gal, Parish  of  Desertegny,  about  1840  or  a  few 
years  earlier  or  later.  His  sister  Anne  came  with 
her  husband,  James  McLaughlin,  in  1847. 

John  McGinnis,  a  farmer,  located  in  Skaneateles 
before  1844. 

Michael  Bradley  came  from  Cork  about  1844  to 
visit  his  uncle  John  Bradley  in  Syracuse  and  then 
came  to  Skaneateles. 

James  McLaughlin 

James  McLaughlin  was  the  first  of  the  family 
to  come  to  America  and  Skaneateles.     He  was 

'  E.  N.  Leslie.  3  Ibid. 

'  Bruce.  ■»  Ibid. 

236        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

born  in  Linsford  Glebe,  near  Buncrana  in  the 
Parish  of  Desertegny,  Donegal.  He  married  Anne 
McKinney  of  the  same  parish.  From  the  shores 
of  Lough  Swilly  to  Londonderry  they  travelled 
and  sailed  to  Liverpool  to  embark  for  America  in 
the  year  1847. 

Linsford  Glebe  was  a  portion  of  land  rented  to 
tenants  for  the  support  of  a  Protestant  minister. 
Bible  readers  travelled  through  the  country  under 
favor  of  the  government. 

The  grandparents  of  Cardinal  Logue  lived  in 
this  neighborhood.  The  mother  of  James  Gillespie 
Blaine,  Maria  Gillespie,  a  loyal  Catholic  and 
patriotic  Irish  girl,  lived  across  a  small  stream  from 
the  McLaughlins.  She  was  one  of  a  family  of 
eight  daughters  and  one  son. 

The  brothers  and  sisters  of  James  McLaughlin, 
the  children  of  William,  followed  him  to  America, 
all  but  Mary,  who  went  to  England.  They  are: 
John,  who  married  first  Mary  McGrory  of  his 
own  parish  and  later  Mary  Casey ;  Elizabeth,  who 
married  Patrick  Doherty  of  the  same  parish; 
Ellen,  who  married  Timothy  Donohue,  Kanturk, 
Cork;  Hugh,  who  married  Mary  McCrady, 
Queen's  County;  Catharine,  who  married  Patrick 
Curtin,  Limerick;  William,  who  married  Mary 
McHugh,  Fannett,  Donegal;  and  Cornelius,  who 
came  to  America  but  returned  to  Ireland. 




Martin  Dolan 

ARTIN  DOLAN  was  the  oldest  of  ten 
children  of  Martin  and  Ellen  Kelley 
Dolan,  Parish  of  Drum,  County  Roscommon. 
There  were  too  many  boys  for  the  size  of  the 
farm  and  Martin  was  the  first  to  emigrate,  the 
first  of  sixty  or  more  members  of  his  family  who 
came  to  Onondaga.  He  left  in  Ireland  more  than 
family  ties.  He  left  Mary,  the  daughter  of 
Jeremiah  and  Margaret  Murray  Lannon.  For 
Martin  Dolan  and  Mary  Lannon  were  children 
together  in  the  same  parish  of  Drum  and  grew 
up  together.  But,  in  a  country  where  marriages 
are  arranged  by  the  parents,  the  love  of  a  maid  and 
a  man  is  often  thwarted.  Among  the  love  songs 
of  Ireland  are  the  farewell  serenade  of  the  hopeless 
lover,  the  moan  of  an  unwilling  bride,  and  the 
other  little  tragedies  of  love.  Then  there  are  the 
joyous  notes  when  lovers  meet  by  chance,  or 
exchange  a  glance  in  the  chapel  yard  on  a  Sunday 
or  a  whisper  in  the  dance  on  the  green;  for  when 
opportunity  for  courtship  is  wanting,  Love's  free 


238        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

faculties  are  exalted  and  speak  in  a  glance  or  a  smile 
and  are  understood.  Love  finds  a  way  and  youth 
its  mate.  One  emigrates  and  the  other  follows, 
and  beyond  the  seas  each  finds  a  welcome  among 
the  friends  they  knew  at  home. 

Martin  found  rough  sailing  in  his  nine  weeks  on 
the  ocean.  Four  different  times  were  the  passengers 
locked  in  the  cabin  to  await  the  wrecking  of  their 
ship.  There  were  heartrending  scenes  and  heart- 
felt prayers.  There  was  the  despair  of  parents 
who  had  left  their  children  behind  them,  and  of 
children  who  had  parted  from  their  parents  for 
the  first  time.  Here  a  wife  journeying  to  meet 
her  husband  clasped  to  her  agonized  breast  their 
child  whose  face  he  had  never  seen.  There  a  man 
knelt  upon  all  his  earthly  possessions,  shouting  his 
confession  of  sin,  beating  his  breast,  and  imploring 
mercy.  Yonder  a  fearless  and  careless  soul  passed 
with  a  smile  and  a  joke  to  keep  the  mind  from 
madness.  But  tears  and  prayers  happily  were 
changed  to  laughter  and  thanksgiving  when  the 
sun  shone  again  and  the  sea  was  calm. 

Martin  was  a  farmer  and  cattle  raiser  like  his 
father  before  him.  In  New  York  he  worked  at 
various  things,  including  the  construction  of  the 
Astor  House.  He  became  expert  in  some  branches 
which  later  were  of  value  by  increasing  his  income 
as  a  farmer. 

Meanwhile  Mary  too  had  left  the  land  of  her 
birth  and  these  grown-up  children  of  the  Parish 
of  Drum  spoke  freely  together  and  learned  their 

Marcellus  239 

own  hearts,  and  the  romance  of  yesterday  and  of 
to-day  and  to-morrow  was  told  in  the  marriage 
of  Martin  and  Mary. 

They  spent  several  years  in  New  York  City  and 
came  to  Onondaga  in  1848,  locating  first  in 
Marcellus  and  eventually  on  a  farm  near  Mont- 
f reedy  in  beautiful  Cedarvale. 

One  of  their  children,  Mary  Ann,  married 
Bernard,  son  of  Bernard  and  Ann  Powell.  They 
have  one  adopted  child,  Clara  Dolan.  Their 
daughter  Sarah,  married  John  H.,  son  of  Bernard 
and  Ann  Powell.  Their  children  are  Frank  Dolan, 
Leo,  and  Clara  Dolan  Powell;  Margaret  E.,  who 
married  John,  the  son  of  John  and  Alice  Connors 
Fraser,  Port  Byron.  Their  children  are  Theresa, 
Alice,  and  Sarah;  Theresa;  Thomas  Francis,  who 
married  Mary,  daughter  of  Simon  and  Bridget 
Long  Reidy.  Their  children  are  Mary  Agnes  and 
T.  Francis,  Jr.;  Agnes  I.,  who  married  Edward,  son 
of  Patrick  and  Bridget  Roach  Mulroy.  Their 
children  are  Francis,  Leo,  and  Emmet. 

Robert  McHale 

Robert  McHale,  now  more  than  fourscore  years 
of  age,  came  from  Kilcommon,  County  Mayo,  when 
seventeen  years  old  and  has  spent  most  of  his  life 
in  Marcellus.     He  married  Nora  Burke. 

The  men  he  knew  as  old-time  residents  and  be- 
lieved to  be  the  first  Irishmen  in  the  town  were 
John    McNally,    Thomas    Kelly,    John    Leahy, 

240        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Michael  Melia,  Peter  Coyne,  John  Kirwin,  Patrick 
McLaughHn.  Others  who  came  before  1847  were 
Thomas  Hogan,  Daniel  Purcell,  Bernard  Powell, 
Patrick  McCarthy,  William  Dolan  and  his  wife, 
Mary  Flannery,  and  Mrs.  William  Hackett 
(born  Gleason). 

Robert  McCulloch 

Robert  McCulloch  gave  employment  to  Robert 
McHale  for  a  time.  The  son  of  McCulloch  married 
Miss  Dunbar;  his  daughter  Amanda  married 
Edward  Austin;  and  his  daughter  Mary  married 
Harry  Fellows. 

John  McNally 

When  John  McNally,  twenty-one  years  old, 
came  to  Marcellus,  his  fortune  consisted  of  half-a- 
crown,  which  he  idly  flipped.  It  fell  and  a  child 
picked  it  up  and  John  let  him  keep  it  and  went  to 
work.  He  served  in  the  militia  at  Sacketts 
Harbor.  His  wife  was  the  adopted  daughter 
of  George  Dunlap.  Their  sons  are  Robert  and 
James.  Dunlap  served  in  the  militia  as  a  sub- 
stitute. He  was  most  industrious  and  became  an 
owner  of  much  land. 

Ella  Cody  married  a  man  named  Russell. 

William  Dolan 

William  Dolan  came  from  King's  County  to 

Marcellus  241 

New  York  about  1840  and  to  Marcellus  sometime 
later.  His  wife  Mary  Flamiery  was  from  Athlone. 
Their  children  are  Keryon,  William  J.,  James  E.; 
Anne,  who  married  Maurice  Donohue;  Elizabeth, 
who  married  William  Hackett;  other  children. 

James  E.  Dolan  is  a  prominent  member  of  the 
Ancient  Order  of  Hibernians,  having  held  the  office 
of  National  President. 

Joseph  Coy 

From  the  first  of  December,  1775,  to  the  3d 
of  January,  1777,  the  soldier  Joseph  Coy  served 
in  Captain  Jedediah  Waterman's  company,  Col. 
John  Durkee's  regiment.  He  was  79  years  old  in 
1820.     Coy  was  formerly  a  shoemaker.^ 

Dr.  Israel  Parsons  was  close  to  the  people  of 
Marcellus  for  many  years.     He  recounts: 

Among  the  pioneers  was  Robert  McCulloch.  His 
father  emigrated  from  Ireland  to  Pelham,  Mass., 
where  his  son  Robert  was  born  in  October,  1759. 
Robert  came  to  this  place  in  1805  or  1806,  and  finally 
owned  and  occupied  the  farm  on  which  he  died  at  the 
advanced  age  of  ninety-seven.  One  strange  fact  be- 
longs to  the  life  of  Mr.  McCulloch — ^he  never  was  sick. 
He  used  to  boast  that  thus  far  he  never  had  been  laid  by 
a  day  on  account  of  illness,  and  that  no  physician  had 
ever  been  called  to  see  him,  and  these  proved  true  to 
the  last;  for  he  fell  headlong  down  the  cellar  stairs 
and  was  instantly  killed.     A  physician  was  summoned, 

» F.  H.  Chase. 

242        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

yet  it  was  but  to  look  upon  his  dead  body.  Mr. 
McCulloch  was  temperate  in  everything,  a  very 
pleasant  man,  scrupulously  honest,  and  desirous  to 
perform  manual  labor  every  day  of  his  life  except  on 

The  same  year  (1794)  one  family  by  the  name  of 
Cody  located  at  Clintonville  not  far  from  the  centre 
of  the  town.' 

Parsons  gives  the  story  of  Mrs.  Cody,  who  came 
from  Massachusetts  on  horseback  before  1800  and 
bought  land  near  Clintonville.  He  does  not  state 
that  the  two  families'  were  'related  or  that  there 
were  two  families  or  only  one  by  the  name  of 
Cody.  Among  his  notes  are  these  references  to 
men  of  Irish  blood : 

Nathan  Healy  came  to  Marcellus  about  1800. 

The  first  settlement  made  in  the  southwest  part 
of  the  town  on  the  Turnpike  was  by  P.  E.  Howe  and 
Samuel  Hayes.  Mr.  Hayes  moved  to  the  West  and 
in  1806  his  farm  was  occupied  by  another. 

Among  the  names  of  those  pledged  to  support  the 
church  in  1807  are:  William  Macken,  Nathan  Healy, 
Robert  McCulloch,  George  McCulloch,  Charles 
Mullon  and  Lewis  Kennedy. 

Dr.  Parsons,  whose  father  was  at  that  time  the 
minister  in  charge  of  the  church,  comments : 

Here  we  have  an  instrument,  carefully  and  judicially 
drawn  up.     Great  caution  was  used  lest  it  be  encum- 

'  Parsons. 

Marcellus  243 

bered  with  anything  that  should  tend  to  excite 
sectarian  prejudices.  They  could  not  afford  in  this 
forest  home  to  be  a  divided  people.  Their  distance 
from  the  home  of  their  nativity  inclined  them  to  band 
together  for  every  good  purpose. 

Parsons  gives  this  story  of  George  Dunlap : 

Three  brothers,  George,  Adam,  and  John  Dunlap, 
emigrated  from  Ireland  to  the  United  vStatcs  in  1811. 
George  went  to  Virginia  and  hired  out  as  a  laborer  to 
a  cousin,  a  planter.  The  situation  in  which  he  was 
placed  in  the  family  of  his  cousin  seemed  quite  strange 
to  him,  for  he  did  not  previously  know  the  views  that 
the  slave-holding  portion  of  the  South  entertained  in 
regard  to  laborers  whether  white  or  colored.  They 
looked  upon  them  as  an  inferior  creation  of  the  human 
family.  Consequently  cousin  George  was  assigned 
his  place  with  the  slaves  at  meal-time.  Although  this 
was  a  surprise  to  him  yet  he  held  his  peace,  for  he  felt 
himself  to  be  in  a  foreign  land,  far  away  from  home  and 
friends.  Not  wishing  to  be  dependent,  and  receiving 
suitable  wages,  he  thought  best  to  remain  where  he 
was,  and  fill  his  situation  honorably  until  he  should 
have  accumulated  sufficient  money  to  enable  him  safely 
to  look  elsewhere  for  a  home.  When  that  condition 
was  attained,  he  bade  good-bye  to  his  cousin  and  came 
North.  The  first  year  he  lived  with  Judge  Dill  of 
Camillus.  After  that  he  came  into  this  town  and 
hired  out  in  different  places  as  he  could  find  opportun- 
ity. Being  a  strong  robust  man,  and  industrious  in  his 
habits,  he  performed  labor  with  a  will  and  a  power  that 
few  could  equal. 

The  next  we  hear  of  him  he  has  married  a  Miss 

244        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Gillespie  and  has  made  his  residence  in  Pumpkin 
Hollow  on  forty  or  fifty  acres  of  land.  He  goes  on 
adding  farm  to  farm  until  he  becomes  the  greatest  land- 
holder not  merely  in  the  Hollow  but  almost  in  the  town, 
his  farm  containing  in  one  plot  five  hundred  and 
seventy-two  acres  and  this  in  the  Eden  of  otir  town. 
The  strange  name  Pumpkin  Hollow  was  given  to  this 
section  in  an  early  day  on  account  of  the  luxuriant 
growth  of  pumpkins  which  year  by  year  it  produced 
wherever  planted.  As  fast  as  Mr.  Dunlap  procured 
new  land  he  beautified  and  adorned  it  by  nice  hus- 
bandry so  that  by  the  time  be  became  sole  possessor 
of  that  large  plot  of  land  amounting  to  full  half  the 
Hollow,  this,  together  with  its  overhanging  hills  of 
evergreen  forests,  gave  it  the  appearance  more  of  a 
garden  or  park  than  of  an  ordinary  farm. 

Mr.  Dunlap  was  permitted  to  live  to  a  good  old 
age  to  enjoy  the  fruits  of  his  faithful  toils  and  often  in 
his  last  days  he  spoke  of  his  gratitude  to  God  for  thus 
crowning  his  labors  with  such  success.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  Presbyterian  church  during  the  last 
twenty  years  of  his  life.  His  last  days  were  his  best 
days  and  he  died  at  the  advanced  age  of  seventy-nine. 

Our  Irish  population,  now  so  numerous,  appeared 
among  us  in  1834  ^^  ^^^  person  of  John  McNalley.  In 
1837  three  or  four  famiHes  separated  themselves  from 
the  company  who  had  been  engaged  in  building  our 
railroad  enbankment  and  located  themselves  in  the 
northeast  portion  of  our  town.  There  were  few  if 
any  accessions  to  their  number  until  about  1848  when 
emigration  from  Ireland  to  this  country  swelled  to  a 

'  Parsons. 

Marcellus  245 

Mr.  O'Farrell  was  singing  master  before  1844.^ 

Thomas  Kyne  came  to  America  from  Ireland 
about  1840,  and  settled  in  Marcellus.  His  son 
John  L.  Kyne  was  born  there  in  1855. 

Bruce  gives  a  sketch  of  George  Nelson 
Kennedy  * : 

George  Nelson  Kennedy  was  bom  in  Marcellus  in 
1822  and  descends  on  his  mother's  side  from  the 
Puritan  settlers  of  New  England.  His  paternal 
grandfather,  George  Kennedy,  Sr.,  emigrated  from 
Ireland  to  America  in  1760  and  with  his  maternal 
grandfather,  Ebenezer  Dibble,  participated  in  the 
Revolutionary  War  and  in  the  battle  of  Saratoga,  where 
his  mother's  grandfather  was  killed.  His  father, 
George  Kennedy,  Jr.,  came  from  Saratoga  County  to 
Marcellus  about  18 16  and  in  1831  removed  with  his 
family  to  Skaneateles,  where  he  remained  three  years 
that  his  children  might  have  the  advantages  of  the 
academy  there. 

He  became  a  State  Senator  and  Justice  of  the  Su- 
preme Court  of  the  Fifth  District  of  New  York. 

Richard  Callender  was  a  native  of  Ireland  who 
came  to  America  when  a  boy  and  spent  most  of  his  days 
in  Marietta,  where  his  son,  Richard  Callender,  Jr.,  was 
born  in  1822.  Richard,  Jr.,  married  Mary  A.  Hicks, 
who  was  born  in  Dutchess  County  in  1826.  Their  son 
Francis  R.  was  born  in  Marcellus  in  1863.^ 

John  C.  Kennedy,  Marcellus,  was  born  in  Syracuse, 

*  Parsons. 

'  Onondaga's  Centennial. 

3  Ibid. 

246        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

1846,  son  of  John  and  Catharine  Kennedy.    His  wife, 
is  Catharine  Conry.^ 

Thomas  Ward  and  Patrick  Egan  came  soon 
after  1840. 

Clark  says:^ 

James  C.  Millen  and  his  sons  were  the  first  perma- 
nent settlers  in  the  northeast  section  of  the  town.  He 
and  six  sons,  except  one,  all  died  within  a  short  time 

'  Onondaga's  Centennial.  ^  J.  V.  H.  Clark. 


Thomas  Dixon 

THOMAS  DIXON  of  Lafayette  one  of  the  last  sur- 
vivors of  Colonel  Lamb's  regiment  of  artillery, 
formed  for  the  defence  of  the  New  York  frontier 
in  1781.* 

Thomas  Dixon  died  in  1850  about  one  year  after 
Clark's  Onondaga  was  published. 

The  balloting  book  of  the  Military  Tract  shows  that 
Thomas  "  Dixson"  drew  Lot  #4  in  the  town  of  Pompey 
— northwest  corner  of  the  present  town.  Clark  says 
that  in  1848  he  was  one  of  the  four  and  only  survivors 
of  Colonel  Lamb's  regiment  of  artillery.  He  then 
lived  just  over  the  line  in  the  town  of  Lafayette.  In 
1840  he  was  eighty  years  old.^ 

Thomas  Dixon  cut  his  way  through  the  forests 
and  arrived  on  his  claim  in  the  Military  Tract,  June 
6,  1790,  at  six  o'clock  in  the  evening.  His  claim 
consisted  of  600  acres  and  he  had  bought  another 
soldier's  claim  for  a  pitcher  of  cider  nogg. 

'  J.  V.  H.  Clark.  ^  F.  H.  Chase. 


248        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Thomas  Dixon  was  born  in  County  Antrim, 
Ireland,  in  1 760  and  was  an  only  child.  His  father 
was  killed  in  battle  and  his  mother  died  of  grief 
shortly  after.  His  uncle,  his  father's  brother,  fled 
from  his  native  land  and  took  the  three-year-old 
orphan  Thomas  with  him.  They  went  first 
to  Scotland,  thence  to  France,  and  then  to  Rhode 
Island.  Thomas  enlisted  three  times  before  he 
was  sixteen  but  his  uncle  each  time  secured  his 
release.  He  was  allowed  to  enlist  at  last  when 
he  had  reached  the  age  of  sixteen.  He  was  at 
Valley  Forge,  Yorktown,  and  served  in  Captain 
Hamilton's  battery,  Colonel  Lamb's  regiment  of 

Thomas  Dixon  married  Amy  Knapp  and  lived 
sixty  years  on  his  soldier's  claim.  His  son 
Thomas,  Jr.,  lived  there  eighty-seven  years  and  his 
grandson  seventy-three  years  up  to  the  present 
(1908).  There  are  now  four  living  generations  of 
this  Irish  pioneer.  When  he  cleared  his  lot  and 
built  his  house,  there  were  not  many  people  in 
this  territory  and  everybody  burned  green  wood. 
When  Thomas  climbed  the  hilltop  in  the  morning 
and  looked  around  in  all  directions  he  counted 
fifteen  columns  of  smoke.  When  he  wanted  flour 
he  walked  to  Whitesboro  to  the  mill.  In  time  he 
cut  down  a  pine  tree  and  hollowed  it  out  by  fire 
and  ground  his  own  grain.  As  his  children  grew 
up,  they  took  their  part  in  pioneer  work.  The 
cleared  portions  were  surrounded  by  hedges  or 
brushwood  fences.    When  the  boys  wanted  fresh 

Lafayette  249 

meat,  they  beat  the  bushes  at  night  and  gathered 
up  the  game:  or  with  long  poles  whacked  the 
sleeping  pigeons  from  their  perches  in  the  trees. 
Ploughing  with  the  iron-tipped  wooden  plough- 
share, they  unearthed  copper  kettles,  arrows,  etc., 
in  so  great  numbers  that  they  soon  ceased  to  be 
noticed.     Threshing  was  all  done  with  the  flail. 

Thomas  Dixon,  Jr.,  married  Eriimeline  Alvord. 
Their  son  George  enlisted  April  29,  1861,  in  12th 
N.  Y.  Vol.  Infantry.  He  left  his  wife  and  one 
child  at  home.  He  received  $11  a  month.  Dur- 
ing the  war  he  was  in  the  same  trenches  his  grand- 
father had  occupied  during  the  Revolution. 

"A  log  tavern  kept  by  James  Higgins  was  succeeded 
by  a  frame  dwelling  built  by  settlers  of  1804."^ 

"Among  the  settlers  of  1794  was  Reuben  Bryan. 
He  was  the  father  of  Hon.  John  A.  Bryan  who  served 
in  the  State  Legislature  and  was  Assistant  Postmaster- 
General  under  President  Tyler's  administration."^ 

John  Shaw  came  to  Lafayette  in  an  early  day 
and  cleared  a  farm.  His  son  Henry,  born  in 
Saratoga  County,  in  181 1,  and  his  grandson 
George  H.  were  residents  of  this  County. 

TheConnell  family,  which  later  branched  out  into 
other  towns  of  the  County,  particularly  Clay  and 
Lysander,  seems  to  have  been  established  first  in 
Lafayette  by  Peter  Connell,  in   18 10.     He  had 

'  D.  H.  Bruce.  '  J.  V.  H.  Clark. 

250        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

two  brothers,  Edward,  born  in  Lafayette  in  1818, 
and  Isaac  Connell.  He  removed  to  Clay  before 
1826.  For  many  years  the  family  was  active  in 
the  business  life  in  Baldwinsville.  Edward  spent 
his  early  life  in  hard  work,  clearing  up  the  forests 
near  North  Syracuse  in  the  town  of  Clay.  He 
was  in  mercantile  business  in  Baldwinsville  until 

The  members  of  the  McMillen  family  whose 
names  are  recorded  are  James  and  Joseph,  who 
were  carpenters,  Asa,  and  Peter.  Another  record 
says  that  Joseph  served  on  board  the  frigate 
Warren  with  his  brother  Peter.  There  is  nothing 
to  indicate  their  ancestry. 



THE  electoral  franchise  in  1807  was  limited  to 
landholders  and  tenants  and  from  a  census  of 
electors  in  that  year  the  residents  are  known. 
Among  the  names  are  several  who  may  have  been 
Irish,  and  the  following:  Peter  Delaney,  Eber 
Hart,  George  Kane,  William  Kelley,  John  Martin, 
James  McGlochlan,  Daniel  McQueen,  Peter  Mc- 
Queen, Samuel  Powers,  William  Reed,  Daniel 
Savage,  and  Michael  Shannon. 

In  the  assessment  roll  of  1825  are  these  names, 
with  John  Larkin,  Collector:  Simeon  Berry, 
Daniel  Fox,  Martin  M.  Ford,  William  S.  Geer, 
Darius  Gleason,  Jerry,  John,  Reuben,  and  Mander 
Hand,  William  N.  Higgins,  Walter  Hunt,  John 
Peak,  Thomas  Owen,  William  Reed,  and  Hannah 

In  1 81 7  a  meeting  was  held  at  John  Larkin 's 

Richard  Tobin  was  a  native  of  County  Cork, 
Ireland,  and  came  to  the  United  States  in  1832  and 
engaged   in   the   construction   of   the   railroad   from 


252        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Syracuse  to  Auburn.     He  also  followed  farming.     His 
son  Michael  was  born  in  Camillus  in  1837.  ^ 

In  the  biographical  notes  Beauchamp  writes:^ 

Patrick  Fennell  and  his  wife  Helen  McCarthy  were 
natives  of  Ireland.  Patrick  came  to  America  in  early 
life.  He  worked  on  the  construction  of  the  railroad 
from  Syracuse  to  Auburn.  His  son  Martin  was  born 
in  Camillus  in  1842. 

Michael  Coakley,  Camillus,  was  born  in  Canada 
in  1839,  son  of  Michael  and  Catharine  Darrow  Coakley, 
natives  of  Ireland.  In  1847  the  father  died  in  Canada 
and  the  next  year  the  mother  with  her  six  children 
came  to  Syracuse.  From  the  age  of  ten  to  twenty-two 
Michael  Coakley  worked  on  the  canal  and  from  then 
until  1872  owned  a  boat,  and  thereafter  was  engaged 
.chiefly  in  the  grocery  business. 

Edwin  D.  Larkin  was  born  in  Memphis,  New  York. 
He  was  of  English  and  Irish  extraction  but  the 
family  was  established  in  America  prior  to  the  Revolu- 
tionary War. 

'  D.  H.  Bruce. 

*  History  of  Syracuse  and  Onondaga  County. 



IN  1 80 1   the  first  frame  schoolhouse   in  town   was 
erected  in  Elbridge  village  and  in  it  John  Healy 
taught  the  first  term  of  school.^ 

Deacon  Isaac  Hill  was  bom  in  Ireland  in  1781, 
came  here  alone  in  1809,  and  with  his  family  in 
1 8 10,  and  established  at  Elbridge  the  second  store 
in  town.  He  came  from  the  same  place  and,  it  is 
believed,  at  the  same  time  as  James  Glass. 

James  Glass  came  from  County  Armagh,  Ire- 
land, and  settled  in  what  is  now  Elbridge  in  1807. 
He  cleared  a  small  plot  of.  ground  and  built  a  log 
cabin,  then  returned  to  Ireland,  and  married 
Christina  Jenkinson,  and  with  his  bride,  his 
parents,  and  his  brothers  Alexander  and  William 
returned  to  his  woodland  home.  James  Glass  was 
the  son  of  James  and  Margaret  Glass.  There  is 
a  tradition  in  the  family  that  he  witnessed  the  trial 
trip  of  Fulton's  steamboat.  His  children  are 
Margaret,  who  married  Horace  Sunderlin;  Joseph 
J.,  who  married  Sarah  Eliza  Toll;  James,  who 
married    Miss    Sheldon;    Letitia;    Martha,    who 

'  D.  H.  Bruce. 


254        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

married  Hiram  Reed,  and  Oliver,  who  married 
Maria  Mitchell.  Joseph  J.  was  born  in  1810  and 
for  many  years  carried  on  a  large  mercantile  and 
grain  business  at  Memphis.  He  was  adjutant  in 
the  militia  1829-33.  Edgar  Patterson  Glass,  son 
of  Joseph  J.  and  Sarah  Toll  Glass,  was  bom  in 
1849.  He  married  Henrietta  Jessup  and  their 
children  are :  Joseph  Jessup,  Edgar  Toll,  and  Emily 
Julia.  He  has  been  Surrogate  of  Onondaga  for 
many  years. 

In  the  assessment  roll  of  1825  are  the  following 
names:  William  Dunn,  William  Lane,  Thomas 
Ferrel,  John  Healy,  Hugh  McMullen,  Thomas 
Morgan,  Joseph  Malorey,  Alexander  Glass, 
William  Glass,  James  Glass,  Jr.,  Isaac  Hill, 
John  McGown,  David  McKee,  Richard  Mc- 
Claughry,  Daniel  Powel,  and  Comer  Welch. 

A.  G.  Graham  of  Elbridge  was  born  in  Cayuga 
County  in  1 8 1 7 .  His  father  Henry  was  bom  in  Orange 
County  and  his  grandfather  Graham  came  from  the 
north  of  Ireland.  He  was  next  to  the  youngest  of 
twelve  children.  In  1 844  he  married  at  Elbridge  Marie, 
daughter  of  Col.  John  Stevens  and  granddaughter  of 
Col.  William  Stevens,  who  was  an  officer  through  the 
whole  Revolution  and  who  settled  in  Elbridge  in  1793. 

» D.  H.  Bruce. 


WILLIAM  TOBIN  was  in  Otisco  before  1850. 
He  was  the  son  of  John  and  Mary  Hickey 
Tobin,  parish  of  Castle  Island,  County  Kerry. 
The  other  children  of  the  family  came  to  Otisco 
after  William.  They  are:  William,  who  married 
Mary  McGuire;  IMary,  who  married  John  Long; 
John,  who  married  Ann  Sullivan;  Richard,  who 
married  Joanna  Kinney;  Patrick,  who  married 
Ellen  Ready ;  Julia,  who  married  Patrick  Kinsella ; 
and  Cornelius,  who  married  Martha  McGuire. 

The  children  of  Richard  and  Joanna  Kinney 
Tobin  are:  Mary,  who  married  Michael  Lucid; 
Sarah,  who  married  Dennis  Curtin.  Their  other 
children  are  Julia,  Ellen,  James,  John,  Bessie,  and 
Kate,  the  four  first  of  whom  went  to  California. 

John  Hutchinson,  an  Irishman,  and  his  family 
lived  in  Otisco,  on  the  south  side,  about  1820. 
He  worked  for  different  farmers,  among  whom 
was  Edward  Hunt.  Sumner  Lyman  Hunt,  now 
ninety-four  years  old,  the  son  of  Edward  and 
Eunice  Clapp  Hunt,  remembers  John  Hutchinson 
and  the  several  children  of  his  family.  Sumner 
came  to  Geddes  about  1831  and  was  in  at  the 
death  of  the  last  deer  in  that  region  near  Onondaga 


256        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Lake.  He  was  a  teacher  as  well  as  a  mason  by 
trade  and  constructed  many  buildings  in  Syracuse. 

John  Long  came  to  Otisco  in  1847. 

Otisco  was  organized  in  1806.  Its  history  is 
rather  scant. 

Joseph  D.  Hopkins  was  the  first  supervisor  of 
Otisco,  1806. 

Bruce  writes  ^ : 

In  1824  a  meeting  of  citizens  was  held  at  the  Lake 
House  then  kept  by  David  Moore,  and  proceeded  to 
organize  the  Amber  Religious  Society.  The  church 
was  erected  with  the  understanding  that  it  should 
belong  to  no  one  denomination  but  should  be  for  the 
use  of  any  that  desired  it. 

In  the  war  of  18 12  Heman  Griffin  enlisted  from 
this  to wn.^ 

Rev.  J.  V.  Byrne  in  his  history  of  the  Catholic 
church  in  Otisco  in  1906  writes:  "Though  there  is  a 
tradition  that  the  Jesuit  Fathers  encamped  on  the 
shores  of  Otisco  Lake  many  years  previous,  we  have 
no  definite  knowledge  of  the  existence  of  Catholicity 
in  this  section  prior  ^to  1850.  These  first  Catholics 
not  only  found  themselves  in  a  strange  land  but  also 
far  removed  from  the  source  of  their  most  cherished 
comfort,  the  Church.  In  order  to  attend  Mass  and  to 
fulfil  their  other  religious  duties,  for  the  first  three 
years  they  were  obliged  to  go  to  Syracuse.    John 

^Onondaga's  Centennial.  'Ibid, 

Otisco  257 

Shea,  now  of  St.  Leo's  parish,  worked  for  Samuel  B. 
Searles  on  Dutch  Hill,  at  this  time,  and  about  twice 
a  year  he  secured  a  team  from  him  and  took  the 
Longs,  Planigans,  Tobins,  and  William  Donovan  with 
him  to  Syracuse.  It  was  their  custom  to  go  on  the 
eve  of  Christmas  and  Easter  and  remain  until  after 
Mass  on  the  following  feasts.  Many  came  in  the 
following  years. ' 

•  W.  P.  H.  Hewitt. 



THE  first  Catholic  resident  of  Tully  was  Mrs. 
Patrick  Donivan,  who  came  here  about  1848. 
Soon  after  that  year  the  record  gives  the  names  of 
very  many  Irish  families.  ^ 

The  first  settler  in  this  town  was  David  Owen,  who 
came  here  in  1795.  The  first  log  house  in  town  was 
built  by  David  Owen. 

Owen  was  followed  by  Phineas  Henderson. 
Peter  Henderson  was  the  first  child  born  in  the  town, 

Bruce  has  these  notes  and  biographical  sketches  ^ : 

Among  the  settlers  who  also  arrived  about  1801 
was  Edward  Cummings. 

Hugh  Reed,  Supervisor,  1825. 

John  Henderson,  Postmaster. 

Matthew  D.  Cummings  before  1850. 

"Thomas  I.  Butler  was  born  in  Preble,  1867,  the 
third  child  of  Roscoe  and  Catharine  Gleason  Butler, 
he  a  native  of  Preble,  born  in  1835,  and  his  wife 
a  native  of  Ireland.  The  grandfather  of  Thomas  I. 
was  Thomas,  a  native  of  Connecticut,  who  came  to 

'  W.  P.  H.  Hewitt. 
=  J.  V.  H.  Clark. 
3  Dwight  H.  Bruce. 




Preble  In  a  very  early  day  and  there  lived  most  of  his 
days  though  he  died  in  Tully.  The  father  of  Thomas 
I.  was  prominent  in  local  affairs,  having  served  as 
assessor  fifteen  years,  besides  other  offices. 

Sullivan  A.  Carr  was  born  in  Tully  in  1843,  one  of 
twelve  children  of  Almon  and  Arethusa  Morse  Carr. 
His  grandparents  were  Amos  and  Mary  King  Carr. 
His  great-grandfather,  Amos  Carr,  the  founder  of  the 
family  in  this  country,  was  stolen  from  Ireland  and 
brought  here  when  four  years  old.  His  son  Amos  was 
born  in  Litchfield,  Conn.,  and  came  to  Tully  in  1842. 
Almon  Carr  was  born  in  Massachusetts  in  1800. 
He  was  a  mason  by  trade  and  also  owned  a  farm. 
Sullivan  A.  has  had  various  experiences  and  an 
interesting  life. 



Ebenezer  Butler 

EBENEZER  BUTLER,  Sr.,  who  accompanied  his 
son,  Ebenezer,  in  making  the  first  white  settle- 
ment at  Pompey  Hill,  was  born  in  December,  1733.  He 
was  grandson  to  Jonathan  Butler,  one  of  two  Irish 
adventurers  who  came  to  Connecticut  about  the 
year  17 10;  he  served  with  the  Connecticut  troops 
against  the  French  in  the  French  and  Indian  war;  he 
was  with  Washington  in  the  Revolution ;  and  also  in  a 
detachment  called  out  to  suppress  "The  Shays 
Rebellion"  in  1787.  Although  a  farmer  by  occupa- 
tion, after  locating  in  Pompey  he  took  little  part  in 
business  life;  he  was  a  religious  man  and  took  a  very 
active  part  in  organizing  the  first  church  established  in 
Pompey,  being  chosen  one  of  its  trustees.  The  church 
or  religious  society  was  formed  June  16,  1794,  and  was 
called  "The  First  Presbyterian  Society  of  Pompey." 
He  was  also  a  member  of  the  church  subsequently 
organized  in  1800  under  the  name  of  the  "First 
Congregational  Church  of  the  Town  of  Pompey." 
He  lived  in  Pompey  till  his  death,  which  occurred  in 
1829,  enjoying  in  an  unusual  degree  that  choicest 
of  Heaven's  temporal  blessings — good  health.      He 


Pompey  261 

never  was  ill,  and  died  at  the  age  of  ninety-six  years, 
falling  dead  with  a  quantity  of  wood  in  his  arms  which 
he  had  just  been  preparing  for  the  fire.^ 

Ebenezer  Butler,  Jr. 

Ebenezer  Butler,  Junior,  the  first  white  settler  at 
Pompey  Hill  and  within  the  limits  of  the  present 
township,  was  born  at  Harwinton,  Connecticut,  in  1761. 
He  served  as  did  his  father  in  the  Revolutionary  War. 
He  was  taken  prisoner  and  suffered  all  the  hardships 
and  cruelties  imposed  by  the  British  upon  those  un- 
fortunates who  were  confined  on  board  the  "Prison 
Ships"  in  New  York  harbor.  After  his  release  and  at 
the  close  of  the  war  he  returned  to  his  native  town, 
married  Miss  Rebecca  Davis,  and  moved  to  Clinton, 
Oneida  County,  N.  Y.  When  located  there  he  bought 
a  soldier's  claim  to  Lot  No.  65  of  the  town  of  Pompey. 
Tradition  says  he  bought  Lot  65  of  a  soldier  for  a  horse, 
saddle,  and  bridle.  In  1791  or  1792  he  moved  with 
his  family  consisting  of  his  wife  and  four  daughters, 
his  father  aged  about  sixty  years,  and  a  maiden  sister 
Mary,  who  afterwards  married  Rufus  JohnvSon,  to,  and 
made  a  settlement  upon  this  lot,  at  what  is  now 
Pompey  Hill.  He  built  a  log  house  for  himself,  an- 
other for  his  father  and  sister.  He  afterwards  in  1797 
put  up  the  first  frame  building  in  this  vicinity  and  here 
kept  a  hotel  (tavern)  for  a  number  of  years.  He  was 
largely  engaged  in  buying  and  selling  real  estate  and 
for  many  years  also  bought  cattle  in  Central  New 
York  and  drove  them  to  Philadelphia  market.  Be- 
fore he  came  to  Pompey  in  1791  he  was  collector 
of  the  district  of  Whitestown.     He  was  Supervisor  of 

'  Reunion  and  History  of  Pompey. 

262        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

the  town  of  Pompey,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  a  member 
of  the  State  Legislature,  in  1799  and  1800,  Judge  of  the 
County  Court,  and  one  of  the  first  trustees  of  the 
Pompey  Academy.  He  was  associated  with  the  first 
company  formed  for  the  manufacture  of  salt  at 
Salina.  He  left  Pompey  in  1802  or  1803  and  moved 
to  Manlius  until  181 1  and  then  moved  to  Central 
Ohio  where  his  descendants  rank  among  the  first 
families  of  the  State.  He  was  known  as  Judge 
Butler  and  gave  his  name  to  the  hill  which  was  called 
Butler's  hill  until  181 1  when  it  became  Pompey  Hill. 
Jesse  Butler,  son  of  Ebenezer  Butler,  Sr.,  was  born  in 
Bradford,  Conn.,  in  1764.  He  came  to  Pompey  in  the 
spring  of  1792  and  bought  of  his  brother  Ebenezer,  Jr., 
one  hundred  acres  of  land.  The  next  year  he  brought 
his  family  from  Connecticut  to  make  their  home  at 
Pompey  Hill.     His  wife  was  Louisa  Soper.^ 

The  following  notes  of  Pompey  are  extracus 
from  the  various  authors  of  the  Bibliography : 

According  to  the  census  of  1840  Benjamin  Hayes 
was  upon  the  pension  rolls.  He  was  then  82  years  of 
age  and  the  head  of  a  family. 

Isaac  Moore  must  have  been  but  a  mere  lad  when  he 
enlisted  in  Capt.  Isaac  Hubbell's  company.  Col.  Lamb's 
artillery  regiment,  for  the  War  of  Independence  as  he 
was  but  56  years  of  age  when  he  signed  his  application 
in  1820.  He  placed  the  value  of  all  his  property  at 
$131  and  debts  which  were  owing  him. 

William  Dean  was  a  church  trustee  in  1809. 
'  Reunion  and  History  of  Pompey. 

Pompey  263 

Thomas  Grimes  was  a  church  trustee  in  18 10.  His 
wife  was  Mary  Grimes. 

William  O'Farrell  was  church  trustee  in  1810. 

The  first  lawyer  who  settled  in  this  town  was 
Samuel  Miles  Hopkins,  who  made  but  a  short  stay. 
He  afterwards  moved  to  Geneseo  and  became  quite  a 
distinguished  man. 

James  and  Samuel  Curry  located  in  Pompey  about 
1800  on  farms. 

The  Lillys  came  about  1800.  On  the  top  of  the  hill 
they  built  a  blacksmith  shop  and  were  for  a  long  time 
the  only  as  they  were  the,  first  blacksmiths  who 
carried  on  this  business  in  this  locality. 

James  McClure  located  in  Delphi,  1792. 

Daniel  McKeys  was  in  a  church  organization  in 
1796.     Clark  has  the  name  Daniel  Mark. 

Sally,  wife  of  Philo  McKay,  died  nine  days  after 
her  son  Henry  in  1829.     Epitaph. 

McEvers  was  an  early  settler  in  Pompey. 

In  1797  Mr.  Savage  settled  at  Delphi. 

John  Pollock  and  wife,  Elizabeth  Cameron  Pollock, 
came  to  Pompey  early.  He  was  a  linen  weaver  from 
Londonderry,  Ireland,  but  devoted  himself  to  farming 
in  Pompey.  He  was  the  son  of  John  and  Catharine 
Hunter  Pollock.  His  son  was  John,  born  in  Ireland, 
and  his  grandson  Joseph  C.  was  born  in  Pompey  in 

264        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

In  March,  1835,  Francis  Murphy ,  a  peddler  returning 
from  Cazenovia,  sought  shelter  from  the  storm  at 
the  home  of  David  F.  Dodge.  This  incident  led  to 
the  conversion  to  the  Catholic  faith  of  David  Dodge 
and  his  wife  Ada  Roberts  Dodge.  Thereafter  many 
Irish  came  to  Pompey,  finding  protection  in  their 
religion  in  this  influential  family.  It  is  an  oft-told 

Patrick  Shields  was  an  early  settler  at  Delphi.  He 
married  the  widow  of  Major  Samuel  Sherwood,  who 
located  on  Lot  84  in  1795  and  died  in  i8ii. 

An  epitaph  in  Delphi  Cemetery  reads: 
John  Shields  1 747-1832. 
Jane  his  wife  1 751-1839. 
Patrick  Shields  July  20,  1867.     Age  91. 

Rev.  James  0'Donnell,an  Augustinian,  officiated  in 
Pompey  in  1836. 

Jonathan  Russell,  1794. 



FH.  CHASE  transcribes  the  military  record  of 
•     Daniel  Conner ' : 

In  the  year  1775  at  the  time  of  the  alarm  at 
Lexington,  Daniel  Conner  enlisted  for  six  months  in  a 
company,  commanded  by  William  King  and  served 
out  that  time.  Then  he  again  enlisted  in  the  same 
company,  which  was  in  Colonel  A¥ood's  regiment  in  the 
Massachusetts  line.  This  six  months'  service  however 
was  in  Colonel  Fellows'  regiment  in  the  same  line  and 
he  served  out  the  full  period  of  his  enlistment,  After 
that  time  had  expired  he  again  enlisted,  this  time 
for  three  years  in  Captain  Warren's  company,  Colonel 
Bailey's  Second  Massachusetts  regiment,  and  he 
served  out  the  full  period  of  that  enlistment.  Then 
Conner  enlisted  for  and  during  the  war  in  Captain 
Bradford's  company,  Colonel  Sprout's  regiment, 
Massachusetts  line,  serving  out  the  full  period,  being 
discharged  at  the  close  of  the  war  at  New  Windsor, 
in  June  or  July,  1783.  Here  was  a  complete  record 
of  Revolutionary  service  from  the  night  of  Paul 
Revere's  historic  ride  to  the  close  of  the  struggle. 
In  1820  Conner  said  he  was  67  years  old,  and  that  all 
the  property  he  owned  in  the  world  was  only  worth  $56. 

'  Onondaga's  Soldiers  of  the  Revolution. 

266        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

His  occupation  was  that  of  a  laborer  and  he  said  that 
taking  one  day  with  another,  he  was  only  able  to  do 
about  a  half  a  day's  work  on  the  average.  His  wife 
was  56  years  old,  and  he  had  three  daughters,  age  21, 
14,  and  12.  His  list  of  domestic  utensils  showed 
only  enough  cups,  saucers,  chairs,  etc.,  for  the  family. 
There  was  no  provision  made  for  company. 

Josiah  Moore  was  one  of  the  two  first  settlers  in  the 
town  of  Fabius  in  the  year  1794.  They  erected  the 
first  log  houses  in  town  and  for  the  first  year  were 
entirely  alone.  Moore  built  a  frame  house  in  1800. 
His  son  Charles  was  born  in  1796. 

David  Joy  was  a  trustee  of  the  first  organized 
society  in  Fabius  in  1805.  Luther  St.  John  and  Polly 
Joy  were  married  in  1804.^ 

Among  the  residents  of  Fabius  before  1850  were 
the  Dean  family,  John  Tobin,  Thomas  Dunn,  Miles 
B.  Hackett,  and  Dr.  Lorenzo  Heffron.  Among  the 
merchants  were  Charles  Downs,  and  Miles  Cummings.  ^ 

Dr.  John  T.  Doran,  Apulia,  was  admitted  to  the 
Onondaga  Medical  Society  in  1823.^ 

'  J.  V.  H.  Clark. 
'  D.  H.  Bruce. 



Patrick  McGee 

THE  story  of  Patrick  McGee  strikes  a  responsive 
chord  in  the  hearts  of  nature  lovers  who 
visit  Three  River  Point.  The  modern  picnic  or 
fishing  party  where  the  rivers  meet  is  only  a 
continuation  of  the  revels  of  centuries.  Patrick 
McGee  strikes  a  nearer  chord  in  his  experience 
at  Harbor  Brook.  Later  authors  say  Chittenango 
Creek.     Clark  gives  the  story ' : 

The  name  Harbor  Brook,  in  this  town,  Salina,  was 
obtained  under  the  following  circumstances.  At 
the  time  Sir  John  Johnson  with  his  Indian  and  Tory 
allies  made  an  incursion  into  the  Mohawk  Valley,  in 
1779,  the  party  forming  the  expedition  had  proceeded 
from  Niagara  along  the  Ontario  lake  shore  to  Oswego 
and  up  the  river  to  Onondaga  Lake.  For  fear  of 
discovery  if  their  boats  were  left  on  the  lake  shore 
they  ran  them  up  this  small  stream  among  the  thick 
bushes  and  brakes.  A  party  was  sent  from  Fort 
Schuyler  to  destroy  them,  but  did  not  succeed  in 
ascertaining  where  they  were  concealed;  but  were 
surprised   during    the   search,    taken   prisoners,    and 

'  J.  V.  H.  Clark,  vol.  ii.,  pp.  152-153. 

268        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

carried  captive  to  Canada.  On  the  first  night  of  their 
departure,  they  encamped  for  the  night  at  Three  River 
Point,  where  the  prisoners  were  bound  and  tied  to 
trees  until  morning.  Captain  Patrick  McGee  was 
one  of  the  prisoners,  and  was  so  much  pleased  with  the 
beauty  of  the  place  at  this  time,  at  the  junction  of  the 
rivers^  that  at  the  close  of  the  war,  he  selected  it  for 
his  residence,  spent  the  residue  of  his  life  there,  and 
was  buried  on  the  spot  he  had  previously  selected  for 
that  piurpose.  These  facts  were  related  by  him  during 
his  life. 

The  first  white  settler  in  this  town  (Clay),  then 
Lysander  (then  Cicero  and  afterwards  Clay),  was 
Patrick  McGee,  at  Three  River  Point,  in  1793.^ 

The  first  town  (Cicero)  meeting  was  held  at  the 
house  of  Patrick  McGee,  at  Three  River  Point, 

When  Mr.  McGee  first  visited  this  place  (Three 
River  Point),  which  was  in  1780  (above  says  1779), 
while  a  prisoner  to  the  British,  on  his  way  to  Fort 
Oswego  and  Canada,  there  was  an  extensive  clearing 
at  this  point,  handsomely  laid  in  grass,  without  a 
shrub  or  tree  for  something  like  a  mile  or  more  along 
the  banks  of  each  river.  This  spot  was  often  appro- 
priated to  the  holding  of  the  great  coimcils  of  the 
Iroquois  confederacy.  Upon  this  spot,  Dekinissora, 
Sadekanaghte,  and  Garangula  have  addressed  the 
braves  of  the  Hiirons  and  Adirondacks  and  the 
Abenaquis.     And   here,  too,  have    the  French  and 

'  J.  V.  H.  Clark,  vol.  ii.,  p.  190. 
'Ibid.,  vol.  ii.,  p.   177. 

Clay  269 

the  English  met  in  these  distinguished  chiefs,  c«"ators 
and  diplomats  equal  to  themselves  in  all  that  pertains 
to  sagacity  and  skill,  ^ 

Before  permanently  locating  at  Three  River  Point, 
Patrick  McGee  settled  at  Brewerton  in  1791  and  that 
year  erected  the  first  frame  house  in  this  town,  which 
was  occupied  as  a  tavern  by  him.  It  was  a  great  place 
of  resort  for  boatmen  and  townsmen.^ 

Early  settlers:  1804,  James  McNaughton  and 
John  McNaughton,  his  father,  in  Dutch  settlement. 
1827  and  later  are  William  Duffaney,  John  F.  Hicks, 

Peter  Connell,  Joseph  A.  Hughes, Dean,  Edwin 

Carey,  Thomas  H.  Scott,  John  Coughtry,  Clarence 
Hart,  Henry  S.  McMechen,  Dr.  Hays  McKinley,  in 
the  Onondaga  Medical  Society  in  1840,  and  Edward 
Connell.  In  1836  Lansing  Connell  was  born.  1844, 
R.  Bruce  McQueen  and  Robert  R.  Flynn,  a  merchant.* 

Edward  Connell,  brother  of  Peter  and  Isaac,  was 
born  in  Lafayette  in  1818.  His  early  life  was  spent 
in  hard  work  clearing  up  the  forests  near  North 
Syracuse  in  the  town  of  Clay.  He  was  engaged  in 
mercantile  business  in  Baldwinsville  and  Lysander 
until  1882.'' 

R.  Bruce  McQueen  was  born  in  Clay,  1844,  son  of 
Robert  and  Nancy  McQueen.  The  father  was  born 
in  Liverpool,  Onondaga  County,  in  1821.     The  family 

'  J.  V.  H.  Clark,  vol.  ii.,  p.  190. 

'Ibid.,  vol.  ii.,  p.  173. 

3  D.  H.  Bruce. 

<  Baldwinsville  Gazette. 

270        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

are  of  Irish  ancestry,  the  grandfather  John  McQueen 
coming  from  Ireland  and  fought  in  the  war  of  1812/ 

Gilbert  McKinley  was  born  in  Clay,  1834,  son  of 
Hugh  McKinley,  a  native  of  Albany  County,  and 
Nancy  Ladell  McKinley  of  Johnstown.^ 

'  D.  H.  Bruce. 
^  Ibid. 


RUCE  says: 

Chester  Loomis  came  to  Cicero  in  1823  and  pur- 
chased the  farm  of  150  acres  upon  which  a  Mr.  Lynch 
had  built  a  substantial  dwelling  in  1809. 

Isaac  Cody  was  the  first  merchant  in  Cicero.  He 
erected  a  store  at  Cicero  Corners  in  1818,  filled  it  with 
goods,  and  did  quite  an  extensive  business. 

When  Cicero  was  in  its  early  days  called  Cody's 
Corners,  Mrs.  Isaac  Cody  was  known  as  the  first 
"New  Woman"  in  Onondaga  County.  She  was  a 
business  woman,  a  store-keeper  and  a  reformer.  She 
was  the  first  woman  to  enter  mercantile  business. 

Thomas  Larkin  came  to  this  country  when  quite 
young.  He  was  born  in  Ireland,  where  his  wife  Ann 
Walker  was  born.  He  enlisted  in  149th  N.  Y.  Vols, 
and  served  until  the  close  of  the  war.  It  is  thought  he 
was  killed  on  his  way  home. 

Settlers  before  1840,  William  McKinley,  George 
Butler,  Sr.,  and  Burr  Hackett.  William  and  Maria 
Collins,  1847.  Henry  C.  Hart,  a  cavalryman  at 
Sacketts  Harbor  in  war  of  18 12. 




JOHN  YOUNG,  Revolutionary  soldier,  settled  in 
Orville  in  1790.  He  had  six  sons  and  three 
daughters.  He  kept  the  first  tavern  and  was  Justice 
of  Peace  many  years.  ^ 

John  Cockley  was  one  of  the  few  soldiers  of  the 
New  York  line  who  settled  in  Onondaga,  the  County 
being  principally  attractive  to  New  England  soldiers. 
His  patriotic  service  was  for  eight  years  from  July, 
1775,  to  June,  1783,  the  entire  period  of  the  war.  At 
first  he  was  in  Colonel  Goose  Van  Schaick's  regiment 
and  afterwards  in  Colonel  Nicholson's  regiment.  In 
February,  1777,  Cockley  enlisted  to  serve  during  the 
war  in  Col.  Van  Schaick's  New  York  troop,  in  Captain 
McKean's  company,  and  afterwards  in  other  com- 
panies in  the  same  regiment  until  the  close  of  the 
war.  The  entire  value  of  his  property,  Mr.  Cockley 
said,  was  just  $2.37.  This  included  a  pair  of  spectacles, 
a  tobacco  box,  and  two  dollars  in  cash.  Mr.  Cockley 
was  then  64  years  of  age,  a  farmer,  and  lived  and  was 
dependent  upon  his  son  Cornelius  Cockley.^ 

The  enlistment  of  Joseph  Hennigan  was  in  the  New 
York  line  in  Colonel  Wynkoop's  regiment  for  one 

'  F.  H.  Chase. 
» Ibid. 


Manlius  273 

year.  Then  he  enlisted  in  the  same  company  in  the 
regiment  of  Colonel  Moses  Hazen  for  three  years  and 
was  discharged  at  Fishkill  the  year  before  the  peace. 
The  entire  property  of  Hennigan  was  worth  $162.72 
and  he  had  debts  of  $110.25.  The  patriot's  age  in 
1820  was  61.^ 

In  the  census  returns  of  1840  is  found  the  record  of 
Silas  Burke,  a  pensioner  of  the  War  of  the  Revolution. 
He  also  resided  in  Dewitt.^ 

Robert  Wilson 

During  the  War  of  the  Revolution  Robert  Wilson 
accompanied  his  uncle  Captain  Gregg  to  Fort  Schuyler 
and  was  desirous  of  accompanying  him  at  the  time  he 
was  shot  and  scalped  but  on  account  of  his  youth,  only 
thirteen  years  of  age,  and  the  apparent  danger  was  not 
permitted.  He  was  appointed  an  ensign  at  the  age  of 
eighteen  and  soon  after  received  a  lieutenant's  com- 
mission and  served  through  the  war — was  at  the 
taking  of  Cornwallis  and  was  ordered  to  superintend 
the  receiving  of  the  British  standards,  forty-eight  in 
number.  When  the  officers  of  the  British  army  were 
drawn  up  to  present  their  colors,  as  many  American 
sergeants  were  directed  to  secure  them.  The  British 
officers  refused  to  deliver  them  into  the  hands  of  non- 
commissioned officers,  and  Colonel  Hamilton  seeing 
the  confusion  and  delay  ordered  Lieutenant  Wilson  to 
receive  them  and  pass  them  to  the  hands  of  the 
sergeants,  which  he  did  by  passing  between  the  two 

'  F.  H.  Chase.  =»  Ibid. 


274        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

ranks  from  one  end  to  the  other,  to  the  satisfaction  of 
all.     (Wilson's  own  relation.)  ^ 

Captain  James  Gregg  was  of  the  Irish  London- 
derry colony  of  New  Hampshire  partially  transplanted 
in  New  York.  He  was  one  of  the  commanders  of 
the  garrison  at  Fort  Schuyler  and  Robert  Wilson  was 
with  him  when  it  was  invested  by  St.  Leger  in  1777. 
Captain  Gregg  and  a  companion  and  his  nephew 
started  from  the  fort  one  day  to  hunt.  Signs  of 
Indians  in  the  neighborhood  caused  the  uncle  to  send 
the  lad  Robert  back  to  the  fort  while  he  and  his  com- 
panion and  his  dog  continued  on  their  way.  They 
were  attacked  by  Indians  and  Gregg  was  scalped. 
His  dog  travelled  a  mile  or  more  to  some  fishermen  and 
led  them  to  follow  him  to  Gregg,  whom  they  carried 
to  the  fort,  where  he  recovered.^ 

Lieutenant  Wilson  was  eighteen  years  of  age  when 
he  received  the  British  standards  at  the  taking  of 
Cornwallis.  ^ 

Robert  Wilson  was  postmaster  for  Manlius  from 
1803  to  1809.     He  was  also  Justice  of  the  Peace* 

The  second  settler  in  Manlius  was  Charles  Mul- 
holland,  an  Irishman,  who  lived  in  a  log  house.  He 
came  in  1 792 ,  the  same  year  in  which  the  first  settler 
arrived.  He  owned  a  considerable  share  of  Lot  98. 
The  southeast  corner  of  Lot  86  was  occupied  by  Mr. 

^J.  V.  H.  Clark,  vol.  ii.,  p.  215. 

2  James  Haltigan,  The  Irish  in  the  American  Revolution, 

3  Ibid. 

4J.  V.H.Clark.  . 

Manllus  275 

Cunningham.     William  Ward  owned  the  whole  Lot 

At  this  place,  Eagle  Village,  occurred  one  of  the 
most  singular  weddings  on  record.  It  was  upon  a 
training  day,  first  Monday  in  June,  1795.  A  company 
training  was  held  at  Foster's  tavern.  The  company 
were  paraded  in  the  open  yard  in  front  of  Foster's 
house,  a  hollow  square  was  formed  within  which  the 
wedding  party  marched  and  stood  and  Cyrus  Kinne, 
Esq.,  united  in  the  bonds  of  holy  wedlock,  Mr.  Billy 
McKee  and  Miss  Jenny  Mulholland.  Considering  the 
simplicity  of  the  times,  the  rare  occurrence  of  such 
an  event,  the  elevated  position  of  the  high  contracting 
parties,  and  the  practices  then  prevalent  on  such 
occasions,  we  cannot  but  infer  that  the  witnesses 
and  all  present  must  have  had  a  most  splendid 

Daniel  Mulholland  is  registered  as  a  member  of  a 
lodge  in  1802.  The  annual  meetings  of  the  town  of 
Manlius  after  Onondaga  was  set  off  were  held  at  the 
house  of  John  Delany  in  Manlius  village  for  three 
years,  1794-97-98.  Daniel  Griffin,  harness  maker, 
1797-  James  and  Cummings,  business  firm,  1805. 
Robbins  and  Callighan,  business  firm,  1804.  John 
O'Neil,  early  settler,  1805. ^  The  Fleming  family 
came  to  Manlius  from  Maryland  about  18 10.  John 
Fleming,  Jr.,  lawyer,  1827.'* 

John  Hickey  of  Pompey  came  to  Fayetteville  when 

'  J.  V.  H.  Clark. 

=>  Ibid. 

i  Ibid. 

4  G.  S.  Strong. 

276        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

a  mere  lad.     He  was  born  in  1837  in  Ireland,  son  of 
James  and  Elizabeth  Hickey.^ 

Hartsville  received  its  name  from  a  Mr.  Hart  who 
made  a  purchase  of  the  water-power  at  that  place  in 

Manlius  village  was  incorporated  on  April  30,  1842, 
with  Robert  Fleming  elected  president  of  the  board 
of  trustees.  Hiram  Hopkins  was  elected  trustee. 
Early  settlers:  Daniel  McNeil,  a  hotel-keeper,  Mr. 
Logan,  a  tailor,  John  G.  Riley,  saw-mill.  Dr.  Archi- 
bald Stevenson  came  from  Ireland  to  North  Manlius.  ^ 

Cornelius  O'  Brien,  JohnCoughlin,  Patrick  Holloran, 
and  Patrick  Keohane  located  in  Fayetteville  probably 
before  1847. 

Bruce  states  r^ 

St.  Mary's  Catholic  church  was  organized  in  1833 
in  a  schoolhouse.  A  small  frame  church  was  erected 
in  1834.  The  first  mass  was  celebrated  at  the  home  of 
John  Farrell.  Subsequently  mass  was  celebrated  at 
his  home  and  in  the  homes  of  John  McCarrick,  John 
O'Brien,  Jeremiah  Bohan,  John  Murphy,  and  Thomas 

Thomas  Behan,  Mother  Grimes,  Polly  Grimes,  and 
Joseph  Grimes  were  early  settlers.  ^ 

'  Bruce. 
"  Clark.     ' 

3  Bruce. 

4  Ibid. 

s  H.  C.  Van  Schaack. 

Manlius  277 

There  were  but  two  Catholic  families  in  1840  within 
the  limits  of  the  parish  comprising  the  villages  of 
Fayetteville  and  Manlius,  John  Farrell  and  John 
Murphy.  The  next  to  take  up  his  residence,  in  1841, 
was  John  Costello,  who  came  here  from  Canada.  ^ 

Edward  Gaynor  and  his  brothers  Patrick,  Michael, 
and  John  and  their  descendants  have  a  share  in  the 
development  of  the  County,  particularly  in  Fayette- 

W.  W.  Clayton  says:* 

The  nucleus  of  the  present  church  of  the  Immacu- 
late Conception  was  formed  by  several  families  resid- 
ing at  Fayetteville  and  Manlius  Square  from  1846- 
1855.  Among  these  may  be  mentioned  John  Farrell, 
John  McCarrick,  John  O'Brien,  and  Jeremiah  Bohan 
of  the  former  place,  and  Edward  Gaynor,  John  Sheedy, 
Patrick  Holland,  Timothy  Holland,  John  Shea,  Patrick 
Tobin,  William  Griffin,  John  Kennelly,  Patrick 
Maloney,  Michael  Foley,  Thomas  Flattery,  and  others 
residing  at  Manlius  Square. 

'  W.  P.  H.  Hewitt. 

'  W.  W.  Clayton,  p.  373. 


John  McHarrie 

CLARK  in  his  numerous  references  to  John 
McHarrie  does  not  mention  his  nationality. 
Bruce  simply  states  he  was  of  Scotch  ancestry. 
Beauchamp  in  various  articles  on  this  pioneer 
does  not  tell  his  nationality.  He  stated,  however, 
that  McHarrie  was  most  certainly  Irish  or  of  Irish 
descent.  Col.  John  M.  Strong  also  said  that 
both  John  McHarrie  and  his  wife  were  Irish,  that 
his  father,  who  came  to  this  County  in  1801,  and 
who  knew  the  McHarries  well,  had  so  informed 

Dr.  Jonas  C.  Baldwin  and  wife  lodged  in  1797  with 
a  Mr.  McHarrie  who  had  then  settled  on  the  south 
bank  of  the  river.  ^ 

The  first  settlements  were  made  (in  Van  Buren)  in 
1 792-1 794  by  John  McHarrie  and  others.^ 

Knowing  McHarrie's  Rifts  to  be  an  excellent  water 
power  the  settlers  drew  up  a  memorial  and  sent  it  on 
in  1807  to  Dr.  Baldwin.^ 

'  Clark,  vol.  ii.,  p.  163. 

*  Ibid.,  vol.  ii.,  p.  328. 

3  Ibid.,  vol.  ii.,  p.  163. 


Van  Buren  279 

John  McHarrie  was  the  first  permanent  settler 
in  the  northern  part  of  the  town  (Van  Buren),  where  he 
located  probably  in  1792,  although  the  date  is  given 
1794  on  the  gravestone  of  his  son,  John,  Jr.,  who  died 
in  1834.  This  pioneer  was  a  veteran  of  the  Revolution. 
He  removed  his  family  from  Maryland  to  the  Seneca 
country  and  thence  proceeded  down  the  Seneca  River 
to  Lot  7  at  what  became  known  as  "McHarrie's 
Rifts"  near  Baldwinsville.  He  died  there  November 
26,  1807,  at  the  age  of  fifty-five  years  and  was  buried 
in  a  field  near  his  home.  John  McHarrie,  Jr.,  was  the 
only  son  of  the  pioneer  and  left  no  descendants  but  a 
daughter  Lydia,  who  married  Gabriel  Tappan.* 

McHarrie  had  discovered  an  ideal  spot  for  his 
wilderness  home.  Fish  and  game  abounded  and  he 
found  considerable  occupation  in  helping  boats 
through  the  rifts  in  their  up-river  trips.  A  ford 
crossed  the  river  at  that  point.  ^ 

John  McHarrie  and  Gabriel  Tappan  built  an 
early  mill  on  Lot  7.  McHarrie  sold  land,  built  houses, 
etc.  The  place  was  called  McHarrie's  Rifts  and 
Macksville.  The  first  grass  was  cut  in  Lysander  by 
John  McHarrie  in  about  1796.  It  was  "wild  grass, " 
there  being  no  other  grass  to  be  found  in  this  section 
at  that  period.  The  first  apple  trees  were  set  out  in 
the  town  of  Lysander  by  John  McHarrie  in  about 

The  Souvenir  Edition,  1896,  of  the  Baldwinsville 

•Bruce,  vol.  i.,  p.  713. 
'  Bruce,  vol.  i.,  p.  719. 

28o        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Gazette  and  Farmer^ s  Journal  contains  an  article  on 
early  settlers  by  the  Rev.  W.  M.  Beauchamp, 
S.T.D.  In  it  are  these  references  to  John 
McHarrie : 

The  land  was  bought  of  John  McHarrie,  the  earliest 
settler  on  the  spot.  He  came  there  possibly  in  1792, 
certainly  as  early  as  1794,  and  the  place  was  known 
as  McHarrie's  Rifts  from  him.  Until  1840  it  appeared 
on  county  maps  as  Macksville. 

John  McHarrie  bought  500  acres  out  of  this  (Lot  7) 
on  the  Van  Buren  side  for  seventy-five  cents  per 
acre.  On  the  south  side  in  1825  the  owners  of  Lot  7 
(among  others)  was  John  McHarrie. 

The  Baldwinsville  Soldiers'  Monument  has  also  a 
good  list  of  Revolutionary  soldiers  and  others  are  in 
the  pension  lists  of  1822  and  1840.  Among  these  is 
the  name  of  McHarrie. 

We  were  sorry  to  learn  on  inquiry  that  there  is  no 
picture  in  existence  of  John  McHarrie.^ 

In  1827  John  McHarrie  sold  the  first  village  lot 
south  of  the  river.  It  should  be  said  that  this  was  a 
son  of  the  first  John  McHarrie,  the  latter  having 
died  November  26,  1807,  at  the  age  of  55  years.  He 
came  from  Maryland.^ 

The  name  McHarrie  is  uncommon — almost 
unknown.  It  is  spelled  McHarrie  and  McHarry, 
and  this  member  of  the  family  was  called  by  the 
prefix  Mc,  that  is  Mac  or  Mack.     He  came  from 

I  Baldwinsville  Gazette. 
'  Beauchamp. 

Van  Buren  281 

Maryland  where  the  Irish  were  numerous  from 
the  earliest  colonial  days.  The  name  readily 
suggests  the  name  McHenry  and  McSherry  as  well 
as  O'Hara.  The  testimony  of  Rev.  W.  M.  Beau- 
champ  and  Col.  John  M.  Strong  that  this  particular 
member  of  the  family  was  Irish  either  by  birth  or 
descent  must  be  accepted. 

A  Revolutionary  soldier,  a  woodsman,  river- 
man,  farmer,  builder,  John  McHarrie  must  have 
been  a  valuable  member  of  the  little  colony  in  the 
wilderness.  He  must  have  been  in  touch  with  all 
the  events  of  those  days  when  as  host  he  received 
the  travellers,  and  as  guide  helped  them  on  their 
way  through  the  Rifts.  His  wife  no  doubt  shared 
the  labors  and  pleasures  of  the  forest  home.  She 
was  well  known  and  esteemed  in  the  County  more 
than  a  century  ago.  The  regret  is  that  so  little 
is  now  known  of  this  pioneer  Irish  woman. 

Bruce  has  the  following  among  Van  Buren 
notes  :^ 

Property  owners  in  1807:  William  Lakin,  John 
McHarrie,  John  Cunningham,  and  Joseph  Wilson. 

Owners  in  1825 — John  McGee,  Joseph  Hopkins, 
William   McClain,   William   Welch,   William   Caine, 

Laughlin,   John   Ford,   Pardon   Hart,    Stephen 

Hart,  James  Rogers,  Robert  Rogers,  and  Robert  B. 
Cunningham  heirs. 

Daniel  Savage,  a  pioneer  of  181 1.  John  Savage, 
a  landowner  in  18 16.     Richard  McLaury,  near  Ionia 

'  D.  H.  Bruce. 

282        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

in  1816.  Dr.  William  Laughlin  in  18 16.  Hazel 
Henderson  in  18 16.  The  McGee  family  in  1815. 
Inn-keeper  McKown  in  1795.  Timothy  J.  Handy  in 

A  religious  society  organized  in  1818  had  among 
its  members  Elijah  Shaw,  Daniel  Godfrey,  John  Cox, 
and  John  Ford. 

John  Dunn  was  the  first  resident  of  the  town.  He 
lived  there  several  years,  when  his  wife  died  and  he 
went  away.* 

L.  D.  Scisco  says:^ 

The  first  permanent  settler  in  the  town  was  Joseph 
Wilson,  a  native  of  Limerick,  Ireland,  whence  he 
emigrated  when  his  son  Robert  was  seven  years  old. 
He  lived  for  a  time  in  Washington  County  and  settled 
in  this  town  in  1792  on  the  "survey-fifty"  of  Lot  38, 
and  died  there  early  in  the  present  century,  leaving 
several  children  from  whom  are  descended  many 
families  now  resident  in  the  town.  John,  James,  and 
Robert  Wilson  were  sons  of  the  pioneer  and  of  his 
daughters,  Martha  married  David  Haynes,  Elizabeth 
married  William  Lakin,  and  Isabella  married  Samuel 
Marvin.  A  grandson  also  named  Joseph  was  promi- 
nent in  the  town  at  about  the  date  of  its  organization. 

John  Cunningham 

John  Cunningham,  the  soldier,  was  the  only  one 
out  of  the  thirty-four  soldiers  of  the  New  York  line 
drawing  military  lots  in  the  present  town  of  Van 

^  Clark. 

'  Louis  Dow  Scisco. 

Van  Buren  283 

Buren  to  settle  upon  his  claim.  Even  in  this  case  it 
appears  that  he  sold  his  title  and  then  repurchased  it. 
He  was  a  bombardier  and  drew  Lot  38.  Cunningham 
was  a  soldier  in  Captain  Machin's  company  of  an 
artillery  regiment.  His  company  took  part  in  the 
expedition  against  the  Onondagas  in  1779.  Cunning- 
ham came  to  Van  Buren  in  1808  from  Newburgh,  N.  Y. 
He  is  said  to  have  been  of  Irish  birth  and  his  wife  to 
have  been  a  Scotch  woman  named  Elizabeth  Nichol- 
son. His  son  John  passed  his  life  in  Van  Buren  but 
no  descendants  are  left.  Robert  H.,  another  son,  was 
killed  by  accident  in  1825  and  his  descendants  are  also 
gone.  Catharine,  daughter  of  the  pioneer,  married 
Samuel  Howe  and  from  them  are  descended  members 
of  the  Howe,  Haynes,  Crum,  Van  Wie,  Reed,  O'Brien, 
and  other  families. 

John  Cunningham,  the  Revolutionary  soldier,  died 
about  1830.^ 

Dr.  William  Laughlin  was  a  native  of  Ireland  and 
in  his  young  manhood  taught  school  in  Saratoga 
County.  He  located  at  Wellington  in  the  town  of 
Van  Biiren  in  1816,  where  he  continued  to  teach  while 
studying  medicine.  He  received  a  license  at  Fairfield 
in  1823  and  practised  all  his  life  at  what  is  now 
Memphis.  He  died  in  1862  aged  seventy  years.  He 
was  a  thorough  scholar.^ 

An  Indian  Legend  ^ 

Ta-oun-ya-wat-ha,  the  deity  who  presides  over 

'  Louis  Dow  Scisco. 
»D.  H.  Bruce. 

3  Clark,  vol.  i.,  p.  41.  The  legend  has  not  been  literally  ab- 
stracted, but  condensed  from  several  pages  of  Clark's  Onondaga. 

284        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

fisheries  and  the  hunting  ground,  resolved  to 
explore  the  country  about  Cross  Lake.  While 
upon  the  water  he  observed  in  all  directions 
skeletons  of  men,  swimming  about  on  the  surface. 
Investigating  further  he  found  two  monstrous  red 
feathered  animals  with  long  and  arched  necks,  one 
on  each  side  of  the  Seneca  River,  He  paddled 
the  White  Canoe  ashore  and  after  a  furious  struggle 
killed  one  of  the  monsters.  He  pursued  the  other 
to  Oneida  and  back  to  Salina.  After  a  desperate 
struggle  the  monster  was  finally  slain  and  the  sand 
knolls  so  frequent  in  that  neighborhood  were 
thrown  up  by  his  dying  exertions.  At  length  he 
began  to  decay  and  myriads  of  musketoes  were 
the  offspring  of  the  decomposing  mass,  which 
completely  filled  the  country.  A  disagreeable 
effluvia  arose  from  it,  which  spread  far  and  wide 
and  was  frequently  the  cause  of  fatal  and  violent 
diseases;  the  decaying  matter  also  discolored  the 
water  in  the  swamps  and  ever  since  they  have 
been  considered  unfit  for  drinking. 



THERE  were  no  so-called  Scotch-Irish  among 
the  Onondaga  pioneers.  In  modern  days 
much  stress  is  laid  by  the  Scotch-Irish  on  the 
settlement  of  the  Scotch  in  the  north  of  Ireland, 
but  the  previous  settlements  in  Scotland  by  the 
Irish  are  ignored.  These  hyphenated  Irish  must 
be  either  Scotch  or  Irish.  They  cannot  be  both 
nor  even  hyphenated  if  a  classification  is  ever  to 
be  reached.  Nationality  is  transmitted  with 
the  surname  or  the  hyphenated  adjectives  would 
be  unwieldy.  The  inhabitants  of  Great  Britain 
and  Ireland  are  neighbors  and  migrated  again  and 
again  from  one  place  to  another  wherever  chance 
or  desire  or  war  or  politics  or  religion  led  them, 
yet  we  hear  little  or  nothing  of  Anglo-Irish, 
Danish-Irish,  etc. ;  but  the  closest  kin  of  all,  mem- 
bers of  the  same  family  in  the  two  neighboring 
lands,  sometimes  use  a  hyphen.  If  birth  in  a  land 
does  not  give  nationality,  if  the  birth  of  generations 
of  ancestors  in  that  same  land  does  not  transmit 
nationality,  then  in  truth  must  we  revert  to  the 
Garden  of  Eden  and  claim  nationality  from  Adam 
and  Eve. 


286        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

The  Scotch-Irish  seem  to  be  of  American  origin. 
The  Scotch  do  not  claim  them,  the  Irish  do  not 
know  them.  The  designation  is  in  most  cases  a 
repudiation  of  parents  and  grandparents  whose 
Irish  loyalty  was  never  questioned.  There  is  no 
quarrel  with  the  children  of  one  Scotch  parent  and 
one  Irish  parent,  the  only  possible  Scotch-Irish. 
The  issue  is  with  one  who  disclaims  the  land  that 
gave  him  birth  and  harbored  and  bred  his  fore- 
fathers for  generations.  In  this  same  class  are 
those  who  in  the  land  of  adoption  forget  the  land 
of  their  birth.  While  America  assimilates  the 
pilgrims  to  her  shores  and  bids  them  look  forward 
and  not  backward,  and  forgetting  the  strifes  and 
sufferings  of  the  old  country  bend  their  energies  to 
develop  the  new,  yet  she  would  not  have  them 
false  to  the  spirit  of  their  fathers  lest  they  likewise 
prove  faithless  to  her  and  her  sacred  trust.  Pray 
then  that  the  Irishman  who  straddles  the  hyphen 
as  Scotch-Irish  will  fall  between  and  be  lost  to 

From  the  Encyclopedia  Britannica  is  taken  the 
following : 

The  order  of  the  arrival  of  the  three  divisions  of 
the  Celtic  race  and  the  extent  of  the  islands  they 
occupied  are  uncertain.  Bede  in  the  beginning  of  the 
8th  century  gives  the  most  probable  account:  "At  first 
this  island  had  no  other  inhabitants  but  the  Britons. 
When  they  had  made  themselves  masters  of  the 
greatest  part  of  the  island  beginning  at  the  south,  the 
Picts  from  Scythia  were  driven  by  the  winds  beyond 

Scotch-Irish  287 

the  shores  of  Britain  and  arrived  on  the  northern  coast 
of  Ireland,  where,  finding  the  nation  of  Scots,  they 
begged  to  be  allowed  to  settle  among  them  but  could 
not  succeed  in  obtaining  their  request.  The  Picts 
accordingly  sailing  over  into  Britain  began  to  inhabit 
the  northern  part  of  the  island.  In  process  of  time 
Britain  received  a  third  nation,  the  Scots,  who  migrat- 
ing from  Ireland  under  their  leader  Renda  secured 
those  settlements  among  the  Picts  which  they  still  pos- 
sess." The  Scots  came  originally  to  Ireland,  one  of 
whose  names  from  the  6th  to  the  13th  century  was 
Scotia ;  Scotia  Major  it  was  called  after  part  of  northern 
Britain  in  the  nth  century  had  acquired  the  same 
name.  Irish  traditions  represent  the  Scots  as  Mile- 
sians from  Spain.  They  had  joined  the  Picts  in 
their  attack  on  the  Roman  province  in  the  4th  century 
and  perhaps  had  already  settlements  in  the  west  of 

Dr.  Thomas  Addis  Emmet,  grand-nephew  of 
the  immortal  Robert,  in  his  book  Ireland  Uftder 
English  Rule  also  destroys  the  tradition  of  the 
Scotch-Irish  settlers: 

The  Presbyterians  [he  writes]  who  settled  in  the 
north  of  Ireland  after  the  early  part  of  the  eigh- 
teenth century  had  come  chiefly  from  the  central 
portion  of  England.  They,  like  Cromwell,  hated  the 
Scotch,  and  would  never  have  accepted  the  term 
Scotch-Irish  for  themselves. 



N  the  collection  of  material  for  records  many 
tales  occur  to  the  narrators  which  are  either  in- 
teresting, humorous,  ridiculous,  true,  or  imagined. 
It  seems  proper  to  at  least  record  some  of  them. 

The  Story  of  Kitty 

One  day  there  came  to  the  village  of  Liverpool 
to  a  brother's  home  a  young  Irish  girl  of  great 
beauty,  named  Kitty.  Mrs.  Emeret  Crawford 
sought  her  and  engaged  her  services  for  the  care 
of  the  children.  Kitty  was  beautiful  and  sweet- 
tempered,  but  was  a  little  queer.  She  wore  upon 
her  head  an  ugly  white  ruffled  cap,  showing  only  a 
little  of  her  curly  locks  above  the  brow. 

No  amount  of  coaxing  or  ridicule  could  persuade 
her  to  leave  it  off.  No  joking  attempt  to  remove 
it  found  her  off  her  guard.  No  one  ever  saw  her 
without  it  except  once  when  one  of  the  children 
who  shared  her  bed  saw  something  and  started  to 
tell,  but  Kitty  whisked  her  away  before  the  secret 
was  revealed  and  the  child  could  not  afterwards 
be  persuaded  to  tell. 

Kitty  brought  with  her  to  Liverpool  a  chest  full 

Yarns  289 

of  beautiful  home-spun  linen  clothes  with  lace 
trimming,  hand  made;  also  there  were  fine  broad- 
cloth garments,  dresses  and  cloaks,  one  especially 
admired,  the  Connemara  cloak.  But  Kitty- 
seemed  to  care  little  for  her  finery  and  her  beauty 
and  persisted  in  wearing  the  particularly  unbecom- 
ing white  cap,  so  unsuitable  for  a  young  girl. 

In  time  Kitty's  mistress  won  her  confidence  and 
she  told  her  story. 

Kitty  had  been  engaged  to  be  married  and  her 
betrothed  had  come  to  Boston  to  prepare  a  home 
for  her.  Letters  had  been  frequently  exchanged 
and  at  last  all  was  ready.  Kitty  agreed  to 
come  and  be  married  in  America.  None  of  her 
friends  or  relatives  came  with  her,  but  there  were 
many  people  from  her  part  of  the  country  who 
were  glad  to  accept  her  company  for  the  voyage. 
Arrived  in  Boston  Harbor,  some  of  the  citizens 
came  on  board,  and  Kitty  heard  her  lover's  name 
on  strange  lips  and  heard  his  wife  and  child 
spoken  of  in  terms  of  praise.  She  heard  no  more 
consciously  for  many  weeks  until  she  awoke  in  a 
hospital  among  strangers.  She  had  been  very  ill 
and  was  now  recovering.  Time  passed  and  she 
could  not  help  noticing  that  every  one  who  passed 
by  looked  at  her  strangely.  After  a  time  she  was 
given  a  mirror  and  she  found  her  black  hair  had 
turned  snowy  white.  The  shock  brought  on  a 
relapse  but  she  slowly  recovered,  and  to  save 
herself  from  annoyance,  covered  her  head  with  a 
cap  and  wore  false  hair  over  her  brow.     Poor 

2go        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Kitty !  Nothing  was  learned  of  her  lover,  and  her 
brother  came  to  take  her  to  his  home. 

One  day  another  suitor  came  from  Salina  and 
won  what  was  left  of  Kitty's  heart  and  they  were 
married.  Several  years  later  a  young  girl  came 
to  their  home  and  when  she  saw  Kitty's  husband 
threw  her  arms  around  him  and  called  him  father. 
She  was  the  oldest  daughter  of  his  family,  whom 
he  had  deserted  in  Ireland,  and  her  mother  had  sent 
her,  when  old  enough,  to  America  to  find  her 
father.  Poor  Kitty  found  her  weary  way  back  to 
her  old  mistress  for  comfort  and  then  learned  that 
her  lover  in  Boston  had  been  true  to  her  and  that  his 
first  cousin  of  the  same  name  and  from  the  same 
parish  also  lived  in  Boston.  The  name  she  had 
heard  on  her  arrival  and  the  wife  and  child  belonged 
to  the  cousin  and  not  to  her  betrothed.  This 
was  the  last  straw  of  Kitty's  burden.  She  spent 
the  rest  of  her  life  in  a  little  house  given  her  by 
her  brothers. 

A  niece  of  Kitty's  was  interviewed.  She 
remembered  her  aunt  as  an  old  lady  who  was 
queer.  She  wore  habitually  a  long  Connemara 
cloak  of  broadcloth.  Her  nieces  and  nephews 
stood  in  awe  of  her  and  met  frequent  criticism 
for  their  childish  levity.  The  niece  knew  there 
was  something  unusual  in  her  aunt's  married  life, 
but  such  things  were  not  discussed  in  the  families 
and  children  were  forbidden  to  ask  questions. 

In  1893  an  American  priest  named  Gray  visited 

Yarns  291 

Louvain  University  in  Belgium.  The  professors 
told  him  that  for  the  first  time  in  over  a  hundred 
years  there  was  not  at  the  university  one  of  the 
Gray  family  of  Longford.  < 

Peter  Caldwell,  an  early  pioneer  of  Salina,  was  a 
small  man,  well  read  and  cranky,  and  had  his  part 
to  bear  in  the  battles  of  the  day.  Like  all  the 
Irish  he  met  prejudice  and  hostility.  In  the 
fights  along  the  Canal  he  used  his  fists  and  his  good 
wife  followed  with  her  apron  full  of  stones.  He  is 
said  to  have  been  one  of  the  original  signers  for 
the  church  of  St.  John  the  Baptist. 

It  is  not  to  be  supposed  that  the  Irish  youth  of 
the  County  were  sound  asleep  on  the  eve  of 
St.  Patrick's  Day.  One  incident  is  related  by 
Anthony  J.  Haley. 

In  the  St.  Charles  hotel  a  number  of  men  had 
gathered  to  prepare  an  efhgy  for  the  morrow,  the 
seventeenth  of  March.  Outside,  safely  hidden, 
were  Bernard  and  Patrick  McTee  and  their 
friends  watching  the  proceeding.  Just  after  mid- 
night one  of  the  men  within  stepped  out  quietly 
to  reconnoitre.  All  was  still.  Suddenly  he 
heard  the  faintest  of  sounds  and  darted  back 
to  the  hotel,  but  not  quickly  enough  to  escape  a 
well  directed  kick.  He  did  not  celebrate  for 
several  days. 

Reminiscences  of  1824  by  Timothy  Collingwood 

292        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Cheney  (i 808-1 854)  appeared  first  in  pamphlet 
form  and  later  were  incorporated  in  Early  Land- 
marks of  Syracuse  by  Gurney  S.  Strong.  On 
pages  135-136  of  that  work  are  described  the 
methods  of  rival  gangs  in  war.  Also  in  Onondaga's 
Centennial,  vol.  i.,  page  282,  and  in  Pioneer  Times, 
pages  310-31 1,  are  recounted  tales  to  delight  the 

The  children  of  Liverpool  played  near  Bloody 
Brook,  which  took  its  name  from  Revolutionary 
days  or  before.  There  was  nearby  a  haunted  house 
without  which  a  neighborhood  was  incomplete  in 
those  days.  The  Jesuit  well  served  the  parched 
throats  of  the  playing  youngsters. 

Patrick  Marion  was  a  teacher  on  Lord  Forbes' 
estate  in  County  Monaghan.  He  had  been 
destined  for  the  priesthood  and  had  been  sent  to 
France  to  study,  because  in  Ireland  it  was  for- 
bidden by  the  laws  to  instruct  the  youth  in 
Catholicism.  Returning  to  his  home  for  the 
holidays,  he  was  caught  in  a  riot  on  Orangeman's 
Day  and  suffered  serious  injury,  which  debarred  him 
from  Holy  Orders.  His  education  made  him  an 
exceptionally  efficient  teacher,  high  in  the  esteem 
of  his  patron.  Lord  Forbes,  while  travelling  in 
Spain,  was  recognized  as  an  Irishman  and  addressed 
in  Gaelic.  Unable  to  understand  or  to  speak  the 
language  of  his  native  land,  he  became  embarrassed 
and  resolved  to  supply  the  deficiency  and  to  en- 

Yarns  293 

courage  the  study  at  home.  He  consulted  Pat- 
rick Marion,  who  agreed  to  teach  his  pupils  their 
mother  tongue.  All  were  pleased  with  the  plan 
until  the  Gaelic  books  furnished  were  found  to  be 
most  bitterly  anti-Catholic  and  the  teacher  re- 
fused to  use  them. 

The  following  yarn  was  told  to  a  member  of  the 
Kelley  family  by  Elisha  Alvord  or  a  relative.  John 
Kelley  told  it  in  an  interview. 

On  Orangeman's  Day  during  the  War  of  18 12 
the  men  working  on  the  roof  of  Elisha  Alvord's 
building  at  the  corner  of  Salina  and  Exchange 
streets  heard  the  cannonading  at  Oswego.  They 
became  very  much  excited  and  Alvord  and  the 
other  men  raised  a  pole  on  the  top  of  the  building 
and  held  it  while  John  O'Blennis  climbed  to  its 
top  and  waved  the  Stars  and  Stripes  towards 

It  is  said  that  the  cannon  of  that  period  could  not 
be  heard  that  distance,  but  Clark  states  that 
British  cannonading  at  Oswego  was  heard  here. 

Elisha  Alvord  was  familiar  with  bears  and 
wolves,  who  gave  their  names  to  the  streets  in 
Salina.  He  had  a  pet  bear  for  five  years.  It 
wore  a  red  ribbon  around  its  neck,  so  the  hunters 
would  not  mistake  it  for  a  wild  bear  and  shoot  it. 
It  wandered  at  will  during  the  day  and  came  home 
at    nightfall. 

Maurice  Ward,  James  Shanahan,  and  Quigley  at 

294        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

Split  Rock  chiselled  the  holy  water  font  now  in  the 
church  at  Liverpool.  The  brass  candlesticks  that 
were  used  in  the  old  church  at  Split  Rock  are  now 
the  property  of  Miss  Margaret  Kelly.  Miss  Mary 
McGuire  owns  the  diminutive  organ,  about  the 
size  of  a  suit-case,  which  her  father  bought  years 
ago.  It  served  for  many  years  the  congregation 
of  St.  John  the  Baptist  Church.  It  was  folded  up 
and  carried  to  the  dedication  services  of  half  the 
County  and  it  shared  the  college  years  of  her 
priestly  brother. 

A  Lonesome  Boy 

A  young  man  went  West  but  became  very 
homesick.  While  walking  along  the  street  one 
day  he  saw  some  familiar  salt  barrels.  He  rushed 
up  to  them  and  kissed  the  labels,  saying,  "God 
bless  Syracuse." 

Lough  Gowna 

Catharine  Gormly  Lynch  tells  this  story.  She 
had  it  from  her  grandfather,  who  knew  the  scene 
of  the  incident.  Catharine  herself  never  doubted 
that  she  could  find  the  very  spot  where  the  bell 
sank  and,  if  necessary,  could  dive  for  it.  There  is 
left  in  nearly  every  native  of  Ireland  in  spite  of 
everything,  a  little  touch  of  faith  in  that  invisible 
world  where  fairies  live.  They  will  not  admit  or 
assert  it,  but  will  not  deny  it  and  only  shake  their 
heads  wisely  and  are  silent  with  a  kind  thought  for 

Yarns  295 

the  benefit  of  the  "good  people"  whom  their 
children  know  not. 

There  is  in  Lough  Gowna  an  island  (inch  in 
Gaelic) ,  on  which  stood  a  chapel  of  Saint  Columb- 
kill  with  its  bell  and  belfry.  In  those  terrible  days 
of  strife  the  bell  took  part  and  tolled  of  its  own 
accord  when  the  English  soldiers  were  approaching. 
The  inhabitants  thus  aroused  and  warned  drove 
before  them  all  their  cattle,  swimming  them  over 
to  the  island  while  they  themselves  clung  to  the 
tails,  and  they  were  safe.  In  time  the  English  cap- 
tured the  tell-tale  bell  and  carried  it  to  England, 
but  lo!  and  behold!  next  morning  the  bell  was 
back  in  its  tower.  Three  times  it  was  thus  stolen 
and  returned  by  magic,  but  the  third  time  the  bell 
slowly  sank  into  the  water,  sinking,  sinking  and 
tolling,  tolling  for  three  days  and  sending  up  a 
cloud  of  vapor  visible  for  miles  around. 

The  Bullfrog 

(From  A.  H.  Crawford's  Story  of  the  Fury  Family.) 

While  in  Phoenix  it  happened  one  day  that  a 
gigantic  bullfrog  of  the  kind  whose  voice  is  as  the 
voice  of  many  waters  when  the  evening  sun  is  low, 
had  stowed  himself  away  under  the  bed  in  the  Fury 
shanty.  While  the  mother  was  out  for  a  pail  of 
water  the  baritone  of  the  Bulrush  troupe  hopped  out 
and  landed  in  the  middle  of  the  floor.  The  little  Furys 
were  paralyzed.  Never  before  had  such  an  object 
met  their  gaze.  They  recovered  sufficiently  to  yell 
and  their  increasing  yells  soon  brought  their  mother 

296        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

to  the  door  but  it  was  only  to  add  her  own  screams 
to  those  of  her  children.  Luckily,  help  was  near  and 
strong  men  were  soon  upon  the  scene.  When  her 
nerves  were  somewhat  quieted  it  was  found  that  she 
had  never  seen  a  reptile  in  her  life  and  was  firmly 
convinced  that  St.  Patrick  when  he  banished  them 
from  Ireland  had  given  them  a  refuge  in  "America, 
and  his  coat  of  green  was  either  an  evidence  of  his 
origin  or  an  imposition. 

A  Smallpox  Incident 

(Near  Fabius,  N.  Y.,  July,  1862.) 

Pierce  Grace  drove  into  town  to  buy  groceries 
for  his  family,  consisting  of  himself  and  wife  and 
their  four  small  children.  He  hitched  his  horse 
and  entered  the  store.  There  was  an  air  of 
excitement  and  he  soon  learned  the  cause.  Three 
days  before  a  man,  William  Swift,  13^2  miles  from 
Fabius,  had  died  of  smallpox  and  as  yet  no  one  had 
been  found  to  bury  him  for  love  or  money.  He 
lay  as  he  died  in  his  house.  "Faith,  it 's  a  queer 
country,"  said  Grace.  "In  the  land  I  come  from 
a  man  does  not  ask  pay  for  burying  his  dead." 
These  words  were  repeated  to  the  poormaster  who 
had  charge  of  these  matters,  and  inspired  hope. 
He  sought  Grace  and  tried  to  hire  him  to  bury  the 
man,  but  Grace  said  he  was  not  to  be  hired  but 
would  do  it  for  charity.  The  whole  town  went 
with  him  to  the  gate  in  a  triumphant  march.  He 
entered  the  house  and  performed  the  terrible 
task.     John  Swift,  the  brother,  lay  on  a  couch 

Yarns  297 

desperately  sick  but  not  wishing  to  be  mistaken  for 
the  corpse.  When  Grace  returned  to  the  street, 
the  place  was  deserted.  Not  a  person  was  to  be 
seen.  His  groceries  had  been  put  into  the  wagon 
and  the  horse's  head  turned  homeward. 

James  McGurk  was  a  well-known  character  in 
Syracuse,  soon  after  1840.  He  prepared  and  sold  a 
liquid  much  used  by  boiler-makers  and  others.  It 
was  called  Jimmy  McGurk's  eyewater  and  be- 
came a  household  remedy  for  all  forms  of  eye 


When  Peter  O'Neill  and  his  men  were  cutting 
wood  one  winter  near  Cicero  some  one  while  work- 
ing near  the  log  house  in  which  they  lived  dug  up 
some  boards  that  looked  like  a  box  for  the  dead. 
This  led  to  story-telling  of  ghosts  and  experiences 
with  fairies  and  other  spirit  people.  By  bedtime 
imagination  was  galloping  with  free  rein.  Some 
of  the  boys  in  the  neighborhood  heard  the  yarns 
and  went  home  to  look  for  the  material  of  a  joke. 
They  dressed  a  cat  in  a  white  shirt-sleeve,  buttoned 
the  cuff  around  the  cat's  neck,  and  let  the  swaddled 
animal  down  the  chimney.  The  cat,  terrified  by 
the  blazing  logs  and  clinging  sleeve,  dashed  around 
the  room,  waking  the  sleepers  from  their  dreams  of 
ghosts  to  behold  the  frightened  creature.  The 
ghost  of  the  cat  was  laid  with  proper  ceremony. 

298        Pioneer  Irish  of  Onondaga 

(An  old  story  with  a  new  setting.) 

When  the  canal  opened  in  the  spring,  the  canal- 
ers journeyed  by  rail  to  join  their  boats.  Before 
setting  out  for  the  season's  work  the  Catholic 
mothers  were  anxious  to  have  their  boys  go  to 
confession.  So  they  did  and  the  train  often  waited 
for  them.  One  of  the  last  boys  to  go  was  in  a 
hurry.  He  shouted  to  the  priest,  "Forgive  me 
everything  but  murder.  I  've  got  to  catch  my 


A  child  enjoys  a  story  more  completely  if  the 
story  people  happen  to  be  even  distantly  related 
to  his  family.  All  the  various  peoples  of  the  earth, 
as  is  well  known,  have  traditions  which  seem  to 
have  had  a  common  origin.  Thomas  W.  Quigley, 
Junior,  claims  Cuddehy  of  Duhara  as  a  kinsman. 

A  certain  servant  on  an  estate  in  County 
Tipperary  had  by  long  practice  become  an  expert 
with  the  single  stick,  a  kind  of  foil  used  as  a 
sword  in  fencing.  He  would  halt  every  passer-by 
and  force  him  to  the  exercise,  always  defeating 
him  and  adding  to  his  own  pride.  Now  there 
was  in  the  countryside  another  man  skilful  with 
the  stick  whom  this  champion  had  never  met  and 
whose  fame  he  discredited.  Cuddehy  of  Duhara 
was  his  name  and  he  was  induced  to  lay  a  snare 

Yarns  299 

for  the  insolent  and  boastful  fencer.  So  one  day- 
there  passed  along  the  road  a  shambling  figure 
meanly  dressed  and  stupid  of  countenance.  He 
was  halted  by  the  command  "On  guard."  The 
master  of  the  house  came  out  to  see  the  fun  and 
it  is  probable  there  were  many  hidden  witnesses 
in  the  neighborhood.  The  gawk  took  his  stick 
awkwardly  and  began  to  defend  himself.  Soon  the 
stick  began  to  move  faster  and  faster  and  could 
not  be  beaten  down.  Gradually  the  gawk  broke 
through  the  guard  of  the  champion,  tipping  him 
now  on  the  ear,  now  on  the  nose,  now  on  the  head, 
with  more  and  more  speed  and  force  until  the 
champion,  bleeding  and  enraged,  shouted,  "Who 
are  you?"— "Who  do  you  think  I  am?"— "You 
are  either  the  devil  or  Cuddehy  of  Duhara." 


Achill,  131 

Agan,  Patrick  H.,  119 
Ahem,    Joanna    Condon,    206 
Ahem,  John,  206 
Ahern,  Margaret,  206 
Allen,  King,  57 
Alvord,  Elisha,  293 
Alvord,  Emmeline,  249 
Ancient  Order  of  Hibernians, 

136,  241 
Ancient  Order  of  Hibernians, 

President  of,  241 
Anderson,  Alexander,  35 
Anderson,  Anne  Murphy,  35 
Anderson  family,  35,  44 
Anderson,  Joseph,  35 
Anderson,  Richard,  35 
Anderson,  Thomas,  35 
Antrim,  98 

Appeal  to  the  Courts,  An,  147 
Appeal  to  Fists,  The,  54,  292 
Armagh,  98 
Art,  John  Gormly,  167 
Athlone,  241 
Austin,    Amanda    McCulloch, 

Austin,  Edward,  240 
Avengers,  The,  50 

Baker,  James,  80 
Baker,  Johanna  Shaunessy,  80 
Baldwin,  Dr.  Jonas  C,  278 
Balla,  129 
Ballananagh,   167 
Ballina,  116,  150 
Balloughaderean,  129 
Ballycastle,  145 
Ballyknock,  30 
Ballylangfort,  138 
Ballymitty,  30 
Ballytarsna,  153 

Bannon,  Anne  O'Brien,  132 
Bannon,     Anne     McLaughlin, 

Bannon,  Bernard  A.,  132 
Bannon,  Joseph,  132 
Bannon,  Joseph  P.,  133 
Bannon,  Mary  O'Laughlin,  132 
Bannon,  Owen,  132 
Bannon,   Tatiana   McDonald, 

Ban  try  Bay,  85,  173 
Barnes,  Agnes  Quigley,  119 
Barnes,  Bridget,  81    ; 
Barnes,  Carl  C,  119 
Barrett,  James  P.,  23 
Barrett,  Patrick,  199 
Barrett,  Wilhelmina  Lalor,  23 
Barry,  Daniel,  130 
Barry,  Helen,  39 
Barry,  Honora  Ryan,  134 
Barry,  James,  130 
Barry,  Johanna,  130 
Barry,  John,  124,  130 
Barry,  Margaret,  130 
Barry,  Mary,  130 
Barry,  Patrick,   130 
Barry,  Richard,  130 
Barry,  Robert,  134 
Barry,  William,  130 
Basseter,  Lucy,  53 
Bates,  Elizabeth,  120 
Bates,  Jane  Phillips,   120 
Bates,  Joshua,  120 
Bayard,  Eliza  Ann,  204 
Bayard,  Maria  Teague,  204 
Beatson,  John,  124 
Beatson,  Mary,  159 
Becker,  Helen  C,  172 
Beers,  Elizabeth,  160 
Beers,  John,  160 
Beers,  Mary,  160 




Behan,  Thomas,  276 
Bell,  The  Magic,  294 
Bennett,  Thomas,  77 
Berrigan,  Captain,  123 
Berry,  Catharine  McLaughlin, 

Berry,  Jonathan,  229 
Berry,  Martin,  124,  132 
Berry,  Richard,  233 
Berry,  Simeon,  251 
Betts,  Alanson,  223 
Betts,  George  F.  K.,  222 
Betts,  Lavinia  Kennedy,  222 
Betts,  Susan,  223 
Betts,  Theresa,  223 
Eierhardt,  Ellen  McCarthy,  22 
Bierhardt,  Seymour,  22 
Bigley,  John,  123 
Bishop  of  Syracuse,  156 
Blazed  trail,  12 
Bloody  Brook,  292 
Blum,  Benedict,  217 
Blum,  Maria  Jane  Ealden,  217 
Bogardus,  Mr.,  75 
Bohan,  Jeremiah,  276,  277 
Boland,  Anne  Rogers,   123 
Boland,  John,  123 
Bourke,  Francis,  125 
Bourke,  Francis  J.,  125 
Bourke,  Hannie  L.,  125 
Bourke,  Joanna  Welch,  125 
Bourke,  Joseph  P.,  125 
Bourke,  Nora  A.,  125 
Bourke,  Thomas  F.,  117,    125 
Bourke,  Rev.  William  J.,  117, 

125,   133 
Bowes,  John,  219 
Bowes,  Mary,  219,  220 
Bowler,  Catharine  Kelley,  151 
Bowler,  John,  151 
Bowler,  Margaret  Burke,  151 
Bowler,  Nellie,  151 
Boyle,  Dominick,  42 
Boyle,  Edward,  220 
Boyle,  Mary,  220 
Boyle,  Nancy,  80 
Boys  of  Wexford,  32 
Bradley,  John,  235 
Bradley,  Michael,  235 
Brady,  John,  219 
Brady,  Mary  Jane,  53 

Brash,  Rebecca,  131 
Breed,  George  W.,  229 
Breed,  Polly  Ann  Owen,  229 
Brennan,  123 
Brennan,  Margaret,  137 
Brennan,  William,  124 
Bronson,  Hon.  Alvin,  12 
Brosnahan,  Julia,  loi 
Brown,  John,  124 
Bryan,  Daniel,  18 
Bryan,  John  A.,  249 
Bryan,  Reuben,  249 
Bryan,  Sarah  McCarthy,  18 
Buckley,  Christopher,  42,  44, 

Buckley,  James,   124 
Buckley,  Nano,  160 
Buckley  Road,  44 
Buckley,  Russell,  67 
Bug-a-boo,  50 
Bulger,  Andrew,  36 
Bulger,  Antoinette  Murphy,  36 
Bulger,  James,  36 
Bulger,  Mary,  36 
Bulger,  Patrick,  36 
Bulger,  Patrick  William,  36 
Bulger,  Thomas,  36 
Bullfrog,  The,  295 
Buncrana,  236 
Burdick,  Dr.  D.  W.,  160 
Burdick,    Elizabeth    Dunbar, 

Burdick,  Minnie  A.,  160 
Burke,  Anastasia,  218 
Burke,  Bridget,  218 
Burke,  Bridget  Carey,  218 
Burke,  Edward,  138,  218 
Burke,  Eliza  Sherry,  219 
Burke,  Ellen,  219 
Burke,  Enos,  220 
Burke,  Frank,  220 
Burke,  Harriet  Mayhew,  218 
Burke,  James,  219 
Burke,  John,  80,  218 
Burke,  Josephine,  218 
Burke,  Julia,  219 
Burke,  Lyman,  220 
Burke,    Margaret,     138,    151, 

218,  219 
Burke,  Margaret  Delaney,  218 
Burke,  Mary,  84,  219 



Burke,  Mary  Kennedy,  138, 





Mary  Lee,  218 
Matthew,  218,  219 
Nancy  Boyle,  80 

Nora,  239 

Patrick,  218 

Sarah, 219 

Silas,  273 

,  John, 233 

Anna,  160,  161 

Anna  Marion,  216 

Anna  McGraw,  161 

Catharine,  160,  161 
Catharine     Kennedy, 

Charles,  161 
Cora  McChesney,  160 
David,  120 
Dora  McLean,  160 
Edward  P.,  160 
Eleazer,  233 
Elizabeth  Bates,  120 
Elizabeth  Beers,  160 
Ellen  Doyle,  81 
Emma,  l6l 
Flora  E.,  120 
Frank,  160 
Frank  Walton,  216 
James,  160 
Jennie  Dillon,  160 
John,  77,  160,  233 
Joseph, 160 
Kittie  Kennedy,  160 
Louise  Evelyn,  216 
Margaret  Ellen,  160 
Maria    Jane    Walton, 

Mary,  160 
Mary  Burns,  160 
Mary  Dempsey,  120 
Mary  Dwyer,  160 
Mary  Joy,  161 
Minnie  A.  Burdick,  iCo 
Patrick,  151,  160 
Peter,  120 
Robert,  218 
Rose,  151 
Sannie  Davis,  120 
Thomas,  215,  219 
Thomas  H.,  81 

Burns,  William,  160 

Burns,  Willis  B.,  120 

Burroughs,  Lula,  131 

Bustin,  Mary,  79 

Bustin,  Zollie,  22 

Butler,  Catharine  Gleason,  258 

Butler,    Ebenezer,    260,    261, 

Butler,  Edward,  66 
Butler,  George,  271 
Butler,  James,  149 
Butler,  James  Campbell,   149 
Butler,  Jesse,  262 
Butler,  John,  151,  223 
Butler,  Jonathan,  260 
Butler,  Julia  Murray,  151 
Butler,  Louisa  Soper,  262 
Butler,  Mary,  66,  151,  261 
Butler,   Mary  Randall,   149 
Butler,  Mr.,  75 
Butler,  Rebecca  Davis,  261 
Butler,  Roscoe,  258 
Butler,  Thomas,  258 
Butler,  Thomas  L,  258 
Butler,  William,  28,  66 
Button,  John,  95 
Button,  Margaret  Hunt,  95 
Byrne,  Anna  J.,  138 
Byrne,  Bridget,  137 
Byrne,  Cecilia  I.,  138 
Byrne,  Charles,  137,  138,  219 
Byrne,  Charles  Vincent,  138 
Byrne,  Edward,  138 
Byrne,  Elizabeth,  137 
Byrne,  Ellen,  137,  138 
Byrne,  Ellen  Byrne,  137 
Byrne,  Ellen  M.  Halligan,  138 
Byrne,  Francis,  138 
Byrne,  Jane  McGurn,  137 
Byrne,  John,  137 
Byrne,    Rev.    John    Vincent, 

137.  138,  256 
Bj^rne,  Lawrence,  136,  137 
Byrne,  Margaret,  137 
Byrne,  Margaret  Brennan,  137 
Byrne,  Margaret  Burke,  138, 

Byrne,  Margaret  E.,  138 
Byrne,  Mary,  137 
Byrne,  Mary  F.,  138 
Byrne,  Michael,  138 



Byrne,  Minnie  Lynch,   138 
Byrne,  Patrick,  138 
Byrne,  Dr.  Patrick  J.,  138 
Byrne,  Peter,  138 
Byrne,  Very  Rev.  Peter  Vin- 
cent, 137,  138 
Byrne,  Sarah,  138 
Byrne,  Terence,  137 
Byrne,  Thomas,  137 
Byrne,  WilHam,  137 
Byrne,  William  F.,  123 

Caflfray,  John,  124 
Caharrough,  parish  of,  86 
Cahill,  Agnes  Lalor,  23 
Cahill,  Bridget,  46 
Cahill,  Caroline,  46 
Cahill,  Catharine  Sweeny,  150 
Cahill,  Edward,   149,  219 
Cahill,  Ellen  Meagher,  149 
Cahill,  James,  124 
Cahill,  John,  45,  46,  47 
Cahill,  Mary  Burke,  219 
Cahill,  Michael,  45,  46 
Cahill,  Patrick  Francis,  149 
Cahill,  Thomas,  124 
Cahill,  Dr.  William,  23 
Caine,  William,  281 
Caldwell,  Mr.,  21 
Caldwell,  Peter,  64,  291 
Callahan,  Agnes  Cassidy,   131 
Callahan,  Cornelius,  221 
Callahan,  Mary  J.,  221 
Callahan,  Thomas  D.,  131 
Callender,  Francis  R.,  245 
Callender,  Mary  A.  Hicks,  245 
Callender,  Richard,  229,  245 
Callighan  &  Robbins,  275 
Cameron,  Elizabeth,  263 
Camillus,  251 
Campbell,  Ellen,  149,  196 
Campbell,  John,  196 
Campbell,    Margaret    Savage, 

Campbell,  Mary,  196 
Canal  commerce,  142 
Canal ers,  142,  298 
Canfield,  Electa,  84 
Caoin,  182 

Caples,  Bridget  Doheny,  126 
Carabine  family,  199 

Carahart,  Kate,  214,  216 

Carberry,  Rose,  29 

Carey,  Bradley,  77 

Carey,  Bridget,  218 

Carey,  Daniel,  219 

Carey,  Edwin,  269 

Carey,  John,  219 

Carey,  Lawrence,  219 

Carey,  Margaret,    172,  219 

Carey,  Nellie,  219 

Carlin  family,  201 

Carlow,  98 

Carlton,  John,  199 

Carr,  Almon,  259 

Carr,  Amos,  259 

Carr,  Arethusa  Morse,  259 

Carr,  Mary  King,  259 

Carr,  Sullivan  A.,  259 

Carroll,  Burnett,  229 

Carroll,    Caroline    Goldsmith, 

Carroll,  Charles  L.,  158 
Carroll,  Dana  H.,  158 
Carroll,  David,  223 
Carroll,  Francis  Edward,   157 
Carroll,  Frank  D.,  158 
Carroll,  Goldsmith,  158 
Carroll,  James  A.,  158 
Carroll,  James  Francis,  157 
Carroll,  Mary  Louise  Dana,  157 
Carroll,  Patrick,  224 
Carter,  David  K.,  19 
Carter,  Millicent,  17,  19 
Casavand,  Dell,  103 
Casavand,  Mary  Sullivan,  103 
Casey,  Mary,  236 
Cashel,  133 
Cassidy,  Agnes,  131 
Cassidy,  Catharine  Conners, 

Cassidy,  Catharine  Ryan,  131, 


Cassidy,  Christopher  J.,  131 
Cassidy,  Elizabeth,  131 
Cassidy,  Ellen  Cawley,  131 
Cassidy,  Frances,  131 
Cassidy,  Harvey  B.,  131 
Cassidy,  James,  131 
Cassidy,  John,  130 
Cassidy,  John  J.,  131 
Cassidy,  Kate,  131 



Cassidy,  Lula  Burroughs,  131 
Cassidy,  Mary  Barry,  130 
Cassidy,  Mary  Demong,  131 
Cassidy,  Mary  Ellen,  131 
Cassidy,  Michael,  130 
Cassidy,  Mina,  131 
Cassidy,  Rebecca  Brash,  131 
Cassidy,  Rose,  131 
Cassidy,  Stephen  J.,  131 
Cassidy,  William,  130 
Cassidy,  William  S.,  131 
Castlebar,  156,  200 
Castle  Comer,  36 
Castle,  Esther,  89 
Castle  Island,  parish  of,  255 
Castlewellan,  132 
Catholic  Mutual  Benefit  Asso- 
ciation, 135,  136 
Caughdenoy,  50, 51 
Caulfield,  Anthony,  124 
Caulfield,  Patrick,  124 
Cavan,  99 
Cawley,  Ellen,  131 
Cayon,  Elizabeth,  22 
Cazenovia  Seminary,  28 
Cheney,  Timothy  C.,  291 
Chryst,  Edwin,  37 
Chryst,  Ellen  Dunn,  37 
Chryst,  Henrietta,  37 
Chryst,  Mary  Stella,  37 
Chryst,  Matthew,  37 
Chryst,  Robert  D.,  37 
Chryst,  William,  37 
Church  at  Split  Rock,  177 
Cicero,  27 1 
Clancy,  32,  189 
Clancy,  Martha,  161 
Clare,  99 

Clark,  Bernard,  170 
Clark,  Catharine,  170 
Clark,  Charles,  170 
Clark,  George,  80 
Clark,  Hanna  Leyden,  216 
Clark,  H.  M.,  216 
Clark,  James,  170,  222 
Clark,  John,  159 
Clark,  Margaret  Hurst,  159 
Clark,  Mary,  170 
Clark,  Mary  Farrell,  170 
Clark,  Mary  Shaunessy,  80 
Clark,  Nellie,  170 

Clark,  Orville  Leyden,  216 

Clark,  Sarah,  170 

Clary,  Honora,  65 

Clary,  James,  123 

Clary,  Kate,  65 

Class  Distinction,  146 

Clay,  267 

Cleary,  Marv,  159 

Clinton,  DeWitt,  9,  10 

Clinton,  Gen.  James,  6,  10 

Cloenlee,  62 

ClonbuUoge,  130 

Cloney,  Patrick,  201 

Cloyne,  130 

Clunis,  43 

Coakley,    Catharine    Darrow, 

Coakley,  Michael,  252 
Cochran,  Major  Robert,  6,  76 
Cockley,  Cornelius,  272 
Cockley,  John,  272 
Cody,  Elijah,  234 
Cody,  Ella,  240 
Cody  family,  242 
Cody,  Isaac,  271   ' 
Cody,  Mrs.  Isaac,  271 
Cody,  Joel,  77 
Cody,  Joseph,  76,  233 
Cody,  Mrs.,  232,  242 
Cole,  Mrs.  George,  45 
Coleman,  Timothy,  233 
CoUes,  Christopher,  9 
Collins,  Dennis,  85 
Collins,  Ellen  Devine,  200 
Collins,  Johanna  Catharine,  85 
Collins,  Luke,  77 
Collins,  Maria,  271 
Collins,  Mary  Driscoll,  85 
Collins,  Nellie,  22 
Collins,  Thomas,  200 
Collins,  William,  271 
Comerford,  Margaret,  33 
Command,  Bridget,  41 
Command,  Catharine,  29 
Command,  Ellen,  29 
Condon,  Joanna,  206 
Coney,  Bridget,  24 
Conlin,  Catharine  Morgan,  100 
Conlin,  Francis,  100 
Conlon,  Catharine,  224 
Connell,  Edward,  250,  269 



Connell,  Isaac,  250,  269 
Connell,  Lansing,  269 
Connell,  Peter,  249,  269 
Connelly,  Anna,  155 
Connelly,  Elizabeth,  155 
Connelly,  Ellen,  155 
Connelly,  Francis,   16,   154 
Connelly,  James,  155 
Connelly,  John,  155 
Connelly,  Mary,  155 
Conner,  Daniel,  265,  266 
Conner,  James,  199 
Conner,  John,  199 
Conners,  Catharine,  130 
Conners,  Margaret,  144 
Connolly,  Anna  Holger,  133 
Connolly,  Anna  R.,  133 
Connolly,    Catharine    Kelley, 

Connolly,  Hugh,  133 
Connolly,  Jerry  R.,  133 
Connolly,  John  F.,  133 
Connolly,  Margaret  F.  Tehan, 


Connolly,  Mary  Tracy,  133 
Connolly,  Pierce,  133 
Connolly,  Thomas,  133 
Connor,  William,  11,  48 
Connors,  Alice,  239 
Conry,  Catharine,  246 
Coogan, 123 

Cooney,  Bridget  Coney,  24 
Cooney,  Bridget  Sennit,  25 
Cooney,  Catharine  Command, 

Cooney,  Catharine  McCarthy, 

Cooney,  Daniel,  29 
Cooney,  Ellen  Command,  29 
Cooney,  Emma  Lang,  29 
Cooney  family,  31,  35,  42 
Cooney,  James,  29 
Cooney,  Jeremiah,  29 
Cooney,  Jerry,  29 
Cooney,  John,  29 
Cooney,  Martin,  29 
Cooney,  Mary,  24,  29 
Cooney,  Michael,  25 
Cooney,  Nicholas,  29 
Cooney,    Patrick,    24-28,    29, 
44.  64 

Cooney,  Patrick  D.,  29 
Cooney,  Rose  Carberry,  29 
Corbett,  Patrick,  Esq.,  53,  iii, 

Corbett,  Rose  Gavigan,  53,  157 
Corcoran,  Dennis,  219 
Corcoran,  Katharine,  145 
Cork,  99 

Cosgriff,  Eliza,  157 
Cosgriff,  James,  157 
Cosgriff,  Sarah  Donnelly,   157 
Costello,  Honora,  124 
Costello,  John,  277 
Costello,  Thomas,  124 
Coughlin,  Ellen,  45 
Coughlin,  James,  45 
Coughlin,  John,  276 
Coughtry,  John,  269 
Counties  of  Ireland,  98 
County  Court,  first,  147 
County  Rivalry,  95-98 
Court-House  Fight,  47,  68 
Cox,  John,  282 
Coy,  Joseph,  241 
Coy,  Vine,  48 
Coyne,  Mary,  151 
Coyne,  Peter,  240 
Coyne,  Sarah,  151 
Coyne,  Thaddeus,  151 
Crane,  Nancy,  224 
Crawford,  Albert  H.,  11,  57 
Crawford,  Mrs.  Emeret,  52 
Cronin,  Anna  Burns,  160 
Cronin,  Catharine,  134 
Cronin,  Ellen,  173 
Cronin,  Honora  Crowley,   160 
Cronin,  John  W.,  160 
Cronin,  Patrick,  173 
Cronin,  Timothy  W.,  160 
Cross  MuUina,  114 
Crow,  Andrew,  219 
Crow,  John,  219 
Crowell,  Belle,  29 
Crowley,  Bridget  Driscoll,  86 
Crowley,  Cornelius,  199 
Crowley,  Honora,  160 
Crowley,  Mr.,  86 
Crum  family,  283 
Cuddeback,  Abraham  A.,  234 
Cuddeback,  Hannah,  234 
Cuddehy  of  Duhara,  298 



Cullen,  John,  124 
Cummings,  Bridget,   159,   161 
Cummings,  Charles,  202 
Cummings,  Chloe,  202 
Cummings,  Edward,  258 
Cummings,  Esther,  202 
Cummings,  James  and,  275 
Cummings,  Mary  Doheny,  126 
Cummings,  Matthew  D.,  258 
Cummings,  Miles,  266 
Cummings,  Mr.,  78 
Cummings,  Oliver,  202 
Cummings,  Patrick,  123 
Cummings,  Rev.,  54 
Cummings,   William,    199 
Cunningham,    Catharine,    283 
Cunningham,  Elizabeth  Nich- 
olson, 283 
Cunningham,  John,  2S1,  282, 

Cunningham,  Margaret,   81 
Cunningham,  Mr.,  275 
Cunningham,  Robert  B.,  281 
Cunningham,  Robert  H.,  283 
Curry,  James,  263 
Curry,  Mary,  151 
Curry,  Samuel,  263 
Cur  tin,   Catharine   McLaugh- 
lin, 236 
Curtin,  Dennis,  255 
Curtin,  Patrick,  236 
Curtin,  Sarah  Tobin,  255 
Curtin,  Timothy,  124 
Cusack,  Miss,  180 
Cushendoll,  151 
Cushing,  "Widow,"  78 

Daggett,  Ase,  69 

Daggett,  James,  234 

Daily,  Abram,  223 

Dalton,  Ann,  53 

Daly,  Arthur  P.,  144 

Daly,  Bridget,  144 

Daly,     Catharine     Nicholson, 

Daly,  Daniel,  199 
Daly,  John,  199 
Daly,  Margaret,  144,  199 
Daly,  Margaret  Conners,   144 
Daly,  Maria,  144 
Daly,  Mary,  220 

Daly,  Mary  A.,  144 

Daly,  Nellie,  144 

Daly,  Owen,  199 

Daly,  Patrick,  142 

Daly,  Peter,  144 

Daly,  William,  199 

Dana,  John,  44 

Dana,  Martha,  44 

Dana,  Olivia  Haight,  44 

D'Arcy,  Catharine,  128. 

Darrow,  Catharine,  252 

Darylone,  196 

Davin,  John,  44    ^ 

Davis,  Caleb,  78 

Davis,  George,  77 

Davis,  Matthew  L.,  78 

Davis,  Sannie,  120 

Day,  Caroline  Cahill,  46 

Day,  Edward,  47 

Day,  Ned,  190 

Dayley,  James,  234 

Dayley,  John,  234 

Dayley,  Moses,  234 

Deady,  Philip,  123 

Dean,  Anna,  203 

Dean  family,  266,  269 

Dean,  James,  76 

Dean,  Rial,  203 

Dean,  William,  203,  262 

Debate    on    religion,    public, 

19,  89 
Dee,  Hannah,  235 
Degnan,  Bridget,  171 
Degnan,  Elizabeth,  171 
Degnan,  Maria,  99,   171 
Degnan,   Mary   Gavigan,    171 
Degnan,  Mary  McGovern,  171 
Degnan,  Michael,  171 
Degnan,  Patrick,  100,  170 
Delaney,  John,  275 
Delaney,   Margaret,  218 
Delaney,  Peter,  251 
Demong,  Mary,  131 
Dempsey,  Mary,  120 
Denfee,  Patrick,  77 
Denman,  Eleanor,  39 
Denny,  Lucy,  203 
Derry,  98 
Desertegny,  236 
Devereaux  family,  14,  15,  38 
Devine,  Alice  Start,  200 



Devine,  Alvaretta,  200 
Devine,  Anna  Best  Veith,  200 
Devine,  Edward,  200 
Devine,  Ellen,  200 
Devine,  James,  200 
Devine,  John,  200 
Devine,  Margaret  Mackey,  200 
Devine,  Mary  Ann,  200 
Devine,  Theresa  Fleming,  200 
Devoy,  Anna  McGuire,  50 
Devoy,  Dennis,  28,  48,  50 
Devoy,  Esther,  50,  182 
Devoy,  George,  50 
Devoy,  John,  50 
Devoy,  Kate,  50 
Devoy,  Katharine  Ryan,  50 
Devoy,  Louise,  50 
Devoy,  Martin,  50 
Devoy,  Mary,  49 
Devoy,  Mary  McEvoy,  49 
Devoy,  Terence,  49 
Devoy,  Thomas,  50 
Devoy,  William,  49 
Dewitt,  207 
Diary  of  1824,  207-212 
Dillon,  Jennie,  160 
Dillon,  John,  160 
Dillon,  Martin,  124 
Dillon,  Mary  Lynch,  160 
Dineen,  Katharine  Mara,  33 
Dineen,  Thomas,  33 
Dineen,  William,  33 
Dissel,  Percy  McCarthy,  22 
Dissel,  Theodore,  22 
Dixon,  Amy  Knapp,  248 
Dixon,  Emmeline  Alvord,  249 
Dixon,  George,  249 
Dixon,  Thomas,  247-249 
Dodge,  Ada  Roberts,  264 
Dodge,  David  P.,  264 
Doheny,  Bridget,  126 
Doheny,  Edward,  126 
Doheny,  George,  126 
Doheny,  James,  126 
Doheny,  Mary,  126 
Doheny,  Timothy,  126 
Doherty,  Daniel,  124 
Doherty,  Elizabeth  McLaugh- 
lin, 236 
Doherty,  Hugh,  124 
Doherty,  John,  124,  159 

Doherty,  Patrick,  236 
Doherty,  William,  124 
Dolan,  Agnes  I.,  239 
Dolan,  Anne,  241 
Dolan,  Elizabeth,  241 
Dolan,  Ellen  Kelley,  237 
Dolan,  James  E.,  241 
Dolan,  Keryon,  241 
Dolan,  Margaret  E.,  239 
Dolan,  Martin,  237,  238,  239 
Dolan,  Mary  Agnes,  239 
Dolan,  Mary  Ann,  239 
Dolan,  Mary  Flannery,  241 
Dolan,  Mary  Lannon,  239 
Dolan,  Mary  Reidy,  149,  239 
Dolan,  Sarah,  239 
Dolan,  Theresa,  239 
Dolan,  Thomas  Francis,  239 
Dolan,  T.  Frank,  149,  239 
Dolan,  William,  240 
Dolan,  William  J.,  241 
Dolphin,  John,  123 
Dolphin,  Matthew,  123 
Dolphin,  Patrick,  123 
Donegal,  98 

Donivan,  Mrs.  Patrick,  258 
Donnelly  family,  201 
Donohue,  Anna  Dolan,  241 
Donohue,  Catharine,  201 
Donohue,  Cornelius,   145,  201 
Donohue,  Ellen,  145 
Donohue,    Ellen   McLaughlin, 

Donohue,  Dr.  Florince  O.,  145 
Donohue,  James,  68,  69,  70 
Donohue,  Lucy  Mosely,  145 
Donohue,  Mary,  41 
Donohue,  Maurice,  202,  241 
Donohue,  Michael,  201 
Donohue,  Timothy,  236 
Donohue  and  Mooney,  68,  69 
Donovan,  Annie  E.,  122 
Donovan,  Dennis,  224 
Donovan,  Mary,  187 
Donovan,  William,  257 
Dooling,  Joanna,  37,  40 
Doran,  James,  84 
Doran,  Dr.  John  T.,  266 
Doran,  Margaret  Brennan,  84 
Doran,  Mary,  84 
Dowd,  H.  &  W.,  79 



Down,  98 

Downes,  Ann  Downes,  140 

Downes,  Charles,  266 

Downes,  Mary  Stapleton,  140 

Downes,  Michael,  140 

Downes,  Nicholas,  139 

Doyle,  Agnes,  81 

Doyle,  Belle  Crowell,  29 

Doyle,  Bertha  Whitney,  81 

Doyle,  Bridget  Barnes,  81 

Doyle,  Catharine,  29,  32 

Doyle,  Catharine  Neville,  30 

Doyle,  Delia,  81 

Doyle,  Elizabeth  Mooney,  81 

Doyle,  Elizabeth  Prunty,  81 

Doyle,  Ellen,  81,  179 

Doyle.  Ellen  McLaughlin,  80 

Doyle,  Esther,  81 

Doyle  family,  31,  35 

Doyle,  Garrett,  29,  30,  31,  36 

Doyle,  Hanna,  81 

Doyle,  James,  29,  32,  44,  81 

Doyle,  Jane  McFarland,  29 

Doyle,  Joanna,  133 

Doyle,  John,    29,  81 

Doyle,  Mary,  29 

Doyle,  Mary  Egan,  81 

Doyle,  Mary  H.,  81 

Doyle,  Patrick,  81 

Doyle,  Robert,  81 

Doyle,  Thomas,  25,  28,  29-33, 

42,  44,  64,  81 
Drake,  Edward,  loi 
Drake,  Julia  Brosnahan,  loi 
Drake,  William,  loi 
Driscoll,  Agnes,  65 
DriscoU,  Ambrose  C,  87 
Driscoll,  Bridget,  86 
Driscoll,    Catharine   Louise 

Savage,  86 
Driscoll,  Cornelius,  86 
Driscoll,  Dennis,  85,  86,  87,  140 
Driscoll,  Eliza,  86,  174 
Driscoll,  Ellen,  64,  174 
Driscoll,  Ellen  Cronin,   173 
Driscoll,  George  W.,  172,  174 
Driscoll,  Goodwin,  85 
Driscoll,  Hanna,  86 
Driscoll,    Helen   Thurston,  87 
Driscoll,  Honora,  86 
Driscoll,  J.  Frances,  87 

Driscoll,  James,    173,  174,  187 
Driscoll,  Jeremiah,  64 
Driscoll,   Johanna  C.  Collins, 

85,  86 
Driscoll,  Julia  Gallagher,  67 
Driscoll,  Kate  Shanahan,  172, 


Driscoll,  Katharine,  174 
Driscoll,  Katharine  Ernestine, 

Driscoll,  Keith,  175 
DriscoU,  Margaret,  64,  65,  174 
Driscoll,   Marie  McLean,    175 
Driscoll,  Marietta,  174 
Driscoll,  Mary,  64 
Driscoll,  Mary  C,  87 
Driscoll,  Martin,  65 
Driscoll,  Michael,  173 
Driscoll,  Michael  E.,  174 
Driscoll,  Milburge,  87 
Driscoll,    Richard,    86 
Driscoll,  Richard  L.,  87 
Driscoll,  Timothy,  67 
Drum,  parish  of,  2^7 
Drumard  Parish,  128 
Dublin,  98 

DuBois,  Bishop  John,   17,  54 
Duggan,  Kate,  40 
Duffaney,  William,  269 
Duffy,  Father,  29 
Dumfeeney,  parish  of,  80 
Dunbar,  Elizabeth,  160 
Dunbar,  Miss,  240 
Dundas,  Mrs.,  189 
Dunfee,  Edward,  102,  125 
Dunfee,  John,  102,  126 
Dunlap,  Adam,  243 
Dunlap,  George,  243,  244 
Dunlap,  Gillespie,  244 
Dunlap,  John,  243 
Dunn,  Agnes,  37 
Dunn,  Anna,  37 
Dunn,  Catharine,  37 
Dunn,  Catharine  Murphy,  36, 

Dunn,  Edward,  36 
Dunn,  Ellen,  37 
Dunn  family,  201 
Dunn,  Joanna,  230 
Dunn,  John,  78,  382 
Dunn,  Katharine,  37 



Dunn,  Katharine  Lawton,  37 

Dunn,  Margaret,  37 

Dunn,   Margaret  Kelly,   36 

Dunn,  Mary,  37 

Dunn,  Morgan,  124 

Dunn,  Patrick,  36 

Dunn,  Thomas,  37,  266 

Dunn,  William,  28,  36,  254 

Dustin,  Mr.,  159 

Dustin,  Sarah  Hurst,  159 

Dwyer,  Dennis,  196 

Dwyer,  James,  151 

Dwyer,    Katharine   Corcoran, 


Dwyer,  Mary,  160 
Dwyer,  Michael,  145 
Dwyer,  Nellie,  151 
Dwyer,  Thomas,  160 
Dwyer,  William  J.,  145 

Eagen,  Dr.  George,  221 
Ealden,  Anna  M.  Walton,  214, 

Ealden,  Cornelius  J.,  217 
Ealden,  Eliza  Price,  217 
Ealden,  Emma  Gardiner,  217 
Ealden,  Joseph,  214,  217 
Ealden,  Maria  Jane,  217 
Ealden,  May,  217 
Ealden,  Robert,  217 
Ealden,   Robert  Walton,  215, 

216,  217 
Ealden,  William,  215,  217 
Effigy  on  Liberty  Pole,  107 
Effigy,  The,  107,  291 
Egan,  Agnes  Geraldine,  169 
Egan,  Alice,  169 
Egan,  Gertrude,  169 
Egan,  James,  169 
Egan,  John,  169 
Egan,  Martha,  169 
Egan,  Mary,  81 
Egan,  Mary  Lynch,  169 
Egan,  Patrick,  246 
Egan,  Rose  Frances,  169 
Egan,  Seymour,   169 
Egan,  Thomas  Webb,  169 
Eglis,  Parish  of,  94 
Eighty  years  of  friendship,  44 
Elbridge,  253 
Ehot,  Ellen  McCarthy,  18 

Eliot,  Richard,  18 

Ellis,  Clarence,  22 

Ellis,  Mary  A.  McCarthy,  22 

Emmett,   Thomas  Addis,   21, 

Emmott,  James,  76 
Emory,   Percy  McCarthy,   20 
Emory,  Thomas,  20 
Ennis,  32,  212 
Ennis,     Hannah    Cuddeback, 

Ennis,  Jacobus,  233 
Ennis,  James,  233,  234 
Enright,  Timothy,  206 
Enthusiasm,  Patriotic,  293 
Epitaphs,  164 

Fabius,  265 

Fagan,  David,  42,  44 

Fagan,  Patrick,  44 

Fagan,  Peter,  44 

Fagan,  Thomas,  42 

Fannett,  236 

Farley,  Bernard,  lOO 

Farley,  Catharine,  100 

Farley,  Charles,  100 

Farley,  Edward,  94,    99,    100 

Farley,  Eliza  Kearney,   100 

Farley,  Eugene,  100 

Farley,  John,  1 00,  221 

Farley,  Laura  B.  Smith,  100 

Farley,  Mary,  100 

Farley,  Mary  Fitzpatrick,  100, 

Farley,  Patrick,  100 
Farmer,  Bridget,  37 
Farmer,  Margaret  Dunn,  37 
Farmer,  Patrick,  37 
Farmer,  Thomas,  37 
Farmer,  Dr.  Thomas  P.,  37 
Farmer,  William  B.,  37 
Farr,  Archibald,  230 
Farrar,  James,  217 
Farrar,  Lula  Leyden,  217 
Farrell,  Bridget,  47 
FarrcU,  Daniel,  47 
Farrell,  Ellen,  170 
Farrell,  Garrett,  170 
Farrell,  Jeremiah,  47 
Farrell,  John,  276,  277 
Farrell,  Margaret,  41,  129 



Farrell,  ]\Iary,  34,  47 
Farrell,  Mary  Devoy,  47,  49 
Farrell,  Richard,  47,  50 
Farrell,  Thomas,  47 
Farrell,  William,  124 
Faulkner,  Nancy,  223 
Fay,  Augustus,  192 
Fay,  Edward,  195 
Fay,  Oris,  192,  196 
Fay,  William,  192,  196 
Feaney,  Granny,  124 
Feaney,  James,  124 
Feaney,  John,  124 
Fechter,  Theresa,  84 
Feeley,  Hannah  Dee,  235 
Feeley,  James  D.,  235 
Feighery,  James,  94 
Fcldsmith,  Mary  Schug,  112 
Fellows,  Harry,  240 
Fellows,  Mary  McCuUoch,  240 
Fcnnell,  Helen  McCarthy,  252 
Fennell,  Martin,  252 
Fenncll,  Patrick,  252 
Fermanagh,  99 
Fermoy,  134 
B'errel,  Thomas,  254 
Fethard,  99 
Finnegan,  George,  85 
Finnegan,  James,  85 
Finnegan,  John,  85 
Finnegan,  Margaret  Lighton, 

Finnegan,  Rev.  Thomas,  85 
Fists,  The  Appeal  to,  54 
Fitzgerald,  Andrew,  224 
Fitzgerald,  Anna,  226' 
Fitzgerald,  David,  226 
Fitzgerald,  Elizabeth,  226 
Fitzgerald,  Ellen,  156 
Fitzgerald,  Hanna  Sullivan,  45 
Fitzgerald,  James,  147,  228 
Fitzgerald,  Jeremiah,  226 
Fitzgerald,  John,  42,  226,  233 
Fitzgerald,  Margaret  Murpliy, 

35.  45 
Fitzgerald,  Susanna,  226 
Fitzgerald,  Thomas,  35,  45 
Fitzgerald,  William,  226 
Fitz-Mae,  199 

Fitzpatrick,  Daniel,  100,  221 
Fitzpatrick,  Ellen,  221 

Fitzpatrick,  Mary,  100 
Fitzpatrick,     Mary     Fogarty, 

Fitzpatrick,  Michael,  221 
Fitzsimmons,  Anna  Maria,  218 
Fitzsimmons,  Anna  M.  Walton 

Ealden,  214,  217 
Fitzsimmons,  Elisha,  218 
Fitzsimmons,  George  William, 

Fitzsimmons,  John  Walton,  2 1 8 
Fitzsimmons,  Thomas  F.,  218 
Fitzsimmons,  William,  214,217 
Flaherty,  199 
Flanigan  ftmiily,  257 
Flannery,  Mary,  116,  240,  241 
Flattery,  Thomas,  276,  277 
Fleming,  199 
Fleming  family,  275 
Fleming,  James,  129 
Fleming,  John,  76,  129,  275 
Fleming,  Alargaret  Haley,  201 
Fleming,  Mary  Ann,   129 
Fleming,  Michael,  129,  201 
Fleming,  Parnell,  85 
Fleming,  Patrick,  129 
Fleming,  Robert,  276 
Fleming,  Tasiana  Lighton,  85 
Fleming,  Theresa,  200 
Fleming,  Thomas,  129 
Fleming,  Timothy,  129 
Fleming,  William,  129 
Fleming,  Winifred,  129 
Fleming,  Winifred  Rogers,  129 
Flynn,  Robert  R.,  269 
Fogarty,   John,  221 
Fogarty,  Mary,  100 
Fogarty,  Michael,  103 
Fogarty,  Pierre,  221 
Fogarty,  Sarah,  103 
Fogarty,  Sarah  Grant,  103 
Foley,  Agnes,  138 
Foley,  Ellen  Byrne,  138 
Foley,  John,  138 
Foley,  Kate,  138 
Foley,  Margaret,  138 
Foley,  Mary,  138 
Foley,  Michael,  277 
Foley,  Patrick,  138 
Foley,  Peter,  138 
Font,  Holy  Water,  294 



Foran,  Esther  Castle,  89 
Foran,  Dr.  James,   25,  87-89, 

Forbes,  Lord,  292 
Ford,  Jane,  206 
Ford,  John,  229,  281,  282 
Ford,  Martin  M.,  76,  251 
Ford,  Nancy  Slattery,  65,  iii 
Ford,  Patrick,  28,  65 
Forman,  Judge  Joshua,  73,  74, 

78,  82 
Fox,  Daniel,  251 
Foy,  Mary,  119 
Franklin,  Bridget,  I  ID 
Fraser,  Alice,  239 
Fraser,  Alice  Connors,  239 
Fraser,  John,  239 
Fraser,    Margaret    E.    Dolan, 

Fraser,  Sarah,  239 
Fraser,  Theresa,  239 
Freeman,  Lucinda,  53 
French  at  Split  Rock,  188,  198 
Frontier,  Western,  27 
Funda,  John,  67 
Funda,  Kate  Gallagher,  67 
Funeral  Customs,  183 
Fury,  Beady,  58 
Fury,  Catharine,  58 
Fury,  Ellen,  58 
Fury,  Jane,  58 
Fury,  John,  58 
Fury,  Patrick,  57,  58 
Fury,  Richard,  58 
Fury,  William,  58 
Fyler,  Ada  C,  126 
Fyler,  Asa,  194 
Fyler,  Asa  C,  126 

Gaherty,  Jane  Ford,  206 
Gaherty,  Mary,  206 
Gaherty,  Patrick,  206 
Gale,  Gertrude  Hand,  66 
Gale,  Henry,  44,  66 
Gallagher,  Anna,  67 
Gallagher,  Antony,  67 
Gallagher,  Elizabeth  Hanley, 


Gallagher,  Farrell,  123 
Gallagher,  Hugh,  67,  123 
Gallagher,  John,  67,  124 

Gallagher,  Julia,  67 
Gallagher,  Kate,  67 
Gallagher,  Maria,  63,  67 
Gallagher,  Mary,  67 
Gallagher,  Mary  Killgallon,  67 
Gallagher,  Owen,  115,  124 
Gallavan,  Jesse,  124 
Gallavan,  Margaret,  127 
Galvin,  Frances,  90,  94 
Galvin,  James,  94 
Galway,  99 
Gamble,  Andrew,  235 
Gamble,  John,  235 
Gamble,  Sarah  Gray,  235 
Gannon,  Alice,  151 
Gannon,  Philip,  151 
Gannon,  Sarah  Coyne,  151 
Gardiner,  Emma,  217 
Garrett,  George,  217 
Garrett,  Sarah  Tallman,  217 
Garrity,  Margaret,  115 
Garry  Owen,  1 1 1 
Garry-Owens,  The,  56 
Gavigan,  Captain,  53 
Gavigan,  Catharine,  144 
Gavigan,  Mary,   171 
Gavigan,  Mary  O'Neill,  53 
Gavigan,  Rose,  53,  157 
Gaynor,  Edward,  277 
Gaynor,  John,  277 
Gaynor,  Michael,  277 
Gaynor,  Patrick,  277 
Geagan,     Catharine    D'Arcy, 

Geagan,  Edward,  128 
Geagan,  John,  128 
Geagan,  Margaret  Gray,   128 
Geagan,  Matthew,  128 
Geary,  John,  223 
Geary,  Polly,  223 
Geddes,  205 
Geer,  James,  230 
Geer,  Joanna  Dunn,  230 
Geer,  Morris,  230 
Geer,  William  S.,  251 
Gere,  Mrs.  124 
Gere,  Patrick,  123 
Ghosts,  297 
Giblin,  Michael,  124 
Gillespie  family,  236 
Gillespie,  Maria  Louise,  236 



Glass,  Alexander,  253,  254 
Glass,  Christina  Jenkinson,  253 
Glass,  Edgar  Patterson,  254 
Glass,  Edgar  Toll,  254 
Glass,  Emily  Julia,  254 
Glass,  Henrietta  Jessup,  254 
Glass,  James,  253,  254 
Glass,  Joseph  J.,  253,  254 
Glass,  Joseph  Jessup,  254 
Glass,  Letitia,  253 
Glass,  Margaret,  253 
Glass,  Maria  Mitchell,  254 
Glass,  Martha,  253 
Glass,  Oliver,  253 
Glass,  Sarah  Eliza  Toll,  253 
Glass,  Sheldon,  253 
Glass,  William,  253,  254 
Gleason,  Amasa,  233 
Gleason,  Catharine,  105,  109, 

III,  258 
Gleason,  Darius,  251 
Gleason,  Jason,  228 
Gleason,  Mary  Neal,  105 
Gleason,  Michael,  93,  94,  104- 

Gleason,  Miss,  232,  240 
Glynn,  Charles,  234 
Godfrey,  Daniel,  282 
Goldsmith,  Caroline,   158 
Goodwin,  Miss,  85 
Gooley,  Malachi,  150 
Gordon,  Alexander,  227 
Gordon,  James,  100 
Gordon,  Mary  Farley,  100 
Gordon,  Matilda  Wallace,  227 
Gormly,  Arthur,  168 
Gormly,  Catharine,  167,  294 
Gormly,    Catharine    Gormly, 

Gormly,  John,  Art,  167 
Gormly,   Long  Sampson,    168 
Gormly,  Michael,  168 
Grace,  Ann,  37 
Grace,  Catharine,  37,  154 
Grace,    Catharine    Lonergan, 

Grace,  Charles,  37 
Grace,  Eliza  O'Connell,  153 
Grace,  Elizabeth,  154 
Grace,  Ellen,  154 
Grace,  George,  37 

Grace,  John,  37 
Grace,  Margaret,  154 
Grace,  Mary,  37,  154 
Grace,  Mary  Dunn,  37 
Grace,  Pairick,  37 
Grace,  Pierce,  153,  154 
Grace,  Stephen  L.,  154 
Grace,  Thomas,  154 
Grace,  William  D.,  37 
Graham,  A.  G.,  254 
Graham,  Henry,  254 
Graham,  Marie  Stevens,  254 
Graham,  Miss,  53 
Grant,  Dr.  Henry,  1 1 1 
Gray,  of  Longford,  290 
Gray,  James,  128 
Gray,  Margaret,  128 
Gray,  Sarah,  235 
Gregg,  Captain  James,  274 
Grennan,  23 
Grier,  John,  206 
Griffin,  the  blacksmith,  123 
Griffin,  Bridget,   127 
Griffin,  Daniel,  275 
Griffin,  Ellen,  127 
Griffin,  Ellen  Lynch,  127 
Griffin,  Heman,  256 
Griffin,  James,  127 
Griffin,  John,  124,  127 
Griffin,  Mary,  127 
Griffin,  Maurice,  124 
Griffin,  Michael,  127 
Griffin,  Patrick.  124,  138 
Griffin,  Thomas,  127 
Griffin,  William,  277 
Grimes,  Joseph,  276 
Grimes,  Mary,  263 
Grimes,  "Mother,"  276 
Grimes,  Polly,  276 
Grimes,  Thomas,  263 
Guerdet,  Father,  65 
Guilick,  Catharine,  159 

Hackett,  Burr,  271 
Hackett,  Elizabeth  Dolan,  241 
Hackett,  Father,  66 
Hackett,  Miles  B.,  266 
Hackett,  William,  241 
Hackett,  Mrs.  William,  240 
Haley,  Andrew,  201 
Haley,  Ann,  115 



Haley,  Ann  Murphy,  114,  202 
Haley,  Ann  Preston,  201 
Haley,  Anthony,  114,  115,  291 
Haley,   Elizabeth  Welch,    114 
Haley,  James,   114,   115,  201, 

Haley,  John,  201 
Haley,  Margaret,  201 
Haley,  Margaret,  McAndrews, 

Haley,  Margaret  McGrath,  115 
Haley,  Martin,   114,   115,  202 
Haley,  Mary,  115 
Haley,  Patrick,  114,  200,  201 
Haley,  Peter,  201 
Hall,  Anna,  112 
Hall,  Bridget,  no 
Hall,  Bridget  C,  112 
Hall,  Bridget  Franklin,  no 
Hall,  Catharine,  no 
Hall,  Catharine  Gleason,  in 
Hall,  David,  no,  123,  233 
Hall,  David  P.,  n2 
Hall,  Emma  Tipplon,  112 
Hall,  Frank  v.,  n2 
Hall,  George,  76 
Hall,  Gertrude,  112   ^ 
Hall,  Katharine  N.,  112 
Hall,  Mary  A.,  112 
Hall,  Mary  Schug  Feldsmith, 

Hall,  Michael,  112 
Hall,  Miss,  232 
Hall,  Patrick,  99,  109 
Hall,  Thomas  R.,  76 
Hall,  William,  no,  112 
Halligan,  Ellen  M.,  138 
Hand,     Christopher,    36,    42, 

44,  66 
Hand,  Gertrude,  66 
Hand,  Jerry,  251 
Hand,  John,  42,  66,  251 
Hand,  Mander,  251 
Hand,  Reuben,  251 
Hand,  Thomas,  42,  66 
Handwright,  77 
Handy,  Timothy  J.,  282 
Hanley,  Elizabeth,  67 
Hanna,  Ellen  Fitzpatrick,  221 
Hanna,  James  Irwin,  221 
Harbor  Brook,  267 

Harrington,  Carmi,  223 

Harrington,   Nicholas,  223 

Harroun,  James,  70 

Hart  of  Hartsville,  276 

Hart,  Clarence,  269 

Hart,  Eber,  251 

Hart,  Henry  C.,  271 

Hart,  Dr.  John,  224 

Hart,  Pardon,  281 

Hart,  Paul,  123 

Hart,  Samuel,  76 

Hart,  Stephen,  281 

Hart,  Thomas,  76 

Harvey,  Gordon,  189 

Harvey,  James,  199 

Hastings,  Captain  John,  190 

Hastings,  Thomas,   199 

Hausenfrats,  Jacob,  23,  64 

Hawkins,  Polly,  227 

Hayes,  Benjamin,  262 

Hayes,  Cornelius,  Jr.,  186 

Hayes,  Erastus,  226 

Hayes  family,  190 

Hayes,  James,  199 

Hayes,  John,  199 

Hayes,  Samuel,  242 

Haynes,  David,  282 

Haynes  family,  283 

Haynes,  Martha  Wilson,  282 

Hays,  Archibald,  194,  196 

Healy,  John,  253,  254 

Healy,  Nathan,  242 

Healy,  Dr.  Samuel,  204 

Hcaney,  John,  199 

Heas,  Rev.  Michael,  54,   127, 

152,  177,  181, 182 
Heffron,  Dennis,  145 
Heffron,  John,  124 
Heffron,     Dr.  John    Lorenzo, 

Heffron,  Dr.  Lorenzo,  266 
Henderson,   Hazel,   282 
Henderson,  John,  258 
Henderson,  Peter,  258 
Henderson,    Phineas,   258 
Hennesy,  Mary,  80,  135 
Hennigan,  Joseph,  272 
Herald,  Mary,  151 
Herald,  Syracuse  Evening,  33 
Herald,  Syracuse  Sunday,  46 
Hewitt,  Anna  B.,  112 



Hewitt,  Bernard  H.,  112 
Hewitt,  Gertrude  R.,  112 
Hewitt,  Katharine  N.,    112 
Hewitt,  Mary  A.  Hall,  112 
Hewitt,  Mary  Florence,  112 
Hewitt,  Richard  L.,  112 
Hewitt,  William  P.  H.,  112 
Hickey,  Edward,  95 
Hickey,  Elizabeth,  276 
Hickey,  Honora,  95 
Hickey,  James,  276 
Hickey,  John, 275 
Hickey,  Mary,  255 
Hicks,  Charles  T.,  77 
Hicks,  John  F.,  269 
Hicks,  Mary  A.,  245 
Hicks,  William,  'j'j 
Higgins,  Alfred,  89 
Higgins,  B.  L.,  77 
Higgins,  Cornelius,  76 
Higgins,  James,  249 
Higgins,  William  N.,  251 
Hill,  Isaac,  253,  254 
Hirsch,  Kate  Cassidy,  131 
Hirsch,  John  R.,  131 
Hoag,  Mrs.,  35 
Hoban,  James,  199 
Hoban,  Patrick,  199 
Hogan,  199 
Hogan,  Joseph,  23 
Hogan,  Katharine  Lalor,  23 
Hogan,  Michael,  76 
Hogan,  Mrs.,  187 
Hogan,  Thomas,  240 
Holger,  Anna,  133 
Holland,  Patrick,  277 
Holland,  Timothy,  277 
HoUoran,  Patrick,  276 
Holt,  Anna  E.  McCarthy,  22 
Holt,  Charles  Holland,  22 
Holy  Cross,  103,  144 
Holy  Cross  College,  28 
Homesick,  294 
Hoolihan,  Honora  Clary,  65 
Hoolihan,  John,  63,  65 
Hoolihan,  Michael,  65 
Hopkins,  Edwin  P.,  202 
Hopkins,  Elijah,  145,  202 
Hopkins,  Hiram,  276 
Hopkins,  John,  201 
Hopkins,  Joseph,  281 

Hopkins,  Joseph  D.,  256 
Hopkins,  Mr.,  67,  74 
Hopkins,  Samuel  Miles,  263 
Hopkins,  William  E.,  145 
Horan,   Margaret  Byrne,    137 
Horan,  Michael,  137 
Hospitality,  15,  26,  39,  92 
Hostility,  26,  27 
Howard,  Michael,  219 
Howe,  Abram,  222 
Howe,  Catharine  Cunningham, 

Howe,  Eunice  Kennedy,  222 
Howe  family,  283 
Howe,  Samuel,  283 
Hughes,  190 
Hughes,  Archbishop,  41 
Hughes,    Catharine    Gavigan, 

Hughes,  Charles,  144,  157 
Hughes,  Eugene,  144 
Hughes,  Freeman,  205,  206 
Hughes,  James,  144,  196 
Hughes,  Joseph  A.,  269 
Hughes,  Mary,  129,  206 
Hughes,  Mary  Molloy,  157 
Hughs,  Bridget,  206 
Hughs,  James,  206 
Hunt,  Ann  Murphy,  95 
Hunt,  Bridget  McGinnis,  95 
Hunt,  Catharine  McGinnis,  95 
Hunt,  Charles,  95 
Hunt,  Dennis,  90-95 
Hunt,  Dora,  95 
Hunt,  Elizabeth,  95 
Hunt,  Frances,  95 
Hunt,  Frances  Galvin,  90,  94 
Hunt,  Francis,  94,  95 
Hunt,  Frank,  95 
Hunt,  Harriet,  122 
Hunt,  Honora  Hickey,  95 
Hunt,  James,  94,  95 
Hunt,  Johanna,  95 
Hunt,  John,  94,  228 
Hunt,  Kittie,  94 
Hunt,  Margaret,  95 
Hunt,  Mary,  94,  95 
Hunt,  Matthew,  94 
Hunt,  Michael,  90,  93,  94 
Hunt,  Patrick,  94 
Hunt,  Stephen,  95 



Hunt,  Sumner  Lyman,  255 
Hunt,  Theresa,  95 
Hunt,  Thomas,  94 
Hunt,  Walter,  251 
Hunt,  William,  95 
Hunter,  Catharine,  263 
Hurley,  Thomas,  180 
Hurst,  Ellen,  159 
Hurst,  George,  48,  159 
Hurst,  John,  48,  159 
Hurst,  Margaret,  159 
Hurst,  Mary  Beatson,  159 
Hurst,  Samuel,  48,  159 
Hurst,  Sarah,  159 
Hurst,  Scott,  159 
Hurst,  Thomas,  48,  159 
Hutchinson,  John,  255 

Indian  Legend,  An,  283,  284 

Indians,  43,  49,  151,  268 

Inniskillen,  43 

Iowa,  first  white  child  of,  42 

Irish  Counties,  98 

Irish  Surnames,  161 

Jackman  family,  35 
Jackman,  Patrick,  42,  44,  64 
James  &  Cummings,  275 
Jaqueth,  Sampson,  120 
Jenkinson,  Christina,  253 
Jennings,  Anthony,  124 
Jessup,  Henrietta,  254 
Jesuit  Well,  The,  34,  292 
Johnson,     Anastasia     Phalen, 

Johnson,  Elizabeth  Lalor,  23 
Johnson,  James,  23 
Johnson,  Sir  John,  267 
Johnson,  Mary  Butler,  261 
Johnson,  Patrick  J.,  116 
Johnson,  Rufus,  261 
Johnson,  Thomas,  116 
Johnson,  Sir  William,  6 
Joy,  Bridget  Cummings,  159, 

Joy,  Bridget  Meagher,  159 
Joy,  Catharine  GuiHck,  159 
Joy,  David,  266 
Joy,  Edward,  159 
Joy,  Ellen,  159 
Joy,  Jane  Vrooman,  159 

Joy,  John,  159 

Joy,  Mary,  161 

Joy,  Mary  Ann,  159 

Joy,  Mary  Ann  Meagher,  159 

Joy,  Mary  Cleary,  159 

Joy,  Mary  Powers,  159 

Joy,  Michael,  159 

Joy,  Nicholas,  159,  161 

Joy,  Patrick,  159 

Joy,  Pierce,  159 

Joy,  Polly,  266 

Joy,  Richard,  158,  159 

Joy,  Thomas,  159 

Joyce,  124 

Kanaley,  Edward,  22 

Kanaley,  Genevieve  McCar- 
thy, 22 

Kane,  George,  251 

Kane,  Joanna  McSweeny,  16 

Kanturk,  236 

Kasson,  James,  194 

Kasson,  Louis,  194 

Kasson,  Nathaniel,  194 

Kavanaugh,  Anna,  85 

Kearnan,  Mary,  188 

Kearnan,  Thomas,  188 

Kearney,  Bridget  124 

Kearney,  Carmencita  Tim- 
mons,  100 

Kearney,  Eliza,  100 

Kearney,  Mary  E.,  18 

Kearney,  Patrick,  100 

Kearney,  William,  199 

Keeners,  183 

Keefe,  Daniel,  28,  44 

Keefe,  JohnC.,  28 

Keeler,  Daniel,  76 

Keeler,  Jeremiah,  76 

Keeler,  Marie  Theresa,  84 

Kehoe,  Ann  McCarthy,  161 

Kehoe,  Catharine  Burns,   161 

Kehoe,  James,  161 

Kehoe,  James  J.,  161 

Kelley,  Alice  Gannon,  151 

Kelley,  Alice  McGraw,  178 

Kelley,  Andrew,  124 

Kelley,  Anna,  150,  151 

Kelley,  Anthony,  124 

Kelley,  Bernard,  151 

Kelley,  Catharine,  151,  178 



Kelley,  Catharine  Delehanty, 

Kelley,  Charles,  151 
Kelley,  Daniel,  151 
Kelley,  Edmund,  177,  178 
Kelley,  Edward,  177 
Kelley,  Elizabeth,  177 
Kelley,  Ellen,  177,  237 
Kelley,  Francis,  177 
Kelley,  Frank,  151 
Kelley,  James,  124,  151 
Kelley,  Jane,  177 
Kelley,  Jennie  Mahony,  151 
Kelley,  John,  151,  177 
Kelley,  Katharine,  177 
Kelley,    Margaret,    151,    177, 

Kelley,  Margaret  Marion,  176 
Kelley,    Margaret    McAuliffe, 


Kelley,  Mary,  151,  177 
Kelley,  Mary  Butler,  151 
Kelley,  Mary  Coyne,  151 
Kelley,    Nancy    Mooney,  150 
Kelley,  Nancy  Reagan,  150 
Kelley,  Nellie  Bowler,  151 
Kelley,  Nellie  Dwyer,  151 
Kelley,  Patrick,  124,  177 
Kelley,  Richard,  175,  181 
Kelley,  Rose  Burns,  151 
Kelley,  Sarah,  177 
Kelley,  William,  151,  251 
Kelly,  Daniel  J.,  223,  224 
Kelly,  James  M.,  224 
Kelly,  Joel  F.,  224 
Kelly,  Margaret,  36 
Kelly,  Nancy  Crane,  224 
Kelly,  T.  D.,  224 
Kelly,  Thomas,  239 
Kendrick,  Dennis,  99,  100 
Kendrick,  Elizabeth,  100 
Kendrick,  Francis  B.,  100 
Kendrick,  James  P.,  100 
Kendrick,  Maria  Degnan,  99, 

Kendrick,  Mary  A.,  100 
Kendrick,  Mary  Murphy,  36, 

Kendrick,  Michael  G.,  100 
Kendrick,    Thomas,    36,     99, 


Kendrick,  Thomas  J.,  100 
Kennedy,  Alida,  222 
Kennedy,  Bradford,  222 
Kennedy,  Catharine,  160,  246 
Kennedy,    Catharine    Conry, 

Kennedy,  Dr.  Dennis,  222 
Kennedy,  Dennis  M.,  222 
Kennedy,    Ellen    Morehouse, 

Kennedy,  Eunice,  222 
Kennedy,  George,  245 
Kennedy,  George  Nelson,  245 
Kennedy,  Hiram,  222 
Kennedy,  John,  246 
Kennedy,  John  C,  245 
Kennedy,  Rt.  Rev.  Mgr.  John 

Joseph  ,138,  153 
Kennedy,  Kittie,  160 
Kennedy,  Lavinia,  222 
Kennedy,  Lewis,  242 
Kennedy,  Mary,  138,  218 
Kennedy,  Mary  E.,  222 
Kennedy,    Mary    Merryfield, 

Kennedy,  Mehitabel,  222 
Kennedy,  Michael,  186 
Kennedy,  Patrick,  124,  199 
Kennedy,  Sarah  Ann,  222 
Kennedy,  Warren,  222 
Kennelly,  John,  277 
Keohane,  Patrick,  276 
Kerry,  99  -^ 

Kilcommon,  239 
Kildare,  98 
Kildysart,  148 
Kilkenny,  98 
Killaloe,  116,  150 
Killarney,  loi 
Killgallon,  Mary,  67 
Killworth,  135 
Kimball,  L.  Stephen,  206 
King,  Mary,  259 
Kings  County,  98 
Kingsley,  Margaret,  63 
Kinney,  Joanna, 255 
Kinsella,  Julia  Tobin,  255 
Kinsella,  Patrick,  255 
Kippley,  Mary,  119 
Kirwin,  John,  240 
Knapp,  Amy,  248 



Kneeland,  Elizabeth   Fitz- 
gerald, 226 
Kneeland,  James  H.,  226 
Kneeland,  Jane,  226 
Kneeland,  Jonathan,  226 
Kneeland,  Warren,  226 
Knobel,  Margaret  Shaunessy, 

Knobel,  Thomas,  80 
Knockbride,  parish  of,  180 
Konoulty,  Honora,  149 
Konoulty,  Michael,   149 
Kyne,  John  L.,  245 
Kyne,  Thomas,  245 

Lacy,  32 

Ladell,  Nancy,  270 

Lafayette,  247 

Lafayette,  General,  48,  49 

Lakin,  Elizabeth  Wilson,  282 

Lakin,  WiUiam,  281,  282 

Lally,  Michael,  124 

Lalor,  Agnes,  23 

Lalor,  Agnes  McCarthy,  18 

Lalor,  Catharine  Mahony,  23 

Lalor,  Elizabeth,  23 

Lalor,  Genevieve,  23 

Lalor,  Josephine,  23 

Lalor,  Katharine,  23 

Lalor,  Mary,  23 

Lalor,  Percy,  23 

Lalor,  Wilhelmina,  23 

Lalor,  William,  18,  23 

Lamb,  Colonel  John,  76 

Lane,  Ellen  Byrne,  138 

Lane,  Ezra,  234 

Lane,  Maurice  F.,  138 

Lane,  William,  254 

Lang,  Emma,  29 

Langan,  Anthony,  199 

Lannon,  Jeremiah,  237 

Lannon,     Margaret     Murray, 

Lannon,  Mary,  237-239 
Larkin,     Dr.     Albert    Edwin, 

Larkin,  Ann  Walker,  271 
Larkin,  Edwin  D.,  252 
Larkin,  John,  251 
Larkin,  Thomas,  271 
Laughlin,  281 

Laughlin,    Dr.    William,    282, 

Lawless,  Elizabeth,  135 
Lawless,  Mary  Ryan,  135 
Lawless,  Michael  J.,  135 
Lawton,  Katharine,  37 
Leach,  Jefferson,  9,  24 
Leahy, 124 
Leahy,  Dennis,  65 
Leahy,  Ellen  Driscoll,  64 
Leahy,  John,  64,  65,  239 
Leahy,  Kate  Clary,  65 
Leahy,  Matthew,  65 
Leamy,  Richard,  124 
Leamy,  William,  124 
Lee,  Ezra,  234 
Lee,  Kesiah  Folgar,  12,  58 
Lee,  Mary,  218 
Lee,  Saybrook,  194 
Leighlin,  136 
Leitrim,  99 
Leslie,  Anna,  82 
Leslie,  David,  44,  82 
Leslie,  David  R.,  82 
Leslie,  Elizabeth,  82 
Leslie  family,  42,  44 
Leslie,  Grace,  82 
LesHe,  John,  44,  81,  82,  83 
Leslie,  Margaret,  82 
Leslie,  Margaret  Cunningham, 

Leslie,  Margaret  Whitney,  82 
Leslie,  Martha,  82 
Leslie,  Mary,  82 
Leslie,  Ross,  81,  82 
Leslie,  Thomas,  82 
Lewis,    Catharine    Shanahan, 

Lewis,  Edward,  124 
Lewis,  John,  124,  171 
Lewis,  Thomas,  124 
Leyden,  Anna,  212,  216,  217 
Leyden,    Anna    Walton,    212, 

Leyden,  Barbara,  217 
Leyden,  Blanche,  216 
Leyden,  Edward  C,  217 
Leyden,  Elizabeth,  216 
Leyden,  Ella,  216,  217 
Leyden,  Esther  A.,  217 
Leyden  family,  42 



Leyden,  George,  212,  216,  217 

Leyden,  Hanna,  216 

Leyden,  Hanna  Padbury,  214, 

Leyden,  Hart  C,  216 
Leyden,  Isaac  H.,  216 
Leyden,  John, 44, 212,  214,  216 
Leyden,    Kate   Carahart,    214 
Leyden,  Katharine,  217 
Leyden,  Lula,  217 
Leyden,    Margaret    Garrigus, 

Le3^den,  Mary,  212,  214,  216, 

Leyden,  Major  Maurice,  214, 

Lej'-den,  Michael,  44,  207-217 
Leyden,  Molloy,  214 
Leyden,  Nellie  Hart,  216 
Liberty  Pole,  The,  107 
Lighton,  Anna  Kavanaugh,  85 
Lighton,  Anna  Laura,  84 
Lighton,  Arthur,  84 
Lighton,    Catharine     McDer- 

mott,  84 
Lighton,  C.  Frank,  84 
Lighton,  Edward,  66,  84 
Lighton,  Electa  Canfield,  84 
Lighton,  Ellen  Frances,  85 
Lighton,  George,  84 
Lighton,  James,  84 
Lighton,    James    McDermott, 

Lighton,  John,  66,  84 
Lighton,  John  B.,  84 
Lighton,  Kate,  84 
Lighton,  Katharine  Toole,  84 
Lighton,  Louis,  84 
Lighton,  Lula,  84 
Lighton,  Margaret,  84,  85 
Lighton,  Margaret  Theresa,  84 
Lighton,  Marie  T.  Keeler,  84 
Lighton,  Martha  Tilden,  84 
Lighton,  Mary  Burke,  84 
Lighton,  Mary  Doran,  84 
Lighton,  Mary  E.,  84 
Lighton,  vStella,  84 
Lighton,  Tasiana,  85 
Lighton,  Theresa  Fechter,  84 
Lighton,  Thomas,  84 
Lighton,  William  T.,  85 

Lilly,  William,  77,  155 

Lillys,  The,  263 

Limerick,  99 

Linsford  Glebe,  236 

Listcarroll,  63 

Little,  Eliza,  38 

Liverpool,  56,  61 

Liverpool,  Champions,  56 

Logan,  Mr.,  276 

Logan,  Peter,  219 

Londonderry,  263' 

Lonergan,  Catharine,  154 

Lonergan,   Mary   Mahar,    154 

Lonergan,  Stephen,  154 

Lonesome  Boy,  A,  294 

Long,  Bridget,  239 

Long  family,  257 

Long,  John,  255,256 

Long,  Mary  Tobin,  255 

Longford,  98,  170 

Loomis,  Eleazer,  194 

Lough  Gowna,  294 

Loughlin,  Frank  H.,  84 

Loughlin,  Margaret  T.  Ligh- 
ton, 84 

Louth,  98 

Lucid,  Mary  Tobin,  255 

Lucid,  Michael,  255 

Ludden,  Anthony,  156 

Ludden,  Ellen  Fitzgerald,  156 

Ludden,  Rt.  Pv.ev.  Patrick 
Anthony,  156 

Lumber  Camp,  51 

Lynch,  Adelaide,  39 

Lynch,  Andrew,  41,  42,  1 68 

Lynch,  Andrew  Jackson,  40,  42 

Lynch,  Andrew  J.,  41 

Lynch,  Anna  Mahoney,  41 

Lynch,  Ann  Ready,  41 

Lynch,  Arthur,  170 

Lynch,  Augusta,  170 

Lynch,  Bridget  Command,  41 

Lynch,  Catharine  Ann  Ade- 
laide, 41 

Lynch,  Catharine  Gormly,  1 67, 

Lynch,  Major  Charles  P., 
M.D.,  42  _ 

Lynch,  Cornelius,  37,  40,  41 

Lynch,  Cynthia  Van  Loon,  41 

Lynch,  Daniel,  40,  41,  42,  124 



Lynch,  Dennis,  40,  42 
Lynch,  Edward,  40,  41,  42 
Lynch,  Rev.  Edward,  41 
Lynch,  Eleanor  Denman,  39 
Lynch,  EHza  Little,  38,  39 
Lynch,  Ellen,  41,  127 
Lynch,  Dr.  George,  170 
Lynch,  George,  39,  40 
Lynch,  Grace,  170 
Lynch,  Helen  Barry,  39 
Lynch,  James,  15,  28,   37-40, 

Lynch,  Joanna,  40 
Lynch,  Joanna  Dooling,  37,  40 
Lynch,  John,  29,  38,  40,  41, 

167,  170 
Lynch,  John  G.,  42 
Lynch,  John  J.,  169 
Lynch,  John  O'SuUivan,  39 
Lynch,  Josephine,  41 
Lynch,  Kate  Duggan,  40 
Lynch,  Kate  Quigley,  42 
Lynch,  Katharine,  41,  170 
Lynch,  Louise,  39 
Lynch,   Louise   Elizabeth,   41 
Lynch,  Lucy,  39 
Lynch,  Margaret,  41 
Lynch,  Margaret  Farrell,  41 
Lynch,  Martha,  170 
Lynch,  Mary,  39,  40,  41,  160, 

Lynch,  Mary  Donohue,  41 
Lynch,  Mary  Louise,  42 
Lynch,  Mary  Scanlon,  40 
Lynch,  Mary  Schemel,  170 
Lynch,  Michael,  29,  39,  40,  41 
Lynch,  Minnie,  138 
Lynch,  M.  Louise  Van  Loon, 

Lynch,  Mr.,  271 
Lynch,  Patrick,  40,  41 
Lynch,  Penfield  Slattery,  41 
Lynch,  Sarah,  41 
Lynch,  Sarah  Stratton,  41 
Lynch,  Thomas,  39 
Lysander,  222 

McAndrews,  Margaret,  201 
McAuliffe,  Margaret,  151 
McAuliffe,  Mary  Herald,   151 
McAuliffe,  Thomas,  151 

McCabe,  Andrew,  224 
McCabe,  Catharine,  224 
McCabe,    Catharine    Conlon, 

McCabe,  Francis,  224 
McCabe,  Margaret,  224 
McCabe,  Mary,  123 
McCabe,  Mary  Ann,  224 
McCann,  Agnes,  44 
McCann,  Ann  McGuire,  43 
McCann,  Blanche,  29 
McCann,  Ella,  44 
McCann,  James,  43,  44 
McCann,  John,  29,  42,  43 
McCann,  Martha  Dana,  44 
McCann,  Mary  Doyle,  29 
McCann,  Olivia,  44,  47 
McCann,  William,  42,  43,  44, 

McCansey,  Charles,  230 
McCansey,     Lydia     Mitchell, 

McCansey,  James,  230 
McCarrick,  John,  276,  277 
McCarthy,  Agnes,  17,  18,  24 

McCarthy,  Andrew,  147 
McCarthy,  Ann,  161 
McCarthy,  Anna,  22 
McCarthy,   Anna    Cronly 

Toole,  18 
McCarthy,  Anna  Eliza,  22 
McCarthy,  Catharine,  40 
McCarthy,  Daniel,  40 
McCarthy,  David  K.,  20 
McCarthy,  Dennis,  17,  18,  20, 

76,  89,  146 
McCarthy,  Edward  A.,  22 
McCarthy,  Eliza,  17 
McCarthy,  Elizabeth    Cayon, 

McCarthy,  Elizabeth  Stack,  13 
McCarthy,    Elizabeth    Toole, 

18,  20 
McCarthy,  EHza  Jane  Pierce, 

McCarthy,  Ellen,  18 
McCarthy,  Ellen  E.,  22 
McCarthy,  Esther  Yates,  22 
McCarthy,   Eugene,   22,    146, 




McCarthy  family,  31,  42 
McCarthy,  P'rederic,  22 
McCarthy,   Genevieve,   22 
McCarthy,  Grace  L.,  22 
McCarthy,  Helen,  252 
McCarthy,    James,    "Fitz- 

Mac, "  199 
McCarthy,  Jennie  Marie,  23 
McCarthy,  Jeremiah,  40 
McCarthy,  Joanna  Lynch,  40 
McCarthy,  John,  13,  18,  20 
McCarthy,  John  C,  22 
McCarthy,  Kate,  20 
McCarthy,  Mary,  17,  18,  40 
McCarthy,  Mary  A.,  22 
McCarthy,  Mary  B.,  19 
McCarthy,  Mary  Driscoll,  64 
McCarthy,  Mary  E.  Kearney, 

McCarthy,  Mary  R.  O'Hara, 

McCarthy,    Millicent    Carter, 

17.  19 

McCarthy,  Nellie  Collins,  22 
McCarthy,  Patrick,    123,  240 
McCarthy,  Percy,  20,  22 
McCarthy,  Percy  Soule,  15,  17 
McCarthy,  Robert,  17,  22 
McCarthy,  Sallie,  22 
McCarthy,  Sarah,  18 
McCarthy,     Thomas,     12-20, 

28,  38,  44,  54,  64,  76 
McCarthy,  Thomas  I.,  22 
McCarthy,  Timothy,  40 
McCarthy,  William,  18,  123 
McCarthy,  ZoUie  Bustin,  22 
McCaslin,  John,  77 
McChesney,  Cora,   160 
McChesney,  John,  160 
McChesney,  Sarah  Taft,  160 
McClain,  William,  281 
McClaughry,  Richard,  254 
McClosky,  Cardinal,  17 
McClure,  James,  263 
McClure,  Sam,  228 
McCormick,  James,  124 
McCormick,  James  Augustus, 

McCormick,  Mary  Matthews, 

McCormick,  Thomas,   129 

McCrady,  Mary,  236 
McCray,  James,  235 
McCuUoch,  Amanda,  240 
McCuUoch,  Dunbar,  240 
McCulloch,  George,  242 
McCuUoch,  Mary,  240 
McCulloch,  Robert,  240,  241, 

McCullough,  James,  123 
McDaniels,  Benjamin,  227 
McDaniels,  Bridget,  226,  227 
McDaniels,  Caroline  B.,  227 
McDaniels,  Edgar  B.,  227 
McDaniels,  Eliza  A.,  227 
McDaniels,  Emily  B.,  227 
McDaniels,  George  W.,  227 
McDaniels,  John,  226 
McDaniels,  John  Nelson,  227 
McDaniels,  Julia  A.,  227 
McDaniels,  Mary,  227 
McDaniels,     Polly     Hawkins, 

McDaniels,  Richard  H.,  227 
McDaniels,   Timothy,   226 
McDermott,  Catharine,  33,  84 
McDermott  John,  33 
McDermott,  Joseph,  77 
McDermott,  Mary,  33 
McDermott,  Thomas,  220 
McDonald,  James,  133 
McDonald,  Joanna  Doyle,  133 
McDonald,  John,  127 
McDonald,    Margaret    Galla- 

van, 127 
McDonald,  Mary  Griffin,  127 
McDonald,  Tatiana,   133 
McDuffee,  James,  227 
McDuffee,  Ruth,  227 
McEvers,  263 
McEvoy,  Mary,  49 
McEvoy,  Michael,  49 
McFall,  Charles,  86 
McFall,  Hanna  Driscoll,  86 
McFarland  family,  35,  44 
McFarland,  Jane,  29 
McFarland,  Robert,  66 
McFarland,  William,  29,  66 
McGee,  Catharine,  62 
McGee  family,  282 
McGee,  James,  52 
McGee,  John,  281 



McGee,  Patrick,  267-269 
McGinnis,  Bridget,  95 
McGinnis,  Catharine,  95 
McGinnis,  Dora  Quinn,  95 
McGinnis,  John,  235 
McGinnis,  Stephen,  95 
McGlocklan,  James,  251 
McGough,  James,  219 
McGough,  Margaret,  219 
McGovern,  Mary,  171 
McGovern,  Mrs.,  187 
McGovern,  Roger,  199 
McGowan,  H.  W.,  77 
McGowan,   Michael,   219 
McGown,  John,  254 
McGrath,  Catharine,   135 
McGrath,  Harold,  iii,  146 
McGrath,  John,  135 
McGrath,  Margaret,  115 
McGrath,   Margaret   Garrity, 


McGrath,  Mark,  115 
McGrath,     Mary     Hennessy, 


McGrath,  Mrs.,  iii 
McGrath,  Redmond,  135 
McGrath,  Thomas,  146 
McGraw,  Alice,  178 
McGraw,  Anna,  161 
McGraw,  Bridget  Murphy,  36 
McGraw,  Daniel,  36 
McGraw,  Ellen,  36 
McGraw,  John,  36 
McGraw,  Mary  Murray,  161 
McGraw,  Matilda,  36 
McGraw,  Patrick,  161 
McGraw,  Peter,  36 
McGraw,  William,  36 
McGrory,  Mary,  236 
McGuire,  Ambrose,  182 
McGuire,  Ann,  43 
McGuire,  Anna,  50 
McGuire,  Bernard,  171 
McGuire,  Bridget  IDegnan,  171 
McGuire,  Cusack,  180 
McGuire,  Dennis,  180 
McGuire,    Elizabeth    Marion, 

McGuire,   Esther,  Devoy,   50, 

McGuire,  Francis,  180 

McGuire,    Rev.    Francis    De 

Sales,  182 
McGuire,  John,  50,  180,  182 
McGuire,  Martha,  255 
McGuire,  Mary,  180,  182,  255, 

McGuire,  Peter,  100,  176,  180 
McGuire's  Bridge,  43 
McGurk,  James,  297 
McGurn,  Jane,  137 
McHale,  Nora  Burke,  239 
McHale,  Robert,  239,  240 
McHarrie,  Lydia,  279 
McHarrie,  John,  278-281 
Machen,  William,  242 
McHugh,  Mary,  236 
Mack,  John,  160 
Mack,  Margaret  Ellen  Burns, 

Mack,  Michael,  160 
Mack,  Nano  Buckley,  160 
McKay,  Daniel,  234 
McKay,  Henry,  263 
McKay,  Philo,  263 
McKay,  Sally,  263 
McKay,  Seth,  234 
McKay,  Simon,  234 
McKee,  Billy,  275 
McKee,  David,  254 
McKee,  James,  234 
McKeever,  Arthur,  29 
McKeever,  Charles,  29 
McKeever,  Ellen,  29 
McKeever,  Francis,  29 
McKeever,  John,  29 
McKeever,  John  Seymour,  29 
McKeever,  Margaret,  29 
McKeever,  Mary  Cooney,  29 
McKeever,  Nicholas,  29 
McKenzie,  Alexander,  65 
McKenzie,  Jane,  65 
McKenzie,  Robert,  65 
McKenzie,  William,  65 
McKevett   Soldiers,   112 
Mackey,  John,  200 
Mackey,  Margaret,  200 
McKeys,  Daniel,'  263 
Mackin,  John,  42,  44 
Mackin,  Owen,  42,  44 
Mackin,    Captain   Thomas,   6 
McKinley,  Gilbert,  270 



McKinley,  Dr.  Hays,  269 

McKinley,  Hugh,  270 

McKinley,  Nancy  Ladell,  270 

McKinley,  William,  271 

McKinney,  Anne,  235,  236 

McKinney,  John,  235 

McKown,  282 

McLaughlin,  Andrew,  80 

Anne,  131,  132 
Anne  McKinney, 




Bridget    Mc- 
Laughlin, 80 

Catharine,    132, 

Bridget,  80,  132 
Bridget  Gavigan, 








lin,  132 


132,  240 


McLaughlin,  William,  236 
McLaury,  Richard,  281 
McLean,  Alexander,  70 
McLean,  Dora,  160 
McLean,  James,  124 
McLean,  John,  160 

Cornelius,  236 
Edward,  81,  132 
Elizabeth,  236 
Ellen,  80,  236 
Honora   Burke, 

Hugh,  236 

James,  235,  236 
John  132,  236 

Mary,  80,   132, 

Mary  Casey,  236 
Mary  McCrady, 

Mary  McGrory, 

Mary  McHugh, 

Mary  McLaugh- 

Mary  Masterson, 

Patrick,  81,  131, 

Peter,  80 
Thomas,  80,  124, 

McLean,  Marie,  175 
McLean,  Mary  O'Brien,  160 
McMahon,  Arthur,  52 
McMahon  family,  50,  52 
McMahon,  Frank,  52 
McMahon,  John,  52 
McMahon,  Thomas,  52 
McMahon,  William,  52 
McManus,  Thomas,  127 
McMechen,  Henry  S.,  269 
McMenome,  Barney,  219 
McMillen,  Asa,  250 
McMillen,  James,  250 
McMillen,  Joseph,  250 
McMillen,  Peter,  250 
McMuUen,  234 
McMullen,  Hugh,  254 
McMuUen,  Katy,  234 
McNally,  Dunlap,  240 
McNally,  James,  240 
McNally,  John,  239,  240,  244 
McNally,  Robert,  240 
McNamara,  John,  116 
McNamara,  Julia,  116 
McNamara,    Mary   Flannery, 

McNaughton,  James,  269 
MaNaughton,  John,  269 
McNaulty,  James,  201 
McNeill,  Charles,  81 
McNeill,  Daniel,  276 
McNeill,  Hanna  Doyle,  81 
McNeill,  Patrick,  20i 
McNevin,  Dr.,  21 
McQueen,  Daniel,  251 
McQueen,  John,  64,  270 
McQueen,  Nancy,  269 
McQueen,  Peter,  251 
McQueen,  Robert,  64,  269 
McQueen,  R.  Bruce,  269 
McSloy,  Anna  Dunn,  37 
McSloy,  Hugh,  37 
McSweeny,  Edmund,  12 
McSweeny,  EHzabeth,  12.  44 
McSweeny,  Joanna,  16 
McTee,  Bernard,  291 
McTee,  Patrick,  291 
McVey,  James,  220 
McVey,  Joseph  H.,  220 
Mahar,  Alice  M.,  221 
Mahar,  Dennis,  199 



Mahar,  Esther  Doyle,  8i 
Mahar,  James,  220, 
Mahar,  Margaret,  A.,  221 
Mahar,  Mary,  154 
Mahar,  Mary  Boyle,  220 
Mahar,  Mary  J.  Callahan,  221 
Mahar,  Michael,  220,  221 
Mahar,  William  J.,  81 
Mahoney,  Anna,  41 
Mahony,  Catharine,  23 
Mahony,  Rev.  Francis,  23 
Mahony,  Jennie,  151 
Malay,  124 
Malay,  Alice,  179 
Malay,  Catharine  Kelley,  179 
Malay,  Edward,  179 
Malay,  Ellen,  179 
Malay,  Ellen  Doyle,  179 
Malay,  Francis,  179 
Malay,  James,  179 
Malay,  John,  179 
Malay,  Michael,  179 
Malay,  Richard,  179 
Malay,  Thomas,  179 
Malay,  William,  179 
Mallow,  47,  64 
Maloney,  Catharine,  62,  63 
Maloney,  Catharine,    McGee, 

Maloney,  James,  62 
Maloney,  James  P.,  63 
Maloney,  John,  63 
Maloney,  Louise,  63 
Maloney,  Lucy,  43,  63 
Maloney,  Margaret,  62,  63 
Maloney,  Michael,  43,  47,  62, 

Maloney,    Patrick,    62,    189, 

Maloney,  Richard,  67 
Maloney,  Thomas,  63,  123 
Maloney,  William,  63 
Malorey,  Joseph,  254 
Manahan,  Charles,  123,  199 
Mangan,  Bernard,  124 
Mangan,  Bridget,  124 
Mangan,  John,  124 
Mangan,  Martin,  124 
Mangan,  Michael,  124 
Mangan,  Patrick,  124 
Manley,  John  C,  115,  124 

Manlius,  272 
Mara,  Katharine,  33 
Mara,  Margaret  Comerford,  33 
Mara,  William,  33 
Marcellus,  237 
Marion,  Elizabeth,  176,  180 
Marion,  Margaret,  176 
Marion,  Patrick,  176,  180,  292 
Marriage  Records,  163 
Martin,  John,  219,  251 
Martin,  Mr.  77 
Martin,  Thomas,  223 
Marvin,  Isabella  Wilson,  282 
Marvin,  Samuel,  282 
Masterson,  Bridget,  206 
Masterson,  Mary,  131 
Matthews,  Mary,  129 
Matthews,  Samuel,  25 
Matthews,  Samuel  R.,  76 
Matthews,  Vincent,  76 
Mausoleum,  The,  46 
May,  Mrs.,  189 
Mayhew,  Harriet,  218 
Mayo,  99 
Mead,  James,  124 
Mead,  Maurice,  124 
Meagher,  Bridget,  159 
Meagher,  Ellen,  149 
Meagher,  James,  123 
Meagher,  Mary  Ann,  159 
Meagher,  Michael,  123 
Meagher,  Thomas,  123 
Meagher,  William,  123 
Meath,  98 

Meehan,  Michael,  124 
Melia,  Michael,  240 
Mercer,  Dr.  Alfred,  88 
Merryfield,  Mary,  222 
Milestone  parish  of,  46 
Millen,  James  C,  246 
Millhollen,  Henry,  234 
Miney,  John,  219 
Mitchell,  Lydia,  230 
Mitchell,  Maria,  254 
Mitchell,  Mary  Lalor,  23 
Mitchell,  William,  230 
MoUoy,  Anne  Murphy,  116 
Molloy,  Bridget  Farrell,  47 
Molloy,  Elizabeth,  157 
Molloy,  Eliza  Cosgriff,  157 
Molloy,  John,  Esq.,  in,  156 



MoUoy,  John  R.,  157 
Molloy,  Mary,  157 
Molloy,  Patrick,  42,  47 
Molloy,  Sarah,  157 
Molloy,  Thomas,  116,  214,  216 
Molloy,  William  C,  157 
Monaghan,  99 
Moncoyne,  180 
Monen,  Bridget  C.  Hall,  113 
Monen,  Edward  L.,  113 
Monen,  Jessie,  113 
Montgomery,  78 
Montgomery,    General    Rich- 
ard, 21 
Mooney,  Barnet,  76 
Mooney,  Bridget,  151 
Mooney,  Daniel,  151 
Mooney,  Donohue  and,  68,  69 
Mooney,  Elizabeth,  81 
Mooney,  John,  151 
Mooney,  Margaret,  151 
Mooney,  Mary  Curry,  151 
Mooney,  Nancy,  150 
Mooney,  Sarah,  151 
Moor,  William,  223 
Moore,  "  Cabbagehead, "  48 
Moore,  Charles,  266 
Moore,  David,  256 
Moore,  Ebenezer,  202 
Moore,  Henry,  76 
Moore,  Isaac,  262 
Moore,  James  B.,  79 
Moore,  Josiah,  266 
Moran  family,  201 
Moran,  John,  124 
Morehouse,  Ellen,  222 
Morgan,    Catharine,    100 
Morgan,  Thomas,  76,  254 
Morrell,  Frederick,  37 
Morrissy,  John,  123 
Morse,  Arethusa,  259 
Mosely,  Lucy,  145 
Moyston  parish  of,  94 
Mulherin,  Bernard,  66 
Mulherin,  James,  66 
Mulherin,  John,  66 
Mulherin,  Patrick,  66 
Mulholland,  Charles,  274 
Mulholland,  Daniel,  275 
Mulholland,  Jennie,  275 
MuUon,  Charles,  242 

Mulroy,  Agnes  I.  Dolan,  239 
Mulroy,  Bridget  Roach,  239 
Mulroy,  Edward,  239 
Mulroy,  Emmet,  239 
Mulroy,  Francis,  239 
Mulroy,  Leo,  239 
Mulroy,  Patrick,  239 
Murphy,  Ann,  114,  199 
Murphy,  Anne,  35,  116 
Murphy,  Antoinette,  36 
Murphy,  Bridget,  36,  199 
Murphy,  Catharine,  36 
Murphy,  Cornelius,  199 
Murphy,  Dennis,  199 
Murphy,  Ellen,  36 
Murphy,  Francis,  264 
Murphy,  Mrs.  Hoag,  35 
Murphy,  James,  33,  34,  35 
Murphy,  Jeremiah,  199 
Murphy,  John,  80,   123,   141, 

199, 276, 27^ 
Murphy,  Katharine  King,  119 
Murphy,  Margaret,  35 
Murphy,  Martin,  199 
Murphy,  Mary,  36 
Murphy,  Mary  Elizabeth,  23 
Murphy,  Mary  Farrell,  34 
Murphy,  Mary  McCarthy,  18 
Murphy,  Matthew,  18,  141 
Murphy,  Michael,  199 
Murphy,  Michael  C,  123 
Murphy,  Patrick,  119,  124 
Murphy,  Roger,  42 
Murphy,     Sarah     Shaunessy, 

Murphy,  Thomas,  34 
Murray,  Bridget  McLaughlin, 

Murray,  Catharine  Doyle,  29, 

Murray,  Daniel,  66 
Murray,  Edward,  39 
Murray,  James,  66 
Murray,  John,  124 
Murray,  Julia,  151 
Murray,  Mary,  161 
Murray,  Mary  Lynch,  39 
Murray,  Margaret,  237 
Murray,   Michael,  29,  33,  66, 

Murray,  Thomas,  29,  33 



National  Guards,  The,  139 
Neal,  Mary,  105 
Nesbit,  James,  227 
Nesbit,  Nancy  Wallace,  227 
Nesbit,  Robert,  22-] 
Nesbit,  William,  227 
Nesdle,  Patrick,  181,  199 
Nesdle,  Philip,  199 
Nesdle,  Thomas,  199 
Neville,  Catharine,  30 
New  Birmingham,  219 
New  Englanders,  27 
Newton,  Richard,  125 
Nicholson,    Bridget    Kearney, 

Nicholson,  Cathanne,  144 
Nicholson,  Elizabeth,  283 
Nicholson,  Mary  A.  McGuire, 

Nicholson,  Peter,  144 
Nicholson,  Stephen,  124 
Nicholson,  William,  125 

Oak  Orchard,  25 
O'Blennis,  John,  8,  293 
O'Blennis,  Kate  VanVleck,  8, 

O'Brien,  Anne,  132 
O'Brien,  Mrs.  Anthony,  195 
O'Brien,  Bridget  O'Connell,  63 
O'Brien,  Catharine,  63 
O'Brien,  Cornelius,  276 
O'Brien,  Daniel,  26,  30,  63,  67 
O'Brien,  Ellen,  63 
O'Brien  family,  283 
O'Brien,  John,  63,    132,    199, 

276,  277 
O'Brien,  Margaret,  63 
O'Brien,    Margaret    Kingsley, 

O'Brien,   Margaret  O  Meara, 

O'Brien,  Mary,  160 
O'Brien,  Maria  Gallagher,  63, 

O'Brien,  Matthew,  125,  199 
O'Brien,  Michael,  125,  199 
O'Brien,  William,  26,  30,  63 
O'Connell,  Bridget,  63 
O'Connell,  Eliza,  153 
O'Connell,  John,  153 

O'Connell,  Kate,  123  '  "^ 
O'Connell,  Michael,  123 
O'Connell,  Patrick,  123 
O'Connor,  Bernard,  235 
O'Connor,  Nancy,  235 
O'Connor,  William,  235 
O'Donnell,    Rev.    James,    54, 

O'Donohue,    Cornelius,     145, 

O'Donohue,  Rev.  Francis,  54 
O'Farrell,  Caroline,  228 
O'Farrell,  Catharine,  228 
O'Farrell,  David,  228 
O'Farrell,  Dinah,  227 
O'Farrell,  Elihu,  228 
O'Farrell,  Esther,  228 
O'Farrell,  Francis  A.,  228 
O'Farrell,  Henry,  228 
O'Farrell,  John  W.,  228 
O'Farrell.  Maria  ,228 
O'Farrell,  Mr.,  245 
O'Farrell,  William,  227,  228, 

O'Farrell,  William  M.,  228 
O'Hara,  Rev.  James,  153 
O'Hara,  Mary  R.,  22 
O'Herin,  Daniel,  123 
O'Herin,  Honora  Welch,  123 
O'Herin,  James,  130 
O'Keefe,  232 
Oley,  Charles  E.,  161 
Oley,  Emma  Burns,  161 
Oley,  James,  161 
Oley,  Martha  Clancy,  161 
Oliphant  family,  26,  112 
O'Meara,  Margaret,  133 
O'Neill,  Ann  Dalton,  53 
O'Neill,  Cornelius,  53 
O'Neill,    Elizabeth   Passmore, 

O'Neill  family,  35,  50,  57,  67 
O'Neill,  Francis,  53 
O'Neill,  George,  53,  57.  67 
O'Neill,  Graham,  53 
O'Neill,  Hanna  Welch,  50,  53 
O'Neill,  Henry,  53 
O'Neill,  James,  53,  67,  135 
O'Neill,  Johanna  Ryan,  134 
O'Neill,  John,  52,  53,  275 
O'Neill,  Lucinda  Freeman,  53 



O'Neill,  Lucy  Basseter,  53 
O'Neill,  Mary,  53 
O'Neill,  Mary  Jane  Brady,  53 
O'Neill,  Mary  Sitz,  53 
O'Neill,  Matthew,  53 
O'Neill,  Peter,  44,  50-54 
O'Neill,  Thomas,  32 
O'Neill,  William,  53 
Onondaga,  167 
Onondaga,  Towns  of,  77 
Organ,   A  Travelling   Church, 

182,  294 
Oswego,  Cannonading  at,  293 
Otisco,  255 
Owen,  Daniel,  228 
Owen,  David,  258 
Owen,  Joel,  77 
Owen,  Lydia,  229 
Owen,  Polly  Ann,  229 
Owen,  Thomas,  251 
Owen,  Timothy,  229 

Padbury,  Hanna,  214 
Pale,  The,  140 
Paltz,  Albert  J.,  82 
Paltz,  Grace  Leslie,  82 
Parkinson,  Bridget  Masterson, 

Parkinson,  Cora  E.,  206 
Parkinson,  Katharine  A.,  206 
Parkinson,    Margaret    Ahern, 

Parkinson,  Mary  E.,  206 
Parkinson,  Mary  Gaherty,  206 
Parkinson,  Patrick,  206 
Parkinson,  Richard,  206 
Passmore,  Elizabeth,  53 
Peak,  John,  251 
Peltier,  Frederic  DeNoyers,  23 
Peltier,     Jennie     Marie     Mc- 
Carthy, 23 
Peltier,  Paul,  23 
Pendergast,    Adelaide    Lynch, 


Pendergast,  Andrew  J.  L.,  41 
Pendergast,  Charles,  39 
Pendergast,  Edward,  41,  130, 

Pendergast,  James,  39 
Pendergast,  J.  W.,  41 
Pendergast,  Louise  Lynch,  39 

Pendergast,  Mary,  130 
Pendergast,   Mary  Lynch,   41 
Pendergast,  Nicholas,  41 
Pendergast,  Patrick,  123 
Pendergast,  Peter,  130 
Pendergast,  P.  H.,  41 
Pendergast,  .Sarah,  41 
Pendergast,  Sarah  Rogers,  123 
Peters,  Nicholas,  102 
Petty  Abuses,  113 
Phalen,  Anastasia,  116 
Phalen,  Daniel,  125 
Phalen,  Patrick,  125 
Phillips,  Jane,  120 
Phillips,  Nelson,  70 
Pierce,  Eliza  Jane,  17,  22 
Pierce,  Hanna  Withington,  22 
Pierce,  Parker  H.,  22 
Pilltown,  171 
Plunkett,  James,  201 
Pollock,  Catharine  Hunter,  263 
Pollock,    Elizabeth    Cameron, 

Pollock,  John,  263 
Pollock,  Joseph  C,  263 
Pompey,  260 
Powell,  Ann.  239 
Powell,  Bernard,  239,  240 
Powell,  Clara  Dolan,  239 
Powell,  Daniel,  254 
Powell,  Frank  Dolan,  239 
Powell,  John  H.,  239 
Powell,  Leo,  239 
Powell,  Mary  Ann  Dolan,  239 
Powell,  Sarah  Dolan,  239 
Power,  Lawrence,  181,  199 
Powers,  Anna  Gallagher,  67 
Powers,  James,  67 
Powers,  John,  199 
Powers,  Alary,  159 
Powers,  Samuel,  251 
Preston,  Ann,  201 
Price,  Eliza,  217 
Prout,  Father,  23 
Prunty,  Elizabeth,  81 
Purcell,  Daniel,  240 
Purcell,  Mary,  212,  214,  217 

Queens  County,  98 
Queenstown,  206 
(Juigley,  Agues,  118,  119 



Quigley,  Anna  Walsh,  119 
Quigley,  Catharine,  118 
Quigley,    Catharine    O'Brien, 

Quigley,  John  J.,  117,  118 
Quigley,  John  T.,  119 
Quigley,  Julia  E.,  118 
Quigley,  Julia  McNamara,  118 
Quigley,  Kate,  42 
Quigley,  Katharine  Julia,  119 
Quigley,  Martin,  118,  119 
Quigley,  Mary,  118 
Quigley,  Mary  Foy,  119 
Quigley,  Mary  Kippley,  119 
Quigley,  Mary  Murphy,  119 
Quigley,  Mary  Rosenberg,  119 
Quigley,  Patrick,  118,  119 
Quigley,  Simon,  118 
Quigley,  Thomas,  116 
Quigley,  Thomas  W.,  118,  119, 

Quinlan,   Catharine   McCabc, 

Quinlan,  Daniel,  219,  220 
Quinlan,  David,  124 
Quinlan,  Dennis,  219,  220 
Quinlan,  Ellen  Theresa  Sheedy 





nlan,  Helen,  220 

nian,  John,  220 

nlan,  John  Michael,  224 

nlan,  Mary,  220 

nlan,  Mary  Bowes,  219,  220 

nlan,  Mary  McCabe,    124 

nlan,  Mary  Ryan,  219 

nlan,  Patrick  H.,  224 

nlan,  Thomas,  220 

nn,  Ellen  Shanahan,  171 

nn.  Rev.  Francis  J.,  171 

nn,  Jeremiah,  125 

nn,  John,  125,  17T 

rk,  Martin,  219 

Radigan,  John,  140 
Rafferty,  Dominick,  125,   128 
Rafferty,  Margaret  Farrell,  128 
Rafferty,    Mary   Hughes,    128 
Randall,  Ellen  Campbell,  149 
Randall,  James,  139 
Randall,  Mary,  149 
Randall,  Richard,  149 

Read,  Thomas,  234 
Ready,  Andrew,  125 
Ready,  Ann,  41 
Ready,  Ann  Kennedy,  41 
Ready,  Ellen,  255 
Ready,  Patrick,  125 
Ready,  William,  41 
Reagan,  James,  187 
Reagan,  Nancy,  150 
Reddin,  Michael,  125 
Reed  family,  283 
Reed,  Hiram,  232,  253 
Reed,  Hugh,  258 
Reed,  Martha  Glass,  253 
Reed,  Richard,  203 
Reed,  William,  251 
Reidy,  Bridget  Long,  239 
Rcidy,  John,  147 
Reidy,  John  J.,  149 
Reidy,  Margaret  E.,  149 
Reidy,  Mary,  149,  239 
Reidy,  Maurice,  147,  149 
Reidy,  Patrick,  147,  149 
Reidy,  Sarah,  149 
Reidy,  Sarah  McGrath,  147 
Reidy,  Simon,  147,  149,  239 
Religious  Services,  15 
Repentant  in  Haste,  298 
Riley,  Calvin,  77 
Riley,  John  G.,  276 
Riley,  Margaret  DriscoU,  65 
Riley,  Patrick,  7 
Riley,  Terence,  65 
Ringwood,  Alary,  75 
Rivalry,  County,  95 
Roach,  Bridget,  239 
Roberts,  Ada,  264 
Robbins  &  Callighan,  275 
Roche,    Percy    McCarthy 

Dissell,  22 
Roche,  Peter  A.,  22 
Roder,  Charles  Joseph,  216 
Roder,  Edward,  216 
Roder,  Ella  Leyden,  216 
Roder,  Ella  Louise,  216 
Roder,  Frank,  216 
Roder,  Marie,  216 
Roder,  Valentine,  214,  216 
Rodgers,  John,  78 
Rodgers,  Mr.,  66 
Rogers,  Anne,  123 



Rogers,  Bridget,  123 
Rogers,  Catharine,  123 
Rogers,  Hugh,  77,  122 
Rogers,  James,  281 
Rogers,  John,  77,  123,  124 
Rogers,  Margaret,  124 
Rogers,  Matthew,  124 
Rogers,  Robert,  281 
Rogers,  Sarah,  123 
Rogers,  the  Shoemaker,  124 
Rogers,  Winifred,  129 
Rosenberg,  Mary,  119 
Roscommon,  99 
Rowland,  John,  36 
Rowland,  Ellen  Murphy,  36 
Russell,  Ella  Cody,  240 
Russell,  Jonathan,  264 
Russell,  Lieutenant,  78 
Ryan,  125,  199,  201 
Ryan,  Ada  C.  Fyler,  126 
Ryan,  Bertha,  118 
Ryan,  Bridget  Howard,  126 
Ryan,  Catharine,  131,  135 
Ryan,  Catharine  Cronin,  134 
Ryan,     Catharine     McGrath, 

135  .       ^  .  , 

Ryan,  Cathanne  Quigley,  118 

Ryan,  Catharine  Sweeny,  118 

Ryan,  Charles,  112 

Ryan,  Charles  J.,  118 

Ryan,  Charles  R.,  118 

Ryan,  Edward,  135 

Ryan,  Edward  J.,  118 

Ryan,  Edwin,  118 

Ryan,  Ellen,  135 

Ryan,  Elizabeth  Lawless,  135 

Ryan  family,  201 

Ryan,  Frances,  135 

Ryan,  George,  112 

Ryan,  Honora,  134 

Ryan,  James,  219 

Ryan,  Johanna,  134 

Ryan,  John,  115,  133,  134 

Ryan,  Julia  Elizabeth,  118 

Ryan,  Katharine,  50 

Ryan,  Katharine  Estella,  118 

Ryan,  Lawrence,  124,  126 

Ryan,  Leonard,  A.,  118 

Ryan,  Mary,  135 

Ryan,  Mary  Agnes,  118 

Ryan,  Michael,  112,  115 

Rj'an,  Michael  Lawless,  156 
Ryan,  Peter  Lawrence,   126 
Ryan,  Thomas,  134,  135 
Ryan,  T.  Frank,  118 
Ryan,  William,  135 

St.  Columbkill,  Chapel  of,  295 
St.  John  the  Baptist  Church, 

23,  28,  54 
St.  John,  Luther,  266 
St.  John,  Polly  Joy,  266 
St.  Leger,  Julia,  116 
St.  Patrick's  Day,  107 
St.  Vincent   de  Paul   Society, 

Salina,  6 

Salt  Boiling,  62,  74 
vSalt  Point,  6,  55 
Salt  Pointers,  56 
Sammons,  Charles,  144 
Sammons,  Nellie  Daly,  144 
Sampson,  Bessie,  217 
vSavage,  Anna,  75 
Savage,  Catharine  Louise,  86 
Savage,  Daniel,  251,  281 
Savage,  John,  75 
Savage,  Margaret,  75 
Savage,  Mary,  75 
Savage,  Mary  Ringwood,  75 
Savage,  Mr.,  263 
Savage,  Richard,  75 
Sayles,  John,  177 
Scanlon,  Dennis,  40 
Scanlon,  Mary,  40 
vSchemel,  Mary,  170 
Scotch-Irish,  285 
Scott,  Miss,  159 
Scott,  Thomas,  H.,  269 
Scull  parish  of,  85 
Sedgwick,  James,  20 
Sedgwick,  Mary  B.  McCarthy, 

Sennit,  Bridget,  25 
vSeymour,  Mary,  117 
Shanahan,  Catharine,  171 
Shanahan,  Edward,  171,  172 
Shanahan,  Ella,  172 
Shanahan,  Ellen,  171 
vShanahan,  Ellen  Tobin,  171 
Shanahan,   Helen  C.   Becker, 



Shanahan,  James,  171 
Shanahan,  John,  171,  172 
Shanahan,  Kate,  172 
Shanahan,    Margaret    Carey, 

Shanahan,  Mary,  171 
Shanahan,  Mary  E.,  172 
Shanahan,  Nora,  171 
Shanahan,  Thomas,  171 
Shandon  Bells,  23 
Shannon,  Hannah,  251 
Shannon,  James,  66 
Shannon,  John,  28,  62,  66 
Shannon,  Libbie,  66 
Shannon,  Mary,  66 
Shannon,  Michael,  251 
Shaunessy,  James,  80 
Shaunessy,  Johanna,  80 
Shaunessy,  Margaret,  80 
Shaunessy,  Mary,  80 
Shaunessy,  Mary  Bustin,  79 
Shaunessy,  Mary  Hennesy,  80 
Shaunessy,   Mary   Shaunessy, 

Shaunessy,  Patrick,  79 
Shaunessy,  Sarah,  80 
Shaunessy,  Thomas,  80 
Shaw,  Elijah,  282 
Shaw,  George  H.,  249 
Shaw,  Henry,  249 
Shaw,  James,  228 
Shaw,  John,  249 
Shaw,  Samuel,  234 
Shea,  John,  256,  277 
Shea,  Maurice,  125 
Shee-bog,  43 

Sheedy,  Ellen  Theresa,  220 
Sheedy,  Mary  Daly,  220 
Sheedy,  John, 220,  277 
Sheehan,  Thomas,  187 
Sheldon,  Agnes  Doyle,  81 
Sheldon,  Miss,  253 
Sheldon,  Ransom,  81 
Sheridan,  Bernard,  125 
Sherry,  Eliza,  219 
Shields,  Jane,  264 
Shields,  John,  264 
Shields,  Patrick,  264 
Sins,  Two  Hated,  165 
Sisson,  James,  76 
Sitz,  Mary,  53 

Skaneateles,  231 
Slattery,  James,  28,  65 
Slattery,  Nancy,  65 
Slattery,  Penfield,  41 
SHgo,  99 
Slogan,  The,  56 
Small,  Ellen  Burke,  219 
Small,  John,  219 
Small,  Julia  Burke,  219 
Small,  Thomas,  219 
Small-pox  Incident,  296 
Smith,  Flora  E.  Burns,  120 
Smith,  Fred,  22 
Smith,  Grace  L.  McCarthy,  22 
Smith,  Laura  B.,  100 
Smith,  Lyman  C,  120 
Soper,  Louise,  262 
Soule,  Percy,  17 
Spafford,  226 
Split  Rock,  167-199 
Stanton,  Amos,  78 
Stanton, Isaac,  77,  78 
Stanton,  Patrick,  125 
Stanton,  Rufus,  78 
Stapleton,  John,  140 
Stapleton,  Mary,  140 
Start,  Alice,  200 
Stevens,  Marie,  254 
Stevenson,  Dr.  Archibald,  276 
Stewart,  Captain  William,  17 
Stimson,  James,  44,  67 
Stone  Hall,  parish  of,  79 
Story  of  Kitty,  The,  288-290 
Stratton,  Sarah,  41 
Strong,  Colonel  John  M.,  278 
Sturdy  Pioneers,  51 
Sullivan,  199 
Sullivan,  Agnes  L.,  104 
Sullivan,  Ann,  255 
Sullivan,  Anna  M.,  104 
Sullivan,  Charles  M.,  104 
Sullivan,  Cornelius  F.,  104 
Sullivan,  Cornelius  J.,  103,  104 
Sullivan,  Dennis,  loi,  103,  104 
Sullivan,  Ellen,  103 
Sullivan,  Francis,  104 
Sullivan,  Hanna,  45 
Sullivan,  Jeremiah,  103,  124 
Sullivan,  Gen.  John,  6,  223 
Sullivan,  Lawrence  D.,   104 
Sullivan,  Katharine  M.,  104 



Sullivan,  Margaret,  104 
Sullivan,  Margaret  Tracy,  103, 

Sullivan,  Mary,  103,  104 
Sullivan,   Mary  Sullivan,    loi 
Sullivan,  Mary  V.,  104 
Sullivan,  Mary  Welch,  103 
Sullivan,  Michael,  206 
Sullivan,  Nancy  Faulkner,  223 
Sullivan,  Dr.  Napoleon  B.,  223 
Sullivan,  Richard,  223 
Sullivan,  Sarah  E.,  104 
Sullivan,  Sarah  Fogarty,  103, 

Sullivan,  Theresa  Betts,  223 
Sullivan,  Thomas  J.,  104 
Sullivan,  Timothy,  140 
Sullivan,  William  J.,  104 
Summers,  Annie  E.  Donovan, 



Mrs.  Davis,  122 
Elizabeth,  121 

Harriet  Hunt,    122 
Mary,  121 
May  E.,  122 
Moses,  112,  121,  122 
Peter,  121 
Thomas,  121 
Thomas  H.,  122 

William,    112,    121, 

Sunderlin,  Horace,  253 
Sunderlin,  Margaret  Glass,  253 
Swampers,  The,  56 
Sweeny,  Catharine,  150 
Syracuse,  72 
Syracuse  House,  17 

Taft,  Sarah,  160 

Tallman,    Elizabeth    Donnell- 

son,  217 
Tallman,  James,  214,  217 
Tallman,  Jenny,  217 
Tallman,   Mary  Leyden,  214, 

Tallman,  Rose,  217 
Tallman,  Sarah,  217 
Tallman,  William,  217 
Tappan,  Gabriel,  279 
Tappan,  Lydia  McHarrie,  279 
Tar  a,  140 

Tator,  Fred  I.,  22t, 
Tator,  James  M.,  223 
Tator,  Polly  Geary,  223 
Taylor,  Patrick,  181,  190,  199 
Teague,  Elmina,  204 
Teague,  Jane  Ann,  204 
Teague,  Jemima,  204 
Teague,  Jesse,  203 
Teague,  Maria,  204 
Teague,  Peggy,  204 
Teague,  William,  204 
Tehan,  Margaret  F.,  133 
Templederry,  218 
Templemore,  153 
Temple  Patrick,  parish  of,  46 
Three  River  Point,  267 
Thurles,  105,  219 
Thurston,  George  F.,  87 
Thurston,  Helen,  87 
Thurston,  Helen  Borden,  87 
Tipperary,  99 
Tipperary  Town,  109 
Tipplon,  Emma,  112 
Titus,  Eliza  McCarthy,  17 
Titus,  Colonel  Silas,  17,  18 
Tobin,  Ann  Sullivan,  255 
Tobin,  Bessie,  255 
Tobin,  Cornelius,  255 
Tobin,  Ellen,  171,  255 
Tobin,  Ellen  Ready,  255 
Tobin  family,  257 
Tobin,  James,  255 
Tobin,  Joanna  Kinney,  255 
Tobin,  John,  255,  266 
Tobin,  Julia,  255 
Tobin,  Kate,  255 
Tobin,  Martha  McGuire,  255 
Tobin,  Mary,  255 
Tobin,  Mary  Butler,  66 
Tobin,  Mary  Hickey,  255 
Tobin,  Mary  McGuire,  255 
Tobin,  Michael,  66,  252 
Tobin,  Patrick,  255,  277 
Tobin,  Richard,  251,  255 
Tobin,  Sarah,  255 
Tobin,  William,  255 
Toll,  Sarah  Eliza,  253 
Toole,  Anna  Cronly,  18 
Toole,  Elizabeth,  18 
Toole,  Katharine,  84 
Toole,  Thomas,  18 



Toomey,  Ann  Haley,  115 
Toomey,  Patrick,  115 
Town,  Anna  McCarthy,  22 
Town,  John  J.,  22 
Town,  Mary  Savage,  75 
Town,  Sylvester  R.,  75 
Tracy,  John,  103 
Tracy,  Margaret,  103 
Tracy,  Mary,  133 
Tracy,  William,  133 
Tragedy,  A  Canadian,  106 
Tragedy,  An  Averted,  30 
Tralee,  37,  127 
Trainor,  Bryan,  219 
Trim,  140 
Tucker  family,  201 
Tucker,  Peter,  199 
TuUamore,  48 
Tully,  258 

Turner,  Barbara  Leyden,  217 
Turner,  James  M.,  217 
Tyrone,  99 
Tyrrell,  Roger,  125 

U.  S.  Navy,  38 
Upstreeters,  The,  56 

Van  Buren,  278 
Van  Loon,  Cynthia  Frisbee,  41 
Van  Loon,  M.  Louise,  41,  42 
Van  Schaick,  Colonel,  6 
Van  Vleck,  Isaac,  7,  8,  66 
Van  Wie  family,  283 
Veith,  Anna  Best,  200 
Vrooman,  Jane,  159 

Walch,  Anna,  119 
Walch,  John,  228 
Walch,  Mary,  228 
Walch,  Peter  J.,  149 
Walch,  Sarah  Reidy,  149 
Walker,  Ann,  271 
Wall,  John,  77 
Wallace,  John,  227,  228 
Wallace,  Matilda,  227 
Wallace,  Nancy,  227 
Walsh,  John,  232,  233 
Walton,  Anna,  212 
Walton,  Anna  Maria,  214,  217 
Walton,  Bessie  Sampson,  217 
Walton,  Charles,  76 

Walton,  George,  212 
Walton,  George  William,  215, 

Walton,  Maria  Jane,  215,  217 
Walton,    Mary    Purcell,    213, 

214,  217 
Walton,  Thomas,  212,  213, 214, 

Walton  Tract,  The,  73 
Ward,  Maurice,  199 
Ward,  Thomas,  246 
Ward,  William,  275 
Waterford,  99 
Watson,  Mrs.,  196 
Webb,  James,  76,  77 
Webster,  Ephraim,  76 
Welch,  44 

Welch,  Anna  Laura  Lighten,  84 
Welch,  Captain,  231 
Welch,  Comer,  254 
Welch,  Daniel,  103 
Welch,  David,  231 
Welch,  Elizabeth,  115 
Welch,  Hanna,  50 
Welch,  Harry,  50 
Welch,  Honora,  123 
Welch,  Ira,  224 
Welch,  Joanna,  125 
Welch,  Mary,  103 
Welch,  Samuel,  231 
Welch,  Walter,  84 
Welch,  William,  281 
Weldon,  Elisha  Fitzsimmons, 

Weldon,  Mr.,  218 
Well,  Jesuit,  34 
West,  Alonzo,  36 
West,  Ellen  Murphy,  36 
Westmeath,  98 
Wexford,  98 
Wexford  Boys,  32 
Whalen,  John  F.,  157 
Whalen,  Martin,  125 
Whalen,  Sarah  MoUoy,  157 
White,  John,  39 
White,  Lucy  Lynch,  39 
Whiting,  Nate,  57 
Whitney,  Bertha,  81 
Wliitney,  Elisha,  82 
Whitney,  Helen  Forman,  82 
Whitney,  Margaret,  82 



Wickham,     Bridget     McDan- 

iels,  227 
Wicklaam,  George  D.,  227 
Wicklow,  98 

Wilkinson,  Agnes  Dunn,  37 
Wilkinson,  Richard,  37 
Wilson,  Almira,  202 
Wilson,  Elizabeth,  282 
Wilson,  Isabella,  282 
Wilson,  James,  282 
Wilson,  John,  282 
Wilson,  Joseph,  224,  281,  282 
Wilson,  Martha,  282 

Wilson,  Robert,  273,  274,  282 
Wilson,  William,  222,  224 
Wood,  Thaddeus,  25 

Yarns,  288 
Yates,  Esther,  22 
Yore,  Michael,  44 
Young,  Henry,  77 
Young,  John,  272 

Zett,  Catharine  A.  A.  Lynch, 

Zett,  George  J.,  41 

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